Dropping a bombshell


Shin Hye POV


I just came back from a short recording of a show asking for my thoughts on the latest hit track of CNBLUE, Can't Stop. It was due to be released next week. I had to act surprised and lied about how I feel about the song. The only sincere and true thing that I said during the interview is that I believe the song will achieve an all kill. I got a bit of taery eyed at the end as I was reminded of what happened a month ago. Honestly during the interview I was spacing out as I had heard the song a month prior to the recording. 


~~Flashback (one month ago)~~


My personal handphone rang, disturbing me from my precious sleep. I was catching up on my much need rest as I was severely sleep deprived during November and December. I squinted my eyes to see what time it was. Two a.m, TWO FREAKING A.M. I was prepared to give the caller a scolding of a lifetime till I saw that it was Yonghwa who was calling me. I shot up in my bed wide awake before picking up the call hesitantly. 


"Ouch, my ear! Keke Shin~~~ If I do not have a good reason do you really think I will interupt your rest?" he replied me.

Important reason? Is it because he fell in love? Is it because something bad happened to him?

"Let me finish before you jump to any conclusions. I just finished composing the title track for my band's latest album! Or should I say our latest title track since I do consider you as the honorary fifth member of the band." he added.

I let out a mental sigh of relief. I had though of all the worst case scenarios and I was relieved that nothing bad happened to him. If him being in love or finding a girlfriend counts as something bad. Yes it is, bad for me. Heol, what am I even thinking?

"I was thinking if you wanted to have some supper? I'm outside your house now." he continued.

Wait a minute, did I hear him right? He's outside of my house? I rushed to my window and pulled the curtains open. A black minivan was parked at the entrance of my flat. 

"Heol~ You are so confident to the extent that you came without asking? What if I reject your offer of supper? Would you just go home?" I .

"Eh? You do not want to eat? It's fine I guess. I thought of you first when I finished composing and wanted to find someone to celebrate with. Guess I will head home then." he said with a tone of dejection.

I wanted to kick myself for making him feel down although I meant it as a joke. I thought of what to say when he interrupted me.

"I was just pulling your leg, let me change and freshen up. I will see you in around ten minutes?" I quickly said, trying to remedy the mistake that I made previously.

"Kekeke, I knew you would come! Alright~ I see you in abit Shin~ Bye bye~" he said with lots of aegyo and hang up.

My face flushed and I was feeling flustered. It was the first time Yonghwa used such heavy aegyo when conversing with me and frankly speaking I liked it. I snapped out of my thoughts and changed to a set of decent clothes, instead of my loose one piece. I went to wash my face hurriedly and sprayed some perfume on myself and rushed out to meet him. Normally I would not mind the lift taking its own sweet time to come up to the floor of my apartment but I was urging it to be faster so that I can meet Yonghwa. Even if it was 1 second earlier, it would mean that I would get to see him for 1 more second longer. I hurried into the lift and was pressing the first floor button like a mad woman. Heol~ The things I do for him, if only he knew. I jogged over to his minivan when the elevator doors opened wide enough for me to squeeze through even though I was wearing wedges.

I was pleasantly surprised to see him coming out and opening the door on the passenger side for me. I blushed and thanked him. The blast of the air conditioning hit me as I buckled the seat belt in. I shivered a little and I cursed myself for being too careless to leave behind my cardigan. He removed his jacket and placed it on my lap.

"Here, you need it more than I do." he said and then turned to buckle in his safety belt.

I guessed he noticed me shivering. I was glad that he turned away as I could still feel the heat on my cheeks. Then I realised that the music playing in the vehicle was foreign to me. I listened to it carefully and I hear Yonghwa singing. Ah, he must be playing the title track.

"The song is nice. What inspired you to compose this song?"I asked.

He turned to me and gave me a look of incredulity. 

"Do you even need to ask? Every song I composed is about well people that affected my life. You should ask who inspired me for this song instead. Tsk tsk and you call yourself my best friend." he said.

Come to think of it, that is true. Love light, Love Love Love and I'm Sorry were all cause of Seohyun. Ah, I should have been more observant. I mentally berated myself.

"So who is it this time?" I finally asked as the minivan started to move off.

"I tell you later over some coffee? I'm really hungry now. I skipped my dinner to rush finish the song." he said.

"How many times must I tell you to take care of yourself?" I admonished.

"Sorry, won't happen again." he replied.

"Do not make promises you can't keep." I retorted.

"Is the cafe opposite the MacDonalds open 24/7?" he asked in an attempt to change the topic as he could sense me getting miffed.

"Yes and it serves great oreo cheesecake so you might want to eat there. I could use a cup of tea as well." I said.

"Your wish is my command." was his reply.

I slapped him on his forearm while trying to stifle a chuckle. He parked the minivan while I was unbuckling my seatbelt I heard him closing the drive door. I saw him running over to my side to open my door. I gave him a questioningly look.

"Since when are you so gentlemanly?" I teased.

"Since forever. After you." was his curt reply.

He allowed me to go first, not before opening the door for me. I led him to an empty table at the far end inside of the cafe. 

"I presume you want chamonile tea? Do you want any pastry?" he asked.

"Cup of chamonile tea will do. Thanks." I said.

He went to order what I wanted and his dinner or should I say supper. I thought about why I was even here in the first place and remembered that he would tell me about the person who inspired him for this song. Is it too late for me to tell him how I felt? I have been dragging my feet on this issue due to work and the thought of us being awkward if I do tell him and he rejects me. Therefore I decided that today I will tell him how i felt no matter whom that person is and what happens next. When the time comes, I am sure I can find a way around it. I cannot deny the fact that he is really the guy that I have been looking for to be my better half. I took a deep breath as he walked back witha tray carrying out food abd beverages.

"I have something important to tell you Yonghwa ya." I said as he set the cups and plates on the table.

"Let me return the tray first alright?" he said and went back to the counter to return the tray.

My heart was thumping quickly. I do not know if I can really do this. He smiled at me and sat down.

"So what do you want to tell me?" he asked while gesturing me to tuck in.

I have to do it. I just have to.

"I like you Yonghwa, more than a friend. I realised it awhile back and I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you." I said softly.

Seonds passed and there was still no a word uttered from him. I dare not look up to see his reaction. I started to fear for the worst when he cut me off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So sorry for the long wait. Please do listen to CNBLUE's latest titel track! It is quite nice. 
As usual, review and comment! Thanks alot!
P.S: I have half of the next chapter ready. Should be able to update in 2 days time.






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Wilde_sparxx #1
Chapter 14: This was like a whole new perspective on things... the whole going for MHIYD drama because of the promotions was a nice surprise.

Also I like how you've incorporated SNSD without actually creating a fixed conflict ... that was rather brilliant, I didn't think it would go the way it did. And, I like how you've written the interaction between the pair...

Great work! Keep writing ... and how about some interaction between the cnblue band members? they seem to be generally funny people... Although I think a tense scene is about to come up, if you choose to continue writing :)
Keahun #2
Chapter 14: Nice and very interesting story, please do continue writing, thanks.
ratriana #3
Chapter 14: Continue please
yongshin143 #4
Chapter 14: I'm so curious what happened next.. Hope you update soon authornim.. Fighting
Riko_waiwai #5
Chapter 14: Yonghwa went to hang out with those girls even though he was tired. I would be very angry, jealous too, if I were shinhye. I think shinhye should stay mad at him until he truly bet for forgiveness and promise he'd not meeting them anymore.
Thanks for the update!
Bebot7794 #6
Chapter 14: Am a little confused where the story is leading to...thought ive had the last of the girl group in the prev chaps. I was hoping for more yongshin narratives. Sorry, mean no offense, solely a reaction/point of view.
diehard_yongshin #7
Chapter 14: jealous shinhye...kekeke... yongshin fighting!!! :) Yongshin forever <3
stalla #8
Chapter 14: wooooh whts gonna happen nxt cnt wait 4 ure nxt chap nd im so curious 4 ure nxt updte
Hawaali #9
Chapter 14: Thanks you authornim
Hawaali #10
Chapter 14: I think shin has right to be jeolous tsk yong what r u doing I didn't like this chap a lot but it's ok I will see what's happens next update soon