The Second Date, The Third Confession

I'm In Love With My Bandmate/s

The next day you woke up, it was a peaceful Tuesday morning. You went downstairs, cooked breakfast, and told the others to get up. Reluctantly they all did, and after doing their 'stuff', they all huddled downstairs and sat at the table. Today, you had made kimchi.

Everyone was eating peacefully and everything had returned to normal. Everyone was back in high spirits, ESPECIALLY the twins. You giggled to yourself. But Minwoo was also really high-spirited today. It was different from before.

"What's wrong, Minwoo? You're acting really happy today. Did something happen?" you asked. Minwoo just shook his head, still smiling. After eating breakfast, it was a really peaceful afternoon. Everyone was relaxing and just lazing on the couch, watching TV when there was nothing good on the screen.

You decided to go outside for a little jog around the neighborhood, while the others couldn't be bothered to leave the house. While running, you thought for sure that no fangirls would see you, but you were really wrong. A group of girls that had just came back from school saw you and immediately came to you. "OMG! IT'S ~~~~ OPPA!!" They had already dialed their friends and took pictures and videos of you.

You were practically running for your dear life. You stopped by the park that you always went to (the one that Hyunseung is gonna take ya to ;D) and sat down on a bench. Thank god you had lost them. *.. that was annoying. I can't see how the guys can cope with these crazy girls... Well, at least that was a good jog.* After making sure that they had left, you walked back home.

When you came back, everyone had fallen asleep. You looked at all their cute, sleepy faces and you got blankets out for everyone. After making sure they would be able to sleep tight, you went into your bedroom, and decided to call your parents for the first time.

*Ring Ring*Ring Ring*Ring Ring*

"Mum... is that you?"
"~~~~!! Where have you been? I've been so worried about you!"
"It's okay mum, I'm safe. I'm sorry for not telling you I left the house. I went to the audition and I made it."
"WHAT? So you're saying that you're now in a band. In a far, far away place from HOME?"
"How could you do this, ~~~~!?"
"Because I knew that if I asked you, you wouldn't let me. But I wanted to be one so bad,"
"Listen, ~~~~. Becoming a kpop star is DANGEROUS. Please come back home."
"Sorry mum, but I've made up my mind."
"At least tell me what band you're in."
"Boyfriend. They had no more girl bands left. I promise I'll be safe though."
"Okay then. Tell me weekly updates of how you're doing and new songs and everything. I'll make sure I'll look at them. I'm busy now, so I have to go. I love you, ~~~~. And thank you for telling me in the end. Have fun!"
"Bye mom."

~End of call~

Sighing in relief because your mother had agreed with you, you went downstairs to see how the boys were doing. It was now 4PM. They were still sleeping soundlessly and everytime you saw them like that, you couldn't help but smile. You decided to clean the house, as it was REAAALLY messy.

First of all, you went to Jeongmin's room. It wasn't that filthy, but it was still really bad. You took the clothes that were lying on the ground and put them back into his walk-in closet. You took pants that were on the floor and folded them up. You went downstairs to the store room and got a duster, a vacuum cleaner, and a mop and bucket. You filled the bucket with water and went back into Jeongmin's room.

You began to clean every single one of the boys rooms, and by the time you finished, including your own room, it was 6:30PM. You went downstairs and cooked dinner. After finishing that, it was 7PM. You called the boys to have dinner. They all came after they heard your voice, and the smell of lovely food. All went except Minwoo. He went upstairs into his room and saw that everything was clean.

Smiling to himself, he found his pants and shirt that he was going to wear tonight and got dressed into them. You were waiting for Minwoo while the others guys were already eating. He came down dressed. You looked at him from head to toe. "What's with the clothing, Minwoo?" He didn't respond, and just took your hand. "H-hey, what are you doing?" He didn't respond. He told you to get into the car, and you just did as told.

The ride was exactly 1 hour, and you were just sitting in the car, thinking about what was going to happen. Once you arrived at the destination, you came out of the car and saw that you were standing outside a small little restaurant. You walked inside the restaurant, with Minwoo following you.

You both walked up to the counter and you waited while Minwoo was talking to the waiter, telling him that you had reserved a table at 8PM. You had blinked in confusion, as you didn't hear any of this. Minwoo walked back to you and motioned you to follow him. You obediently nodded and followed along behind him. After you both found the table that you would be sitting on, you sat down and Minwoo handed you the menu.

You thanked him and began to look at the exquisite and expensive dishes. After you ordered Banchan, Kimchi and Dukkbokki, you both just sat there, waiting quietly for the dishes to arrive. You were just staring out into space, while Minwoo was fidgetting around, acting all nervous and stuff. Yuo both never made any eye contact and just waited.

After a long wait for 30 minutes, all your dishes arrived. You looked at the savouring dishes that looked so delicious and you ALMOST drooled. Luckily, you didn't. You took a bite of your dukkbokki, and it tasted.. well.. it wasn't even describable. Let's just say that... IT WAS AWESOME. Your face lit into a bright smile. Minwoo looked at your face and slightly giggled to himself. *I don't care if I waste all my money... I would waste everything just for you, ~~~~.* Then he began to eat along with you.

You both finished eating, and you were both just sitting there, resting, as your stomachs were both full. You felt like you could explode any minute, but overall, you had enjoyed it. You were both resting there in peace and quiet (except for the noises from the other people eating and talking) until Minwoo suddenly said, "~~~~, can I tell you something...?" he said, quietly and a bit nervously. You nodded without hesitation.

"Please don't freak out? Promise me you won't scream? Promise me you won't be.. shocked?" Those words made your head think... *Wait.. I've heard these words before... These are the words that Kwangmin and Youngmin said to me when they... they.. CONFESSED TO ME!?* You panicked in your mind, while your outer appearance just said, "Ok. I promise". Minwoo brightened up and he deeply exhaled.

"Well.. I just want to tell you that I ... I-I .. like you... and I want to.. ask you .. do you want to go out with.. me? And become my.. girlfriend?" he stuttered mostly on every single word, choking and sweating while saying it. *I knew it.* you thought to yourself. You said you would think about it... again. You excused yourself and dashed towards the girls restroom.

You dashed into one of the cubicles and locked yourself in there for a while. Your head was spinning and you didn't know what to do anymore. "Why is everyone confessing to me.. why did it have to be me... What's happening.. why is my life.. changing.. so much...?" you confusingly mumbled to yourself. You then yelled, "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?" and it echoed in the restroom.

Luckily, no one was in there, and no one could hear you from outside because the noise was too loud. With a sigh of relief you unlocked the cubicle door and left the restroom. You returned to you and Minwoo's table and sat back down. Minwoo was just smiling at you charmingly, and you slightly blushed. "Shall we go back home now, ~~~~? It's already 9:30PM....

You checked the clock on the wall and noticed that it was already really late. You nodded rushingly and you both left the restaurant. In the car, everything was quiet, but then you felt Minwoo coming closer to you. Just as you were about to turn your head around, you felt his soft lips on your cheek. Minwoo quickly pulled back and went back to where he was sitting, leaving you speechless.

You arrived back at the dorm at 10:30PM and when you opened the door, you smelt smoke. You rushed into the kitchen to see that the other boys had attempted to cook something for dinner. Face-palming yourself, you went into the kitchen and wizzed up something quick to eat.

"Next time, just order out okay? I don't want to see you guys getting yourselves hurt by cooking something." you scolded. They obediently nodded. After they finished their late dinner, everyone decided to go sleep because you were all tired.

That night, you couldn't sleep. You were too busy thinking about the confessions and your replies...


Hehe :D I hope you're enjoying this so far.. >___<
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ah... hello ^^ lol actually i was gonna subscribe but i ended up reading all in one shot. XD lol i was shocked to see my username but its okay haha :) i love this fic ^^ i have the same bias as you :D minwoo oppa ^^ i hope there is a sequel. i will try to read your other fics. :D
Love this TTM! It's like you're beautiful much. But.. I still like it!! <3 That's cause imma bestfriend. Teehee. Fighting Unnie! :)
Kwangmin_GF #3
i never watch You're Beautiful,,but i am pretty sure this is more fun that that drama.. ^_^ keep up the good writing.. love it.. <3
@SHINeeLoverXOXO Sort of.. but I never had watched Your Beautiful before o-o; Until someone told me it was like it. xD
Lol this is like 'Your Beautiful'. Guessing thats where u got the ideas? :)
lov4ever #6
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
ItzJaeKay #7
Wahhhh I rally enjoyed reading this story it was fun great job XP
Omo! I so love your story! ^^ I hope you can make a sequel! :)
@Rawr695 Naww thank you <3!