Chapter 3


Charmaine had just pulled out of the curved driveway and up the narrow road when she passed Raymond walking slowly with his jacket hooked on a finger over his shoulder. Reversing the car, she stopped and lowered the window, “Can I give you a lift?”

Raymond peered through the window and saw the death grip she had on the steering wheel. He looked at her face and saw the unshed tears shimmering in her expressive eyes. Something tugged at him seeing her in such a state when just a few minutes ago she was aglow with laughter and mirth. “Mind if I drive?”

“Be my guest,” Charmaine said then slid over to the passenger seat to allow him access to the driver’s seat.

The distance to Raymond’s apartment took about fifteen minutes and they sat in silence during the ride. Raymond pulled over to a vacant spot downstairs his building and turned the ignition off. He looked at her intently and asked, “Are you okay?”

Unable to meet his probing eyes, Charmaine lowered her head and murmured, “I’m fine.”

Raymond knew that was a lie because she looked anything but fine. She was still trembling in her seat and he could see a tear threatening to spill out of the corner of one eye. “Want to talk about it?”

Charmaine looked up at him and was mesmerized by his smoldering eyes. She knew she shouldn’t but there was something about him that made her trust him. In a hushed voice she asked weakly, “Can we go up to your place for a drink? I don’t feel like going home yet.”

Instead of answering, Raymond removed the keys from the ignition and opened the driver’s side door. He was on her side in a few seconds and he helped her out of the car then led her into the building.

Raymond lived in a modest two bedroom apartment on the second floor. When Raymond went into the kitchen to grab some sodas, Charmaine took the opportunity to look around the living room. It was small but cozy. On top of the TV she saw a framed picture of two guys, one was Raymond. He was looking directly at the photographer and to Charmaine it seemed as if he was looking straight at her out of the picture. Raymond came out with the sodas and said, “That’s my brother Frankie.”

Charmaine smiled awkwardly having been caught staring at the picture, “You guys don’t look alike.”

Raymond handed her a can then relaxed on the sofa, “I’m the good looking one right?”

Charmaine laughed nervously at his humor and took a seat on the adjoining sofa. She took a sip as she continued looking around the room. She felt his eyes on her and that made her jumpy. “So where is your brother?”

The ringing of Charmaine’s cell phone interrupted Raymond’s response. She placed the phone to her ear and her father’s screaming voice came through, “Where are you?” Without waiting for an answer he boomed in a clipped voice, “I am on my way home now and I expect to see you there waiting for me when I get back.” He then hung up.

Charmaine lowered her hand to stare numbly at her phone. With shaky hands she dropped the phone back into her bag.

Sensing something wrong, Raymond kneeled down on the floor beside her, “Who was that? Is everything all right?” he asked with concern.

“That was my father,” she said in a broken whisper. “H-He called to tell me, no to ORDER me to go home.”

Raymond looked at her in confusion, “Why does your father control you like this? Have you done something to cause him to act this way?”

Charmaine turned to him with a look of disbelief then said harshly, “My father tries to control me because he knows that I like to sleep around and it embarrasses him!”

Raymond was stunned by her admittance and even more so when she abruptly wrapped her arms around his neck and with her hands pulled his head down for a kiss. The kiss she bestowed on him told him what she wanted and he felt his own desire burst. He encircled her waist and gently pushed her back against the sofa. Their passion overtook their senses and when the deed was done Raymond realized too late that this had been her first time. He gathered her into his arms and asked roughly, “Why? Why did you choose to do this tonight? And why with me?”

Charmaine pulled away from him and without meeting his eyes, said, “Let’s get dressed.” She picked up his shirt hastily from the floor and slipped her arms into it. “Where’s the bathroom?” she asked and he pointed to it with a finger. She picked up her dress and walked towards it. Inside the bathroom she splashed cold water onto her face as if it would wash away the traces of her mistake. She was shocked and ashamed of what she had just done. And with a total stranger!

When she emerged from the bathroom she found Raymond sitting on the sofa already dressed in a pair of old faded jeans and a white tee-shirt. He looked up when she came into view and watched as she took a seat far away from him. In a quiet voice, he said, “You still haven’t answered my questions. Why?”

Charmaine didn’t know the answer herself. She was angry and frustrated after her father’s call. She wanted to act out in some way and he happened to be there. In a way, she sort of used him for her own selfish reasons. She finally met his eyes and said simply, “Because I wanted to.”

Raymond saw the guilt on her face and read her thoughts correctly. He didn’t pursue further. Instead he got up and walked to the front door, “I’ll drive you home,” he said in a low flat voice.

Charmaine followed him to the door, “There’s no need. I can drive myself home.”

Raymond nodded his head, “I’ll walk you downstairs.” When they got to her car, he opened the door for her.

Charmaine started the engine while Raymood stood to the side. She lowered the window, “Raymond,” she said softly, “Thanks for everything.”

Raymond stared at her, his face devoid of emotion. Then he bent down over the car, “If you need to reach me Steven has my number.”

Charmaine was surprised and hurt that that was all he was going to say to her. She gave him a bright smile and said, “Bye.”  

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 45: Done with yet another charray fic! <3
Chapter 45: Lol, you're stories make me feel like I'm watching a movie.
Each one is so good! (^ν^)
Chapter 33: It's kind of funny how they can't get it out at this point. XD
Chapter 3: Wow, that sounds just like my dad...
simcon888 #5
Charray, thanks for all your support. With them it motivates me to write more fanfics about our lovely Charray. Enjoy!
charray #6
Now I just finish reading Chap 12, so sad, about the miscarriage and the agony both of them have been experienced...
charray #7
Hello Simcon<br />
<br />
You are unbelievable, I just asked about Illusions this morning and you already upload Illusions here, I wanna hug you so tight for you are so sweet. Now I can read and enjoy another story of our lovely Charray!!!<br />
<br />
Thanks so much so much Simcon, you are wonderful!