Chapter 6: Date(ish) With Myungsoo

Do I Know You?

Jenny's POV: 

When we finished skating, we were all hungry, so we walked to the mall's food court. SHINee went to Kyochon (All because to get chicken for Onew, of course). On the other hand, Infinite went to get jjajangmeun while the two "ma'ams" went to get dumplings. That left me and Myungsoo (Kya!) went to get ramen. 

We waited in the line and ordered two ramens. The ajjumma cashier smiled at us and said, "You two are a cute couple."

I blushed and told her that we weren't dating, and she eyed us suspiciously. She handed us a tray with two bowls of hot ramen. We looked for the others for a while, but in the end, we couldn't find them and decided to eat by ourselves after we agreed that eat first, find later. I took a bite and my eyes grew wide.

"WAA! This is so good--and spicy!" I started fanning myself with my hand because of the heat. Myungsoo smiled and sipped the soup. His eyes also grew wide for a moment, and changed back to his usual calm manner. He sipped his water. We finished the ramen and called Sooyeon-Unnie. She didn't answer. I hoped that maybe she wasn't answering on purpose--so that I'd get to spend time with Myungsoo. If that was the case, I would be VERY Thankful.

"So. Uhh. What should we do? Look for Sooyeon-Unnie and them or just hang out by ourselves?" I asked as we were walking around the mall.

"Second choice," he answered simply. I tried not to squeal aloud, choosing instead to hide my blush by turning my face elsewhere. After a few quick seconds, I composed myself and turned back to see his stoic face looking ahead.

"Then let's window shop!" I offered, smiling at him. He glanced down at me before his eyes returned ahead.

"Mmm," he mumbled in a noncommittal tone. We looked around, found a couple of shirts that I HAD to buy, and found ourselves in front of a pet store--well actually, more than a few shirts and it was more of a "puppy shop" considering that there was only puppies there, but don't sweat the details.

"Let's go in there!" I jumped up and down excitedly, grabbed his hand without thinking, and dragged him inside. When I realized what I just did, I quickly let go and looked away, turning my attention to the puppies. The puppies were in big glass boxes for us to look at, and in the middle of the shop, there was a petting area where you could pet some of the dogs.

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I squealed and immediately went to play with the adorable animals. Although reluctantly, I saw Myungsoo follow out of the corner of my eye. The second I entered the pen, energetic puppies barked and darted towards me, my face with glittering eyes. A few seconds later, however, the puppies dissappeared, and I noticed that Myungsoo had just walked into the pen. Now it was HIM getting attacked. I laughed and pulled one of the puppies off of his head and saw him frowning.

"Ow, I never knew puppies could be so dangerous," he mumbled to himself, but I could hear the playful joke in his tone. We played with the puppies for a while, and left to get some rest.

"That was fun!" I said, as we sat on a bench.

"I smell like dogs now," he stated with irritation though the glint in his eye and hint of a smile told me otherwise.

"So do I. Where do you want to go now?" I asked, when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Yo Jenny. I'm guessing that you're having fun with Myungsoo. Guess what?" Seungyeon's voice blared over the speaker.

"Uhh...aliens kidnapped you?" I guessed.

"No," Seungyeon denied with a chuckle. "Guess again."

"I'm a millionaire now!" I joked, sending Seungyeon on another laughing fit.

"Oh god. Don't kill me," she teased in between breathes. "Alright, I'll tell you. You know Sis? Well, long story short, we need you and Myungsoo to go and buy a lot of band-aids and stuff be-" There was the sound of a smack.

"Ow! Well, you know I don't care about my grammar!" Seungyeon shouted to someone with her. "Then you talk to her!" 

"Ignore her," Sooyeon-Unnie's voice stated dryly over the phone. "We all went back skating after eating...They all got hurt. Bye." 

"Uh...bye?" I said, questioning more than anything, before the dial tone was ringing in my ear. 

"What was that about?" Myungsoo asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Apparently we're on first-aid duty?" I answered without conviction. He laughed and hearing his low voice like that, I promised that I would hear that more often and dragged him off to the nearest pharmacy. 

In the pharmacy, I swear that I've never seen so many different brands just for band-aids. There were ones that were extra durable, waterproof, the size of a baseball, the size of a penny, and some with dinosaurs too. I wasn't sure what to get, but Myungsoo walked in comfortably and began to grab things off the shelves. 

"Aren't they just the cutest couple?" I heard one lady squeal. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"No no, they must be siblings. Why would a boy take a girl here?" another questioned.

"But they look too different," another argued. I watched Myungsoo pay for the bandage while the cashier girl, an American wannabe (A/N to lovelyyjocelyn - Turned the tables on you! ;P), was flirting with him unsuccessfully. I watched him brush off her question for dinner by grabbing the bag, the change, and just walking away without a backwards glance. We walked back towards the ice rink in relative silence.

It hadn't been the first time how handsome Myungsoo was had passed through my mind. But the fact that nearly every girl turned around to watch him and nearly every guy glared at him really surprised me. Had it always been like that?

"Finally!" Seungyeon's voice broke through my reverie. "You're both late!"

"Well it's not like having the ice rink on the other side of the mall from the pharmacy was a good idea!" I shouted back, rolling my eyes. 

"Whatever. You gonna hold her hand forever or gonna get back on the rink?" Seungyeon asked, taking the bag from Myungsoo while nudging in our general direction with her chin. Myungsoo let go of my hand, a fact I hadn't realized was happening before, but I immediately missed it. 

"Sh-She almost crashed into a pole," Myungsoo spluttered in excuse.

"Whatever makes you feel better," Seungyeon snorted. She turned around. "Yo Teen Top! Learn how to skate! And who the h*** gave Onew skates? We all agreed that he was clumsy enough on his two own feet!"

We went back on the ice, and that day I realized something; I was in love with Kim Myungsoo.

[A/N : Cheesy sentence. Bear with Jenny. She couldn't think of anything else.]

Hello! I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm getting some comments about how this story is kind of confusing. Don't worry, if it doesn't make sense now, It'll make sense... Someday. Anyways, comment please, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Oh, and follow me on twitter! @ImaNinjaaCupcake


Hope you liked it. Don't you just love the parts that Jenny wrote? Anyway, talk to you next author's note.


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Chapter 23: wiehdhshe ;-; Update soon. ^^ <':
Chapter 23: Sweet !!! How bout others ending ? Taemin and Sooyeon.. Changjo and Seungyeon? But i love this story.. Daebak! :)
Chapter 23: Omg ending is so cute!!! Go sequels~
Chapter 23: Kyaaa~ that's so cute!!! Yes I'll marry you Myungsoo!!
Chapter 23: OMG! *fangirling non stop* kyyyyyyaaaaa!!!!! KYEOPTA! KE AI! ADORABLE! CUTE! But why did it have to finish so fast! LOVED IT SO MUCH! Sequel pls to make Kai happy! =D
Chapter 23: Awww that's so cuteee XD
Chapter 22: Author-nim is this the last chapter??? ._. Please say no chebal!!!!!!! Dx I'm really glad they made up :') Please update then~~~ ^_^ Hwaiting!
Awesome story Update more
Chapter 22: Aww~ Kai is still alone... Stupid Myungsoo made a mistake and hurt both of them...tsk! Should've talked before breaking up...
Chapter 22: Poor Kai.. but he is good boy.. :)