Chapter 44


“Are you crazy?” Frankie hollered as he frantically tried to shield his younger brother from the gun. Raymond, however, was unmoved by the threat as he glared at Mr. Seh.

Mr. Seh stared with hatred at Raymond and said in a strangled voice, “This is the only way to get you out of Charmaine’s life.”

Raymond met his gaze without flinching and said, “If you kill me, Charmaine will hate you forever.”

Mr. Seh shook his head, and arrogantly said, “She’ll be hurt and upset and may hate me for it at first but in time, she’ll forgive me. After all, I’m her father and the only family she has.”

Raymond laughed, genuinely surprised by Mr. Seh’s naiveté, “It seems you don’t really know your daughter at all. Charmaine and I love each other. Our love and bond is so strong that five years couldn’t even take it away. If you think she would forgive you for killing me, then you’re wrong. By killing me you’re also killing her.”

“Shut up!” Mr. Seh burst, “Shut up!” He staggered back a few steps, his face twisted with torment.

Frankie observed the hesitation in Mr. Seh and quickly stepped forward and soothingly said, “You can stop it all now. You and Raymond could learn to tolerant each other for the sake of Charmaine. We’ll even keep this incident from her and she never has to know of it. It’s not too late.”

Mr. Seh shook his head vehemently, “No! I can’t lose Charmaine to anyone. Never!”

He straightened his stance and pointed the gun at Raymond’s chest. With slowness he placed his finger on the trigger and dispassionately said, “I’m sorry it has to be this way. You should have listened to me when I told you walk away from her.”

The sound of a car screeching their way made them all turn to look at the source.

Charmaine saw them up ahead and slammed her foot on the brake, shaking the car to an abrupt stop. She flung the door open and raced towards Raymond, her heart beating uncontrollable as tears of relief sprang to her eyes. Seeing Raymond standing before her, alive and well, undid the emotions that ran through her during the drive over. She brought her arms tightly around him, “I was so scared that I was going to be too late. So scared!”

Raymond held her securely in his arms, his heart ached seeing her cry, “Shssh… Nothing has happened. I’m fine.”

Charmaine nodded her head against his chest, her crying subsiding as the steady beating of his heart calmed and reassured her that he was fine. After a moment, she lifted her head to look at her father. Her gaze dropped to the unyielding gun in his hand, “Why does it have to be this way?” she asked softly. “Why do you insist on destroying my life and my happiness?”

Mr. Seh took a faltering step back as if he’d been slapped, “It’s because I love you. I’m only protecting you.”

“Stop it!” Charmaine screamed, “I don’t want to hear another word about how you’re doing all this out of love.” She pulled away from Raymond’s embrace and felt him tightened his hold. She gave him a look that told him that she was going to be alright then slowly walked towards her father. With tears streaking down her face she gently said, “If you really love me then don’t hurt Raymond. Drop the gun.”

Mr. Seh’s gun remained fixed on Raymond as he quietly asked, “So you pick him over me?”

Charmaine looked at him with pleading, her voice shook as she clarified herself, “I’m not choosing him over you. I love him and I also love you. You’re my father and I will always love you. Nothing will ever change that,” she said firmly and yet with tenderness.

Mr. Seh felt his own tears slip down his face as he lowered the gun. He looked at Charmaine, his face full of agony and loss, “You would still think of me as your father after all I’ve done?”

Charmaine looked her father in the eye and stated, “Yes. I will always love you and I have already forgiven you.”

Mr. Seh dropped the gun onto the ground as Charmaine ran over to him. He pulled Charmaine in for a hug, “I’m sorry for everything,” he said hoarsely.

Charmaine hugged him back, “I know.”

In the distance the sounds of sirens were getting louder and louder. Two police cars pulled up in front of them and officers filed out to surround them. “We got a call about an assault,” the leader of them said as he walked up to them.

Charmaine turned her gaze to Raymond and with her eyes silently begged him to forgive her father and help him out.

Raymond understood Charmaine’s meaning and with a flick of a glance to Frankie, walked up to the police officer in charge. He smiled casually and said, “Assault? You must be mistaken. We just here enjoying the beautiful morning.”

The police officer eyed them warily, then his eyes landed on the gun lying on the ground, “Who does this belong to?”

Raymond was nonplussed for an answer and was about to make up some excuse when Mr. Seh injected, “The gun belongs to me,” he said with resignation. Removing Charmaine’s hands from his arm, he walked up to the officer and held his hands up with surrender, “I’m guilty of assault. You can arrest me.”

“Dad!” Charmaine wailed as she made for her father. Raymond quickly jumped to her side, his arms wrapped around her in support.

Mr. Seh smiled briefly at Charmaine and softly said, “I’ve done too many wrong things and I should pay for them. This is a good start.” He turned his eyes on Raymond and gruffly said, “I expect you to take very good care of her while I’m away.”

Raymond nodded, his hatred for the man vanishing, “Don’t worry, I will take very good care of Charmaine.”

Mr. Seh acknowledged Raymond’s answer with a curt nod then walked away with the police officers.  

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 45: Done with yet another charray fic! <3
Chapter 45: Lol, you're stories make me feel like I'm watching a movie.
Each one is so good! (^ν^)
Chapter 33: It's kind of funny how they can't get it out at this point. XD
Chapter 3: Wow, that sounds just like my dad...
simcon888 #5
Charray, thanks for all your support. With them it motivates me to write more fanfics about our lovely Charray. Enjoy!
charray #6
Now I just finish reading Chap 12, so sad, about the miscarriage and the agony both of them have been experienced...
charray #7
Hello Simcon<br />
<br />
You are unbelievable, I just asked about Illusions this morning and you already upload Illusions here, I wanna hug you so tight for you are so sweet. Now I can read and enjoy another story of our lovely Charray!!!<br />
<br />
Thanks so much so much Simcon, you are wonderful!