Ginger's Day part 1

I'll Be Your Friend


Taeyeon's POV


Baekhyun parents made a surprise visit, but why do they look like I've seen them before? *Aish, never mind. >.< *


Baekhyun took them up to show them around, while I carried on walking Ginger, I couldn't resist the urge to ask him. Without thinking, I swiped my phone out and text him.


KimTaeyeonnie: So how did it go?

ByunBaekhyunLiner: They said okay and we're gonna discuss it 2morrow!

KimTaeyeonnie: Great ^O^! I'll be up soon


Well, I guess that went well, I looked at Ginger, and he looked at me with big hungry eyes. I'm hungry too. “Come on Ginger, umma will carry you up and let's have a snack!” I said. Ginger seemed to be nodding, scooping him up, I walked back to the lift and went up.

“Baekhyun! We're back!” I said as I opened the door, Baekhyun was watching TV, “Back already? I made some toast have some.” Baekhyun replied not leaving the screen. “I will after I give Ginger his snacks.” I said.

“Doing the umma's job already I see.” Baekhyun teased as I sat down with Ginger on the sofa, with a plate of toast in one hand and a plate of dog biscuits on the other.


Placing the plate of toast on the table, I scooped Ginger up and the floor and let him sit on my laps as I fed him.


“You haven't been doing the appa's job!” I accused. “Whatever.” Baekhyun replied sticking his tongue out. I turned to the screen, it was a concert, Super Junior's one to be precise. “You like Super Junior?” I asked. “Yeah.” was the reply.


While I was enjoying it, Baekhyun just suddenly switched off the TV.


“Yah! I was enjoying it!” I said. “Let's go shopping, my parents already gave me my money from home. And let's buy Ginger some doggy things.” Baekhyun said. “Fine.” I replied, but I guess shopping would be much nicer.


I took the lead from the table and put it on Ginger. Putting on a scarf, I grabbed my bag while Baekhyun coaxed Ginger to keep the lead on.


As my condominium is not far from the main street, so we decided to walk there, Ginger also stopped fidgeting with his lead.

As soon we reached the main street, we went for lunch.

After lunch, we decided to buy some doggy clothes for Ginger. “Oh! There's a dog clothing shop over there!” Baekhyun exclaimed. “Let's go!” I urged.


We went inside, I was amazed, well not so, but still. Doggy clothes filled the store, shoes, accessories etc. It was every dog's dream store.

We scanned the shop for something for Ginger, Baekhyun then picked up a blue sweater. “What about this?” He asked.

I showed it to Ginger, “Want this Ginger?” I asked. Ginger nodded, smart dog.

“Let's take this.” Baekhyun said. “What about this?” I asked taking up a set of two striped shirts. “Looks good.” Baekhyun replied and showed it to Ginger.

We finally got 2 sweaters, one blue one yellow and green, two striped shirts, blue and red. And a blue long sleeved shirt.





And a blue bunny costume. “You're mad!” Baekhyun laughed. “Waeyo? It's cute.” I pouted. “Fine.” Baekhyun replied still laughing.

We then bought some toys, a ball, a few stuff Ginger can chew on. Some doggy treats and a bed.

Baekhyun paid, while I carried Ginger. “You look like a couple! Omo is that your dog? Kyeopta!” The cashier said. “We're just friends.” I said. “It doesn't seem like it!” The cashier cheerfully replied.


A/N: I finally updated ^^ I would like to give a big thanks to my 4 new subscribers 





Thank you so much <3 <3 You guys made me so happy ^^ 


We know Key, you are a busy person XDDDD


What I do to my sister XD 

This is what I usually do with my friend when somebody we don't like talks XDD 

Did anyone watch Prime Minster and I ep 10 and 11 ?? OMG SUHO *fangirls* 

When somebody complains to me this is my reaction XD

Bye ~~~ Till the next update ~~ XOXO exotics77 



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I'm so sorry guise, I'm having a writer's block :(


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Chapter 22: Heyy update pls ^^
Chapter 22: Please update, I'm looking forward to it. ^^
Baekyeonshippers #3
Chapter 22: Update soon authornimm..<3<3
Chapter 21: Your comments are giving me inspiration now!
suzannalxx_2003 #5
Chapter 10: Wat type of puppy did Baekhyun buy for Taeyeon????? Is it maltese puppy or something???
Chapter 20: wowowowowoowwoowow Thanks for the update!!!!
Ehehehe I'll have to re read the whole story again because it really Confusing after not reading it for a while
teddysenpais #7
Chapter 19: This story's amazing! <3
Chapter 19: This is very interesting ^^
Please update soon ~
Chapter 9: Ahhh! You forgot Sunny :((
My second SNSD bias :(