Chapter 17 : Dodging the Bullet

Do I Know You?

Jenny's POV :

"We should break up."

Those were the words I heard when Myungsoo walked me home after the dinner date. After the movie, he had been strangely silent but especially while eating, he hadn't said a word. Only those four words once he had walked me home.

"What? Why?" I asked, tears slowly forming in my eyes. He shook his head. He stepped up and gave me a kiss on my forehead. He then turned around and slowly walked away. I watched as his figure got smaller and smaller. I felt tears pouring down my face. I turned around and ran. To where? I myself didn't know.

I ran and ran. When I stopped, I found myself in front of the park, where Myungsoo had asked me to be his girlfriend, exactly one month ago. I sat down on the grass, in front of the pond, and let my tears fall to the already-wet grass. 


I looked up and saw Kai. He sat down, and looked at me, concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"He... Us... Broke..." I stuttered, not able to find the right words.

Kai gave me a knowing look and pulled me into a hug. A long, comforting hug. Exactly what I needed at that moment.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay," he mumbled into my ear, holding me in his arms.

"It's not," I sobbed, squeezing him even tighter. He my hair, and pulled back. He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"It's going to be okay, Jenny. Don't cry anymore."

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out because more than anything, I wanted it to be true. So I stayed silent. I let Kai walk me back home and explain to my parents that I had gotten into some trouble, but it would be soon resolved so I was merely in shock. 

I wasn't sure if it was shock or sadness or just anything else. 

All I could feel was the numbness of my heart.

Was it broken?

I laid on my bed, grasping my pillow to me, and cried.

Myungsoo's POV:

I walked to the park, tears streaming down my face. I wiped them away constantly, but gave up after a few minutes, knowing that there was no use.

I arrived at the park, and saw two figures hugging. I looked closer and saw Kai and Jenny.

Even more tears started falling, and I ran home.

It's a good thing I broke up with her. She obviously loves Kai.

"Myungsoo," Sooyeon-Noona called out to me as I walked in. I ignored her and walked into my room, slamming the door behind me. I sat on my bed, burying my face in my hands. Had I done the right thing? Or did I make a big mistake?

I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Sooyeon-Noona behind the door. But when the door opened, I saw Seungyeon.

"Yo," she said, and she sat down next to me. "What happened, lover boy?"

"I'm not lover boy anymore," I mumbled and turned away from her.

"What?" she asked, not catching on.

"I broke up with her."

"WHAT? Why? When? How?" 

"I don't want to talk about it. Please get out," I said, wanting to be alone.

"I see. You love to talk to sis but you hate talking to me. I see how it is," she mumbled and stormed out of the room.

I groaned and buried my face in my hands once again.

A few days after the break up, I walked to Starbucks to get some coffee because I had not gotten any sleep that night. I got my coffee and sat down on one of the tables, and started drinking the coffee.


I looked up and saw the face I hated so much. Kai.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

I didn't answer. 

He shook his head and sat down anyway.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Why'd you break up with her?" 

I didn't answer.

"Yo," He said, waving his hand in front of mine. "Did you not hear me or something?

I scowled and glared at him.

"I broke up with her because of you. She went to your house almost everyday after school. Wouldn't you break up with your girlfriend if she did that?"



"No, I wouldn't." He repeated. "I wouldn't break up with her unless I talk to her about it. Unlike what you did."

I stayed silent.

Kai took this as a sign to continue. "The reason why she was coming to my house was because she was tutoring me. I told her not to tell anyone because of my image, okay?"


"Now go make up with her."

I quickly stood up and started walking out. I stopped and turned back.

"Why should I believe you?"

He sighed, giving me a helpless smile.

"I don't like giving into my rivals either," he joked, keeping his tone light. His face turned serious. "But if she's happier with you, who am I to steal her away? She never saw me in all the years we were together, but she saw you in literally days."

He gave a shrug.

"She's happy. That's all that matters." 

I stared at him and his unwavering his eyes, his sincerity. 

I gave him a short nod.

And left.

Jenny's POV:

I shoved a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth as I heard a knock on the door. I paused the movie I was watching, put the ice cream aside, and walked to the door. I opened the door and saw Myungsoo. My eyes grew wide. I tryed to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth.

"Jenny..." he mumbled and pulled me into a hug. I started to hug him back, but stopped myself.

I pulled away and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Jenny, I'm really sorry... I'm sorry for hurting you. I should've talked to you about it instead... I made a stupid mistake. Really, Jenny, I love you. So much. You know that."

I didn't say anything.

"Jenny, please forgive me. Take me back," he whispered the last part.

I stayed silent. I wanted to say yes. I wanted to take him back. But I had fear in me, fear that I'd get hurt again.

"I promise that I'll never hurt you again... Please, Jenny. This is hurting me as much as it's hurting you."

"...okay," I forced out.

He smiled. "Say that again."


"I love you," he mumbled and leaned in.

My eyes widened.

Was he-?

My thought was barely complete before our lips met.

It was short but sweet, his lips touching mine in a way that made electricity fly up my spine and face heat up. 

He pulled away too fast and yet too slow all at once and I knew when he saw me and laughed that I was blushing. 

Suddenly, I imagined Seungyeon here, saying, 'Ew! PDA! Quit it you stupid lovebirds!'

And so I laughed along with him.

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Chapter 23: wiehdhshe ;-; Update soon. ^^ <':
Chapter 23: Sweet !!! How bout others ending ? Taemin and Sooyeon.. Changjo and Seungyeon? But i love this story.. Daebak! :)
Chapter 23: Omg ending is so cute!!! Go sequels~
Chapter 23: Kyaaa~ that's so cute!!! Yes I'll marry you Myungsoo!!
Chapter 23: OMG! *fangirling non stop* kyyyyyyaaaaa!!!!! KYEOPTA! KE AI! ADORABLE! CUTE! But why did it have to finish so fast! LOVED IT SO MUCH! Sequel pls to make Kai happy! =D
Chapter 23: Awww that's so cuteee XD
Chapter 22: Author-nim is this the last chapter??? ._. Please say no chebal!!!!!!! Dx I'm really glad they made up :') Please update then~~~ ^_^ Hwaiting!
Awesome story Update more
Chapter 22: Aww~ Kai is still alone... Stupid Myungsoo made a mistake and hurt both of them...tsk! Should've talked before breaking up...
Chapter 22: Poor Kai.. but he is good boy.. :)