Chapter 27

Under the Moonlight

"yah.. wake up..." Don came in the next morning and woke you up aruptly.

"what is it?" you asked while rubbing your sleeoy eyes.

"I'm not going to keep you here and feed you all the time..." he said. "follow me.." and he walked out of the room and you simply followed along. He brought you to somewhere which seemed like a farm. "there's a saying that there's no free lunch in the world... you have to work here...and let me warn you first, the weather is no can leave now if you want..." he said, more like threatened.

"i'm not leaving until you agree to my terms.." you said determinedly.

"fine! do all you want!" he shouted at you and then eyed at someone at the far end of the farm and he walked away. The guy that he called came over to you and brought you away to get equipments to start working in the farm. It's not as easy as you think and the job is tough. The sun was also glaring hot and you feel very thirsty.

"You! Get this done before you can take a break!" the guy ordered and you nodded and went to carry out his orders. You had to stand under the sun and it was a tiring job. By the time you finished, it was already evening and you felt like dying. You went under the shelter and collapsed onto the chair. "I really have to hand it off to you..." the guy said and chuckled. "Is it really worth it?" he asked.

"yes..for him.., everything is worth it..." you replied.

"then good luck.." he said and walked off. "By the way you can go back now.." he shouted. You got up after you rested for a while and started walking back to the room where you were locked up. You took a look around the surroundings as you walked. You saw a brick falling off a roof and there was a kid walking by and instinctively, you used your powers to stop it and pulled the kid aside before putting down the brick. Don was watching from somewhere.


"Are we all ready?" Suho asked EXO.

"neh!" they replied in unison.

"remember not to fight unless necessary..." Kris reminded.

"let's go!" Suho said and everyone ran out of the house and headed for you.


"I saw it...what you did just now.. the child.." Don came in to look for you and said.

"What?" you acted like you don't know anything.

"don't lie.. i know your powers.. i think you're of great use to us..." he said and smirked.

"what do you want?" you said weakly, tired from the hard labour and the use of your powers.

"I need you to put your powers into good use... see you tomorrow.." he said and left. You wondered what he meant but you knew the last thing that EXO or Kai wanted you to do is to show your powers to him.

The next day you woke up to Don standing in front of you.

"Good morning sweetheart.." he said and you stood up immediately. "Come with me.." he said and shoved you out. You followed behind him as he led you to a house. You could see that it's old and worn. "Show me how you can help to fix the roof..." he said and pointed to a pile of tiles at a corner. You could easily use your powers to move the tiles up and fix them in position. But you hesitated showing your powers to him. "well, if you do us a favour, i will consider your request.." he said. You looked at him and he looked sincere. You decided to help as you saw a woman and a little boy coming out from the house. Your heart softened. You used your powers to move the tiles and he looked on with amazement. You finished fixing the roof and you felt like you aged 10 years. It took a toll on you everytime you used your powers. Your knees felt like they were giving way and you could have collapse on the ground anytime. The earth seems to be rotating around you and you are slowly losing consciousness.

"I want to go back..." you managed to say out.

"not so's only afternoon... you still have to work don't you remember?" he said and dragged you away to the farm again. "since you helped us just now, i will give you a little break.. you can work in the barn today.." he said. Although you don't have to work under the sun, it is still tiring as there are many animals in the barn and you have to move around a lot. Two men were working there as well and they are watching you. There was no chance that you can rest and you feel like you were dying and losing control of your body. Your face and lips are getting paler. You thought of Kai which gave you some strength to endure this hardship. *I have to do it for him...* you thought.


"wow...see who has come home?" Don said as he saw Kai and the rest.

"Where is she?" Kai demanded.

"what do you mean?" Don denied.

"I know she's here! where did you hide her?" Kai shouted at him.

"I don't know what you are talking about.." Don continued to deny.

"Let her go!" Kai sprang forward to grab Don by his collar. The rest wanted to charge forward but was stopped by Suho.

"She came here by herself... maybe she doesn't want to leave.." Don smirked.

"Let.Her.Go." Kai mouthed each and every word clearly to him. He smirked again and signaled for another guy to bring you out. Others have gathered around to observe the whole situation.

"I think it's better for you to retreat now and not get into a fight.. you wouldn't want to hurt anyone here...and you wouldn't want the whole pack to go against you..." Don provoked.

"Kai..hold it in.." Luhan whispered to him and pulled him back.

"I'll leave with her..." Kai replied.

"You think you can take her away that easily? she came here on her own accord.." Don said.

"Stop it Don! we came here not to fight..." Suho stepped out.

" even brought visitors here..." Don said and the others from the wolf pack were snarling at the vampires.

"Don't you hurt them..they mean no harm...this is between me and you!" Kai growled.

"Yoojin!" Tao and Chen shouted as they saw you being dragged out in your weak state. Kai ran over to you once he saw you.

"Yoojin..hey...look at me...are you ok?" Kai shook you for you to regain conciousness. You were feeling dizzy but you fought to open your eyes.

"kai?" you managed to say out.

"yes it's me...I'm here.. let's go home together..." he said and lifted you up and ran back to EXO. He handed you over to Baekhyun and then turned back to face Don. "What did you do to her?" Kai demanded.

"I did nothing...Maybe she just can't take all the work..." Don smirked.

"She's a can you?" Kai grabbed his collar once again and punched him in his face.

"Kai!! No!!" Tao pulled him back before he could land a second punch on Don's face.

"I think she used it.." Chanyeol said.

"But that doesn't mean you can do this to her..." Kai growled and broke free from Tao's grip and transformed into a wolf.

"Oh no... guys bring her away!" Xiumin told Kris and the rest and then got ready for a battle between the wolves. Soon all the wolves transformed including Don's pack. Baekhyun carried you and ran towards the forest followed by the rest of the vampires. You woke up for a moment and saw Baekhyun.

"where is he?" you asked weakly. Baekhyun didn't answer but kept running. "Baekhyun please..." you pleaded. He stopped in his tracks and the rest stopped as well. "Don't tell me..." You got worried and you fought to get down from Baekhyun's lift. He let you down in case you fall and you ran back to Kai despite being weak once you touched the ground. They followed you, knowing they can't stop you. *kai..* you thought as you ran.


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Chapter 28: Omo. I'm crying :( .. was nice story!!
Chapter 28: uwaaaa!!!!! sad ending. ;(
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 28: The story is so touching!... But I was expecting for Yoojin to transform into vampire considering she's half vampire... Oh well...

Regardless, I love the story - even though the ending was a bit sad...

Thank you for writing this story authornim ^^
Haru_XOXO #4
Chapter 28: I love you story the ending made me cry ㅠ_ㅠthank you!!!
KAngell #5
Chapter 28: Awww I was hoping to find out what the truth is behind don and exo's rivalry... Maybe u could explain?
_JongJi #6
Chapter 28: Omg author waeeee!! You made me cry ;( but other than tht good story!! <3<3
Chapter 28: Why u had to do this u bad author made me cry !!!! >~< this chapter is very sad and heart breaks for meeeeeeee
Chapter 28: What!!??? That's the ending? Nooooooooo!! Please make another chapter! And make a HAPPY ending!! )-; like a miracle will happen!! Please I'm begging you!!!! )-; D-; *crying my heart out* Please!
Chapter 27: OMG!!!!!!! What will happen??????????????????????????????????????? KAI!!!!!! Help her!!!!!!