Chapter 20


Charmaine changed out of her dress and when she came out of the dressing room saw that Selena was waiting for her.

Selena hugged Charmaine and laughed, “Thank you. You were wonderful out there!”

Laughing along with her, Charmaine said, “I was nervous! I was so scared that I might trip and fall on my face!”

“Well you didn’t,” Selena gushed then pulled Charmaine out into the reception area where guests of the fashion show were already mingling. Charmaine also recognized a few of the models present. “Come with me,” Selena said.

Charmaine followed but stopped when she saw who Selena was walking towards. It was Raymond! He was chatting with one of the model and that model seemed too overly eager by the way she kept touching his arm and batting her eyes invitingly at him. She faltered and Selena turned to look at her, “What is it?”

“Nothing,” she murmured. Charmaine knew she can’t avoid Raymond forever. It’s been less than a week since his return and they’ve already have the misfortunate of bumping into each other twice. As if sensing her presence, Raymond suddenly turned his eyes on her. He smiled challengingly at her with an air of arrogance that made Charmaine want to physically wipe that smile off his face. Preferably with her hand. She can’t get over how he could discard her just like that back then and now stand here without a bit of remorse. With a tightening in her stomach she let Selena pull her the rest of the way towards him. Through the few short steps over she kept telling herself to remain calm.

“Raymond,” Selena said with a friendly smile. “If I’ve known you were coming I would have made Bosco come to keep you company.”

Raymond took his eyes off of Charmaine and smiled at Selena, “My brother came with me.”

Selena looked around the room, “Where is Frankie?”

“He had an urgent call and headed back to the office,” Raymond said. “Frankie believes that nothing gets done when he’s not around.”

Selena laughed at the remark and placed an arm around Charmaine’s shoulder urging her a step forward, “You remember Charmaine from your welcome back party don’t you?”

Raymond looked at Charmaine and mechanically held out his hand, “Briefly. You got sick that night right?”

Charmaine shook his hand lightly and quickly removed it.

“Didn’t Charmaine look stunning out there?” Selena asked then waited for Raymond’s response.

Raymond looked over at Charmaine, who was now flushed with embarrassment and fury at being put on the spot like that. “Yes, I believe she stood out the most.” The model that hung on his arm made a snickering sound then glared at Charmaine.

“Excuse me Selena,” a petite young woman interrupted, “The manager of the hotel wants to go over something with you.”

Selena nodded to the woman then turned back to them, “I’m sorry but I have to go talk to him. Why don’t you guys chat a bit. I’ll be back soon.”

“Selena…” Charmaine said but Selena had already walked away. With Selena gone, Charmaine didn’t want to stay with Raymond. She managed to smile politely at him and the model, “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get something to drink.” She quickly walked away but instead of heading for the refreshment stand she made a beeline to the door.

Raymond saw her leave and knew it was because of him. It bothered him a lot knowing that she couldn’t even stand to be in his presence. Angered by the notion he made the decision to give her a piece of his mind, despite his promise to Frankie to leave the past behind. Gently removing the model’s hand from his arm, he said, “I’ll be back.” He went out the same door where Charmaine had gone just seconds ago.

Raymond caught up to her just before she left the hotel premises. Charmaine was shocked to see him standing before her and blocking her path. She looked warily at him, “What do you want?”

“I have a question that has been in my mind for the past five years. I want an answer to it today,” he said, trying to sound casually.

Charmaine was confused. What question could he possibly need an answer to and from her. She looked up at him and said, “Ask then.”

Raymond looked around and this was too public of a place for the conversation that they were going to have. He pointed to an empty alcove off to the side and they walked there in silence.

Once alone, Charmaine faced him fully and said, “Ask your question.”

“Why?” Raymond asked.

Charmaine waited for him to say more but when he didn’t she said with impatience, “Why what?”

“Why did you do it?” Raymond asked roughly as he stared at her without emotion.

Charmaine did not understand the question and thought he was just wasting her time, “Listen, I don’t have time for this.” She turned to go but Raymond grabbed her arm and swung her back around.

“I want to hear your answer,” Raymond said harshly without releasing his hold.

Charmaine looked at him with anger then seethed, “If you could manage to ask a question that I could understand then you’ll get your answer!”

“Don’t play games with me,” he threatened softly. “I want to know why you did what you did.”

Charmaine tried to twist her arm out of his grasp but he was too strong for her. With resignation she finally stopped her struggling and looked up at him. What she saw was not Raymond of the present but Raymond from five years ago. The man that she wanted to spend her life with. Looking into his deep soulful eyes she once again felt the yearning that she once had for him. In truth, that yearning never left her. Even when he asked for a divorce she had hoped that he would return to her one day and apologize for what he did. She would readily forgive him because if she was honest with herself, she could never stop loving him. How could she ever think that she could hate him. Quietly she said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t want to dredge up the past.”

Raymond didn’t hear what she said. As he held her gaze he saw the woman that he had once loved and wanted to give everything to. Before he could stop himself he pulled her forward and hugged her tightly.  

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 45: Done with yet another charray fic! <3
Chapter 45: Lol, you're stories make me feel like I'm watching a movie.
Each one is so good! (^ν^)
Chapter 33: It's kind of funny how they can't get it out at this point. XD
Chapter 3: Wow, that sounds just like my dad...
simcon888 #5
Charray, thanks for all your support. With them it motivates me to write more fanfics about our lovely Charray. Enjoy!
charray #6
Now I just finish reading Chap 12, so sad, about the miscarriage and the agony both of them have been experienced...
charray #7
Hello Simcon<br />
<br />
You are unbelievable, I just asked about Illusions this morning and you already upload Illusions here, I wanna hug you so tight for you are so sweet. Now I can read and enjoy another story of our lovely Charray!!!<br />
<br />
Thanks so much so much Simcon, you are wonderful!