The 'help' from Ailee and Exo- start


Ailee was relly excited about the news and she kept thinking about what she can do to help. But she knew her oppa wouldn't let her 'help' so she decided to get help from an Exo member. She was just about to call one of the members when she was being called. " Ailee!" she looked at her phone sad. " I'll do it later." Sehun and Luhan returned home at night they spent the whole day together. Luhan wanted to go home quicker, but the maknae said they weren't spending time with each other anymore so he had to agree. Luhan went to the bathroom to take shower he had sweated buckets after the game of football.

" So did you find out why hyung is always so happy?" Kai jumped next to Sehun who had slumped on the couch.

" hmm yeah.." he answered lazily he was just as tired as Luhan if not more. Luhan was too good at football!

" Then what is it? Is it a girl?" Chen also jumped next to the poor boy excited soon Sehun was crowded by all 10 members. Kris acted like he didn't care, but anyone could tell he did care. 

" No its not a girl it was nothing ike we thought. He's just happy that he's got a new friend. Now can you get away from me its too hot!" he complained pushing everyone off the couch. Baekhyun who fell down on his but muttered 'rude much' .

" So he got excited over a new friend?" Kris scoffed " Is he a preschooler or something?"

" Who is it?"

" Minseok hyung, Ailee's cousin." Sehun replied still tired

" Oh hes our fan isn't he. I guess it makes sense he did say Luhan was his bias." Lay said before leaving to go to his room. He was a bit upset with the result he was all excited that maybe Luhan has a girlfriend or something i n the end Luhan was excited over a friend just a friend. He sighed then he grinned when a thought came across Maybe that 'friend' of his is special now that makes sense. He smiled happy with his answer and went to sleep he had a long day tomorrow after all. 

" Sehun-ah You can go shower if you want I'm done." Luhan called then went to his room after he got dressed in his blue pyjamas with deers he went to sleep. The next day Exo had to leave early as always it was the same as every other day except the fact that Chen got a text from someone. Someone whose name was Ailee it said Do you want to help me something? It'll be fun trust me. Chen smirked seeing the text he quickly replied sure send me the details. It had too long since he did something fun. 

Ailee was happy with the text she got from Chen she didn't know who to ask for help. She felt so stupid since the choice was so obvious Chen the pranker, with his help she'd definetly be able to pull it off. Minseok was a little bit worried seeing Ailee that happy she was always happy, but never to this extent. And he had a really bad feeling that he was involved in it.He shrugged the thought off and went back to his work. Today was the first on his new school he needed to be really focused as this was his last year in school. His school was called The school of Seoul though the name was odd it was one of the best school in Korea. He was happy to attend it, he was told that he was about to go to another school however his cousin Ailee wanted him to move to that school so they could be in the same one. He really hoped that was the only reason. 

After their schedue which was at 5 in the morning they went to their dorm to get changed for school. Luhan, Kris, Suho and Lay were on their final year. Baekhyun, Chen, Chanyeol and Do were on their second year. Tao, Kai and Sehun were on their first year of highschool. They all had to finish school atleast, further education was their choice. Chen texted Ailee asking  what the plan was on the way to school, he was really curious he was on the verge of visiting her house just to know the plan. He'd probably do that if he knew where she lived. 

Just wait I'll tell you at school. It'll be related to Luhan and the new boy that will be in his year from today. Luhan he thought now he was really excited he grinned while looking at Luhan. It honestly freaked out Luhan because Chen looked really creppy smiling like that and out of all the people Chen was smiling at him.

AN: Sorry the chapter is so short. I swear the next chaptr will be longer than this i just needed something that would biuld up to next chapter. 

Thank you to all the subscribers, commenters and upvoters! Seeing new comments always makes my day!

Watch this its a video thats kind of like a backstage thing its of Luhan from Backto 20. Its so funny and cute! I was smiling the whole time while watching this He's cute and weird and hadsome! it'll make your day for sure. ^^

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Just updated!! This time the chap is long~


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Chapter 27: Absolutely wonderful! I hope, that you are able to update a new chapter soon.... Luhan and Minseok- the most adorable couple ever!!!!! Well done, dear author!
Chapter 27: even if i hate the idea of them hiding their relationship from public, it would still do them good..
Chapter 26: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a couple <3
i really loved this chapter
Harbimy #4
Chapter 26: Oh my adkjytvcdfjj ~•…•~ dem feelz
Chapter 26: !! Why is this so damn cute!!
Chapter 25: Finally they K-I-S-S Haha so cute
Chapter 25: finally~ it ended with a kiss. they're so cute! :D
Chapter 25: oh my god, so perfect
finally a kiss <3