

ShinHye POV


Thoughts of what to say and how to phrase it came to my mind when he asked me about my love life, it was just a nicer phrase since I had no love life. All I ever had were rurmours and some confessions. I need to phrase it in a way to make him think about me as a woman. Argh! How do I do this? In the end, I decided to just go with the flow and see what are his reaactions first.

"Ah, where to start!" I said while giving him a wink.

I sighed inwardly as there seemed to be no visible reaction from him. I was hoping for something, maybe a blush at least. I told him about Minho shi's confession to me. Should I tell him more?

"The most recent confession I did tell you right? It was Minho shi. I rejected him straight up as I did not feel anything for him. He is very cold to other crew members but he was very nice to me. I did not like that as I felt that he was being nice just so to get me to agree to be his girlfriend. It could all be an act in the end." I continued.

Silence prevailed for a good few seconds and it became awkward. I reached out for my glass of water when he spoke.

"It might be all just a misunderstanding. He might really like you that might be why he was so nice to you." he countered.

I was honestly quite saddened at him trying to defend a stranger or an acquaintance at best, and not believing my gut feelings. I looked at him with disbelieving eyes and wanted so very much to cry there and then.

"Of course if you felt that him being nice to you itself is an ulterior motive, I will believe you. But just that all friendships start off based on some trust. If not how do you think we became friends in the first place?" he added on.

I was quite taken aback by his thought provoking statement. He is really quite the guy, funny and childish at times and yet mature and serious when I least expect him to be. 

"You could end up losing a good friend you know? Not that it matters now since u classified him as a bad person already. Kekeke." he said and went on to sip some water from his glass.

I was about to reply him when there was a knock on door of the inner chamber and the door slided open. A big plate of a variety of sashimi was placed in the middle of the table with sauces and a bowl of steaming hot rice was placed in front of us, followed by a plate of California maki.

"Please enjoy your meal! Do not hesitate to inform me if you two need anything!" the waitress bowed and said.

We nodded our thanks and she closed the door to the inner chamber.

"Let us eat first? Then we can continue my interrogation of your love life. I am hungry, like they say ' a hungry man is an angry man'!" he said.

I laughed aloud at his statement and gestured him to tuck in. And tuck in he did, he practically devoured most of the sashimi in a blink of an eye although he did remember to leave 2 slices of each kind for me.

"YA! There is no one to fight with you for the food! Please chew and swallow your food properly so that you will not choke." I admonished him.

He took a good two seconds to chew and swallow what was in his mouth before opening his mouth wide for me to inspect.

"Happy now omma?" he teased.

"Good boy! You can have ice cream later when we go home." I humoured him.

He laughed and just went back to eating, this time with a slower pace. He finished eating and was staring at the sashimi left on the plate. I chuckled to myself. Such a kid.

"You can have the rest of my rice and the sashimi. I'm full." I said and swapped my rice bowl with his empty one.

I decided to let him have the rest of the food as I am sure he does not get to eat them often and he will not have another chance in the near future as his World tour is coming soon. I saw him look at me with disbelief . He was about to say something when I decided to cut him off.

"Do not worry, I am really full. Besides I know that you will enjoy the food alot more than me anyway. I can finish up the maki." I held his hand and reassured him.

"Gomawo Shinhye ya. You are the best!" he said sheepishly.

Ah, this is one of the moments where I feel he is just as like a kid, where being allowed to eat something that he likes is equal to being happy. He finished my rice just as I swallowed the last piece of maki. He looked at me and laughed, the next thing I know, his hand came over to my face and swiped some rice off my hair next to my left cheek.

"Eyyyyyy~ You leaving this on your hair so that you can snack on it tomorrow morning?"he said in an exaggerated tone.

I responded by hitting his hand away. He pouted at my actions. I really should take a photo of him pouting so that I can blackmail him in the future.

"Now that we are done with eating, shall we continue on discussing about your love life?" he said.

"Alright, ask away then" I replied.

"Les not talk about ideal types, too cliche. Hmmmmmmmmmm, anyone that you like now?"he asked.

I seriously contemplated whether to tell him the truth or not. The truth of me liking him more than a friend. The truth about me wanting to be more than friends with him. In the end, I decided to go with something in between.

"If it is too personal, you can just not answer my question. You can tell me when it is the appropriate time I guess."he continued when he saw that I was not forthcoming with my answer.

"It's okay. I was just thinking of how to answer your question as it is quite complicated." I said and he perked up and gave me his full attention when he heard my reply.

"I do have someone that I fancy but it is quite complicated. There is nothing much I can say." I said meekly as I really did not know how to tell him without giving him a shock.

"Kekekeke, it is rare to see you so flustered. I'm sure things will turn out okay! Cheer up! Do let me meet him when you actually do go out with someone alright? I will tell you if he is good enough for you. I do want to exercise my rights of being your best friend." he said, trying to cheer me up.

Ah, there he goes again, being so sweet for me. It was bittersweet as he was being a very nice friend and yet I did not want him as my friend only. Sigh.

"Gomawo." I muttered.

"Anytime Shinhye, anytime."he said.

We left the chamber after that with him paying for the bill even though I wanted to. Him and his habit of not allowing girls to pick up tabs. Humph, I can't even treat him to dinner for once.

"Why must you always pay for expenses when we go out together? I wanted to treat you once in awhile and it would not make me feel so guilty." I sighed.

"My omma taught me well I guess. It's not like the bill is alot. You can keep the money for your makeup and dresses expenses. It is alot more expensive than mine. " he replied.

I just smiled and shaked my head at his response. Then it hit me.

"YA! Are you saying I am ugly and I need more makeup?!"I hollered.

"I did not! You just did!" he teased.

I guess it is business as usual then. I shall play along and act all offended so that we will spend more time together before parting for the night...

A.N: Sorry for the late update. I was summoned for spring cleaning duty by my mom, on top of work and daily life activities. Hope you like my update. Please review and comment as usual. I'm really glad with my readers encouraging me to update. Honestly I am flattered. I will do my best to live up to your expectations. Next update will have some smurt I guess. Till the next time! 



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Wilde_sparxx #1
Chapter 14: This was like a whole new perspective on things... the whole going for MHIYD drama because of the promotions was a nice surprise.

Also I like how you've incorporated SNSD without actually creating a fixed conflict ... that was rather brilliant, I didn't think it would go the way it did. And, I like how you've written the interaction between the pair...

Great work! Keep writing ... and how about some interaction between the cnblue band members? they seem to be generally funny people... Although I think a tense scene is about to come up, if you choose to continue writing :)
Keahun #2
Chapter 14: Nice and very interesting story, please do continue writing, thanks.
ratriana #3
Chapter 14: Continue please
yongshin143 #4
Chapter 14: I'm so curious what happened next.. Hope you update soon authornim.. Fighting
Riko_waiwai #5
Chapter 14: Yonghwa went to hang out with those girls even though he was tired. I would be very angry, jealous too, if I were shinhye. I think shinhye should stay mad at him until he truly bet for forgiveness and promise he'd not meeting them anymore.
Thanks for the update!
Bebot7794 #6
Chapter 14: Am a little confused where the story is leading to...thought ive had the last of the girl group in the prev chaps. I was hoping for more yongshin narratives. Sorry, mean no offense, solely a reaction/point of view.
diehard_yongshin #7
Chapter 14: jealous shinhye...kekeke... yongshin fighting!!! :) Yongshin forever <3
stalla #8
Chapter 14: wooooh whts gonna happen nxt cnt wait 4 ure nxt chap nd im so curious 4 ure nxt updte
Hawaali #9
Chapter 14: Thanks you authornim
Hawaali #10
Chapter 14: I think shin has right to be jeolous tsk yong what r u doing I didn't like this chap a lot but it's ok I will see what's happens next update soon