New turns

How my life changed in Seoul. (Hiatus)

Thursday 6:00am

Author's POV

Asma woke up an hour earlier than usual & got done with all her morning chores. She made special Indian breakfast & also packed Indian Lunch for her & MiNa today. She needs to get to SNU by 6:50am inorder to speed up her 'cover-up' since she's been lagging behind. Let's start our day with Donghae's POV again. Yeah! I know. He's pretty much become a stalker now =p.

Donghae's POV

OK! I'm here again, outside Asma-ssi's balcony on the other side of the road. Now that I know her name, I realise that her name sounds as sweet as honey. Was that cheesy?

"Why do you even bother to ask when you know the answer?" was cheesy..Hmm..

Anyways, don't think I'm stalking her or something. I just happened to like this park better.

"Liar =P"


"Liar, Liar. Pant's on Fire. Lee Donghae LOOK!! You're pants are actually on fire!"

Bwoh! Where? Where? AIGO! I won't lie anymore...

"hehehehe...Bhuhuhauhahaha..Got you there liar =p"

FINE! I'm pretty much a stalker now. Happy? Augh!

"Go ahead now =D"

So...I'm waiting for her appearance on her balcony. I can't simply go & talk to her & be like,

"Hey there Asma. I stalked you & want to be friends with you. So let's shake hands or hugging will be even better to seal our deal."

Can I? NO! That'll ruin my title as her Super 2nd Celebrity crush, you know. I can't risk that. It's my ticket to become her Super No.1 Celebrity crush of hers.

Oh! She's leaving early today. She is leaving at 6:30am. She's again wearing some different sort of pants & shirt & matching scarf like yesterday.

"UGH~~!!! How many times should I correct you with that? It's Indian styled dress. Indian Styled Dress~!! Get that? uff!"

Yeah, yeah, Indian styled dress *boringly*

Hmm...her ankle seems fine now. It's amazing how she recovered so soon from it. But what ever it is, she sure looks beautiful day by day. =D

Ok! She's gone =(. I wish I had her cell phone no. though. This evil maknae of mine just taunted me the whole day yesterday. I Begged him but he din't show any mercy =s. I guess I need to go all ninja on his handphone, & get the no. Yeah! That sounds like a pretty good plan..hehehehe..

Evil Maknae, I'll get my revenge. I'm Coming~ Bhuhuhahaha.. Serves him right to be a late & deep sleeper =D


                                                                                                 At SNU...6:50am

Asma's POV

Wow! I actually made it on time today. Anyways, I have to finish up with this 'cover-up' matter by today. So let's start the work =D


Aaah! *stretches up*. I finally finished up with my cover-up. I can catch up with all the subjects well now. I Have to maintain my good scores to keep my scholarship safe.

Oh! It's time for the 1st lecture. I better get going.

MiNa's POV

I'm glad we were able to finish up Asma's 'cover-up' by today. Asma has a great brain when it comes to studies. No doubt she gained scholarship. I wish she uses as much brain for her practical life too =p

We were just about to enter our 1st lecture hall, when we noticed an announcement on the lecture Hall's notice board on the door.

Oh! It's Inter College & Universities Annual Sports Meet! This event is the Only event that I look forward to every year since past 2 years now.

I'm good at sports, so I enjoy such events. I wonder what Asma's thinking about. Let me ask her.

"Asma-ah. What are you thinking about?", I ask her.

"Oh! About the announcement, you see.", she replied cheerfully.

"So, are you going to participate?", I asked her with a smile. I hope she does =D

"De. De. I Definitely will. Oh! By the way, you know a lot about it right? Tell me everything that I need to know.", she added.

"Ok! Let's go & attend the lecture first. We'll discuss about it at lunch. Let's take an extra copy of the announcement then. OK? Let's go now =D", I say her. 

I'm happy I finally have a true friend to talk to & share my things & experiences with. =) She is such a strange person to make me like her So~ much in Just 3 days!! =D


Key's POV

OH GOD! Why? Why is that Stupid event showing up again this year?

I'm not really good at sports. Sports is 1 thing I always fail at.

But, seems like Jjong hyung is specially happy about it. I think I can understand it. He's liked such events where all the 3 majors collaborate & compete against other colleges and universities. Specially when the Hot girls from other majors also get included in the collaboration.

But, seems like he's extremely overly excited this year.

The only SHINee member who's genuinely happy & excited about this event is our Minho & then comes our Taeminnie, My son =D

This event goes on for a whole month & when the final meet occurs, that's when the winning college or university is announced. But mind it, this event isn't as friendly as it should be. Infact, don't even think of taking it lightly if you're participating in it.

So...I'm not participating in it at all. I've to take care of my own skin. Hmph!

Jonghyun's POV 

I couldn't stalk my Rapunzel yesterday since something came up at the S.M. But it's o.k. since I'll get to see her today. I waited for her at the lollipop stall today too..but she din't show up though ;(

But...I'm Extremely happy regarding the sports meet that's going to take place starting the coming Monday. I can show off in front of her & I'll get to meet her freely too. And not to forget, other Hot girls from other 2 majors will be there too =D

Mihno & Taeminnie are participating too & so is Onew hyung. Gosh! I can't even concentrate on the lessons today due to excitement. I better get serious with the lessons now.


Lunch time

MiNa's POV

Eating Indian food is one thing a non-Indian Must experience at least once in their lifetime. Asma sure is a very good cook. We are sitting in the cafeteria & having our lunch while discussing about the announcement earlier. The lunch sure is Special today but. *inhales the aroma* Mmmm...It smells SO~ good.

"So? How is it? Tell Me~~~! I'm curious!", asked Asma excitedly with both her hands in clapping poition.

"It's YUM~~~! Mashta~!", I replied back happily while devouring the delicious food in front of me.

"You're sucha good cook Asma! Teach me too. I'm not good at cooking since my maids always cook for me.", I added

"Sure, Sure. By the way, I'm so excited for the sports meet. I'm going to participate in most of the competitions. What about you =D ?", She asked me all cheerful.

"I'll participate in all the competitions if possible. Now you eat too. The food is getting cold. And I might end up finishing it up too =p ", I added

"De. =D ", she replied back while nodding her head.

"Ahem, Ahem", someone coughed from behind Asma, causing us to look at that certain someone.

Onew's POV

"Hyung~! Please~! Jebal~! Let me go & meet my Lollipop Girl. She's Just a few tables far. Je~baaaal~!", Jonghyun started whining.

"Hyung! I want to meet noona too. Let's go & meet her. I will give her a candy too. Please. Let's go.", Taeminnie joined Jonghyun in this whining scene too.

"Hyung~~! Please say something. Please let us go. I'm really fed up with Yeobo's constant beggings to me.", You know who that is. No? It's Key! *sighs*

These stubborn boys *sighs again*

"Ok!!! Now STOP whining you 3. AISH! What's so special about that girl anyways!", I say irritatedly.

Seriously, What's so special about her? 

"Now let's go. Don't you want to meet her? Palli, Palli. We can't get late later for the lectures.", I tell them a little less irritatedly.

We start to walk & as we get coser & closer to her, some sweet aroma catches my nose's attention.

It's such a good aroma. I smell a different type of aroma I've never Ever come across before. It smells like FOOD!

OK! We are now standing Right behind her & I can actually see the food in front of Me! More likely, it's in front of her, but it's still in front of Me! Getting the point? OK let it be. *inhales the aroma*, This smells yumm~~ I wonder how does it taste like.

Jonghyun's POV

"Ahem, Ahem", I fake cough standing behind my Rapunzel.

I'm really nervous right now. How will she react! But I'll charm her with my hotness =D 

She turned around with a smile, but her expression changed instanty from =D to O.O..or more likely :O. And the next thing I hear from her is,

"HOLY LASAGNA KIM JONGHYUN! OMO! It's the WHOLE SHINee~!!!", she exclaimed in shock. But seriously, Holy lasagna Kim Jonghyun??? I never knew I was a holy lasagna O.o

"That was a lame thought of you, you pabo Dino" Ignore the Author Jjong, Just ignore her.HMPH

"Yah! Don't scream & close that mouth of yours!", her friend opposite to her exclaimed.

"Oops! Umm.. Ann..Anneyong hass..hasseyo.", she said stuttering embarresed. Awww so pretty.

"Anneyong =D", I replied.

"Do you mind if we take a seat here, Asma-ssi?", Key interrupted with a smirk while looking at me. 

WAIT! BWOH! Key knows her name? Yet he din't tell me? This bloody ASJBFDJDKN. I'll show him later.

"Bwoh! You want to sit here? Wae?", She asked shocked. I still can't remember her name though =(

"We want to introduce ourselves & get your introduction too.", EVIL KEY said with another signature smirk of his.

"Dd..De.", she replied back stuttering again. 

We all took our seats. Yeobo sat right next to her. ARGH!! I wanted to sit next to her! NOT FAIR~~!

"Jeogiyo (excuse me )! Biane, but can I try some of that curry that you have in front of you? It smells really good.", Onew hyung asked sheepishly while eyeing the food in front of her. 

I don't trust is 'so-called try'

AISH! But he's so shameless. I can even see his drool right now. gross!

"Sure, sure. Here you go Onew-ssi. Eat as much as you want. I can go home & make some more again.", she replied excitedly.

Wow! So she cooked it? Impressive..

I want to try her cooking too~

"OMO! This is Delicious!", Onew hyung exclaimed after having a spoon of curry mixed with rice. I want to eat that too~~

"Oh! By the way, we are Shining SHINee. Sorry I'm not doing the regular greeting right now. I'm kind of lost in this aroma and taste. You know us right?", Hyung added in between eating the food.

"De. I know you guys =D. SHINee is my 1st favourite kpop band along with Super Junior-nims =D", she replied with a big smile plastered on her face =)

"I'm Asma by the way.", she added while slightly bowing her head.

"This curry is really very good Asma-ssi. Do you mind making some more for me the next time?", Onew hyung asked her shamelessly.

"umm.sure?", she replied confused.

"Noona~! You're so Yeoppo. Can I sit next to you? Here, take this candy =D", Taeminnie jumped in between the conversation while giving her his candy.

"De =D", she smilingly replied while accepting the candy.

"But, can I ask a question?", she added

"Go ahead.", Key told. 

Taeminnie came & moved Key away & sat next to My Asma.

"What are you all doing at SNU?", she asked looking a bit confused.

"We are students here at the Music & Arts Department.", I replied this time =D

"BWOH!", she exclaimed in shock.

"De~~!", we all chorused together.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! SHINee was Just next to me & I din't know a thing about it! I'm sucha horrible fan!", she exclaimed again. 

"It's ok Asma-ssi. By the way, what does your name mean? It's very different from the foreign names I heard before.", I ask her. I'm really curious. (A/N: our Jjong is always a curious cat. *sighs*)

"Oh! It's an Indian name In my local language, it means sky. I'm guessing, my korean name should be Haneul", she replied.

"Oh! By the way, I want your autographs today please. I still can't believe I'm having my lunch with SHINee! =D", she said excitedly.

We gave her our autigraphs & had a little chit chat with her till the lunch time was over.

I din't even get to talk to her properly since Taeminnie and Key were always ing me.

And I din't even realize that the lunch time was over till Minho & Key made me realize it.

Asma started getting up from her seat.

"Excuse", I was just trying to talk to her when KEY interrupted me AGAIN!

"Asma-ssi, can you give me your handphone no.?", Key asked smirking Is this guy hanging out a lot with Kyuhyun hyung by any chance?

BUT....I wanted to ask her that!! *angry*

Key's POV

"BWOH! Wae?", Asma asked confused & shocked. hehe..This if fun =D

"To stay in contact. What else?", I replied back plainly.

"But why? I'm just a normal fan.", she replied back with the same tone of hers from before

"To make me some more curry =D", Onew hyung interrupted this time.

Wasn't he irritated before eating her food?

"So you were really serious back then?", she asked with wide eyes.

"Of course. This curry beats my chicken baby too, I want to eat some more of it. But since I finished it all up here, I still crave for it.", he said while returning back her now empty tupperware container

This is Such a big change! His attitude changed Completely within less than an hour!!!

"O..Ok..Here is my cell phone.", she said while handing her handphone to me.

I started typing my no. & saved her no. after giving a missed call to mine.

After handing her handphone back to her, her phone rang,

'Bangeum..(One for me)'

Oh, so she is our fan afterall.

"Yoboseyo?", she answered her phone.

"De Kyuhyun-ssi?", she spoke to the other person.

But Wait, did she say 'kyuhyun-ssi'? So Kyuhyun hyung has her no. too! Hmm.seems like things are getting interesting here *smirks*

Author's POV

Asma finished her phone conversation & noticed that all the SHINee members except Key were standing with an :O plastered on their faces. Now let's get back to Jonghyun's POV

Jonghyun's POV

Kyuhyun hyung has her no. too! DON'T tell me he is trying to win her too! He even picked her up bridal style! OMO! OMO! OMO! I got so many things to exclaim for!

"Yah! Hyung! Come back to the reality, will you? Asma-ssi has gone.", Minho said while vigorously shaking me by my shoulders.

Oh! So she's gone =( But I have a feeling we'll become good friends soon. I'll be eagerly waiting for that time to come. :)

************************************************************************** ^_^ *************************************************************************************

Hey there my DEAREST readers. Ok I know that this chapter wasn't upto your expectations AT ALL.. It wasn't upto my own expectations actually. I had begun writing this chapter with a good mood and as u can was all upto Donghae's POV..when i finished writing donghae's pov, I was CONSTANTLY interrupted..and so...this is the result. 

I'm EXTREMELY sorry for the lame chapter...but please don't give up on me.

This chapter is specially for my cute little dongsaengs Dolitle , Lila-ah, HaeRin-ah. You guys are like my petrol without whom, my AFF life can't go on. :D LOVE U 3 <333

I noticed that I had gained many subbers, but the no. remains the same unfortunately. :(..but no worries :D I STILL have U AMAZING SUBBERS & READERS!! my sweet 58 subbersKEEP READING AND SUPPORTING ME!!

So..I guess I'll do some replies for the latest comments on my story then ^^

@pauladimersuju: translations please :)

@julia23:'s an update :D

@ilovekorea: THNX AGAIN here's the update^^ do comment on this one too :D

@ShiningStar13: There ...u GOT an update :D

@Lila1414: Your comments are ALWAYS so energetic and minblowing gurl~ LOVED IT!! =D And this update was specially for u, HaeRin-ah and Dolitle :D

@Yogu-K-pop: THNX A LOTTT for that comment :D Here's an update :D Do comment on this one too.

So THAT'S IT I guess for today. =D Do comment and lemme know how did u find this chapter I know It WAS BORING.but do comment =D

the comment box is just DOWN.all u need to do is click on it and type ur opinion and click on Post Comment..simple, isn't it? =D

So..I guess it's tym for me to go.

Do keep reading, commenting AND subscribing if u havent yet

Till then..this is Ashmy...signing off

Anneyong ^^

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ali1993 #1
Seriously women your fic is amazing. Best fic I've read so far, and reading this fic i can tell that your writing has hugely. Improved. No joke but I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. And the stalky no min woo is a brilliant idea. And at the same time sooooo hot :D keep it up and update and good luck :D
Chapter 35: ANNYONG! :D
Stalker is back *narrows eyes

The chapter was great, sorry didn't comment before. Your writing has really evolved over time. And I just can't get over how you can put humour to make it haeppy haeppy :D

Keep it up unnie!
Chapter 34: WOOO!
I really loved the chapter! After so long and so amazing that too, I loved it :D
Do continue! Let's see what this obsessed person does next! *biting nails
- Sasaeng halmoeni
Hi dee! *waves frantically
First of all congratulations. I've seen you only improving with each chapter and this one was no exception. Things happen to us when we least expect it don't they? In the most unexpected ways possible.
I loved his part of the story, he seems so obsessed with her! *squels
Keep up the good work Dee! ~Hwaiting and Fighting!
Good luck for college, i'm sure i'm gonna see your picture in the newspaper next year getting that prize from Sheikh Mohd.! :D
:O gorgeous stalker! No, seriously! O.O

Nice chapter by the way, filling in stuff helps explain everything better! You've improved heaps! Your description of No Min Woo was excellent if I may say so myself :)
The stalker is pretty impressive! I liked the chapter, it clearly shows how obsessed people act. (Ask me if I were in korea and i had the chance to meet Suju i'd turn into a sasaeng as well) (then again, no, just no :P )

I loved the chapter dee! Keep up the good work :D
Take care and keep writing xD
Chapter 6:
Auther-nim you are so mean!! \(>.<)/!!
aww getting the stares eh? x'D I know that feeling :P (But in a different situation)
Dawww Asma finally made a friend!
Chapter 5:
It looks like the story is going ahead now!
Loved the JongKey part x'D
love the way how you gave the songs to listen while reading ~ ^_~
Yeah, so this chapter is cute and all. Still awaiting to find out who the stalker is. Found two typos while reading.

1. Likening. You have a liking for dogs.
2. Weak instead of week.
It's so well written! :D
Unnie is becoming better and better every time I see her! It was so good of MiNa to take care of Asma, she's a good friend.
I thought for a second there that the old doctor is the stalker but NOOO, and I found a speciality of our very despised stalker, he smirks a lot, but who smirks a lot.
Aish! I'm wondering who it is :P

Keep the good work up