What's going on? Her POV


ShinHye POV

"Noona! Did you rest well?" MinHyuk asked me.
"Deh~" I said, even though i slept less than four hours since filming ended at 2am. Minhyuk left at 8pm as there were no more scenes for him to film. 
'Sometimes I wonder if being an actress is a blessing or a curse' I muttered to myself.
"Noona cheer up! You are starting to be like Hyung, moping around like a kid depreived of candy. Kekekeke~"Minhyuk commented.
I was shocked as I did not know that I was displaying my weariness but i perked up at the mention of Yonghwa.
"Eh? Shouldn't he be happy? He is taking a break from constant song writing. He doesn't like to be cooped up at the dorm right?" I said.
"Deh Noona but he is troubled about the ratings as usual. Moreover.... " Minhyuk stuttered at the end.
"Moreover what? Come now, tell me the whole story." I encouraged.
And so I heard about the epic story behind the reason why Yonghwa was so moody these few weeks. Feeling the need to cheer up him, I checked the surrondings and it was safe. I then took out my personal handphone and dialed his personal number which i memorised due to extensive usage. I walked away from my manager, stylist and Minhyuk to a corner of the dressing room.

"Lee Shin! YA! Are you still in bed at this time? its 7am! time to get out of bed!" I hollered. I only use Lee Shin when I know he is feeling moody.
"Shinhye ya~ not so loud please, i came back at 5am and i jus went to bed not long ago." was his reply.
Suddenly i felt bad for thinking he was still lazing around in bed.
"What time do you need to wake up again for filming?" I asked concerned.
"Hahaha you should talk to me like this everytime you call me Shinhya ya~, beats the loud voice everytime. Answer to you question is 4pm. Oh why did you call me anyway? Cant be because you missed my voice right? Kekeke" he said.
"Yaya, enough with the nonsense. I called to ask if you are still feeling sad about the low viwership ratings. I thought we went through this already during Heartstrings? How many times -
"I know. I just cant stand the fact that I appear in all the shows with low ratings. I mean come on, your show is doing so much better than mine. Maybe its just me, not the korean audience this time ya?" he cut me off before i could even start.
Upon hearing his honest speech, i felt some pain in my heart which i decided to ignore first. 
"Come on Yonghwa ya~ Dont think so negatively! You should put in 110% in every shooting! I'm sure that your fans will still watch!" I said. I thought it was a meek attempt at cheering him up thou.
"Ara ara! I'm really sleepy, can we talk via Kakao talk later? Pretty please? Eunhye Noona is really scary when I say wrong stuff, she likes things to be done on the first try."he said while trying desperately but failing to stiffle a yawn.
"Alright! good nights! Or should i say good morning! haha. have a good rest! Message me when you wake up! Bye~" I said and hanged up without waiting for his reply.
My mind wandered back to the moment which I felt pain or sorrow when he thought so little of himself.

"Shinhye shi~ Its time to start filming" one of the writers inform me.

Having no time to think about what jus happened, I went to work, not without Yonghwa's moodiness gnawing at me the whole day. The filming ended at 10pm, 1 hour before schedule. An idea came to me as my make up was being removed.

"Oppa, can we drop by Cnblue's dorm later for a bit?" I asked with my eyes still closed.
"Sure but you have to wake up tomorrow at 5am, you do remember right?" my manager said
"Of course! I will be there for abit. I will drive back myself. Thanks!" I said.

A.N. Sorry for the delay. As its from a girl's Pov, i struggled to write this chapter.

P.S I am quite sure there are more than a few guys who ship yongshin here. haha. comment and review please! thanks~



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Wilde_sparxx #1
Chapter 14: This was like a whole new perspective on things... the whole going for MHIYD drama because of the promotions was a nice surprise.

Also I like how you've incorporated SNSD without actually creating a fixed conflict ... that was rather brilliant, I didn't think it would go the way it did. And, I like how you've written the interaction between the pair...

Great work! Keep writing ... and how about some interaction between the cnblue band members? they seem to be generally funny people... Although I think a tense scene is about to come up, if you choose to continue writing :)
Keahun #2
Chapter 14: Nice and very interesting story, please do continue writing, thanks.
ratriana #3
Chapter 14: Continue please
yongshin143 #4
Chapter 14: I'm so curious what happened next.. Hope you update soon authornim.. Fighting
Riko_waiwai #5
Chapter 14: Yonghwa went to hang out with those girls even though he was tired. I would be very angry, jealous too, if I were shinhye. I think shinhye should stay mad at him until he truly bet for forgiveness and promise he'd not meeting them anymore.
Thanks for the update!
Bebot7794 #6
Chapter 14: Am a little confused where the story is leading to...thought ive had the last of the girl group in the prev chaps. I was hoping for more yongshin narratives. Sorry, mean no offense, solely a reaction/point of view.
diehard_yongshin #7
Chapter 14: jealous shinhye...kekeke... yongshin fighting!!! :) Yongshin forever <3
stalla #8
Chapter 14: wooooh whts gonna happen nxt cnt wait 4 ure nxt chap nd im so curious 4 ure nxt updte
Hawaali #9
Chapter 14: Thanks you authornim
Hawaali #10
Chapter 14: I think shin has right to be jeolous tsk yong what r u doing I didn't like this chap a lot but it's ok I will see what's happens next update soon