The Fiance

August Lovers (G-Ye)

“Excuse me, Miss Sunye? My name is YooChun and I was send by your father to pick you up.” The man who approached Sunye introduced himself.

Sunye turned to see a fine man in suit standing behind her, he showed her a stamp which proves that indeed her father send him to fetch her. Sunye looked at the stamp carefully before turning herself to face JiYong.

“JiYong-sshi, I’m not taking the cab with you and I’ll guess we’ll part ways here” Sunye said to JiYong who was eyeing the man who came to fetch Sunye.

“Ok then, take care.” JiYong said, hiding his disappointment. He doesn’t know why he felt threatened by the man’s presence and it hurts him to see Sunye walking with that guy.

Sunye was walking behind the ‘cold’ YooChun who was leading the way to the car, well she is used to the men’s ‘coldness’ that was portrayed by YooChun since she grew up in the kind of world filled with coldness.

“By the way, how did you recognize me?” Sunye asked YooChun, trying to start a conversation with him.

“Well then just forget the stupid question coz I’ll bet my father give you my picture.” Sunye continued without waiting for YooChun’s answer.

YooChun stopped walking abruptly which makes Sunye who was walking closely behind him, bumped him.

“Hey, don’t just simply stop walking like that?” Sunye scolded YooChun as she rubbed her forehead.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just that I always see you in the picture and now since I see you myself, you are prettier than in the pictures.” the ‘cold’ YooChun finally open his mouth. Sunye was confused by his explanation.

“What did you mean, you always see me in pictures?” Sunye questioned further.

“Oh I forget to tell you that your father has arranged for our wedding so technically I am your fiance” YooChun said almost blushing despite his cold looks.

His statement stumped the blushing Sunye and she did not know what to say. Both of them walked to the car quietly before exiting the airport area together.


On the other hand, JiYong who was still eyeing Sunye from the taxi stand, felt a little jealous to see her blushing in front of the handsome man.

Oh wait, that guy looks like someone I knew. Isn’t he YooChun, the son of a prominent yakuza in Japan? Isn’t he supposed to be in Holland managing his father’s business? But first what is his relationship with Sunye?’ JiYong thought to himself reminiscing his old elementary school friend. Worry grew on JiYong as he ushered himself inside the taxi. Throughout the journey to the hotel, JiYong’s mind was on Sunye and YooChun and he can’t help but forecast bad omen on the whole thing. He is worried that Sunye is in great danger seeing the 'reputation' of YooChun but JiYong did not know how on earth is he be able to protect Sunye.


In the car, YooChun tried to start a conversation since both of them has been in a silently awkward situation ever since he told her that he is his fiance.

“Erm Sunye-sshi, your father has just been released from the hospital few days ago and now is resting at home.” YooChun said, hoping to get a response from Sunye.

“Oh, yeah i know that” Sunye answered shortly before continuing back with her thoughts. Her mind was running with thousand of questions about YooChun but somehow her brain managed to slip in about JiYong. ‘Hope JiYong is doing fine here.

Moments later, Sunye and Yoochun arrived at Sunye’s father’s home. The house is still like the way it is. All his father’s men greeted her. Surprisingly she can still speak Japanese language well, the language that she hasn’t spoken since her mother died. She went to her father’s room to greet him. He looked pale and weaker than the person she had in her memory. He is thinner now.

“Sunye” Her father called her. “I miss you so much” her father said in Korean.

It surprised her that her father can still speak Korean and the hatred that she had for her father somehow vanish a little. But still she couldn’t apologised for what her father did to her mother. Sunye went nearer to her sick father but he didn’t let him touch her for she don’t want to be touched by the person who killed her mother. She sensed that the anger is still inside her, burning.

“I’m sorry” Her father said, he knew exactly why Sunye is being ‘cold’ to him.

Mr Yamaguchi then interrupted, “Sunye, it wasn’t your father’s fault at that time. He did it because he loved your mother.”

“He loved her enough to ‘kill’ her, huh?” Sunye said sarcastically while containing herself from crying.

“No, he did not kill your mother, Sunye-sshi” Mr Yamaguchi said but Sunye’s father held his hand up, signaling to Mr Yamaguchi to discontinue.

“Yes, it is my fault dear and I apologized to you from the bottom of my heart although I knew my 'crime' could never be forgiven” Sunye’s father said.

Sunye looked at her father upon hearing those words, the words that she longed to hear but too afraid to ask for further explanation, why her father drive she and her mother out of the house that night? The night when it is unsafe for both Sunye and her mother to be out as her father’s rival group were out to get his family. Sunye was still mad at the fact that her father did nothing to ‘protect’ her mother and how her mother end up being killed by one of the rival groups member during their runaways. And also the fact that her father did not bid ‘farewell’ or come to her mother’s funeral. Sunye’s father remain a ‘murderer’ in Sunye’s eyes and nothing could change that.

“Sunye,I think you should know the very reason why I asked you to come right?” Her father questioned her breaking her trains of thoughts.

“If you want me take over your business then I’m here to inform you that I am not interested at all!” Sunye said, raising her voice.

Her purpose to come to Japan other than visit her father was to inform him that she has no intention to be the heiress of his ‘yakuza’ empire. Sunye basically wanted to lead a normal life, a life that has nothing to do with ‘coldness’ and ‘ruthless’ world of yakuza.

“But, Sunye, you don’t have other choice since I already make arrangement for you and YooChun to wed so that both of you can take over my business” Somehow, her father’s voice turned stern which shows his seriousness.

Sunye turned to look at YooChun who was standing opposite her side, near the window. She totally forgotten about him.

“Father, you don’t have any rights to tell me who I should wed and forced me to run your business!” Sunye voiced out angrily.

Her father sit up straight and said to her,”Since you still call me father, I have every rights to tell you what to do!” Sunye’s father portrayed his power despite his ill condition.

Sunye couldn’t take the ‘unfairness’ any longer and so without saying a word she stomped out of the room with the luggage that was still in her hand.

“Just let her go and have some time to digest what I have just said.” Sunye’s father said when his men started to run and wanted to capture her.


Meantime, JiYong who just arrived at the hotel, quickly took a shower as he had a business meeting that night with an important client. While preparing himself for the meeting, JiYong called his best friend TOP in Korea.

“Hello, how are you? Chilling out with YooBin is it? Tell her that I met her best friend on the plane” JiYong said to TOP. He heard TOP telling YooBin and soon a loud squeal was heard!

“Did you do anything to her?” YooBin who took over TOP’s handphone, asked curiously.

“Technically no, but something happen to both of us” JiYong said smilingly, as he reminisced the ‘little kiss’ he shared with Sunye on the plane.

“What is it? Tell me, please?” YooBin requested. “Ok, I tell you later coz I have to meet my client now and tell TOP to inform my sister that I have arrived safely in Japan” JiYong said to YooBin before he hung up and make his way down to meet his client.

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!