Why don't I ever carry around an Autograph book???

How my life changed in Seoul. (Hiatus)

Author's POV

The day at SNU is over & Asma is back at her apartment. She had her shower, finished up her revisions & decided to go to market to shop. Let's continue the day with Asma's POV now ^_^

Asma's POV

So, it's my first time ever in a market in Seoul. I was using just eggs & canned food since past 3 days but I can't eat those anymore. I need some help now. Oh God..Please, please, Please~ send an Angel for me in human disguise.

"Excuse me, Can I help you? You seem to be lost.", a stranger asked. GOD!! I Love You. Thanx <3

"Umm..De.", I reply back happily.

But why does he sound so familiar? And he's in disguise too. God, when I said 'in Human disguise', I meant in ' Human form', not in a ' hoodie & a pair of sunglasses type disguise'.

"Ummm...Excuse me? But do I know you  by any chance? You sound really familiar.", I ask him politely.

"De, Asma-ssi", he replied with a weird tone. Did he smirk by any chance? It sounded that way though. WAIT! Asma-ssi??? He Knows My Name!!!

"BWOH!! How do you know my name?", I ask him shocked.

"Sssshh!! You'll create a scene here. Come here.", saying this he started dragging me.

He brought me to an empty alley where people din't bother to come I suppose.

"YAH! Can you let go off my hand now & tell me how do you know my name?", I say him a little confused & a little more irritated. I don't let guys hold my hand actually. And what if he turns out to be a stalker!!! OMO!! O.o

"Ok! I'll remove my hoodie & sunglasses. Fine? Here you go.", saying this, he removes them. 

OH NO HOLY PIZZA HUT!!!! OMG!!! I Just shouted at Cho Kyuhyun!!!! 

"K,,K,,,,,Kyuhyun!!! I mean kyuhyun-ssi. What are you doing here?", I ask him surprised.

"I just came by with a member hyung to do some grocery shopping since we're out of stock with our groceries.", he casually replied.

"But why did you come & talk to me? You could have ignored me though. Who knows I might start stalking you. hehe", I ask him curiously at first but laughed at the end.

"Because I know you wouldn't.", he said with a smirk.I guess he loves smirking . 

Is Cho family always up with some regular expressions?? I mean, his dad, our Dean, smiles a lot while his son, our Cho Kyuhyun, smirks a lot. *sigh*

"Did you mention 'member' before?", I asked him. I Just remembered now, that he had mentioned that.

"De. He's here somewhere. I saw you, so I left him & came to talk to you. He should be calling me anytime sooner now.", he replied while checking his hand phone.

'Bwara Mr.Simple, Simple...' *ringtone*

his phone rang.

"Yoboseyo", Kyuhyun said.


"Don't panic hyung. I'll give you the directions", he said after sometime.




After he finished giving instructions to the other person , he hung up with a smile. It's nice to see him smile genuinely. He atleast changed his smirking expression. But I wonder who's coming here that he gave the 'hyung' instructions.

"Asma-ssi, are you prepared to get another shock of your life?", he asked smirking Again.

"Shock? What kind of a shock?", I ask confused.

"Yah! Kyuhyun-ah. Why did you leave me all alone?", This voice sounds so familiar. But I don't dare to turn around & see who is it behind me.

I donno why, but I can't seem to move. Don't tell me it's another celebrity...Please Don't be or I'll start spazzing & wont be able to do my shopping.

"Hyung don't get mad. I was talking to Asma-ssi. She's a student at my dad's university. Asma-ssi, please turn around & greet hyung.", Kyuhyun replied.

Ok! I have to turn around now. I slowly turn around with closed eyes.

"YOU!!", he exclaimed.

I opened my eyes instantly Wide in shock to the tone.

"YYYOU!!!!", I exclaimed back. It's my 2nd CELEBRITY CRUSH!!!! My 2 dreams have come true after this. Thank you GOD.....It's going blurry again~....*faints  with a THUD (ouch..that might have hurt =P) *

Donghae's POV

I was getting some groceries when I noticed that our evil maknae left me all alone & disappeared by himself. Do you even realise how hard it is to go shopping in disguise?? People look at me like I'm some sort of a hooligan. GUYS!! I'm Lee Donghae from Shupa Juni-ah!!

"It's called Super Junior." 

I was using hangul =P

"Whatever, continue."

I should check where he is. He should be here somewhere nearby though.

Let me call him on his handphone.

Phone Conversation



"Yah! Kyuhyun-ah. Where are you? How could you leave me all alone? What if I get kidnapped? OMO! What if I get ??!! Moreover I can't carry these many bags. Where are you? where?? If you can't come here, gimme the directions of where you are. I'll come & get you."

" Don't panic hyung. I'll give you the directions."

(A/N: I'm not writing down the directions, so let's skip it ok *_^)

"Ok Kyuhyun-ah. Stay there. I'm coming. Arasso?"

End of Conversation

After walking based on the directions, I reached an alley where he was standing without his disguise & a girl's back was facing me. Her long, black hair is tied in a ponytail & for some odd reason, I feel she has some similarity with Ms. Pretty Eyes. Anyways, I have to get this Maknae now. I remove my huge spectacles and hoodie from my head & approach while saying,

"Yah! Kyuhyun-ah. Why did you leave me all alone?", I ask him loudly while still aproaching him.

"Hyung don't get mad. I was talking to Asma-ssi. She's a student at my dad's university. Asma-ssi, please turn around & greet hyung.", Kyuhyun finished.

Hmm..Asma? Such a weird name. I wonder how does she look like. I bet she isn't as pretty as Ms. Pretty eyes.

OK! She's turning around to face me.


"YOU!!", I exclaimed in shock.

She opened her eyes instantly like O.O &

"YYYOU!!!!", she exclaimed back in shock.

OMO! She fainted!!!

"Kyuhyun-ah! What do we do now?", I ask in panic.

"Hyung. It's no big deal. You have a bottle of water in one of those bags in your hands right? Give it here.", he calmly said.

I gave him the bottle & he sprinkled some water on her pretty face.

Her eyelashes are so long & they are natural. I can Bet my Eunhyukie on those.

Oh! she's gaining back her consciousness.

"Asma-ssi, are you all right?", Kyuhyun asked.

"De. Miane.", she shyly replied.

"Did you overwork yourself or what? Why do you always end up fainting whenever we meet? hehehe", he said laughing. Wow! It's rare to see our evil Maknae laugh so naturally. WAIT!!! She fainted in front of him even before?? When??

"Miane about that too Kyuhyun-ssi. That was due to Jet lag. I don't know the reason for today though. I guess it was due to excitement.", she replied a little comfortably now.

"I'm glad your fainting wasn't for long like last time or else, I'd have to pick you up bridal style again to get you to the nurse.", he replied smiling.....WAIT! .....Wait, Wait, wait, WAIT! He Picked her?? And in Bridal Style on top of it???? NO~~~~~~

"Don't embarress me reminding me about yesterday please. Wait!..did you mention picking me in 'bridal style'? Shoooot!!! Oh right! I even met Almighty Key & my No. 1 Celebrity crush Bling Bling Jonghyun after I left the clinic yesterday. My day yesterday was Jjang! hehe ", she said all excited & smiling.

But I'm feeling a little bad. She's like so open & comfortable with Kyuhyun-ah & Kim Jonghyun is her No. 1 Celebrity Crush!! While I'm nowhere =( And they are my JUNIORS!!! =(((

"Oh! By the way, miane. I din't formally introduce myself yet. I'm Asma =D", she said shyly with a bow at the end. She's looking so cute =D. We are standing right now by the way.

"Kwenchana. You know me right? I'm", I was Just finishing up, when she excitedly cut me off with,

"De. De. You're Donghae-ssi. SuJu's Donghae & my Super 2nd Celebrity Crush........", she exclaimed and then,

"oooops....Did I speak without thinking again?", she said looking embarressed.

AIGO~~! So cute~ 

Wait! I'm her Super 2nd Celebrity crush? Not Just 2nd celebrity crush but SUPER 2nd celebrity crush! WOW!! I'm Right next to the No.1 celebrity crush Jjong here..or...I guess being Super is even BETTER than being just No.1...HUH!! =D

" *gasps* I'm late again. I've got to get done with my shopping or I'll starve tonight & tomorrow morning =( But I don't have a pen right nowto get your Autograph, though I got Kyuhyun-ssi's autograph yesterday =(", she said sadly..Aww =(

"Hey Asma-ssi! I remembered Just now. Dad wanted to know if you're doing fine after yesterday or not. And I was thinking , if you could gimme your handphone no. , it would be easier to stay in contact.", Kyuhyun interrupted.

"Naa gwenchana. I'll go & thank the Dean tomorrow the first thing. But, why do you want my cellphone no.? I'm nobody & it can be risky for you, you know?", she said.

wow! She's different. Other fangirls would have just either kidnapped us by now or would have taken our cell phone numbers even without our permission. Yet she's refusing.

"Don't worry Asma-ssi. I know it won't be risky. I want to stay in contact with you. Dad also wants me to keep in contact with you....maybe for university purpose. So, your no. is?", Kyuhyun said. Why is he showing interest in her? Something smells fishy here.

"You are the fish here."

Did you need to interrupt?

I donno. Just felt like it =P

I'm going to ignore you for now.

"OK. Here, take my phone", saying this, she handed over her handphone to Kyuhyun-ah & he began dialing his number from her phone.

'Bwara Mr.Simple, Simple..' *ringtone*

Ok! I've saved your no. now. There you go.", he said this & gave her phone back.

"De. Gomawo. OMO!! I'm really late. Anneyong ^_^", she said this with a smile & bowed to us. 

!!! I couldn't even talk to her. This evil Maknae stayed up to his name. AISSHH!!

"Yah Kyuhyun-ah! How did you meet her? Do you know everything about her? If she isn't a korean, where is she from? Tell me please~~", I say him with a pleading tone.

He took 1 of the shopper bags from my hand & started walking out of the alley.

"Yah Kyuhyun-ah~~~~ Tell me~~", I plead again.

"Why are you being so desperate hyung? You just met her today.", he said with a smirk playing on his evil lips.

"Anyo, I saw her first yesterday when she was beating up that jerk. Remember I told you about Ms. Pretty Eyes today during the fan meeting? She's the one I was talking about.", I said all excited.

"BWOH!!!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

Kyuhyun's POV

So She was his Ms. Pretty Eyes he was talking about? Why din't it hit me when he mentioned, "She was wearing some different sort of pants & shirt", when he was describing her. So, that's why she sounded so familiar?? Hmm..I'm getting it now.

Anyways, he's pretty much begging me to tell him, I'll try to be an angel Maknae this time.

"OK! Her name is Asma. She's not a korean but an exchange from Dubai, but is an Indian by blood. She's my dad's most favourite student, though it's been only 3 mere days since she started attending SNU. I don't know the reason though. She's majoring in Pharmacy & is in her 3rd year currently & is also a Scholarship holder making her the topper currently. I know all these informations 'cause my Dad keeps on talking about it almost Everytime we talk! Enough? or is there anything else that you want to know?', I tell him & ask him sarcastically towards the end.

"De. 1 more question.", he replied all amazed & with a big O.O

"What now?", I ask a little irritated.

"What's her cell phone no.?", he asked while his hair from behind. Hehehe

I'm gonna be evil now. I'm done with being an angel.

"Her cell phone no. is.....take out your phone.", I said with a smile. He took it out excitedly.

"Ok. Give now =D", he said with the same excitement.

"Her cell phone no. is..hmmmm...on the other hand, my hands are hurting from carrying this shoppers bag.", I say smirkingly.

"YOU~~~! Aish~!! Ok! Give here. I'll carry it for you =S Now, her cell phone no. =D", he said cheerfully again while adjusting the bags on 1 hand.

"Ok. Her cell phone no. is, hmm...I'm tired now. You're driving hyung. ok?", I say him with another smirk.

This is Fun!! 1 cell phone no. can make the East Sea my slave. Wow!!

"FINE! Now her cell phone no.!", he said irritatedly now.

"If you keep up with that attitude of yours, forget about getting her no. then.", I casually said.

"Aaaaargh!! OK! My angel Maknae, can I please get it now?", he asked sweetly but I know he's cursing me from inside. hehe

"Not yet hyung. I'll think about it.", I say with a final smirk. hehehehe..I'm lovin it (A/N: McDonalds hehe )

"AKJHEKJHGF", he kept on murmuring something the whole way to the dorm hahaha..


Asma's POV

I'm starting to get bipolar due to my weird fate. I was lucky enough to meet SHINee's Key & Jjong & SuJu's Donghae & Kyuhyun *dreams smilingly*.......

But =(, I always either run out of time or I don't get their autographs =((..Why don't I ever carry around an Autograph book & a pen? But it's not my fault either =( 

But nevermind, I'm happy I met them atleast. THANK YOU GOD! THANKS A LOT! ^^D

And I'm sad on the other hand as well =(( 

Hmm..seems like I need to manage my shopping by myself afterall.

1 Hour Later

I'm Finally done with all the grocery & kitchen shopping. Aaah! I'm pretty tired now. It's 8:30 pm so I better get back to my apartment, have a shower, have my dinner & go to bed. I've to reach SNU earlier than usual tomorrow.

Author's POV

Seems like I was nearly kicked out from my own story in this chapter. I couldn't pull any of my characters' leg =( Never mind, I'll make their lives Miserable Bhuhuahuahahaha.

Oh! You guys are here already? I din't know you guys were hearing my angelic thoughts..hehe *nervous laugh*

So...today's day ended well too. 

"YAH! How come I din't get even a single POV in this chapter?"..This Dino Jjong needs to seriously stop with his attitude.

Be happy you're still in the story =P

"I'm tolerating you for my Snow White alright! Hmph!"


"I'm going to get my beauty sleep anyways. Jaljayo *not so happily*"

Jaljayo, Jaljayo.

OK....So, the day ended pretty well. Let's all sleep tonight with a bright smile & wake up to the first rays of sun with an even brighter smile. The rollercoaster ride is nearly about to begin. So tie your seat belts & sleep tight! ^_^.....Did that sound weird???

Anneyong ^_^

*********************************************************************************************** ^_^ ********************************************************

Hey readers. I enjoyed writing this chapter. So please do lemme know how YOU guys found it. Do comment & subscribe if u haven't yet :D I hope I din't dissappoint u readers. I actually noticed I lost a subber of mine, but then I gained 2 back :) As I had mentioned in my forward..1 loyal reader..and my story still goes on :D

Ok..now I'll do the replies for the latest comments on this story ^_^

@dolitle123: There!! u got MOOOOOOOOOOOORE  hehehe

@VIPistheHottest: Thnx a lot for liking it. and welcome to my world :D

@candymafia: THNX for coming here. There..u got an update :D

@julia23: Thnx for the encouraging comment. THNX A LOTT :D

@Divakey0305: I KNOW that name ss hehehe...and loook!! here's the UPDAAAAAATE!! hehe

@Lila1414 : hehehe... i SIMPLY LOVED your comment my sweet dongsaengieee :D keep reading & stay healthy :D!!

So..I guess that's it for now. Thnx a lot for reading. commenting AND subscribing to my lil story :D please do keep supporting me by commenting on the comment box DOWN :D

till then, this is Ashmy..sighing off.. ^_^

Anneyong~~~ ^^D

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ali1993 #1
Seriously women your fic is amazing. Best fic I've read so far, and reading this fic i can tell that your writing has hugely. Improved. No joke but I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. And the stalky no min woo is a brilliant idea. And at the same time sooooo hot :D keep it up and update and good luck :D
Chapter 35: ANNYONG! :D
Stalker is back *narrows eyes

The chapter was great, sorry didn't comment before. Your writing has really evolved over time. And I just can't get over how you can put humour to make it haeppy haeppy :D

Keep it up unnie!
Chapter 34: WOOO!
I really loved the chapter! After so long and so amazing that too, I loved it :D
Do continue! Let's see what this obsessed person does next! *biting nails
- Sasaeng halmoeni
Hi dee! *waves frantically
First of all congratulations. I've seen you only improving with each chapter and this one was no exception. Things happen to us when we least expect it don't they? In the most unexpected ways possible.
I loved his part of the story, he seems so obsessed with her! *squels
Keep up the good work Dee! ~Hwaiting and Fighting!
Good luck for college, i'm sure i'm gonna see your picture in the newspaper next year getting that prize from Sheikh Mohd.! :D
:O gorgeous stalker! No, seriously! O.O

Nice chapter by the way, filling in stuff helps explain everything better! You've improved heaps! Your description of No Min Woo was excellent if I may say so myself :)
The stalker is pretty impressive! I liked the chapter, it clearly shows how obsessed people act. (Ask me if I were in korea and i had the chance to meet Suju i'd turn into a sasaeng as well) (then again, no, just no :P )

I loved the chapter dee! Keep up the good work :D
Take care and keep writing xD
Chapter 6:
Auther-nim you are so mean!! \(>.<)/!!
aww getting the stares eh? x'D I know that feeling :P (But in a different situation)
Dawww Asma finally made a friend!
Chapter 5:
It looks like the story is going ahead now!
Loved the JongKey part x'D
love the way how you gave the songs to listen while reading ~ ^_~
Yeah, so this chapter is cute and all. Still awaiting to find out who the stalker is. Found two typos while reading.

1. Likening. You have a liking for dogs.
2. Weak instead of week.
It's so well written! :D
Unnie is becoming better and better every time I see her! It was so good of MiNa to take care of Asma, she's a good friend.
I thought for a second there that the old doctor is the stalker but NOOO, and I found a speciality of our very despised stalker, he smirks a lot, but who smirks a lot.
Aish! I'm wondering who it is :P

Keep the good work up