Chapter 31


Steven made a last thorough inspection of the ballroom. Everything seems to be in place. The orchestra played softly in the background and the waiters stood at their posts. Tonight he was giving a party in celebration of his company’s new beginnings. He had made Raymond and Frankie the guests of honor since it was them that saved his company. Since joining forces, Raymond and Steven have become familiar with each other and shared mutual respect for another. They would never be called the best of friends but their relationship went deeper than just mere acquaintances.

Raymond walked in and surveyed the room with admiration, “Nice job,” he called out to Steven and the two shook hands.

Frankie who was one step behind agreed, “I don’t think I could have done it so well.”

Steven rubbed his palms together with anxiety, “I hope I didn’t forget anything. After all, this is the first time I’ve ever hosted an event for the company. I don’t want to screw it up.”

Raymond smiled with reassurance, “It’s spectacular but the credit shouldn’t go to you.” He saw the question on Steven’s face then said, “Your secretary deserves the credit. You only gave her orders on what to do not how to do it.”

Steven laughed, “You’re absolutely right! I would have to buy her dinner.”

Frankie patted Steven’s back and said, “We were only teasing you.” Turning serious, he asked, “Have you straightened out the list of vendors with outstanding balances? We need to run some reports on them before agreeing on payment arrangements.”

“Yes,” Raymond said, “Those that can be stalled will bide us some time. We should only pay those that have over a six months default period.”

Steven nodded, “I already started going over some of the files and should have it completed by next week. I just can’t believe that my father never mentioned a thing to me about our financial crisis,” he added sadly.

Raymond spoke, “He didn’t want you to worry. He loved you very much.”

Steven bowed his head as he thought about how he had acted towards his father when he was still alive. That was another thing he regretted in his long list of regrets. He looked at Raymond and saw the sympathy on his face. Steven had made many mistakes in the past but he can try to correct them now. Taking a deep breath for courage he started, “Raymond, there’s something that I have to tell you.”

“What do we have here?” Mr. Seh asked as he stood in front of Steven.

“None of your business,” Raymond answered coldly.

Mr. Seh’s eyes turned to Raymond’s with challenge as they confronted each other.

Steven could feel the animosity between them and quickly tried to diffuse the situation, “Where is Charmaine? She told me that she’ll be coming.”

Smiling smugly at Raymond, Mr. Seh answered, “Charmaine will be coming with her boyfriend tonight,” he said with meaning. “She should be here any minute.”

Steven flicked a glance at Raymond and saw his jaw tighten at the news. He looked at Mr. Seh in surprise, “Boyfriend? She never mentioned anything about having one to me.”

Mr. Seh chuckled then said, “You know how women are. They won’t tell unless the relationship is stable. Since she’s finally revealing him I would assume they’re serious about each other.”

Raymond had enough of Mr. Seh’s presence. He looked at Steven and said, “Excuse me, I’m going to get a drink.” He turned and walked away, his mood sour learning that Charmaine had a boyfriend.


Kevin swung the car into the parking lot of the hotel and shifted the gear to park. He looked at Charmaine, “Are you sure you don’t mind me escorting you tonight?” he asked humbly.

Charmaine looked at him in surprise and teased, “Why would I mind? I hope you don’t mind taking me and won’t be bored.”

Kevin chuckled nervously, “You know I don’t mind. Too bad Kenneth couldn’t make it at the last minute. He would have been a better partner than me.”

Charmaine looked at him strangely and asked, “Why do you say that?”

Kevin shrugged as a tinge of color rose to his cheeks, “Because I’m not good at talking and might say something wrong and embarrass you.”

“You won’t,” Charmaine said with confidence. “Just be yourself and you’ll be fine.”

Kevin remained in the driver’s seat as he rubbed his sweaty palms around the steering wheel, “I-I don’t know. Y-you know how shy I am around strangers.”

Charmaine looked him in the eye and assured him, “You were fine with me the first time we met. And you were fine when you met my father earlier.”

Kevin met her gaze and said, “You’re different. I automatically feel comfortable whenever I’m with you.”

“What about my father then? No one ever feels comfortable around him and yet you didn’t stutter or flush with him.”

Kevin thought that over then said quietly, “I guess it’s because I wanted to leave a good impression on him.” Seeing the stun look on her face he quickly changed the topic, “Let’s go in now.” 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 45: Done with yet another charray fic! <3
Chapter 45: Lol, you're stories make me feel like I'm watching a movie.
Each one is so good! (^ν^)
Chapter 33: It's kind of funny how they can't get it out at this point. XD
Chapter 3: Wow, that sounds just like my dad...
simcon888 #5
Charray, thanks for all your support. With them it motivates me to write more fanfics about our lovely Charray. Enjoy!
charray #6
Now I just finish reading Chap 12, so sad, about the miscarriage and the agony both of them have been experienced...
charray #7
Hello Simcon<br />
<br />
You are unbelievable, I just asked about Illusions this morning and you already upload Illusions here, I wanna hug you so tight for you are so sweet. Now I can read and enjoy another story of our lovely Charray!!!<br />
<br />
Thanks so much so much Simcon, you are wonderful!