Chapter 9: Dates And A 'Psychic'

Do I Know You?

Jenny's POV :

The bell rang as I sat down. I pulled out my notebook and started taking notes when a tiny piece of paper was thrown onto my desk.

We're ditching after lunch today. Coming? - Seungyeon 

As I read the note, my eyes grew wide. (Ditching? I've never done that before!) I looked at Seungyeon hesitantly. Catching my gaze, she gave me a playful smile. I sighed and nodded reluctantly. (Why not?) The bell rang eventually and as Seungyeon and I were walking towards the gate, a teacher had spotted us and was giving chase while yelling at the security guard to close the gate.

"Run!" Seungyeon yelled and my eyes grew wide. We ran, jumping over the gate and laughing together as we lost the teacher(s) and the guard. After a few twists and turns Seungyeon led me to, we had lost them easily. We breathed hard, leaning against a wall and looked at each other. She smiled and we laughed together. We walked until we reached a park, where I saw Infinite and Teen Top.

"SHINee couldn't make it, and Changjo's coming later," Seungyeon explained, seeing my curious gaze. I walked towards Myungsoo and smiled. The next thing I knew, we were alone. Everyone else had ran away. (To give us privacy?)

"Where'd they go?" I asked aloud.

"Probably to the coffee shop or the ice cream shop," Myungsoo stated, as if it was obvious.

"So...are we going after them or...?" I trailed off, unsure exactly of what to do. He walked to the bench and sat down. He nodded toward the space next to him. I sat down and we sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds until my stomach grumbled. He chuckled.

"Let's go eat lunch. I'll buy," He told me with a smile on his face.

A smile. From Myungsoo.

Seungyeon's POV:

I smirked as we walked into the ice cream shop. I pulled out my phone and texted Changjo.

Come 2 the icecream plce nxt to the park. 

K. Buy a me cone while w8in. U knw wat flavor.

I smiled and walked to the counter and ordered two chocolate ice cream cones. I paid and grabbed them, taking a seat in the corner. I mine absentmindedly while waiting. Right as the ice cream started dripping, he walked into the store. I handed him the cone and watched him the ice cream off the edge. 

"Mmm..." he beamed. He caught my gaze, pausing mid-. He pulled away, smirking. "Like what you see?"

"No," I quickly retorted, rolling my eyes and looking to the side. (This devious little-!) 

"You sure?" he asked, chuckling.

"Yes," I answered, snorting. "Little devil under the pretty face I see."

"I didn't say I didn't believe you," he teased, laughing again. "Besides, it was worth it if you called me pretty."

He beamed and all I could do was look away and walk out of the shop. As I knew he would, he caught up, smirking.

"Shouldn't guys be upset when they're called 'pretty'?" I mused aloud, throwing him a knowing glance. 

"Any compliment from you is worth it," he countered, sticking out his tongue playfully. I rolled my eyes, debating on whether or not I should walk ahead again. His hand brushed against mine and automatically, I looked elsewhere, pink, as I knew he would be staring at me. After a few seconds, I had calmed down enough so I turned to see that he was, indeed, staring at me.

"Need something?" I barked, trying not to let pink crawl across my face. His hand wrapped around mine and I knew that I had lost.

"Nothing," he stated shortly, smiling. I looked away from him as we walked. I blinked.

"Where are we going anyways?" I questioned, suddenly struck as I turned to face him.

"Uh...somewhere?" he answered, now the one looking elsewhere. I held back a chuckle, biting my lip. (Cute...)

"Then let's go," I teased, amused as he turned to face me with a bright smile and relief.

Sooyeon's POV:

My phone vibrated, but I ignored it, already predicting its contents. Seungyeon, Myungsoo, Infinite, and Teen Top most likely skipped and Seungyeon was reporting. Though I would normally include SHINee, I assumed that they would not be able to today. Call it a motherly instinct. 

The bell rang and as I had guessed, I saw Jinki stride down the halls and trip. Before I could offer a hand, he stood and looked around bashfully before continuing to walk on as though nothing had happened. I walked to my locker and pulled out my phone. I hated disobeying school rules, but I had long since learned that when with siblings like mine, it was a rule I couldn't afford to not break. I looked at the sender and as I had thought, Seungyeon.

Ditched w/OO & TT & Jenny

I rolled my eyes. (No punctuation as always. OO for the infinite sign and TT for Teen always.) I sent my own text back, contemplating whether or not to warn her about trouble, but deciding not to since trouble was her figurative middle name.

Come back by 8.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and quickly exchanged my books. I closed it and arrived at my final period of the day, leadership. I entered and took a seat at the head, readying my papers. The door slammed open and I saw familiar faces. I read the teachers' angry faces with a sigh. (Why can't my siblings behave for once?)

Myungsoo's POV:

"So where exactly are we walking?" Jenny asked, curious. She looked up at me, eyes wide as she swung her hands behind her back cutely. I shrugged.

"We wandering?" she guessed, not disturbed by my lack of words. I shrugged again. She giggled, the light and happy sound reverberating in my heart. I swore to myself to hear that more often and gave a small smile. Without words, I summoned up my courage and reached for her hand, but she quickly jumped out of my reach as she eagerly over something at a store window.

"Isn't that cute?" she squealed, one hand on the glass while the other pointed at two white, weaved bracelets in the store window. One read 'Infinity' and the other read 'And Beyond.'

She turned to me.

"Doesn't that remind you of your group?" she asked, eyes shining.

"But it's Infinite," I blurted out without thinking. (Oh god. I should have thought more before speaking. She was just asking an innocent question.)

"Yeah, but it's the same meaning," Jenny pointed out, not at all hurt by my comment. "They both basically mean 'no limit,' right?"

Mutely, I nodded. She beamed. She pressed her nose to the glass, both hands on the window as she stared intently at them. I could practically see the gears turn in her head before an imaginary light bulb went off.

"Let's buy them together!" she suggested eagerly.

"Wh-What?" I could only splutter. (Doesn't she know that those are COUPLE bracelets?)

"Is it because they're couple bracelets?" Jenny pouted, hands on her hips. "If it bothers you, think of it just as friendship bracelets." 

My heart sunk and my gaze automatically dropped to the floor, switching between her shoes and mine.

"If it doesn't bother you, think of it as a memory to a fun day."

My spirits rose a bit. 

"I guess," I muttered in the most neutral tone I could mutter. I glanced up from my shoes and was rewarded with a shining smile. With a cheer, she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside, asking the person behind the counter eagerly for the bracelets.

"You two make a cute couple," the lady behind the counter gushed. 

"We're not a couple," Jenny easily denied, still smiling. I could feel my heart stabbed. "We're in love!~"

I almost choked on my spit. Then, she laughed.

"Just kidding. We're just some friends skipping school for a day," she revealed, waving it off. 

"You two shouldn't ditch school," the lady scolded as she gave Jenny her change. Jenny held up an 'ok' sign with her fingers winking.

"Don't tell on us!~" she joked, pulling me out of the store. As we passed by, I could faintly see the woman shake her head helplessly through the clear glass with a smile. 

"What was that?" I finally choked out as she slowed.

"Hm? Making small talk," she answered easily. She held out the two bracelets. 

"Which one do you want?" she asked, looking up at me with innocent eyes. All the embarrassment and anger I held melted in a moment. I took the one with 'And Beyond' written across it, tying it around my wrist.

"Oh? I'll definitely remember you each time I wear this," Jenny commented, beaming. I blushed and looked away, hoping she hadn't seen my cheeks turn red. I looked back seconds later, finding that she had stuck her tongue slightly out while concentrating on tying the bracelet. Without thinking, I took her hand in mine and helped her. Half a second after, I froze, realizing exactly what I was doing. I glanced up at her face and though she looked surprised, she looked content so I finished tying it on for her.

"You're the best," she thanked, beaming after. I nodded before turning my head away again, red. (D*mn. That was too cute.)

Changjo's POV:

"We really wandered here?" Seungyeon complained, rolling her eyes. 

"Could be worse," I chuckled, amused by her childish reaction. She glared at me. 

"We wandered into the slums," she hissed, eyes narrowing. She her heel. "Let's go back."

"We should," I agreed, still amused by her reactions, but also weary of the dark part of town. We started to walk back when a guy was walking down the opposite way of us. I watched him bump into Seungyeon.

"B*tch, watch where you're going!" he hissed.

"Hey, you're the one who bumped into her," I defended, growling.

"Let's just go," Seungyeon insisted. Her hands were calm and her voice sounded bored rather than offended. 

"No," I declined roughly. (Why am I doing this? Why do I want do beat this guy up so badly?)

"Oh, so that's what you want?" the male questioned, smirking.

Then, I felt pain on my chin. 

My eyes grew wide.

I cracked my jaw, tasting metal. I threw a punch at him, and glanced at Seungyeon.

Her eyes were wide too.

(No turning back now.) 

I ducked, dodging a punch by an inch. I threw another punch at him, but I was pushed down with a harsh kick to my abdomen. My breath left me and I could hear Seungyeon scream something. I couldn't breathe for a second, but quickly, I stood up just as someone fell down.

"Seungyeon!" I yelled without thinking.

"Need something?" her voice called out beside me. I then realized that the person that fell was the gangster, not Seungyeon. I looked at her in astonishment and saw her smirk.

"You're welcome," she teased, walking towards me. She grabbed my hand and we walked out of the slums and into a nearby park together.

"Sit," she ordered. I sat without a fight, and she examined me. I stared at her face as she looked at mine. It was flawless. No scratches, no bruises.

"You didn't get hurt?" I asked, worried.

"No. I knocked him out before he could lay a finger on me," she stated proudly, smirking once again. Though I felt relieved, I also felt embarrassment course through my veins and paint my cheeks pink. I immediately looked away. "You're fine. Just bit your tongue. Let's go."

She held her hand out to me. Without looking, I took it and stood. We walked aimlessly throughout the park as the sun set.

"You know..." she trailed off.

"What?" I questioned, still not matching her eyes.

"You were pretty cool out there," she whispered close to my ear. Her arm leaned against mine and her voice tickled my ear. I stopped, stunned. She pulled away from me and though I missed her warmth as she stood in front of me, the smile she gave me, slightly shy, but mostly proud, was well worth it. Again, I turned red, but for a different reason. 

She frowned. 

"Something wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," I answered quickly. (You just looked cute...too d*mn cute.)

Sooyeon's POV:

School finally ended and after student council, I studied at the library for a bit, checked out a few more books and returned my old ones, greeting the librarian happily. (I visited too often to be forgotten.) I walked home from there, reading as I always did. I opened the gate to my house and entered, pulling off my shoes only to be tackled. I looked away from my book and down at the person who hugged me eagerly.

"Taemin," I greeted, surprised. "What are you...(I glanced up) and SHINee doing here?"

"We're visiting!" he answered, smiling. He visibly saddened. "Are you angry?"

"Get off," I ordered, rolling my eyes. He complied and offered me a hand. I stood, brushing myself off before I looked up at them. "Well? What do you guys want for dinner?"

They cheered and the smallest of smiles crawled up my face. I frowned, hoping Seungyeon and Jenny were ok. (Myungsoo was more...level-headed.) I pushed it to the back of my mind after my bad feeling went away and began cooking, ignoring the chattering and touchy-feely boys.

I paused in my cooking just for a second, but enough to catch their attentions.

"Something wrong?" Kibum asked, the first to notice my pause.

"No," I denied, returning to my cooking. (Why do I feel like I'll have to warn Myungsoo and Jonghyun to keep their hands off of Seungyeon and Jenny?)

Jenny's POV:

"Should we be getting home soon?" I questioned as the sun set.

"Hmm..." Myungsoo mumbled in reply. "Want to come over for dinner?"

"Let me ask my parents," I stated, pulling out my phone. I dialed a familiar number, waiting for my Umma to pick up. After a few tries, she finally answered.

"Umma, can I eat over at Seungyeon's house?" I asked, deciding that asking with a boy's name would send her into a fit of rage.

"You mean with Sooyeon?" she questioned.

"Err...yes," I answered, wondering why she knew her.

"Sure!" she replied brightly. I gaped. My Umma hated letting me go to other people's houses.

" 'k," I mumbled back still in disbelief. I hung up and turned to Myungsoo with a questioning look.

"Sooyeon-Noona is loved by parents," he offered in reply to my unasked question.

"Weird," I muttered as we set a course to his house.

Seungyeon's POV:

"Can I eat over at your place?" Changjo asked gruffly.

"Why not?" I joked, punching him lightly. "Let's go. Oh, better let Sis know that we're coming over."

"Or we can surprise her," Changjo pointed out, smirking.

"Let's," I agreed, matching his.

Taemin's POV:

I had my hands around her hips, head buried in her hair as she cooked. She was uncomfortable, but she didn't push me away either. That alone made me happy. Which was why I was angry when the doorbell rang and they returned. 

"Jonghyun and Jenny eating over," she mumbled, hearing the door slam closed.

"Yo Sis! Changjo and Jenny are eating over!" Seungyeon shouted right after. I stared at her curiously as she pulled away from me to get more ingredients. (Can she read minds or something? Predict the future?!)

"I can't read minds or predict the future," she stated without turning around. (Wha-?!) She turned back and smiled at me. 

"You're easy to read," she teased, handing me plates. "Now help me set up the table."

I nodded mutely as we ate, Teen Top and Infinite stopping by for a 'surprise' visit that she also somehow cooked for.

Hope you liked the chapter. Thanks for your 'help' NinjaaCupcake. Oh, and for those confused, Changjo's real name is Jonghyun.

You're welcome <3 Haha, I LOVE YOU GUYS (:


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Chapter 23: wiehdhshe ;-; Update soon. ^^ <':
Chapter 23: Sweet !!! How bout others ending ? Taemin and Sooyeon.. Changjo and Seungyeon? But i love this story.. Daebak! :)
Chapter 23: Omg ending is so cute!!! Go sequels~
Chapter 23: Kyaaa~ that's so cute!!! Yes I'll marry you Myungsoo!!
Chapter 23: OMG! *fangirling non stop* kyyyyyyaaaaa!!!!! KYEOPTA! KE AI! ADORABLE! CUTE! But why did it have to finish so fast! LOVED IT SO MUCH! Sequel pls to make Kai happy! =D
Chapter 23: Awww that's so cuteee XD
Chapter 22: Author-nim is this the last chapter??? ._. Please say no chebal!!!!!!! Dx I'm really glad they made up :') Please update then~~~ ^_^ Hwaiting!
Awesome story Update more
Chapter 22: Aww~ Kai is still alone... Stupid Myungsoo made a mistake and hurt both of them...tsk! Should've talked before breaking up...
Chapter 22: Poor Kai.. but he is good boy.. :)