The unexpected.

How my life changed in Seoul. (Hiatus)


MiNa’s POV

The last minute of the game… and it’s a tie in the scoreboard between SNU and KyungHee.

Yes, we are struggling to win now. We have been tied and these last 43 seconds now are like the ones that’ll decide if we’ll win or lose this game.

“MiNa! The ball!” screamed Asma while running towards the opposition’s basket.

We are playing fair and fair now. By ‘we’, I meant both the rival teams. No for tats & no cheatings from the other team either.

I threw the ball with all my might and focus and Asma caught it just on time. She threw the ball aiming at the basket &…

“*whistle* 2 points for SNU! SNU wins!” the referee announced.


Minho did a thumb kiss directed to the cheers the audience was doing.

Asma stood there frozen on her spot. I guess she can’t believe she made that last basket.

Taemin went & hugged Onew & they both started doing….

“Ring a, ring o’ roses!...” Onew & Taemin sang and danced to it like little kindergartners.

Other SNU basketball team members started celebrating on spot.

The KyungHee team members were groaning in frustration but some showed the spirit of sportsmanship by congratulating us.

I ran to my best friend & tried to bring her back to the reality. She was in daze but then I suddenly hugged her tight. I felt her hugging me back tightly after a few seconds and then…

“Kyaaa~~~ We WON MiNa~! Yesssss!” she started screaming happily and started jumping with me while hugging me. Hehehehe… my idiot friend is back to the reality^^.

“I’ll go deaf if you keep screaming directly into my precious ears Asma hehehe.” I laughed and continued with our mini celebration.

We were soon joined by the sticky Dino Jonghyun and Key and other SNU teammates then.

What is this that I see? I squint my eyes to concentrate on a figure approaching us and Oh no… was Asma’s glue Jonghyun, less to annoy me that this glue named Kyuhyun had to show up as well? No. he doesn’t stick onto Asma. He sticks to ME! Argh! And he’s accompanied by Eunhyuk and Donghae as well. Here comes the trouble trio.

There goes my celebration wasted.

Nara’s POV

! I lost the hope of getting Key’s help now, all thanks to that Asma! He used to avoid me before, but he has started behaving rudely now. :@

I have to get my revenge from that good for nothing Indian.

And it boils my blood to see her so happy and getting all that attention from everyone that I deserve!

What’s so good about her anyways? I’m supposed to be the one celebrating that win. I’m supposed to be the one the guys try to hit upon. I’m supposed to be the one being close to SHINee and Super Junior Oppas!I am the veteran and the Chairman’s daughter! What makes me even angrier is the fact that Kyuhyun oppa is also showing interest in her HMPH! But don’t you worry Asma. I’ll make sure you regret putting me in this state.

After all that lame celebration those people did, they all headed to the next competition, the swimming competition.

I’m not in the team but MiNa, Jonghyun oppa, Onew oppa, actually, the SHINee oppas and dongsaengs, excluding Key, a handsome guy named Jaekyu, and some selected swimmers are in this team. But what makes me curious is the fact that, that isn’t participating in it. It’s making me curious because she participated in nearly most of the competitions but not this. Something sure is fishy.

I happened to pass by the girls changing room where the female swimmers were getting ready. And that’s when I heard something,

“Asma, I really wanted you to be there in this with me. *pouts* It would have been good if you knew to swim as well. :(“ MiNa commented sadly. Oh! So that Miss perfect has a weakness too.

“It’s ok MiNa~~ :) I’m happy to be a part of this team already :) Now go and WIN this! Aja, Aja, Fighting!” she replied back with a cheerful smile. *smirks* Just see how long will you be able to smile like that.

Jonghyun’s POV

Yey~~ I’ll be able to show off my y and hot body to Asma thanks to this swimming competition. But I wish she would have participated in it as well. I wanted to see how she looks in her swimming costume. I wonder why she didn’t participate in this one though. Maybe, she wanted some break. Hmm… that might be a possibility.

MiNa came in the view and took her position. The competition is actually a relay race. 4 swimmers from each 6 team will participate in it and the baton is passed on from the 1st swimmer to the 2nd, from 2nd to 3rd and from 3rd to the 4th swimmer. Do I need to explain the whole thing? I think you guys know already of how this race works right?

“Go ahead Dino. My readers are smart unlike you.”

It’s ok. I’ll take that as a compliment.

“Who in their right mental state will take an insult as a complement???”

Well…I do!

Anyways, there’s a slight twist in this competition. The 6 challenging teams consist of 3 batches each. This means that the competition will be 3 times more challenging than the normal.

MiNa, Me, Minho and Onew Hyung are in the first batch while Taeminnie, Jeakyu and two more girls from our major are in the 2nd batch. The last batch consists of 4 more SNU teammates.

I could see Asma cheering for us in the SNU crowd. :) She looks really innocent with that gleaming smile and pure image of hers, that I feel kind of relieved that she isn’t participating in this challenge and letting the other guys ogle at her while in a swim suit.

“Challengers! Get ready for the game to begin.” The match referee announced and was soon followed by the sound of the loud whistle that he blew. There comes another challenging competition against the challengers. Asma, watch the charismatic me.

Nara’s POV

OMG! OMG! OMG! I can’t stop fawning over the hot Onew oppa and Jonghyun oppa in front of me. But I did stop fawning and started frowning instead after I noticed Jonghyun oppa gazing lovingly to that Indian! I know, I know I’m behind Onew oppa. But, Jonghyun oppa is my 2nd crush after Onew oppa. So I have to keep both of my options open in case Onew oppa still doesn’t show any interest in me apart from his chicken. I guess I should try to sneak in some Aphrodite into the chickens that Onew oppa eats. Maybe he’ll finally fall for me then?

Anyways, the challenge got over quite soon enough than usual with the win going in SNU’s pockets again. The SNU team has come out stronger than usual this year. The change and addition of the juniors and some new talented players this year and the unusual hard work by the guys have made a big change in the results this year. Honestly speaking, I happened to overhear some guys talking about working harder than usual just so that they can impress that girl Asma since she’s become the main reason of most of the guys participating in this event this year.  

I can’t help but feel jealous and angry over her because ever since she’s made her appearance in our lives, everyday has become bad for me. I don’t get the attention I used to get earlier.

The SNU team started celebrating in the swimming court after the victory and after the rival teams left the venue. Later, a few SNU students stayed back to clean up the mess the SNU swimmers made, to show their gratitude for the hard work they did for the college. The cleaning team was comprised mostly of guys and a few girls who joined in right after Asma volunteered.

A while later, the whole swimming court was empty leaving Asma alone to finish up the remaining job since everyone else went to have their lunch. Assaa! This is the chance I was looking for.

I approach her busy figure standing near the poolside, from behind with my arms crossed across my chest. She looked too indulged in the cleaning she was doing that I can bet you she didn’t notice me approaching her from behind.

“Hmm… this might be MiNa’s. I can recognize her stuff anywhere.” I heard her say with a chuckle.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Left alone to do the jobs? What happened? Your admirers didn’t finish it for you? Tsk, tsk, tsk.” I commented smugly, ending my comment with a smirk.

She turned back the moment I started to speak and looked at me innocently.

“I volunteered because I wanted to. It’s ok if I’m left alone to finish it up. At least others did their part and left.” She replied back as a matter of fact. Did she not get my point? Is she that naïve not to realize my sarcastic comment?

“I was being sarcastic, you know?” I stated back while putting my hands down.

“Really? Anyways, I answered the question. Purpose served.” She replied back with an innocent smile and started to turn back to get back to her work. Oh no, you don’t ignore me!

“No! The purpose is not served yet!” I turned her around so that she faces me and screamed on her face.

I noticed her twitch her eyes at my voice and she looked startled by my action.

“What are you talking about?” she asked with a confused expression.

“I mean this!” Saying this, I pushed her into the pool with all my might.

“Nara!” she exclaimed in shock and started flailing her hands on the water, trying to keep herself from drowning. I smirk at her pitiful state and start to leave.

“Nara! I….can’t…s..swim!!” she started struggling while gulping the water unknowingly. I turned to look at her and replied,

“Not my concern. Help yourself or wait for your admirers to help you out.” Saying this, I left the court with a smirk I couldn’t help but bring on my face.

The purpose is finally served now.

MiNa’s POV

We’re in the SNU cafeteria & it’s been really long since most of the volunteers came back for the lunch. But the only volunteer missing is Asma. What is taking her so long to come back? I have a very strong bad feeling in my heart and it’s making me really concerned. No, no. What can happen wrong when all that she’s doing is just clean up? It’s probably nothing. But…I still have a strong bad feeling about this.

I noticed Nara sitting calmly with a signature smirk on her plastic face along with her followers who were as plastic as she. I can’t help but suspect this sudden smirk she’s showing. I silently approach her from behind and sit in the unclaimed chair and table, where a couple of girls were having their meal and didn’t mind my presence.

I started eavesdropping on Nara’s conversation with her friends.

“It’s good that we’ll finally get rid of that girl.” One of her followers remarked.

That statement got me alarmed for some unknown reason.

“It was really pissing me off whenever I saw her being courted by oppas.” Another commented.

“Too bad for her that I came to know her weakness. Hehehe” Nara commented followed by her shrill fake girly laugh.

“But, it won’t kill her right? I mean, she won’t die right?” another friend of hers spoke up with a worried expression.

“It’s not my problem that that Indian doesn’t know how to swim” Nara smugly commented. Wait! WHAT? Indian? Who can’t swim? OMO!

I couldn’t bear it any longer since now I knew what was going on. I got up from the chair I was sitting on and marched angrily towards Nara and her friends and slammed my hands on their table with anger.

“Answer to my question this very moment. What have you done to Asma?” I angrily questioned to Nara with clenched teeth and fists.

“In the swimming pool” Nara commented with another smirk.

“HOW DARE YOU, YOU !” saying this I caught her right arm and made her stand up and punched her face hard enough to last a bleeding and broken nose for a really long time.

I was hitting her non-stop and then the SHINee boys and Kyuhyun, Donghae and Eunhyuk all started pulling me away from Nara, stopping me from hitting Nara anymore.

“LEAVE ME! I NEED TO GO AND SAVE MY BEST FRIEND!” I shouted with all my might, making the people present in the cafeteria turn their attentions to me, but I don’t care.

“What do you mean?” both Donghae and Jonghyun asked in a chorus, leaving me unconsciously.

“THAT PUSHED ASMA IN THE SWIMMING POOL!” I screamed and made the others leave me as well.

“What does that mean? She can swim right?” Jonghyun asked with a concerned look in his eyes.

I shook my head and started to run towards the swimming court while screaming loud enough for them to hear, “ SHE CAN’T! 1 THING SHE CAN’T DO IS SWIM!”

I ran with all my might and I can’t help but let the tears stain my face.

Donghae’s POV

“ SHE CAN’T! 1 THING SHE CAN’T DO IS SWIM!” MiNa screamed while running and I could sense her shivering voice.

Asma can’t swim? And since Nara pushed her in the pool, this means she might have drowned? OMO! My Asma!

I started running behind MiNa the moment I realized the whole situation. I noticed Jonghyun sprinting alongside as well and later, it looked like he was in the running race since he increased his speed surpassing me and quickly entered the swimming court behind MiNa.

Asma, please don’t die.

Jonghyun’s POV

I saw MiNa struggling to bring the now unconscious Asma out of that damned pool. This explains why she didn’t participate in the swimming competition. I rush to help MiNa to bring Asma out of the pool and finally, Asma was out. We laid her on the poolside and soon, all the SHINee members and SuJu hyungs followed.

MiNa was crying frantically and was pressing Asma’s stomach with all her might.

“Does anybody know to do CPR? Please help!” MiNa was crying uncontrollably at this point.

I started getting impatient and moved MiNa to perform the CPR on Asma.

I pressed her stomach hard to let the water get out from her lungs and was just about to perform the CPR when,

“*cough, cough*” Asma coughed out the remaining water from .

I breathed a sigh of relief and saw similar expressions on other guys’ faces.

Seeing this, MiNa pushed me away from her suddenly and sat near Asma.

“Asma! You’re alive! You’re alive!” MiNa started crying happily and started hugging Asma tight.

“Noona, you’ll choke her to death like that.” Taeminnie commented worriedly.

“I’m alive? So, I’m not dead? I actually survived?” Asma spoke out loud while being embraced by MiNa and luckily, not dying from those hugs.

MiNa stopped embracing her, examined her face, nodded with happy tears in her eyes and a beaming smile, and hugged her again.

There goes my chance of having a kiss with my Rapunzel, in the stupid water coughed out by Asma. But I’m happy enough that she’s alive. Thank you for not dying Asma. Thank you very much.

Donghae’s POV

I breathed a sigh of relief after Asma got her conscious back. And I’m kind of relieved that Jonghyun didn’t get to perform CPR on her. But 1 thing was made clear from this incidence. I’ve actually got a love rival, Jonghyun.

Author’s POV

These idiots are happy at the fact of Asma surviving but little did they know that they were being watched by someone all the while this was happening. That someone saw every single thing from Nara’s evil doing to Asma surviving. I’m not going to reveal that though. Let time reveal everything for them to see.

From here on, my job of interfering will become lesser than usual. Let things unfold unexpectedly.

P.S.: I was really glad that Nara had a big mouth. That mouth saved my baby. :)

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I'm not planning to do an A/N today. Too lazy to do 1. 

but that doesn't mean u don't comment! DO COMMENT and lemme know how did u find this chappie. Honestly speaking, I'm losing inspiration of writing this story now because I don't really get feedbacks for it anymore. I don't want to abandon this story but it somehow feels that NO ONE is reading it :( 

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ali1993 #1
Seriously women your fic is amazing. Best fic I've read so far, and reading this fic i can tell that your writing has hugely. Improved. No joke but I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. And the stalky no min woo is a brilliant idea. And at the same time sooooo hot :D keep it up and update and good luck :D
Chapter 35: ANNYONG! :D
Stalker is back *narrows eyes

The chapter was great, sorry didn't comment before. Your writing has really evolved over time. And I just can't get over how you can put humour to make it haeppy haeppy :D

Keep it up unnie!
Chapter 34: WOOO!
I really loved the chapter! After so long and so amazing that too, I loved it :D
Do continue! Let's see what this obsessed person does next! *biting nails
- Sasaeng halmoeni
Hi dee! *waves frantically
First of all congratulations. I've seen you only improving with each chapter and this one was no exception. Things happen to us when we least expect it don't they? In the most unexpected ways possible.
I loved his part of the story, he seems so obsessed with her! *squels
Keep up the good work Dee! ~Hwaiting and Fighting!
Good luck for college, i'm sure i'm gonna see your picture in the newspaper next year getting that prize from Sheikh Mohd.! :D
:O gorgeous stalker! No, seriously! O.O

Nice chapter by the way, filling in stuff helps explain everything better! You've improved heaps! Your description of No Min Woo was excellent if I may say so myself :)
The stalker is pretty impressive! I liked the chapter, it clearly shows how obsessed people act. (Ask me if I were in korea and i had the chance to meet Suju i'd turn into a sasaeng as well) (then again, no, just no :P )

I loved the chapter dee! Keep up the good work :D
Take care and keep writing xD
Chapter 6:
Auther-nim you are so mean!! \(>.<)/!!
aww getting the stares eh? x'D I know that feeling :P (But in a different situation)
Dawww Asma finally made a friend!
Chapter 5:
It looks like the story is going ahead now!
Loved the JongKey part x'D
love the way how you gave the songs to listen while reading ~ ^_~
Yeah, so this chapter is cute and all. Still awaiting to find out who the stalker is. Found two typos while reading.

1. Likening. You have a liking for dogs.
2. Weak instead of week.
It's so well written! :D
Unnie is becoming better and better every time I see her! It was so good of MiNa to take care of Asma, she's a good friend.
I thought for a second there that the old doctor is the stalker but NOOO, and I found a speciality of our very despised stalker, he smirks a lot, but who smirks a lot.
Aish! I'm wondering who it is :P

Keep the good work up