The chaos finally end.

How my life changed in Seoul. (Hiatus)


Donghae’s POV

“Come on hyungs! We don’t have much time.” I exclaimed slightly panicked. These guys will be the reason if I happen to miss out today’s game.

“Aigo Donghae-ah. We all know you’re excited to see your dream girl in action.” Teuki hyung joked sarcastically.

“Hyung, that sounds wrong.” Hyukkie interrupted with a serious face.

“Really?” Teuki hyung asked with a hint of confusion. We all nodded in agreement.

“I’m ready. Khaja (let’s go)” Ryeowook said while exiting his room with his digital cam in hand.

“Why do I have to tag along?” Heechul hyung started whining.

We all just headed out without replying back.

“AISH! Why did I lose that bet against that evil maknae!” we heard him whine irritatedly while following us from behind. This is going to be a long and hectic ride to SNU.

After a ride filled with Heechul hyung’s self praisings, his bickering, complaints and more self praisings; we finally reached SNU. By the time we entered the track field, the game had luckily just begun. The competition was relay race against SNU, KyungHee & 2 other colleges I don’t really remember.

It was the last day & the 2nd last game of the athletic sports meet. We took our seats, which we were able to book beforehand all thanks to Cho ahjussi. He was somehow overly enthusiastic and happy about our visit.

“Run, Run, Run, Run…..” I heard the audience cheer.

I noticed that SNU’s running team is comprised of  (my) Asma, (My love rival) Jonghyun, MiNa-ssi and Minho. Aww… my dongsaeng looks so serious. No wonder he’s called the flaming charisma.

All the teams had their top runners for this game. It kind of shocks me of how Asma is such an athlete. I never expected her to be athletic.

“She’s my lead for a reason, duh.” Author

I guess you weren’t going to interrupt our POVs anymore?

“I changed my mind.” 

Yeah right. A very good author I got there. Note the sarcasm please.

“I’ll fry you & feed to Onew, you fish!”

He likes chicken alone. :P

“Then, I’ll feed you to Siwon!” 

He loves me too much to eat me.

“Then…then....then…..BINGO! I’ll feed you to Shindong! He eats everything and anything :P”

Feed me to whoever you want to feed in your imaginations. Now let me continue my precious POV.

What a competition! MiNa took the baton from Minho’s hand & started running with all her might. The runner from KyungHee’s team is catching up and….now overtook her. The runner started sprinting now & it shows how much of strength he has in his long legs.

MiNa caught up & handed her baton to Asma. The runner competing against Asma had already started running before the baton was passed onto Asma. The competition is getting really fierce.

I noticed Asma sweating profusely and the sweat trickling down her face. How you ask? I’m sitting in the 3rd row in the bleachers & her clear view is enhanced all thanks to the binoculars I sneaked from Kyuhyun-ah.

Asma is now running with all her might and somehow, the distance between her and her competitor is starting to decrease. A little more, Asma. A little more……YES! She overtook the competitor and finally reached Jonghyun-ah. And then, I noticed something. Their hands touching, while passing on the baton. I can clearly see their hands touching right in front of me. Curse these binoculars to be so clear at a moment like this! It feels like the whole scene has started to play in slow motion, their fingers slightly touching each others. I wonder how her hand, her fingers, her touch feels like.

“Stop getting jealous & dreamy & continue with the current scene. Snap out!” 

Fine, fine. Back to the heart breaking scene now. Jonghyun took the baton & started running like a hare. How does that Shorty manage to run like that! Anyways, all thanks to his leg, he’s leading the race and….

“*whistle* SNU WINS!”

Jonghyun’s POV

“*whistle* SNU WINS!” The announcer announced through the speakers.

YES! I showed my bling bling charisma!

I started running to Asma to envelope her in my strong, wide, awaited arms.

Hyung! We did it!” EFF YOU CHOI MINHO!

Just imagine, you’re running to your lover with arms wide enough to engulf the whole group of girls & then all of a sudden, you find a guy filling that big space between your arms & hugging you tight!-and you watching your lover happily hugging her best friend whole you should have been the one she should have been hugging back! Well, this imagination was meant for guys. Does this horrible author have any male readers at all? I highly doubt.

“I’m happy having female readers >.<” Author

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Pity you. :P

Anyways, where was I? Yeah right.

Minho stopped giving his unwanted manly hug & we started approaching the girl. Finally I’ll be able to hug her *grinning*

I was about to engulf Asma but then, Onew hyung and the rest of the SNU teammates came running to us and started picking me up together. Why does this always happen to me! There goes my chance to hug Asma, in the air =s

Donghae’s POV

YES! He didn’t get to hug my girl!

Eunhyuk’s POV

This guy named Lee Donghae has gone nuts. It’s official now.

He’s smiling like a fool and doing weird fist pumps in the air. It wouldn’t have been weird if he was doing that for the victory that SNU achieved. But doing that with a blush on his face, I know, it’s a girl problem.

“Hyung. You saw my MiNa there? She was so cool.” Kyuhyun interrupted my thoughts with that cheesy comment of his. Since when did he get so cheesy? He even forced Heechul hyung to come & cheer for Asma and MiNa by winning the bet he made against him. The bet of what he called, “Singing high notes better.” And all thanks to him, the ride with a non-stop, bickering and self-praising mouth of Heechul hyung’s wasn’t a really pleasant one.

“Participants, please get ready for the ‘Tug-of-war’ challenge up next. The competition will resume after a short break of 15 minutes.” The announcer announced through the speakers.

“Go, go, GO my transfer student!” And there goes Cho Ahjussi’s uninvited enthusiastic cheering through the speakers; again.I can’t believe Kyuhyun-ah’s dad is cheering Asma so openly!

“Hehehehe. My Asma is blushing =)” Hae happily remarked.

“Who won’t blush out of embarrassment after my dad so openly cheered for them?” Kyuhyun-ah smugly commented while shrugging.

“Hyukjae-ah! Let’s go cheer them up!” Hae said enthusiastically & got up from his seat while pulling my right arm.

“Ara, ara. I’m coming. Don’t pull off my arm. I still need to do my hand-standing performance for our promotions.” I boringly said and got off from my seat. My Pabo bestfriend.


Author’s POV

Am I the only one who feels bored of all this ‘sports meet’ stuff?

“I’m in.” yeah right, why will the Diva enjoy it.

“I’m in too” Lady HeeHee hates sweating after all.

“Why am I here when I could have been enhancing my pretty face? All thanks to my parents for creating such a flawless skin and face for me but I still need to take care of it!” Please don’t start Heenim. The chapter is boring enough already.

Ok. I’m just skipping the tug of war match. We all pretty much know that SNU will come out victorious all thanks to the over-enthusiastic Dino, the chicken boy who was bribed with a box full of KFC by Kyu’s dad, the overly competitive frog and another player named Lee Taemin bribed with banana milk; again by Kyu’s dad. This ahjussi is too overly enthusiastic! To add up to it, I don’t even know how did the girls not get to participate because the other few guys wanted to show off. Sounds absurd right? That though I’m the author, I know nothing right? Well, I’M FACING IT! I’m sure if that fish & the evil maknae were still in the team, we all could predict the outcome beforehand.

“I’m sorry but I don’t drink.” Asma said with a straight face.

Ok. This is what is happening at the moment. The overly enthusiastic and happy Vice chairman of SNU a.k.a. Kyuhyun’s dad, threw a party for the whole college after SNU won the trophy.

No, my lead doesn’t drink alcohol of any kind unless it’s actually medicine related and hates drugs of any kind as well and hence, she’s in the wrong profession.

“Come on Asma. Be a sport!" Kyuhyun; who’s consumed a lot of alcohol and yet is not drunk, spoke up.  This boy has high alcohol tolerance I must say.

“Asm..a~~ *hiccup* let’s celebra~~te *hiccup*” and the Dino is drunk, pretty much there.

“Chi~~ngu~~ *hiccup* My 1 and only chi~~ngu~~ I’m so happy to have you~~” and as unbelievable as it looks to us and sounds to you, that’s MiNa, totally drunk. *sigh* These people have really wasted themselves right now. *sigh*

“Let’s DANCE, gonna be OKAY~ Yey~~~ I ROCK! Lady Gaga~~ Oooo~” Almighty Key for you.

“Nan chi..chi..chi..chi..chi..chi..chi..chi…chi…chicken eater!” That’s Onew singing Chicken Eater a.k.a. ‘Troublemaker’ song while being drunk. Him and kyuhyun consumed most of the alcohol here by the way :s Why did Heunsung make him listen to his solo for his opinion GAH!

Can you believe Taeminnie is drunk too?! No, it’s not the alcohol. It’s the Banana milk overdose. He’s high on sugar. *boringly*

The people here are looking like total fools, except Asma, Eunhyuk, Yesung, and Donghae and the minors. Time to switch POVs. I guess I need someone sane at the moment.

Cho De Han’s POV

Woo~~ *dancing happily*

Oh! I have a POV too? Anyways, let’s enjoy~~

“Oops. Wrong person picked.”

Yesung’s POV

I wonder if Ddangkoma, Ddangkomi , Ddangkoming  and Kkoming babies have eaten anything yet or not. Heechul hyung won’t feed them :s

“You’re on a stand by Turtle Maniac.” 

I have a role too? It’s my first appearance in this story! Yey~~

“Can you continue?”

Yeah, right. *nodding*

I wonder if my babies have eaten anything yet.

“Ok. Wrong choice again.” 

Author’s POV

No one looks sane. Let’s end the day –make that ‘insane day or evening or night’ since it really was and is insane— and meet later.

“But I thought it was supposed to be my POV *pouts*” Yesung.

You weren’t of any help actually. Maybe next time. Go and think about your turtles and kitten.

“Ching~~~~” I still can’t believe MiNa has this side too.

“My fairy~~~” This Dino! Yah! That’s my baby!

Wondering what the Fishy is doing though?

“I’m really muscular. I can sing and dance better than the puppy..I mean Jonghyun.” Yes, he’s trying to raise his points. *sigh* My poor baby is actually pitiful at the moment.

“Chi~~” Not again!

OK friends. I have to end this day before I visit a mental hospital. Those guys are going to suffer from a major hangover tomorrow.

YAH! Stop stripping Key!

******************************************************************************** ^_^ ************************************************************************************

A/N Chaotic day, wasn’t it? Well, it was for me though. But how did U guys find it?  

On the side note, Ddangkoma, Ddangkomi and Ddangkoming are actually Yesung's pet turtles in real life while Kkoming is his Pet puppy^^ And Ye and Heenim have a new colors here when they interrupt the Author's POV^^ And u might be thinking (IF in case u're thinking that is) that y haven't I shaded the comments in the Author's POV by pretty much the fools towards the end of the chappie itself. That's coz they WEREN'T interrupting the Author's POV but where instead having their own convos and doing their own stuff.  

I had something to propose actually.I actually wanted to get an Opinion of u readers regarding something I thought of. I was REAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLY inspired by Sujudork602 and thought of doing something like replies for letters from my characters that u might want to write to them. If U got any questions or comments regarding my characters in this FIC, I can force my characters to personally reply back to those letters. Do comment down to let me know if U like the idea or not. If u do, I'll tell more about this plan in the next update.^^ vote through the Pole I’ll be posting down at the end of this Chapter. And do comment in the pole section so that I know why have u voted as that. OK ^^?

Now the replies to the latest comments:

babymyung : Thanx for the support and love dear :)

SHINee_fanatic: UR COMMENTS ARE SO LOVE GIRL! I LOVE READING LONG COMMENTS and ur comments are JUST what I looking for. U analyzed the chapters so DEEPLY and told ur opinions regarding all the chappies u’ve come across, what u liked, what u disliked, what u found perfect and what u found incomplete and where u wanted me to improve. Trust me, it really helps :) THNX SAENG! <3

dr_elf15: U’re comments are SO ENCOURANGING Halmeoni! I LOVED THEM! I also loved it how u commented for EACH and EVERY chappie! Do comment on this chappie too. ARA *deathly glare* :P

Ryukai:I’m SO GLAD u liked the fic so far. I WANT u to comment on this one too! *deathly glare* I guess I’m really becoming too evil BHUHUHAUHAHA.

MargoLUV:THNX A LOT for subbing and Liking this story! Getting the 70th subber is making me SO HAPPY! Thanx A LOT! CHINCHA!^^

Lila1414:I LOVE ur comments as they are dear. I love them no less^^  Remember that U are my first ever online saeng. And ur comments DO matter. Btw, U can still improve ur comments and make them longer if u want :P I’d personally love it!^^

Ook. I’m done wid the replied. Now, it’s time for the Poll

Do you want me to do the letters from you guys to the characters in my Fic along with their replies (IMAGINARY) ?




I’ll give the remaining details about this poll in the next chappie depending upon the response.

This is where I get done wid my LONG A/N.

Till the next update, this is Ashmy, signing off with a happy mood :D

Anneyong and Jalja~~ ^^

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New update! :)


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ali1993 #1
Seriously women your fic is amazing. Best fic I've read so far, and reading this fic i can tell that your writing has hugely. Improved. No joke but I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. And the stalky no min woo is a brilliant idea. And at the same time sooooo hot :D keep it up and update and good luck :D
Chapter 35: ANNYONG! :D
Stalker is back *narrows eyes

The chapter was great, sorry didn't comment before. Your writing has really evolved over time. And I just can't get over how you can put humour to make it haeppy haeppy :D

Keep it up unnie!
Chapter 34: WOOO!
I really loved the chapter! After so long and so amazing that too, I loved it :D
Do continue! Let's see what this obsessed person does next! *biting nails
- Sasaeng halmoeni
Hi dee! *waves frantically
First of all congratulations. I've seen you only improving with each chapter and this one was no exception. Things happen to us when we least expect it don't they? In the most unexpected ways possible.
I loved his part of the story, he seems so obsessed with her! *squels
Keep up the good work Dee! ~Hwaiting and Fighting!
Good luck for college, i'm sure i'm gonna see your picture in the newspaper next year getting that prize from Sheikh Mohd.! :D
:O gorgeous stalker! No, seriously! O.O

Nice chapter by the way, filling in stuff helps explain everything better! You've improved heaps! Your description of No Min Woo was excellent if I may say so myself :)
The stalker is pretty impressive! I liked the chapter, it clearly shows how obsessed people act. (Ask me if I were in korea and i had the chance to meet Suju i'd turn into a sasaeng as well) (then again, no, just no :P )

I loved the chapter dee! Keep up the good work :D
Take care and keep writing xD
Chapter 6:
Auther-nim you are so mean!! \(>.<)/!!
aww getting the stares eh? x'D I know that feeling :P (But in a different situation)
Dawww Asma finally made a friend!
Chapter 5:
It looks like the story is going ahead now!
Loved the JongKey part x'D
love the way how you gave the songs to listen while reading ~ ^_~
Yeah, so this chapter is cute and all. Still awaiting to find out who the stalker is. Found two typos while reading.

1. Likening. You have a liking for dogs.
2. Weak instead of week.
It's so well written! :D
Unnie is becoming better and better every time I see her! It was so good of MiNa to take care of Asma, she's a good friend.
I thought for a second there that the old doctor is the stalker but NOOO, and I found a speciality of our very despised stalker, he smirks a lot, but who smirks a lot.
Aish! I'm wondering who it is :P

Keep the good work up