The Opponents...

How my life changed in Seoul. (Hiatus)


Author’s POV

The Idiots and a sane girl ---I’m talking about MiNa when I say sane--- had a normal gathering at Asma’s place and left when the night fell. The next day came, and mind you, this day marks the start of the final week, the week of the real challenges of the athletic meet.

Let’s see the SNU’s final athletic team now, shall we :)

               1.     MiNa- smart, sane, brave, athletic, beautiful, ---leave the last one out since it’s a known fact--- 1 of the best & fair competitor. Experience in SNU sports meet:-past 2 years. Specialty:- Sports of any kind.

              2.     Onew- Clumsy! Smart? Brave? Athletic? Good looking! Chicken lover….O.K.

The only thing I can say about him, he managed to get into the team due to falling and tripping and slipping on time on the Final Line in the races he participated in, making him an unlucky yet lucky athlete. Seriously, how did he manage to come 3rd? and in most of the races!

“Because I’m a chicken boy! =D”Onew

Avoid him please.

“Chicken gives me wings~~^^”Avoid him again.

“Chicken, chicken, Chicken!^^”


Done spazzing over your chicken?

“Yes. I’ll shut up now.”

I’m glad you know what to do.

So, I’ll continue with what I was doing earlier.

             3.      Minho- Oh! I don’t think anybody else is as competitive as him! Sporty, fair competitor, athletic, good looking,

“I’m good looking too!” Jjong =s

>.< he had to interrupt!

                                   Good looking,

“I told you I know I’m good looking^^”


“=.=’ “

                                 TALL! Minho is TALL! Now interrupt me!

“==’ “


             4.     Taeminnie- playful yet serious, athletic, Tall *smirks* good looking- DARE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH NOW YOU DINO!

“=.=’’’ “

-1st experience at SNU athletic meet but impressive as well.

Specialty- Basket ball, high jump, long races.

            5.       Jonghyun-

“Yey~~ =D”

*shots a deadly furious glare at him*

“*gulps* M..M…Miane..=D…*gulps*”

                         Jonghyun- Good looking, SHORT, Irritating,

“Yah! Yah! Yah! Why the insults?”

You asked for it you Dog!

“Ooops, sorry…==’ “


            Jonghyun- good looking, short, irritating, athletic for wrong reasons, show off, bragging master.

            Experience in the SNU sports meet:- Since past 3 years.

            Specialty:- All the races, javelin throw, *smirks* shorty wasn’t selected for the basket ball game Bleh~~ *smirks*

“Those selectors were biased!”


  6.       Key:- Oops! He isn’t in the team! Mehrong.

“I had better stuff to do than spoil my precious skin.”The Diva.

  6.       Asma- Clumsy but hard working, athletic, beautiful, brave but doesn’t show it, competitive, fair & just as a competitor, hates tactics like cheatings.

Experience in SNU athletic meet:- 1st time.

Specialty:- Name them. She has a figure for a reason.

And some other SNU athletes who are not as important to be mentioned.

“Is Mr. Lizard, the tall pedo included in the team?" Asma.

Unfortunately yes.


O.K. Mourn later. Let’s get back to the scene.

The much awaited week of competitions, begins now!

“BANG! *Sound of the gunshot*”

O.K……That…was uncalled.

Let’s see the day with Key’s POV

Key’s POV

*Confused* Why me? Anyways, let’s do it.

O.K…. The real competitors have started to assemble on the track field. By real, I meant the athletic teams from other colleges and Universities…including The KyungHee University.

Key~~” Eww~~, Mind..I did the “Eww” In the same tone as her “Key~~” Anyways..why is this Jung Nara sticking to me now?

What?” I ask rudely.

“What are you doing?” Silly question Nara.

Hating your cheesiness. Now go away.” I reply rudely.

“Why are you being rude? What did I do to you?” She asked irritated.

“You hurt a friend of ours.” I plainly spat back.


Asma” I replied angrily.

“*gasps* Friend? She’s your friend? That good for nothing BIT- DARE you!” I cut her off before she could complete her nonsense.

“She is nothing like you. And she’s too good to be anything like you assume her to be. Now go away & let me get back to what I was doing! I don’t want to waste my precious time and be bothered by the likes of you.” I said angrily to her.

“HMPH!” Saying this, she left .

Don’t mind her. She’s been after me ever since she got interested in Onew Hyung and wants me to set her up with him. But I care less and don’t like her to do anything near to what she wants me to do. She was moreover, disqualified from participating in the sports meet after displaying a lot of jealous acts in the game…against Asma and MiNa.

Let’s get back to the scene now.

Hmm…the same old faces again. Just a few new ones added. I hope the dirty game they play every year isn’t repeated this time around at least.

“Participants for the 200m race, please get ready for the race on the track field.” The announcer announced on the speakers.

Oh God, the week of hell and heaven begins from this point.


Author’s POV

Well, it was a typical sports day and the day ended with some wins going in KyungHee university’s pockets & some in SNU’s. The other 4 colleges couldn’t last long in front of these two Universities.

From what anyone could say witnessing the competitions, it was clear that the sworn enmity between KyungHee & SNU could be seen. Yes! You guessed it right. SNU & KyungHee are rivals. But our naïve lead doesn’t know about it obviously. Don’t worry, she isn’t even bothered to listen to my POV due to fatigue and tiredness.

“Can I get my POV now?”MiNa.

O.K. Since you’re still in my good list, here, I give you your POV =)

MiNa’s POV

Finally! OK. The day sure was a hectic one. Not to mention, we faced really tough competitions from KyungHee’s team especially. And that oblivious friend of mine, she went and merrily chatted around with all the opponents, again oblivious of the fact that the guys were practically drooling over her*sigh* even though they are our opponents.

It somehow seemed like a Déjà vu of her 1st day in SNU. The girls from the opponent colleges & Universities were literally fuming with anger. Anyways, since the day has come to an end, let the bygones be bygones. 4 more days to go & this hectic month will finally come to an end.

“Your POV is getting really boring MiNa. *boringly*”



Hmm..I guess I can’t help being a bore. Ok. Let’s end the day here then.

Aaaaaargh! That Dino head seriously sticks a lot to Asma! Here he comes again =@

It’s not like I hate him or dislike him or anything like that. But he really sticks a lot to Asma now that she and SHINee are good friends. They ruined my friends-alone-quality-time yesterday as well =(

What really annoys me is that, that stupid friend of mine has no idea about it!

Before he starts speaking some random rubbish, I’ll get done with my POV here. Here, take back the POV author! Fast! He’s here already! Palllliii~~

“Ok. OK. Stop panicking.”

Author’s POV

Ok. I don’t want to include him in this POV either. So let’s fast forward the day.

“BWOH! Andwae~~! I came here running for 2 main reasons!”

We all know them Dino. My readers are bored enough already.


“FINE! Keep your POV with yourself. I’ll go & accompany my Rapunzel. HMPH!”

Bye bye~~ =)

 Ok. Now that he went to stick to Asma, let’s move on with the story. You might be wondering “what about Asma’s hands?” right? “They were injured!” Yes. And that’s where she lost a few challenges such as Javelin throw and shot put. Basket ball match wasn’t held today since it’ll be held tomorrow instead due to lack of time.

Hmm…The day sure was a hectic one. How many times have I mentioned that since the start of this chapter now?

Now, from here on, the competition is going to get fiercer than it was. So, let’s cheer upon our favorite team =)

Ok, I want to have some sleep as well now. Let’s meet tomorrow^^


Next Day

Jonghyun’s POV

*Sound of a whistle going on*

AISH! This is pathetic!

Oh! You guys are finally here? Sorry to say but you’re kind of extra late!

“My mistake. I overslept =(“

*sound of a whistle*

AISH! Again?

Ok. You might be wondering what’s actually going on that’s making me sound so angry.

Well, here’s what’s happening…

“Jonghyun-ssi, those guys are purposely bumping onto Asma-ssi again!” well, that’s Jaekyu.

This is what’s happening =@

We are currently having a hyped up basketball match against KyungHee’s team. Unfortunately, I wasn’t selected for the basketball team. And, I don’t think I’d call my Rapunzel fortunate enough to be selected in the basketball team.

Though she isn’t showing any signs of pain or discomfort due to her injuries, she’s been indirectly targeted again. But this time, it isn’t the girls targeting her. It’s the attraction the guys are feeling towards her that’s targeting her now. I don’t know if that’s the game plan or not, but the moment she gets the ball, the guys surround her & deliberately bump onto her making her uncomfortable. And every time I see it happening, I can bet you that my face turns red & my anger crosses the 100˚C limit!

Well, I’m accompanied by Asma’s admirer =s Jaekyu & my Yeobo Key. Well, Jaekyu wasn’t included in the basketball team despite his tall height since he isn’t skilled in this game. Psh! Those height freaks… ON their faces! I had the skill but not the height. Their loss, hmph!

*sound of the whistle*

Argh! They made the basket again using the same dirty trick! I’ll make sure to punch that guy’s face later!

Donghae’s POV

This is getting really annoying now! How can they touch MY Asma like that!

“What are you doing here in the gymnasium Mr.? I don’t remember telling you to come and watch the game.”

Ooops. Seems like I got discovered. I’ not alone~~ *points index finger at Eunhyuk next to him.* Hyukjae-ah accompanied me as well^^

“Hyukjae-ah, say Hi to Author-ssi^^”

“Bwoh? We got discovered even with the disguise on?” Eunhyuk exclaimed.

*Donghae nods*

“Anyways, HI! :)” Hyukjae-ah excitedly said.


*sound of the whistle*

“AISH! How long will they play dirty?! This game, so far, has been the dirtiest strategies the KyungHee’s team has come up with!” Hyukkie exclaimed.

Well, we’ve been watching all the challenges since yesterday. We have been a little free from our schedules now. So, I’ve been coming along Hyukkie-ah with me because he is, well….my best friend.

Not Again~~~!” That’s me.

Let me tell you how the opponents are playing…..

Pushing, pulling, bumping, pushing, pulling, tripping, bumping more, well, the cycle goes on. And as a result, 3 SNU players injured, SNU 10 points behind KyungHee, and Asma being targeted by boys indirectly! =@ And all that I can do is sit here on the bleachers and see =(

“TIME OUT! 5 minutes break!”


Asma’s POV

“TIME OUT! 5 minutes break!” the match referee announced finally! I’ve been waiting for it now.

“Asma, come. We’re doing some changes in our strategy now!” MiNa came running & whispered in my right ear.

“Arasso. Let’s go!” I say.

We all gather & Minho being the team leader, started to speak.

“Ok. Since we’ve been playing fair & the opponents are doing the exact opposite, I guess, we’ll need to give them a Tit for Tat.”

“But, that means we’ll have to cheat as well! I’m not going to cheat!” I interrupt.

“It’s not called cheating Noona. We’re going to play a little less fair. They have been playing the dirty way. We’re just going to stop them from doing that. Ara?” He explained.

Hmm, what he says is right as well.

“Ok. What’s the plan?” I say nodding.

“Ok. This is how we’ll play now.” He said and started explaining.

5 minutes later

“Players, get ready.*whistle*” the referee shouted.

We begin playing, but this time around, I’m not going to be the target.

“Asma! Take the ball!” MiNa shouted from far, gesturing to throw the ball to me.

I pretend to get ready. Yes, I pretend because, the ball won’t be coming to me, but will go to Taeminnie instead *smirks*

MiNa gestures to throw the ball to me but Taeminnie is the one standing a few distance away from me…kind to me. The moment MiNa shouted to me, I got surrounded by three opponents, giving MiNa a chance to pass the ball to Taemin.

Taemin caught the ball with speed & made an awesome basket by dodging the girls from the opposition.

“YES! =D”

“*whistle* 2 points to SNU.” Announced the referee.

“What was that!?” 1 of the 3 guys surrounding me exclaimed looking puzzled.

“A Tit for Tat Loser =P” I replied happily with a mehrong and move from there to do a mini celebration of Hi5’s with MiNa and Tae.

“!” I heard another guy from them exclaiming while I made my way to MiNa and Taemin.

8 more to go & we’ll be out of danger of losing the game.

15 minutes later

WTF was that!” exclaimed another guy.

Well, to sum it up, we, from this point on, are leading by 2 points against KyungHee. Yes, the change of the strategy was usefull^^

“Onew Hyung! Pass the ball to Taemin!” screamed Minho who is being surrounded by 5 buff looking guys from the opposition team. Listening to him scream, the guys thought he meant the opposite and stood the way they were. Onew threw the ball to Taemin and Taemin took the ball with a lightning speed and made another basket. Well, that was the signal that Minho wanted to actually give.*smirks* (A/N: OK. I know I at this basketball game, but I have a legit reason! I’ve NEVER PLAYED THIS GAME! Neither have I seen it properly to begin with. Just spare me this once *insert Sorry Sorry dance*)

“*whistle* 2 more points to SNU!” the referee announced.

Well…this is fun^^. As you sow, so shall you reap.


Jonghyun’s POV

Finally, the game is going the way it should be^^ I guess my tactic was really handy.

Actually, when the 5 minute time out was going on, 1 of those ert players surrounding my Rapunzel ran to the washroom. I took the opportunity & followed him. I took the bottle of orange juice along that I was drinking from & spilled on his shorts ‘by mistake’^^

What next? He had to change it. But little did he know, I had made a tiny whole in the other pair beforehand =D

Poor him, in the middle of the game, 1 of his teammates noticed & informed him loud enough to divert people’s attention from the game, to him. Result? He was playing uncomfortably throughout the game and our team was able to grab the opportunity and make baskets^^

I know, I know, it’s wrong. But, I had to get my little revenge =D

Donghae’s POV

I’m so happy now that the game is going in SNU’s favor. My method of handling the situation was the best!^^

Actually, I had come prepared today to teach those KyungHee students a lesson after watching them play yesterday.

Yesung Hyung’s emergency kit combined with Hyukkie’s living nightmare, THE BUGS & RED ANTS! came in handy today =D Bhuuhuhahahaha *evil laugh*

What happened was that 1 of the guys who was troubling my angel, happened to run to the washroom. Actually, most of the players from that team had some weird urge to go to the washroom during that 5 minutes time out. Weird, but truth.

Anyways, so, I sneaked into the washroom & waited for him to come out of the cubicle. I pretended to wash my hands when he came out after finishing his smelly business. I took the chance and stood next to him and somehow, managed to sneak a sugar candy into 1 of the pocket of the shorts he was wearing, that was closest to me.

I then carefully and sneakily opened the ‘emergency kit’.

I don’t know if God was being generous to me or if that guy had run out of his luck, but he happened to bend down to pick the tissue that fell down, giving me the opportunity to empty the contents into his now wide open pocket containing the candy from back!

We both left the washroom with big smiles on our faces =D

Later, the poor guy was doing weird break dances in the middle of the game. It was a scene worth to see.

I know, that was mean, but, I had to get my revenge! =D


 Author’s POV

Well, well, well. My characters do a lot of stuff without asking me or consulting with me. Seems like I’m the author just for the heck of it. =S

The day hasn’t ended yet. Wait a bit more and let’s meet in the coming chapter.

Let’s come back later and see what else are my characters upto^^

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Hey! I'm SO SORRY for delaying the update fro so long.



I know The chappie wasn't that what you guys might have been looking forward to. But well..what can I say...I was having something that no writer wants to have....WRITER'S BLOCK!


I somehow...started writing last night..and I don't know how..but weird ideas crept upto my poor head and what it came out to be.



I feel like killing myself for writing such a stupid chappie



And I didn't want to post it 



But then I thought... it's better to update than NO update at all.



So...Here I'm! 


Do comment on how YOU felt the chappie was in the comment section DOWN! Seriously...I WANT COMMENTS so that I can improve. 

316734879.gif?w=200&h=200I hope you guys DO COMMENT! 



Now...time to do the replies


babymyung: Thanx for liking the story and sorry for the wait :)

Ainzz88: Thnx for the cheers dear :) I really needed them :)

ilovekorea: Thnx for the cheers dear :) And thanx for waiting :) I really appreciate it^^

Lila1414: THNX A LOT DEAR for waiting :) and....U UPDATE MORE AS WELL!!

Hwang_Stella: Welcome to my world dear^^ Thnx for the support and update :) Do comment on how it was^^ 

This is where I'll stop my Author's Note then. 





With the hopes of receiving comments...

This is Ashmy... signing off! :)




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ali1993 #1
Seriously women your fic is amazing. Best fic I've read so far, and reading this fic i can tell that your writing has hugely. Improved. No joke but I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. And the stalky no min woo is a brilliant idea. And at the same time sooooo hot :D keep it up and update and good luck :D
Chapter 35: ANNYONG! :D
Stalker is back *narrows eyes

The chapter was great, sorry didn't comment before. Your writing has really evolved over time. And I just can't get over how you can put humour to make it haeppy haeppy :D

Keep it up unnie!
Chapter 34: WOOO!
I really loved the chapter! After so long and so amazing that too, I loved it :D
Do continue! Let's see what this obsessed person does next! *biting nails
- Sasaeng halmoeni
Hi dee! *waves frantically
First of all congratulations. I've seen you only improving with each chapter and this one was no exception. Things happen to us when we least expect it don't they? In the most unexpected ways possible.
I loved his part of the story, he seems so obsessed with her! *squels
Keep up the good work Dee! ~Hwaiting and Fighting!
Good luck for college, i'm sure i'm gonna see your picture in the newspaper next year getting that prize from Sheikh Mohd.! :D
:O gorgeous stalker! No, seriously! O.O

Nice chapter by the way, filling in stuff helps explain everything better! You've improved heaps! Your description of No Min Woo was excellent if I may say so myself :)
The stalker is pretty impressive! I liked the chapter, it clearly shows how obsessed people act. (Ask me if I were in korea and i had the chance to meet Suju i'd turn into a sasaeng as well) (then again, no, just no :P )

I loved the chapter dee! Keep up the good work :D
Take care and keep writing xD
Chapter 6:
Auther-nim you are so mean!! \(>.<)/!!
aww getting the stares eh? x'D I know that feeling :P (But in a different situation)
Dawww Asma finally made a friend!
Chapter 5:
It looks like the story is going ahead now!
Loved the JongKey part x'D
love the way how you gave the songs to listen while reading ~ ^_~
Yeah, so this chapter is cute and all. Still awaiting to find out who the stalker is. Found two typos while reading.

1. Likening. You have a liking for dogs.
2. Weak instead of week.
It's so well written! :D
Unnie is becoming better and better every time I see her! It was so good of MiNa to take care of Asma, she's a good friend.
I thought for a second there that the old doctor is the stalker but NOOO, and I found a speciality of our very despised stalker, he smirks a lot, but who smirks a lot.
Aish! I'm wondering who it is :P

Keep the good work up