Chapter 12: Love

Do I Know You?

Myungsoo's POV :

All night I dreamt about her. I've never dated anyone other than her and I don't plan to. I...I love her. I've loved her for the longest time. And now that I have her back, I'll never let her go.

My phone buzzed. I groaned and buried my head into my pillow, letting my hand blindly reach for it. Feeling the cool metal, I looked at it and saw her name. Jenny. I opened it happily.

Good morning, sleepyhead ^^ 

I smiled and sent her a reply right away.

Good morning to you, too. Are you free today? Let's go on a date (:

Hehe, okay! Where?

You'll see. I'll pick you up at your house in 10 minutes ^^

I smiled and walked to my closet to change. After I changed, I quickly ran to her house. I rang her doorbell, out of breath.

She opened the door and smiled. Her face expression quickly changed from happy to worried.

"Did you run here?" she asked. I nodded and grabbed her hand.

"Let's go get breakfast," I suggested, and she nodded her head. 

I saw a steamed bun stand not so far away. I pointed to it and looked at her. As I had hoped, she was grinning.

"LET'S GO!" she yelled and started running.

By the time we got there, I was panting again and made a mental note to myself to work out a bit more. I smiled at the ahjumma and asked her for two steamed buns. I gave her the money and took off with Jenny and the buns. I handed her one and I started eating mine. It practically melted in my mouth. I finished mine in 5 seconds and looked at Jenny. She was only done with half of hers.

"Hurry up," I whined. I wasn't really in a rush, but I did want to spend more time with her. She slowed down even more just to tease me. I kept whining and eventually she was done.

"Where are we going now?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

"Hey, isn't that Seungyeon? With... Changjo?" She pointed to--yes, Seungyeon and Changjo holding hands.

"Let's go spy on them!" she suggested childishly and I smiled. I agreed to her plan and we both hid behind a tree and watched them.

Seungyeon's POV :

I was hanging out with Changjo--ONLY hanging out. Well, at first. 

We were walking to an ice cream shop when he suddenly held my hand. My natural instinct would be slapping him, but this time was different. I...I liked it.

Butterflies. In my stomach. I never had this feeling before. 

I looked at him and saw that there was a tint on pink on his cheeks. I would've usually about it, but I was sure my cheeks were the same, if not worse.

In front of us, I saw a couple also holding hands. They were both wearing sunglasses and had hats on. They looked familiar but I wasn't quite sure so I didn't say anything. 

A few minutes later, we reached the ice cream shop, and I saw that the couple was in there too. I eyed them suspiciously and ordered two ice cream cones for Changjo and me.

We sat down and I couldn't help but stare at the couple as Changjo and I talked about nothing in partiular. They were sitting a table away from us and was sharing an ice cream cup.

"What are you staring at?" Changjo asked and looked at where I was looking at.

"Jealous of them?"

He smirked.

"NO! ..I mean, no, I'm not."

I could feel heat rushing to my face. Oh gosh. 

He laughed and looked at me. No--not looked. Stared.

"What?" I asked him nervously.

He leaned over--to kiss me? No, he's just wiping ice cream off my cheek, like all couples do on TV shows and fanfictions.

I glared at him and muttered half-heartedly, thoroughly embarrassed, "I can take care of myself."

He smiled and stood up.

"Let's go."

I followed him out of the shop.

"Why'd you just leave like that?" I asked him.

"That couple was staring at us," he chuckled. 

I looked back and of course, saw them.

I stopped and turned around. I walked up to the girl and took the sunglasses off. I smirked.

"I knew it."

"Hehe..." Jenny let out a nervous laugh.

"How long have you been following us?" 

"Uh... About an hour?"

She looked her the guy next to her. I took the sunglasses off him too. Myungsoo. I would've beat them up right on the spot, but I was in a good mood so I let it go. 

"Let's go," I suggested. "Lunch."

"Double date!" She yelled, and I slapped her arm.

"We're not dating," I denied, rolling my eyes. 

"Yeah and Myungsoo and I are here as 'just friends' too," Jenny teased, elbowing me.

"Psh! We--Holy poop! You and Myungsoo are dating?" I questioned, not expecting it to happen so soon.

"Yeah! Didn't he tell you?" Jenny asked in return, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't hear anything about this!" I complained, throwing an accusing finger at him.

"I know. I only told Sooyeon-Noona," he admitted blandly.

"That's so NOT fair!" I whined, punching his shoulder.

"Ow! That hurts!" he shouted at me.

"It's supposed to!" I retorted, crossing my arms. "What does Sis have that I don't?"

"Subtleness," he pointed out. I opened my mouth to throw something back and closed it again, thinking.

"Good point."

Changjo laughed.

"Not you too," I complained, punching him too.

"Ow! Hey! Don't hit me!" he yelled in irritation, frowning childishly.

" it up you poop! You're guys so be all manly and stuff," I ordered. I turned around out of habit.

"What are you doing?" Changjo questioned, raising an eyebrow, still rubbing his sore shoulder. 

"This is usually the part where Sis comes and hits me with her book," I reminded, eyes narrowing.

"Well, she's not here," Myungsoo reminded. "She's out shopping."

"True," I recalled, tapping my chin. "Alright. I'm hungry. Let's get going."

We all left, satisifed. Though everyone had argued, in the end, Myungsoo had paid for Jenny's share since it was their date and Changjo and I paid for our own. Ok, I forced the waiter to take my money or I'd take his life, but all's well that ends well.

"That was satisfying," I commented, sighing contentedly on the way out of the restaurant. 

"Hey, isn't that...Sooyeon-Noona?" Myungsoo questioned, nudging his chin at the direction down the street. 

"What? No way!" I denied, looking around. At first I didn't notice, but my eye soon caught on a head of blond hair, a head I knew well.

"And with Taemin?!" I realized, jaw dropping. We all looked at each other and knew--SPY TIME.

Sooyeon's POV:

"You sure you want to help?" I questioned suspiciously, looking up at the bright face.

"Of course Sooyeon-Noona!" Taemin agreed, waving the grocery bags in his hands. 

"Let me know if you get tired. I'm stronger than I look," I reminded gently, making sure to stay close to not lose him in the crowd.

"A man can't let the girl he likes carry heavy things," he asserted, giving me a playful smile. I couldn't help the smallest of smiles crawling up my face.

"Alright. Stay close. You don't want to get lost," I joked, both of us knowing that I had a terrible sense of direction. "Better yet, you should probably lead so we don't lose ourselves here just in case."

"I wouldn't mind getting lost with you," he teased.

"Such a charmer," I joked, moving all my groceries into one hand, and grabbing his hand with the other. "Come on."

I tugged him along. 

"Faster we get home, more time for our movie," I reminded, smiling. He smiled brightly. 

"Yes ma'am," he saluted, the two of us heading home.

My face was always red so I prayed that he didn't notice my constant blushes and hoped my hand wasn't shaking. Though he was younger than me, I didn't really mind. Age was always at the bottom of list of wanted traits--along with height, but mostly because I knew that almost every (if not every) guy within my age range was taller than me.

There was a silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. There was plenty of noise from the crowded marketplace and we flitted through the strain of people with ease. I wasn't one much for words and he respected that--another reason why I liked him. 

I blinked slowly. The same four people--two pairs--had been following us for the past few blocks and judging by one particular female's clothes, it was Seungyeon; she had worn that same outfit while leaving this morning. I led Taemin elsewhere and though he raised an eyebrow, he didn't protest as I dragged him down the complicated backstreets. 

Though I had a bad sense of direction, I only ever got lost once. After exploring something, I would always able to navigate my way through. Once we were a decent distance away from the crowd, I turned around, suspicions confirmed when I saw four familiar heads trailing after us.

"Come on out," I called, releasing his hand and putting my hand on my hip. "I can see you four."

"Killjoy," Seungyeon complained, pulling off her sunglasses. She had added a hat to her outfit, but it was the same otherwise. 

"Stalker," I threw back, irritated. "Can't I go shopping for food in peace?"

"You're on a date," Jenny pointed out in a matter-of-factly tone.

"He's helping me carry groceries," I reminded, gesturing to the many plastic bags.

"You two held hands," Myungsoo accused.

"To not get lost in the crowd," I explained shortly.

"But you two...Wait, are you two dating?" Seungyeon thought aloud.

"We aren't," I asserted, frowning. (Why did everyone think we were dating?)

"But he likes you. He even said 'girl I like' earlier," Jonghyun (or Changjo as he liked to go by) pointed out, making me roll my eyes at their surprisingly good reconaissance skills.

"What are you talking about? He likes me, but he likes-likes someone else," I answered. All five of the other people looked at me like I was an idiot.

I looked up to distract myself and noted the position of the setting sun.

"Well, I have to get cooking," I ordered, nudging my head in the direction of our home. I took the groceries from Taemin despite his protests. "I'll leave first."

I continued walking but paused, turning back to look at them.

"Oh, and Myungsoo, Jonghyun, keep your hands off of Jungwon and Seungyeon," I ordered with a sharp glare before leaving.

"Don't be a killjoy Umma!" Jungwon and Seungyeon shouted at once.

"Don't be troublemakers Daughters," I called back, continuing to walk. I could tell, even without turning around, that the two were sticking their tongue out at me. I smiled. (Troublemakers...)

NinjaaCupcaker here! :D Haha, I WROTE HALF OF THIS CHAPTER. Aren't you proud? Hehe. Comment and subscribe! Oh, and check out my new story! It's about..... DRUMROLL! Kai and Baekhyun <3 Haaha.


Let's pretend I'm proud. Anyways, I've also written several stories feel free to check them out on my account. :)

-KoreanGal5 - LINK

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Chapter 23: wiehdhshe ;-; Update soon. ^^ <':
Chapter 23: Sweet !!! How bout others ending ? Taemin and Sooyeon.. Changjo and Seungyeon? But i love this story.. Daebak! :)
Chapter 23: Omg ending is so cute!!! Go sequels~
Chapter 23: Kyaaa~ that's so cute!!! Yes I'll marry you Myungsoo!!
Chapter 23: OMG! *fangirling non stop* kyyyyyyaaaaa!!!!! KYEOPTA! KE AI! ADORABLE! CUTE! But why did it have to finish so fast! LOVED IT SO MUCH! Sequel pls to make Kai happy! =D
Chapter 23: Awww that's so cuteee XD
Chapter 22: Author-nim is this the last chapter??? ._. Please say no chebal!!!!!!! Dx I'm really glad they made up :') Please update then~~~ ^_^ Hwaiting!
Awesome story Update more
Chapter 22: Aww~ Kai is still alone... Stupid Myungsoo made a mistake and hurt both of them...tsk! Should've talked before breaking up...
Chapter 22: Poor Kai.. but he is good boy.. :)