I do not know what is going on anymore


Yonghwa POV



I took two jackets out from my wardrobe as it was quite cold outside. Shin Hye hates cold weather. I changed into decent looking clothing and pulled my drawer which is meant for socks. I chuckled at the most prominent pair.

"Hey Shinhye! Remember this pair of socks?" I said and threw the pack at her. It hit her left cheek.

"Ya! You disgusting person!" she stared at me.

"It's clean. Retract ur claws please." I chuckled.

"Ah, the pair that I got you from Japan. Seeing it really made me think of you since its BRIGHT gold" she replied.

"Kaja, I'm hungry. We are going to which restaurant for dinner?" I asked.

"Give me your car keys and let me drive later. Doubt you know how to go to the place even if I told you." she grinned at me.

I smiled and hand over my car keys to her. I placed my jacket on her and signalled her to move first.

"Guys! I am going out for dinner, anything just give me a call!" I said in the general direction of their rooms.

I wore sneakers while she wore her high heels. I almost forgot about the jacket that I wanted to bring for her. I kicked off my sneakers and rushed inside the house to take them.

"Wae? Why do you need 2 jackets? Are you like me scared of the cold?" she asked.

I did not reply her. Instead i went into the lift and motioned for her to come in. She came in with a look of confusion.

"Pabo, one of them is for you. Look at you, wearing a skirt in this horribly cold weather. Aish." I placed the jacket over her shoulders.

She froze when I placed the jacket on her. I heard the elevator doors open and I stepped out, thinking she would follow. I turned back and saw her still inside. It was weird to see her space out like that, she usually is very full of energy and bubbly, maybe she is not feeling well. I touched her forehead and she was not running a fever.

"Are you very tired? It's not the first time you spaced out today." I asked.

"Ani, I was just thinking of some stuff." she said.

She looked everywhere but at me, she does this when she is lying. I was tempted to ask her about what was bothering her but i decided to give her some privacy. I figured out that she would tell me when she is ready, like she always do. She smiled and moved closer to me. TIme seemed to stop as she removed my jacket and carried in on her right hand. She latched on to my right arm by hooking with her left arm. 

"This feels alot better. Come on! I do not want to reach the place at midnight." she half dragged, half pulled me forward.

I merely followed her lead and soon we were at my car. I entered the passenger seat still quite in a state of shock. I turned and saw that she was grinning away as if it was all that naturalf for her to have such skinship with me. I was pulled back to reality when I felt something hard hit my shoulder.

"YA! Your seatbelt!" she shrieked.

"Ahra, concentrate on the road please." I retorted.

The feeling I had felt just moments ago, the feeling that brings people happiness beyond words, the warmth feeling that will be even enough to melt the biggest icebergs, the feeling that I know all so well. But I cannot possibly be having that kind of feelings for my best female friend right? 

"Yongie~~~ What do you want to eat later? Let's discuss now so that we can save time later. I'm really hungry." she said. 

I turned to her, about to utter my answer out when I noticed that she looked cute with her biting her bottom lip. Ah, I silently berated myself for only noticing now that she has this habit. Just like how she will look to the floor when she do not want to talk about something or when she is awkward. Or when she will hit people who are close to her. Ah, looks like I found my reason to why she held and dragged me by my arm. Satisfied that I found a viable answer to why she did that bit of skinship with me, I answered.

"Can we eat sashimi? I really miss eating it." I replied.

It dawned on me that I still did not find out why I felt that way when she displayed that bit of skinship with me. Did i really felt that way? Or was I deluding myself?

"Aish! Did you hear my reply? I said since you are paying you can decide!" she said angrily.

"Mian. Alright! sashimi it is." I replied.

I knew she was still angry at me ignoring her. I pinched her cheek spontaneously. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her smiling. We reached the place shortly after that. Upon getting out of the car, she once again took me by the arm and led me in. She greeted the manager and he brought us to a inner chamber. I thought of the time that we ate together recently and I was reminded that the spotlight was all on me that time. Time to turn the tables.

"Hey Shinhye, this time how about you tell me more about your love life?" I stated.

"Ah, where to start!" she gave me a wink.

My face went flushed at her wink. What is going on with me....



~~~to be continued~~~


A.N: Firstly I would like to apologise for the delay in the updates as I was quite busy during christmas, new year and what not. Secondly, after 2 weeks of not writing, I was too lazy to start again but I forced myself to. (This short chapter took me 4 hours to complete, amdist watching Running Man and what not) Last but not least is that for two days there has been no updates on my subcription list. Therefore I decided why not I be the one to give some fun and happiness in my readers' lifes. 

P.S: Since it is too late for me to wish you people happy new year and merry christmas, I shall wish you people a good year ahead! As usual, review and comment. Sorry for the long A.N! Thanks alot~~~




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Wilde_sparxx #1
Chapter 14: This was like a whole new perspective on things... the whole going for MHIYD drama because of the promotions was a nice surprise.

Also I like how you've incorporated SNSD without actually creating a fixed conflict ... that was rather brilliant, I didn't think it would go the way it did. And, I like how you've written the interaction between the pair...

Great work! Keep writing ... and how about some interaction between the cnblue band members? they seem to be generally funny people... Although I think a tense scene is about to come up, if you choose to continue writing :)
Keahun #2
Chapter 14: Nice and very interesting story, please do continue writing, thanks.
ratriana #3
Chapter 14: Continue please
yongshin143 #4
Chapter 14: I'm so curious what happened next.. Hope you update soon authornim.. Fighting
Riko_waiwai #5
Chapter 14: Yonghwa went to hang out with those girls even though he was tired. I would be very angry, jealous too, if I were shinhye. I think shinhye should stay mad at him until he truly bet for forgiveness and promise he'd not meeting them anymore.
Thanks for the update!
Bebot7794 #6
Chapter 14: Am a little confused where the story is leading to...thought ive had the last of the girl group in the prev chaps. I was hoping for more yongshin narratives. Sorry, mean no offense, solely a reaction/point of view.
diehard_yongshin #7
Chapter 14: jealous shinhye...kekeke... yongshin fighting!!! :) Yongshin forever <3
stalla #8
Chapter 14: wooooh whts gonna happen nxt cnt wait 4 ure nxt chap nd im so curious 4 ure nxt updte
Hawaali #9
Chapter 14: Thanks you authornim
Hawaali #10
Chapter 14: I think shin has right to be jeolous tsk yong what r u doing I didn't like this chap a lot but it's ok I will see what's happens next update soon