Chapter Twenty-three ♔

Battle Royal : Let the games begin ♔
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                                                                                                                              Meet B.A.P.;


       ''Miyoung!!'' A strong familiar voice called out to me. I as well as the rest of the lunchroom stopped and starred at the six unknown boys walking towards me. I could tell by there eyes that they were not really liking all the attention. I studied there faces , Daehyun was smiling brightly as me. Zelo and Jongup were just smiling. While himchan , Youngjae , and Youngguk had poker faces on. For some odd reason Bangtan popped into my head. 



         '' Miyoung its been a while.'' Daehyun hugged my now standing figure. He ignored the strong glares from the guys. I could here them whispering .


   '' Omg who is this?''

 ''He looks like some flower boy!'' 

  '' Why the hell is he here? Maybe they are transfers.''

 '' Aish shut up''      SMACK

  '' Hyung again?! Stop it that hurts.'' 

     After that there was nothing but snickers until I shot them a quick glare. Now the rest of Daehyun's friends were standing in front of me. 


            '' What is going on , why are you guys her? How did you get in here.'' I asked all of them. I know its weird how they hurt me so much , yet im glad to see them. Maybe its because I have not seen anyone from my old school for what seems like forever. 


    '' J-Jaejoong? I think thats his name. He asked all of us to come here and see you. He said you missed us .'' Himchan spoke for the first time. I could see the regret in his eyes from things that happened before with us. 


       Aish Jaejoong Im going to Kill you and thank you at the same time.




       Lunch was quickly over , and I had my next class. I told Daehyun I would see him later so we could catch up. I made my way up to my science with the guys. They were really quiet too quiet. 


      ''What are you guys thinking?'' I asked everyone 

      '' Who was that Daehyun guy? '' Tao scoffed at his name , Sehun and Chanyeol nodded in agreement. 

       '' Yeah why did you guys seem so close.'

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Chapter 6: Random moment her, I read "maybe she not human" and Katy Perry's E.T. started playing in my head
Chapter 54: Omo!! I love the trailer!! I need to learn how to do that, because it seems really cool!! :)
Chapter 54: For the ending of the trailer some of the scenes looked similar to a drama I watched but I can't remember which you know by chance?
Love your trailer ♡♡
Chapter 53: I knew it, they did the dead!! My, byuntae mind was right!! Haha!! But I hope Jungkook is gonna be okay and the rest of bangtan/teen top!!!
Chapter 53: HA!I was right mhm.. :D my byuntae feels were right :)!!!! Plus I'm soooooooooooooo happpppppppy nowwwwwwwww because I got mentioned in a chapter :)!!!!!!!!!>_< Can't wait for the next update :D, but I feel so bad for Kookie though :P
gonqzhu #7
Chapter 52: Awww what connection are they talking about lol
Update soon^^
Chapter 52: I wonder what connecting they are talking about ;) (byuntae thoughts)
Chapter 52: Omg!!! I'm not sure what type of connecting it is and I have to keep my thoughts to myself. Gowamo, for the update!!
Chapter 51: I wonder what Miyoung has up here sleeve?!? o.O