Chapter 1

The way you make me feel~

“Would it kill you to be nice to your brother for once”? Both boys were playing Battlefield 4 in Seunghyun’s room, it was the same game they had been playing the same game for over a week. Seunghyun shifted uncomfortably, “Are we really going to have this argument again”?

“I’m just saying. I mean, your brother is nice, he even gets you out of trouble”

Seunghyun’s eyes were still locked on the television; “Dude, if you love him so much, you can have him. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind taking over your home”. He was tired of talking about Jiyong. Ever since Jiyong had stepped into the house, everything was about him.

“I would gladly switch him with mine, my baby brother is such a waste of space. He keeps telling on me, trying to get me into trouble and whatnot. You should be glad yours doesn’t do that”

“Two things. One, Tae sung is your blood brother. Two, Jiyong fools everyone into thinking he’s nice. And every time he does something nice, I look bad”

“Sure” Taemin scoffed. “Your parents are so cool, if I did what you just did back there to my brother, they would put me up for adoption or something”.

Seunghyun smirked. He had it all figured out. His mother told him once that she would allow him do whatever he wanted because she felt sorry to him for bringing Jiyong into their home, and so he took her up on it. “Let’s just say, I’m good. Let’s pause it, I need to take a quick shower”.

Taemin wanted to push further but he had promised himself that he would no longer fight Seunghyun on the issue. When he Seunghyun, Jiwon, and Jo first became friends, they all thought that Seunghyun was an only child until they started having sleepovers. The first day he met Jiyong, he thought the kid seemed cool and friendly and was eager to be his friend, but Seunghyun told him not to. He felt bad for Jiyong, the poor kid was always either making his way to the hospital, or sick in bed. Not to mention being home schooled, which totally . “Dude, is Lana going to be at the Brigg tonight”? Seunghyun appeared at the door, towel around his waist.

“Seriously, cover up man. No one wants to see your moobs, what the ”! Taemin pretended to cover his eyes, as Seunghyun flexed his muscles, “Oooh you like that. Oh yeah, I’m the terminator”

“You’re such a loser”! Taemin screamed after Seunghyun who was disappearing into the bathroom, “Hey, why did you lie to your folks about the Brigg. We’re not going to the Brigg until way later”. The Brigg was the place where seniors went to hang out; it was a fairly large spot in the woods, where no trees grew, so they usually drove their cars there, made bonfires and chilled.

“Shh”, Seunghyun ran out of his closet, checking to see if anyone had heard.

“I saw your mom’s car pull out earlier, chill”

“Oh” Seunghyun sighed. He knew he would be grounded for sure, if he got caught in a lie twice in one day. “I didn’t tell them I was going to the dealership, my dad was so excited about taking me. I didn't want to break his heart”. His birthday was tomorrow, and he was supposed to pick out a car with his father but he wanted to get a head start by checking out the cars first. He needed to know the car he wanted, and why he did or his father would pick one for him. “Is Lana going to be there though”? Lana was undoubtedly the coolest girl in his school; she was so cool that she was basically one of the guys. She liked basketball, football, racecars, and video games, and he thought it was the y.

“I don’t understand why you can’t just talk to her like a normal person. You are Choi Seunghyun after all”

“Yeah but she hates my guts” Seunghyun drenched himself in cologne “I apparently reek arrogance. I don’t see it”

"Well now you just reek of too much testosterone. Gee, are you trying to choke us"? Taemin gasped for air. 

"Why are we even friends"? Seunghyun rolled his eyes before walking back into his closet.

“Trust me, that is one of life's greatest mysteries" Taemin picked his phone as it blinked. "Jo just texted me, GET HERE NOW. Oh , weren’t we supposed to play basketball with them”?

“Oh yeah, what time is it”?

“Damn, it’s three o’clock” Taemin quickly gathered his things, “I say, basketball, then dealership, then brigg. Seriously, remind me again why I’m your driver? Your folks have three drivers, why can’t they drive you”?

“And risk my parents finding out about my every move”? They made their way downstairs, “No thanks”

They were entering the kitchen when they heard the sound of glass shattering; it was Jiyong. “Hey, are you okay”? Taemin rushed to help Jiyong who was panting and shaking.


“Don’t apologize” Taemin guided him by the shoulders, “What happened”?

“Oh nothing. Weakness, a side effect of having a fraction of your blood replaced with someone else’s” Jiyong laughed nervously.

Meanwhile, in the corner, Seunghyun was growing impatient, “Are you serious? Bad enough you act pitiful around my parents, you are pulling that on my friends now”?

Taemin turned to his friend, “Seunghyun”!

“Where is the auntie that usually helps you, I don’t have time for this”

“Hyung, I am so sorry” Jiyong stepped away from his brother’s friend.

“Jiyong, I told you to stay put” Yoomi walked in with some books, “Sorry Seunghyun shi. I was just getting him  some books”

“Whatever. Lets go T”.

Taemin felt bad, but he didn’t want to pry. He was through fighting with Seunghyun about his countenance towards his brother “Omo! Blood.  Jiyong why aren’t you wearing shoes”? He heard the lady behind them but Seunghyun kept walking, and so did he.



“Ajumma, I made hyung angry again” Jiyong casually picked up the remote control of the television, while Yoomi dressed where the glass had impaled. “I don’t know why I keep doing silly things”

“The only wrong thing you’ve ever done wrong to that boy is exist, you owe him nothing” The wound was a lot deeper than she thought, and was bleeding profusely. “Lord knows if he was my son, I would have sent him to a catholic boarding school to have him straightened out”, she shook her head. “Jiyong, I think we should return to the hospital... the bleeding isn’t stopping”

“Oh no, it will stop soon. I’ve been taking my Iron pills” He carelessly flipped through channels, “Please don’t call mom”, he tried stopping her from calling but it was already too late. She was already on the phone with his mother.



“It was just a little cut, Minnie” He whined to the nurse, as she redressed his wound. She laughed, “It’s not your parents fault that they love you so much”?

“Yes it is... I just left the hospital and here I am again” There were times when he wished he was normal, like Seunghyun. Seunghyun was perfect; he was tall, he played sports, had cool friends, and was extremely good looking. The house walls were almost paper thin, and living across the hall from Seunghyun, he could hear almost everything that went on in there. Seunghyun had to be popular or something because he was always either on the phone or texting someone, and whenever he had his three friends over, they always did fun things. He wished he could live as carefree as Seunghyun did, if only for a day. The only people whom texted him, were his parents, Yoomi, and a few doctors in the hospital.

“Just when I taught you left earlier without saying hello”. Min hyuk, a final year med school student, and one of his hospital friends walked into the room, “But I’m glad, you can’t seem to stay away”. Min hyuk took over from the nurse.

“HYUNG”!! He was a little disappointed when he left the hospital earlier without seeing Min Hyuk.

“Hey buddy”! Min hyuk ruffled his hair, “How was the transfusion”? Min hyuk was one of the reasons the hospital didn’t seem like the worst place in the world. Talking to him was so refreshing, and he being an eye candy was definitely a plus. “Hyung, it was so boring without you there”. He had known he liked boys for a while. He didn’t understand it at first, but began feeling better after about it after opening up to his parents.

 “So how did you hurt yourself? You were supposed to be resting, champ” Min Hyuk helped him off the table.

“Silly me, I was trying to get a glass of water but my nerves failed me” He laughed nervously. They walked out of the room together. A couple of nurses waived at him, and even a few of the patients. “Only the almighty Jiyong can be more famous than a doctor”. Eun Hyuk said before flashing his heavenly smile. He met Min Hyuk when his teacher had taken him to the hospital lab, for his lab work. Eun Hyuk was also at the lab, working on his research project. The older boy first for doing basic chemistry lab work in a university laboratory, and after several arguements; he ended up getting tutored by him. “Hyung I was thinking... can I get your number. You are my only young friend”?

Min hyuk snatched his iPhone. “I was wondering when you’d ask, I was starting to get offended” he was handed back his phone. “You better text me champ, or I’ll get offended”

It was so hard keeping his blush at bay, “Thank you hyung”. It suddenly felt like Christmas. 

“Hey, want to have lunch with me. I want to introduce you to a special friend of mine, I’ve told her so much about you”, and just like that... it turned into the type of Christmas that would be in a Tim Burton movie. “Uhmm, thank you hyung but I think I should leave. I’m expecting a package that I have to sign for”. He wasn’t too broken up about it; Min huk liking him more than a younger brother was only wishful thinking on his part. “Well... rest, and as much as I love your company, I don’t want to see you here unless its for volunteer or your regular check up”

“Yes hyung” He smiled, before turning away. Yoomi was probably waiting anyway.

“Hey Ji... have you told your folks about the admission”?

Oh yes, the admission. Over the summer, he applied to Seunghyun’s school, without telling the parents. He didn't expect to be admitted, it was something he did for fun with the help of Yoomi, but when she informed him that the letter arrived, he found himself wishing he could go. He really wanted to. “No, not yet. Maybe I shouldn’t go”. Min hyuk walked closer to him, “Jiyong if you don’t want to, don’t. But you shouldn’t miss the opportunity just because you’re scared. High school is brutal but you are lucky because you would only be there for senior year, which is hands down, the most amazing part of school in general. Plus, the schoolwork would be a piece of cake for you”.

“You think”?

“I know. Plus every girl would die for a cutie like you” Min hyuk ruffled his hair again.


          “It’s been so long since we had dinner as a family” Mi rae smiled. Everyone was always so busy; she had her free clinic, Eun hyuk and the hospital, Seunghyun with his friends, and Jiyong always ended up eating dinner by himself.  “So how was everyone’s day”?

“The usual, I was at the Brigg with friends” Seunghyun said as he helped himself to seconds, “Dad, we’re still on for the dealership tomorrow right”? He was excited; he was getting the two things he really wanted, a Chevrolet Camaro, and a ps4.

 “Yes, I promised”

Mi rae shook her head, “Seunghyun, why don’t you just drive one of the cars in the house”?

“But mom, I want a car with my name on it”. There was no way he wasn’t getting a new car, he’d told everyone about it.

“Jiyong, why so quiet. Are you okay”? Eun Hyuk faced his son, “Is your wound still bleeding”

“No” Jiyong continued playing with his food. “I have something to tell you guys... I was thinking about going to school...”

“Not my school”! Seunghyun was the first to speak.

“Jiyong, school starts in a couple of days. It’s already too late to apply”

“I actually applied during summer, and they sent me an acceptance letter so ....”

“He is not attending my school” Seunghyun cut Jiyong off, “Bad enough he has taken over my home, now he wants my school too? My life would be over”!. School was the one place he was sure no one would overlook him, he was important in school. Besides, no one with the exception of his close friends knew about Jiyong and he wanted to keep it that way

 “Seunghyun relax” Mi rae addressed her eldest first, before turning to Jiyong, “First of all, applying behind our backs is plain wrong, you’re making us seem like bad parents. Also, think about your health”

“But dad said I was as healthy as a horse after my last check up”. Jiyong said quietly, which made everyone direct their anger at the poor man who was eating quietly.

“You all figure this out yourselves, but he is not allowed in my school” Seunghyun stormed off.



“How could you have said that to him, you know he isn’t going to be in the clear until he is over twenty two” Mi rae scolded her husband as they got ready for bed.

“Honey, were you seriously going have him home schooled forever”? He loved how much his wife protected Jiyong, but it was time it was time for the boy to do normal things, “Is he going to be home schooled for medical school also? You know he wants to be a doctor, I really think we should give him a chance”

“I don’t know” Mi rae frowned. He was right but she was still against it, especially since Seunghyun was definitely not going to take care of his brother.


“Sweet ride”!!!! People cheered as Seunghyun pulled up at the Brigg on the eve of his birthday with his new matte black Chevrolet Camaro.

“Right”? He basked in the praises that were thrown at him; he finally had his own personal car. “Happy birthday me”!! He screamed before the crowed broke into a birthday song for him, and after that music was blasting, drinks were been opened as he socialized and collected his presents from him friends. He’d spent the morning with his mother shopping, a birthday tradition they both had, and the afternoon picking out a car with his father, and now he was with his friends partying it up. He loved life, well life outside any vicinity that had to do with Jiyong. “Nice car man” Taemin appeared beside him, and they shared their personal handshake.

The party was soon over, and he and Taemin were back in his house to finish the game they started earlier. “I can’t believe no one got me a ps4”. He said as they raided the fridge for a night snack. “I’ve been dropping hints all over the place”.

They made their way upstairs with all sorts of junk food, “We were actually going to get you one but they were already all pre-ordered. I’ll get you one later” Taemin threw himself on the bed, "Did you seriously leave all your presents in the car"?

“Whatever man” Seunghyun the console. One of the workers brought in drinks, “Thank you so much ajumma” he gave her a light peck on the cheek, “You’re the best”

“Wow, you kiss a maid for doing her job, yet it kills you to smile at your own dotting brother... just wow” Taemin said when the lady was gone. “Shut up and prepare to get your kicked” Seunghyun pounced on the bed beside his friend. “What is that”? Taemin paused the game; there was something shiny under Seunghun’s reading table.

“What the hell”! Seunghyun walked over to the table, it was a gift. A large box wrapped in shiny wrapping paper, with a red bow on it. Mom, he smiled as he picked the card on top of it. “Happy birthday to the greatest hyung in...” he sighed as he realized who it was from, “I told him never to enter my room”

“Well aren’t you going to open it”? Taemin asked when Seunghyun joined him on the bed.

“I don’t care, it’s things like this that makes me angry. Why would he enter my room without permission”? Seunghyun was busy grumbling as Taemin opened the gift, “SEUNGHYUN”!!!!

“You just scared me, why are you yelling”?

“It’s a Ps4”! Taemin carried the box to the bed, “Sweet! Your brother is the coolest”

Okay he was a little impressed, just a little. How did Jiyong know exactly what he wanted when they barely ever spoke to each other? “Damn, he bought games too; Killzone: shadow fall, Call of duty: ghost, Battlefield 4, Assassins creed IV black flag, Destiny, The order 1886. Damn, these are all the good stuff, I’m calling the guys. GAME NIGHT”!!!! Taemin rushed for his phone.

He’s been listening to me... how else would he know what my favorite games were?, Seunghyun was in deep thoughts when Taemin tapped him, “The guys are on their way, futton time!!... You know what you have to do right”? Of course he knew. He had to thank Jiyong or Taemin would chew his ear off.

Ten minutes later, he found himself pacing in front Jiyong’s room door. Do I even have to do this? I mean it’s no biggie, it’s just a stupid game. A stupid awesome game that just got released yesterday. ARGH.

“Hyung”? Of course Jiyong would be behind him.

“Heyyyyy”. Awkward.

“Happy Birthday hyung”, Jiyong said with a Cheshire cat looking grin on his face. Cute...wait no. Seunghyun why would you even think that? Okay just say thank you and walk away from the alien. “Uh, yes” He answered, and started walking away. “Hey” he turned around just before Jiyong was about was about to enter his room.

“Yes hyung”?

“Thanks.... the gift. it was pretty cool”.




It was a saturday night and the streets of downtown Atlanta was booming, but somehwere in the suburbs, lay a girl with her computer. 'Evie, you need to get down here' one of her friends texted, and another, 'Evie, OMG! Hot guys everywhere', to which Evie responded 'No guys, I need to update my fanfics'.......... aaaaaaaaaaand now I have lost my cool. LOL. Sadly, this makes me wayy more happy than guys trying stare at me all night. Happy reading lovelies <3.

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I just finished finished typing the last chapter *sigh*


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Chapter 17: And you made me tear up. This is so so sad. But really really good. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and share this with us.
mdrey22 #2
i love this story. i keep going back to read it again and again.
Chapter 17: Beautiful love story. I'm crying so much now.
Chapter 17: I'm cried so hard!!!! Jiyong die???... I hope the happy ending but... it's okey, you made me cried and your story is the best...
blackbeanoodles #5
Chapter 17: Came back here. Eyes swollen. No regrets!! Heart wrenching but absolutely beautiful... <3
Chapter 17: :(....................................... i really didn't expect this ending. i wished it was a dream in the end that seunghyun was having during the surgery. but jiyong actually died :( jiyong's character was so special.
vododoll #7
Chapter 17: This an amazing story, i cried in every chapter, and I fall in love with Jiyong oh god i love him so damn much he's sooo cute , Gtop here is O.O I don't know what to say, this definitely my favorite story, authornim, you're gorgeous, i looooooove it thank you alooooot , I'm crying i will make another HOT chocolate and read this story one more time XD
Chapter 17: /brb crying Han river/ I read this last night and still feel the sadness of the last two chapters omo omo omo T_______T seunghyun always be jiyong's superman but for the reality, jiyong is seunghyun's superman. That jiyong doesn't want to shorter seunghyun's life span REALLY TOUCHED MY HEART JEBAL CHOROM ///rainbow tears/// but I can smile after read the two seunghyuns and two jiyongs lol. This fiction is really really great, with so many mixed feels, and thought about reread.... But I should prepare a box of tissue first. HAHAHAHA keep on a good work!
kikinajib #9
Chapter 17: So sad, i cry when read last chap, my eyes in tear when i re-read this