déjà vu Her POV


Shinhye POV

I am in the van of Cnlue now as Jun oppa requested that I tag along with Minhyuk to go to their dorm so as to stop any unnecessary scandals when the paparazzis find out that our van was at the dormitory of theirs. I wondered to myself what would i be cooking for them later when we reach their dorm.

"Noona, you look bored, want to hear some music?" Minhyuk offered me his earpiece.
"It's okay, I was just thinking if Yonghwa will be back at the dorm already or do I have to wait cause I am already hungry." I declined his offer.
"Hyung should be home already since he messaged me on Kakao talk that he will be going to the company to talk to the music directors about his royalties of the OST he composed for his drama." Minhyuk said.
' Shouldn't that be already be done at the start of the contract signing?' I thought to myself.

I stared out into the streets that looked very very happening through the tinted glass of the car window and zoned out.The next thing I know we reach the dorm and I was inside the living room of Cnblue. There was nobody in as Minhyuk informed me the other two members were out for dinner. The dorm  was neater and tidier than what I would have expected.

"Noona you can wait here for Hyung to come back or you can go to his room. I dont think he will mind! Its the first door next on the right."Minhyuk said.
"Araso, I will wait in his room till he comes back. If you are hungry you can eat first Minhyuk." I answered and I entered Yonghwa's room.

The first thing that caught my eye when i opened the door was the amount of devices on a large table occupying almost half of his room. I figured that is where he will compose his music. The next thing i notice is the stuffed doll on his bed, the stuffed doll that we were took away from the set of Heartstrings as a keepsake. I smiled to myself. I looked around his room. There was only 1 chair at the table, a wardrobe and a bed, nothing else. I looked around for his laptop to use so as to pass time but alas i could not find it. I sat down on the chair and started to fiddle with all the devices on the table till I was bored. I just placed my head on my arms and slept at the table as I was quite tired from the shooting.

I woke up in the dark, alarmed i sat up with the blanket that was draped over me to fall to my hips. I yawned and looked around, i panicked when i realised this is not my room only for the fact that i was in Yonghwa's room dawned on me. I stood up and walked up to open the room door.

"Oh? You are awake, did I on the television too loud?" Yonghwa said.
" Nope, I woke up on my own~~~" I replied with trying my best and failing at stifling my yawn.
" I came home around 8pm and to my surprise I found you sleeping at the table in my room, I thought i went into the wrong room! Keke. I called Jun Hyung and told him you will be home a little later as you were too tired and were napping in my room. I placed you on my bed as I did not want ur neck to be stiff tomorrow." he informed me while looking at the tv.
I stared at him. 'He carried me and i did not wake up. I must have been very tired' I thought to myself.
" I came here to cheer you up and all you are doing is watch tv, I have not eat dinner as well! You evil person!" I whined with a pout.
He switched off the tv and repositioned himself in front of me, sitting on the floor at my legs facing me with me on the couch.
" Mian mian, let me change and we can go out for dinner. I know of a place where no fans would be there. It's my friend's place." he said, standing up. He ruffled my hair and went into his room.
My heart was pounding like crazy when I felt his hand on my head. Why am I like this? Why do I feel I have encountered this feeling before? What's wrong with me and a million other questions came into my mind. Then the memory of when did I feel this way in the past hit me. It was the time where he massaged my legs in Heartstrings.

A.N sorry for the long wait and the cliffhanger, sorry for the , for the lack of a better term, lack of fluff in my story. I said it before but let me reiterate it again, I am a guy and so this story would not have alot/over the board kind of fluff. It would be more realistic/more of from the guy's Pov. thanks alot! 

P.S comment and review please~ do tell me if my format of 2 chapters in His pov and 2 chapters in her Pov works for you ppl or you would like for me to mix it up. thanks


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Wilde_sparxx #1
Chapter 14: This was like a whole new perspective on things... the whole going for MHIYD drama because of the promotions was a nice surprise.

Also I like how you've incorporated SNSD without actually creating a fixed conflict ... that was rather brilliant, I didn't think it would go the way it did. And, I like how you've written the interaction between the pair...

Great work! Keep writing ... and how about some interaction between the cnblue band members? they seem to be generally funny people... Although I think a tense scene is about to come up, if you choose to continue writing :)
Keahun #2
Chapter 14: Nice and very interesting story, please do continue writing, thanks.
ratriana #3
Chapter 14: Continue please
yongshin143 #4
Chapter 14: I'm so curious what happened next.. Hope you update soon authornim.. Fighting
Riko_waiwai #5
Chapter 14: Yonghwa went to hang out with those girls even though he was tired. I would be very angry, jealous too, if I were shinhye. I think shinhye should stay mad at him until he truly bet for forgiveness and promise he'd not meeting them anymore.
Thanks for the update!
Bebot7794 #6
Chapter 14: Am a little confused where the story is leading to...thought ive had the last of the girl group in the prev chaps. I was hoping for more yongshin narratives. Sorry, mean no offense, solely a reaction/point of view.
diehard_yongshin #7
Chapter 14: jealous shinhye...kekeke... yongshin fighting!!! :) Yongshin forever <3
stalla #8
Chapter 14: wooooh whts gonna happen nxt cnt wait 4 ure nxt chap nd im so curious 4 ure nxt updte
Hawaali #9
Chapter 14: Thanks you authornim
Hawaali #10
Chapter 14: I think shin has right to be jeolous tsk yong what r u doing I didn't like this chap a lot but it's ok I will see what's happens next update soon