Chapter 16 : Pulling the Trigger

Do I Know You?

Jenny's POV :

I went to Kai's house 2 times every week starting that day he asked me to tutor him. Myungsoo would always ask where I was going, but I couldn't tell him; Kai had told me not to tell anyone. Although I felt bad for hiding things from him, I didn't want to break any promises.

"You're leaving again?" Myungsoo whined, pouting.

"Sorry," I said and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I'll come over again tommorow, and you'll have me to yourself for the whole day, okay?"

He nodded and pulled me into a long hug.

"I love you, you know that, right?" Myungsoo whispered into my ear.

"I love you too," I whispered back and pulled back. "I really have to go. Bye, Myung."

He nodded sadly and looked down.

I mumbled another goodbye and walked out the door. 

"So if x equals 2.5, then y will equal 8i. You get it?" I explained as he raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"I? Why is i there?" 

"Imaginary number, Kai."


"Yes, I explained it to you an hour ago."

"You did? Oh..."

I sighed and kicked his leg. "Concentrate."

"I can't!" He complained, shaking his head in frustration.

"I'll come back next week. Maybe you'll get it then," I suggested, picking up my things.

"Okay," he mumbled and nodded slowly.

I ruffled his hair. "Bye."

"Bye," He replied, following me to the door and opening the door for me.

I nodded and walked to Myungsoo's house. Since I had extra time, I decided to visit him again.

I rang the doorbell, and out came a very sad looking Myungsoo.


I stepped forward and gave him a long hug. "I'm back!"

"Yes you are," He mumbled and smiled. He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to the living room. We sat on the couch, the T.V. and started watching Running Man.

"Wait, I'll be right back. Restroom," I said and walked to the restroom.

Myungsoo's POV :

After Jenny left to go the the restroom, her phone started vibrating, so I checked it. It was a text... From Kai.

Can you come over again tommorow? I think I get it now.

So she's been going to Kai's house? Get what?


"Kai," I muttered.

"Kai?" she repeated, confused. "Oh, did I get a text from him? Let me see."

"Jenny...what are you hiding from me?" I asked, looking up at her. She sat next to me, fidgeting.

"It's nothing," she answered shortly.

"Jenny," I stressed, anxious.

"It's nothing," she insisted again, reaching for her phone. "What'd he say?"

I handed her her phone in silence. She looked at me seriously for a moment. 

"Should I say yes?" she questioned, completely serious. 

My blood ran cold.

She was asking if she could spend time with another person--with Kai--right here in front of me? 


Seeing as I didn't answer, she sighed, texting an answer. 

I can't. I can the day after. 

She gave me a grin. 

"I was joking, gosh. Tomorrow's my day with you," she teased, winking. Immediately, she curled back up in my arms, diverting her attention to the screen, but I couldn't. I could only worry about her and Kai.

Jenny's POV:

The whole reason Myungsoo and I were spending the day together was because it was our one-month anniversary. We were going to be going out for a fancy restaurant dinner (courtesy to Sooyeon-Unnie who turned out to be gushy underneath her books) so I spent extra time on my outfit, even pulling out a little make-up though I hardly wore it. Satisfied with how I looked, I glanced at the clock.

Just in time. 

I smiled one more time, checking myself in the mirror before jumping out the doorway, bidding my parents and sister farewell. Before I closed the door I could faintly hear my sister mutter something.

"What's the sunshine in her life?"

I hummed to myself, walking down the street. It was perfect. I would meet Myungsoo just in time for our little lunch date with movie and then we could window shop until dinner time. I smiled. So far so good.

And then I tripped.

I braced myself for impact, cursing in my mind but a strong arm caught me.

"Well, aren't you clumsy as always," Kai teased, helping me straighten up. 

"Kai! What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but ask, shocked at his sudden appearance, almost like a knight in shining armor.

"I'm out on a walk. I should ask you that," he chuckled, looking me up and down. "You even put some make-up on."

I smiled brightly.

"It's my one-month anniversary with Myungsoo," I explained, squealing. He gave a weak smile in response. 

"Alright. You should go. Don't be late," he teased, more like himself.

"Kay thanks. You saved me there just like a knight in shining armor. Bye!" I shouted, waving as I eagerly continued my journey.

Kai's POV:

Like a knight in shining armor huh?

I gave a helpless sigh, not as hurt as I was before. Was it because I had let all my anger out? Was it because I just knew that only that guy--Myungsoo--was the only one who could make her smile so brightly? 

I didn't know, but for some reason, I found it easier to live without her. 

It was easier to let go. 

Of course I wasn't over her. A big part of me still wanted her to myself, but a little, just a little, I could smile without her. 

Because I knew she was out smiling with Myungsoo.

Jenny's POV:

I rang the doorbell, double-checking my clothes for any dust and the like. The door opened and I looked up, smiling.

"Myung--you're not Myungsoo," I stated dumbly.

"No duh," Seungyeon sarcastically agreed, rolling her eyes. "Lover boy's in the living room. Sis is lecturing him about curfew." She snickered behind her hand just as the said duo appeared.

"I'll be doing this for you too," Sooyeon-Unnie reminded the sarcastic girl with knowing eyes. Seungyeon frowned, muttering a curse under her breath before disappearing inside. Sooyeon-Unnie looked between the two of us before shoving Myungsoo out the door and shutting it. 

"Don't forget," I heard her muffled voice remind Myungsoo before footsteps signaled her absence. There was a second of silence as Myungsoo and I looked at each other. He turned away, blushing.

"You look...You look really cute today," he complimented awkwardly. I smiled. Guess the extra work was worth it.

"You do too," I threw back, hooking my arm around his. He looked at me surprised. "Let's get to the movies."

He smiled slowly and nodded.

"So are we walking?" I asked, walking down the stairs with him. He nodded.

We walked in silence until he spoke up.

"So... What were you doing at Kai's house?"

"It's... It's nothing," I quickly answered, tempted to tell him. But I knew that if Kai found out that I told someone, he would kill me.


"I'm serious. It's nothing. Trust me, Myungsoo," I insisted.

He pouted. "Okay..."

Before we knew it, we were at the theater. We went in, bought some popcorn and drinks, and watched the movie. I wasn't quite sure who's idea it was to watch a horror one, but all I knew was that I regretted it since I screamed every time something popped up and killed someone.

Myungsoo's POV:

Feeling her squeeze my arm, letting out adorable yelps every few seconds, and scramble closer to me took my mind off of the bloody scenes in front of me. 

It was nice, being with her. Though being in a screaming theater with popcorn flying everywhere wasn't my first choice, it was still nice. She squealed, moving closer at one scary part and I was unable to help my smile, until something wafted to my nose.


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Chapter 23: wiehdhshe ;-; Update soon. ^^ <':
Chapter 23: Sweet !!! How bout others ending ? Taemin and Sooyeon.. Changjo and Seungyeon? But i love this story.. Daebak! :)
Chapter 23: Omg ending is so cute!!! Go sequels~
Chapter 23: Kyaaa~ that's so cute!!! Yes I'll marry you Myungsoo!!
Chapter 23: OMG! *fangirling non stop* kyyyyyyaaaaa!!!!! KYEOPTA! KE AI! ADORABLE! CUTE! But why did it have to finish so fast! LOVED IT SO MUCH! Sequel pls to make Kai happy! =D
Chapter 23: Awww that's so cuteee XD
Chapter 22: Author-nim is this the last chapter??? ._. Please say no chebal!!!!!!! Dx I'm really glad they made up :') Please update then~~~ ^_^ Hwaiting!
Awesome story Update more
Chapter 22: Aww~ Kai is still alone... Stupid Myungsoo made a mistake and hurt both of them...tsk! Should've talked before breaking up...
Chapter 22: Poor Kai.. but he is good boy.. :)