Chapter 10 : Sleepover "Project" Day

Do I Know You?

Jenny's POV:

"I'm home! Some of my friends are over for a project!" I shouted, warning my Umma. As I expected, I heard crashes in the kitchen and living room as she cleaned things up. I turned to them--Seungyeon, Myungsoo, and Jonghyun--with an apologetic smile. "Ignore my family. They're all childish."

"Am not," a shrill, familiar voice called back. I rolled my eyes at my sister, a short girl who was around 5 years younger than me.

"Jungyeon, you are," I retorted, pulling off my shoes. I turned to them again. "Come on up to my room! Be warned Seungyeon! It's pink!"

"Ew!" Seungyeon groaned as I laughed.

"I'll bring snacks up later," Umma informed loudly from the kitchen. 

"Alright!" I answered, turning to them. "Come on!"

They followed me up the stairs, entering my room. 

"Is it really pink?" Seungyeon asked jokingly, covering her eyes.

"Nah I was kidding. It's blue - baby blue," I teased, dumping my backpack on the ground. I flopped on my bed, looking at the two uncomfortable boys and one too-comfortable girl.

"Gosh, we won't bite," I joked, happy when the two loosened up a bit and came in. We began researching: Myungsoo and I on the computer, Jonghyun on the laptop, and Seungyeon browsing half-heartedly through a book Sooyeon-Unnie had found for us. 

"How's this site?" I asked aloud, opening up a website I had bookmarked earlier in the week for the project. Myungsoo leaned over my shoulder, his hair brushing against my ear. I turned a bright red and froze. He pulled away only seconds later and though I was embarrassed, another part of me couldn't help but miss the silky strand that had invaded my skin.

"Looks reliable," he commented off-handedly, not at all aware of my inner turmoil. He turned to me. "Something the matter?"

"Nothing," I quickly answered, clicking on another random website to divert his attention. "How about this one?"

He turned his attention away from me after one last suspicious glance and just as I was about to give a soft sigh of relief,  his arm leaned over my shoulder onto the tabletop to get a better look. I blushed again.

(This . Big time.)

"This one isn't as good. What do you think Jonghyun?" Myungsoo asked. Myungsoo removed his arm and just as I was about to sigh in relief (again), Jonghyun's arm replaced his. In the background I heard Seungyeon snicker and though it could have been her watching some variety show on her phone and ignoring the project entirely, I was pretty sure that she had caught my situation. I turned back slightly, seeing her smirk at me. I glowered, giving her a 'get-off-your-lazy--and-help' glare, but she only gave a bigger smirk.

(Why me?)

Seungyeon's POV:

After hours of researching, uncomfortably for Jenny I might add, we were eager--ok, not really, but you get the point--to actually start actually filling in the powerpoint part of it. I rummaged through my bag.

"How good is it?" Jenny asked happily, flopping on her bed. 

"Pretty good," I answered off-handedly, zipping and ping pockets. "See, Sis is pretty decent at colors so she helped me and though it doesn't look like it, she's pretty good at powerpoints, video editting, typing, nerdy stuff basically. Don't give her a computer for fun though. She'll probably break it."

"So she's good at nerdy stuff like school work, but otherwise she'll break the computer?" Jenny summarized, laughing.

"Yup," Myungsoo confirmed in my place, raising an eyebrow. "Did you bring it?"

I thought back before snapping my fingers. 

"It's at home!" I remembered. The rest of the members face-palmed.

"Great. So you going to magically transport it here?" Jonghyun joked sarcastically.

"Nope. Let's all go to my house. We're all going for that sleepover anyways, right?" I reminded.

"Sleepover...?" they repeated.

"Didn't I tell you guys?" I asked impatiently.

"Apparently not," Myungsoo snorted, rolling his eyes. "Come on. We'll explain along the way."

Jonghyun's POV:

The air outside was chilly, but not overbearing and leaves were falling in warm colors. 

"Why are we walking?" Seungyeon groaned. "I meant asking your mom for a ride."

"Use more Korean," I teased as we walked down the streets, the Fall leaves crackling under our feet. "You're Korean, not American."

"I was born in America. I have an excuse," Seungyeon snorted, sticking her tongue out at me. I retaliated and Jenny laughed.

"So what's this sleepover about? Apparently my Umma knew, but I didn't," Jenny asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, Sis wanted to celebrate the day before Thanksgiving with everyone," Seungyeon stated simply.

"Besides, it's Winter Break. We should use it to its fullest so we should hurry up and end this project," Myungsoo pointed out. "Sooyeon-Noona will definitely help us finish by this weekend."

Jenny gaped.

"No way. It'll take another week at least," she gawked.

"Well, Sis is really lucky in school assignments so she finds good resources, helps us write/type, and with all five of us cutting and pasting, it'll be done quickly," Seungyeon explained. 

"I guess," Jenny muttered in a noncommital tone. "Well, how much farther to your house?"

"Why can't it be a block?" Seungeon groaned.

"It's only three more blocks," Myungsoo answered, rolling his eyes at Seungyeon's--his same-aged sister's--childish act.

"Wait," I paused, realizing something. "Are you and Myungsoo twins? I mean, 'cause you guys are the same age."

The two looked at each other. 

"Do we look alike?" they questioned in unison.

"Sure?" I answered unsure. 

"Nah. Myungsoo here is adopted," Seungyeon easily stated.

"Isn't that a bit sad?" Jenny asked softly.

"It's fine. I don't really remember my old family and the family I have now is warm," Myungsoo replied, smiling.

"Don't dwell on the past dude," I teased, elbowing him. "The present is all the rage."

"Says the guy who hasn't grown since middle school," Seungyeon smirked, snickering. I turned red.


The girls giggled to each other and ran off, leaving Myunsoo and me to chase after them.

Jenny's POV:

"You're early," Sooyeon-Unnie commented, opening the door. "I expected Myungsoo or Seungyeon to remember to tell you so that I had enough time to finish the food as you arrived. Well, 10 minutes won't kill your appetites."

She left, entering the kitchen smoothly. 

"Who else is coming?" I asked curiously. 

"I think almost everyone," Woohyun answered, surprising me as he stepped out from the living room. "Sunggyu-hyung, Hoya, and Sungyeol can't make it from Infinite."

"Chunji can't make it from Teen Top," CAP added, his voice booming from the living room where it looked like he was flipping through channels, Changjo at his side.

"Oh, and Onew-hyung, Key-hyung, and Minho-hyung can't make it from SHINee," Taemin stated, coming out from the kitchen, frilly apron on. He was smiling brightly while there was a plate of fruit in his hands.

He placed it on the living room table, placing a handful of toothpicks beside it before eagerly skipping into the kitchen. Before the door swung closed, I could see him chat about something eagerly while he wrapped his arms around Sooyeon-Unnie's waist. I smirked as I took note of that.

Seungyeon jumped on the couch in between CAP and Changjo while Dongwoo and Woohyun were talking about something happily on the other couch. 

"So...where's the rest of Teen Top?" I asked, swinging my head around.

"They're armwrestling in the kitchen," CAP answered off-handedly, not taking his eyes off of the TV. "LJoe went to the bathroom though."

"So I guess the project was forgotten?" Jonghyun joked. 

"Nope," Sooyeon-Unnie denied, stepping out of the kitchen with perfect timing, Taemin glued to her side as the two held two dishes. She was holding a roasted turkey and Taemin was holding the mashed potatoes. Both looked delicious. She caught my gaze and her own eyes seemed to be scolding. 

"Uhh...sorry?" I questioned unsure. 

"I'm sending the four of you to go up and work on your project," she ordered, tearing her gaze from mine as the two put down the plates. She looked into the living room.

"Changjo be a dear and watch over them," she requested though her tone was firm. "I'd send Dongwoo or Woohyun, but both of them aren't...focused enough."

"Hey!" the two complained though she ignored them.

" 'Be a dear' ?" I repeated, choking back laughter. 

"Yes," she confirmed shortly. "Now go upstairs. No one gets dinner until that powerpoint is finished."

"Aw, but Sis-!" Seungyeon complained.

"Now," Sooyeon-Unnie emphasized. 

"Sheesh," Seungyeon grumbled, leading us upstairs to her room. I sat next to Myungsoo, just as Seungyeon came out of her room and sat down next to Changjo.

Myungsoo and I were talking, and so was Seungyeon and Chanjo when Jonghyun stood up.

"WHY AM I THE ONLY LONELY ONE HERE?! DON'T LEAVE ME OUT! I'M FIFTH WHEELING!" he yelled. Then Taemin and Sooyeon walked in with cut-up fruits.

"SEVENTH WHEELING!" he corrected himself and pouted.

"Let's play truth or dare!"  Seungyeon suggested, and smirked. "I'll start. Jenny. Truth or dare?"

"...Truth?" I answered.

"Do you like Myungsoo?" She snickered.

(Oh. My. God.)


"Fine. I dare you to tell me if you like Myungsoo or not," she laughed, so much that tears came out of her eyes.

I looked at Myungsoo. Our eyes met and I blushed.

"Do you like Myungsoo?" Seungyeon repeated.

"Yes..." I whispered.

"What? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!~" She cupped her ears.

"Yes!" I answered, looking everywhere but him as my cheeks were a pure red.

Myungsoo's POV :

(She likes me. She likes me. She likes me!)

I looked away to hide my red face.

"Myungsoo," Jenny called. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I answered, scared to be asked if I liked her or not.

"I dare you to... " She brightened. (I could literally see a lightbulb light up on the top of her head.) "YODEL!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

"No," I automatically denied.

She rolled her eyes. 

"Fine, then I guess you could... the bottom of your shoe, I guess," she said, disappointed.


"What's with you lovebirds changing your answers?" Seungyeon rolled her eyes.

The pillow I was holding was pulled out of my hands.

"It's time to sleep." Sooyeon informed us. I looked at the clock. 12 o' clock exactly.

"Jenny, you sleep in Seungyeon's room. Seungyeon, you know the drill. Jonghyun, Myungsoo's room."

I stood up and started walking to my room slowly. I walked to Jenny and whispered in her ear "Goodnight."

She smiled and walked into Seungyeon's room. 

"You really like her, huh?" Jonghyun chuckled.

I nodded, going into my room.

"Then ask her out!" he encouraged. 

I got out a sleeping bag out of my closet and spread it on my floor.

"You get the bed," I told him.

I got into the sleeping bag and looked up.

"I'm going to," I answered him.

I looked at Jonghyun and saw that he was already asleep.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Jenny here! Haha, this is a LOOONG chapter O_O Yeah, hope you guys like it, and COMMENT! SUBSCRIBE!


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Chapter 23: wiehdhshe ;-; Update soon. ^^ <':
Chapter 23: Sweet !!! How bout others ending ? Taemin and Sooyeon.. Changjo and Seungyeon? But i love this story.. Daebak! :)
Chapter 23: Omg ending is so cute!!! Go sequels~
Chapter 23: Kyaaa~ that's so cute!!! Yes I'll marry you Myungsoo!!
Chapter 23: OMG! *fangirling non stop* kyyyyyyaaaaa!!!!! KYEOPTA! KE AI! ADORABLE! CUTE! But why did it have to finish so fast! LOVED IT SO MUCH! Sequel pls to make Kai happy! =D
Chapter 23: Awww that's so cuteee XD
Chapter 22: Author-nim is this the last chapter??? ._. Please say no chebal!!!!!!! Dx I'm really glad they made up :') Please update then~~~ ^_^ Hwaiting!
Awesome story Update more
Chapter 22: Aww~ Kai is still alone... Stupid Myungsoo made a mistake and hurt both of them...tsk! Should've talked before breaking up...
Chapter 22: Poor Kai.. but he is good boy.. :)