Your Skills and Practise

I'm In Love With My Bandmate/s

The next day after the meeting was practising time. You were practising for the song 'Boyfriend'. All the boys also wanted to check out how well you do in both dancing and singing, You were nervous as you arrived at Boyfriend's practise room. You stepped inside to see that they were all getting ready and they were dressing up. You saw one of them topless, and you were about to hide your face and scream, when you suddenly remembered that you were pretending to be a dude. You coughed.

When they all heard and saw you, they all just casually said, "Hi, ~~~~!". You casually waved back to them. Just then, someone passed some clothes and pants to you. You blinked and then turned around to see Donghyun. "Change into these clothes before our practise starts" he 'ordered'. You just nodded while inside your mind, you were actually exploding. *OH MY GOSH! I HAVE TO CHANGE IN HERE? OH MY GOSH, BUT THEN THEY'LL SEE MY BANDAGE AND MY... FAKE BALLS!! I HAVE TO SOMEHOW MAKE AN EXCUSE...*

"I-I'll change a bit later.. I need to quickly go to the bathroom, I'll just change in there," that was all you could manage to spit out. The members AND the manager looked at you in a strange way, then nodded. You meekly smiled and then left the room. * Oh thank god it worked. Good thing that boys are so ... slow at realising things* you happily thought.

You entered the boy's restroom to see that Kwangmin was there. Your eyes widened and then you quickly ran to one of the doors and closed it and quickly locked it. You were just hiding behind the door, panting and your face was bright red. *Oh.. my... gosh.. I should've checked to see who wasn't in the room before I came here.. Ahh! I'm so stupid!!* you gently hit yourself on the head.

While when Kwangmin saw that you had ran into one of the toilets, he was blinking and wondering, *What the.. What just happened? Why was he running? Did I do something, or is it just that this dude is strange?* Kwangmin just shrugged and then left the bathroom.

When you finally heard footsteps leaving, you were sighing with relief. You then unfolded the clothes and then started to undress. You quickly dressed, and then left the bathroom. When you returned to the change rooms where the boys were before, they weren't there. Assuming that they already went to go practise, you went to the stage area.

When you entered the backstage, you saw them all getting ready. People were applying make up on their faces. One of the ladies showed you to your seat and you sat down. A few seconds later, the lady came back with all sorts of make up. She started applying make up on your face. You just sat there, feeling bliss while she was gently giving you a make over.

After you were done, the others were mostly done too. When they all saw you, they all had the SAME thought, *This guy seriously doesn't look like a dude at ALL*. Just then, Jeongmin purposely came up to you and touched your cheeks. You just stared at him, wide eyed. "Oh sorry, you just had a little bit of dirt on your face," he fibbed.

*Man, this dude seriously has soft skin. I thought only girls had this kind of skin. Does this guy apply extra make up on himself everyday or something!?* Jeongmin thought as he kept rubbing his hand. He just shrugged and then went up on stage with the others.

Practise was about to begin. But before they could start, Donghyun asked if they could see you perform yourself. They all wanted to see your skills. You nervously shook your head, but they all insisted. Leaving you with no choice, you just slowly nodded and bit your lip.

You walked up onto the stage and then asked one of the DJ's to put on the music that you usually loved to dance to. Boyfriend were just sitting down in the audience seats, waiting for you to come onto stage and perform. When you approached the stage, everything went dark. For a second, Boyfriend thought it was a blackout, but then they suddenly realised that it was part of your dance.

A few seconds later, the music started and the lights on the stage flickered and flashed in a black and white colour. You had begun to dance. While you were showing off your best moves, Boyfriend were just sitting in awe, and their mouths were gaping and their eyes were wide open. They glanced at each other and they all said, "THIS DUDE IS SERIOUSLY AWESOME AT DANCING!!". Kwangmin was just sitting there, staring at you with awe. *He... looks so... beautiful.* he thought to himself.

After a few more minutes of your awesome dancing, it ended. You were in your final position and you were panting hard. You were sweating all over. Just then, all of Boyfriend were clapping so hard at your wonderful performance. You stared at them, and you felt happy because people now appreciated your dance performances. They all came onto the stage. They all complimented about your dancing , which made you feel very happy inside.

After a few minutes of commenting and complimenting, the REAL practise began. For the rest of the morning and afternoon, you and Boyfriend were practising as hard as they could.


Lol, sorry I haven't updated for 2 days O ^ O
I bet this chapter bored you guys to death ;_;
But I hope you guys still continue to support and read :3 :3 :3
Please enjoy reading :D

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ah... hello ^^ lol actually i was gonna subscribe but i ended up reading all in one shot. XD lol i was shocked to see my username but its okay haha :) i love this fic ^^ i have the same bias as you :D minwoo oppa ^^ i hope there is a sequel. i will try to read your other fics. :D
Love this TTM! It's like you're beautiful much. But.. I still like it!! <3 That's cause imma bestfriend. Teehee. Fighting Unnie! :)
Kwangmin_GF #3
i never watch You're Beautiful,,but i am pretty sure this is more fun that that drama.. ^_^ keep up the good writing.. love it.. <3
@SHINeeLoverXOXO Sort of.. but I never had watched Your Beautiful before o-o; Until someone told me it was like it. xD
Lol this is like 'Your Beautiful'. Guessing thats where u got the ideas? :)
lov4ever #6
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
ItzJaeKay #7
Wahhhh I rally enjoyed reading this story it was fun great job XP
Omo! I so love your story! ^^ I hope you can make a sequel! :)
@Rawr695 Naww thank you <3!