The 'Queen'

August Lovers (G-Ye)

'Oh so it seems that the hero is here to save the heroin. Do I look like the villain now?' Yoochun said arrogantly to Jiyong who was entering his turf.

Ignoring Yoochun's remark, Jiyong shouted 'Where is my wife?' at him.

'Of course you are finding for Sunye, right? Or else what will bring you here. Bring out the lady' Yoochun instructed his men and soon Sunye was brought out by his men, blindfolded.

'Sunye~' Jiyong shouted as Sunye struggle to take off the blindfold that covered her eyes. She ran to him as Jiyong grabbed her off Yoochun.

'How sweet, Romeo finally re-unites with his Juliet. Now the problem is that how on earth would both of you get out of this place easily' Yoochun continued with his arrogant remark.

At that moment, a gun was fired through the air, and all of them stunned.

'Yoochun, you brat. Let them go!' A guy said as his men dressed in black suits covered the whole place.

'Father~' Yoochun murmured as Sunye and Jiyong turned to see the man.

'I'm so sorry, Sunye. Your father just informed me yesterday and I tried my best to get here on time. Thank god my boy didn't hurt you.' The man said.

'Mr Park~' Sunye said. 'Thank you, sir' Jiyong thanked him.

'Now, both of you get out of this place while I handle my son.' Mr Park instructed them.

'Wait, who say they can get off my place easily?' Yoochun was still 'stubborn' and now he takes out his gun and pointed it at Jiyong's head.

Quickly, Jiyong shoved Yoochun aside making him dropped his gun before grabbing Sunye with him, escaping the place. By then Mr Park's men held Yoochun down.

'Jiyong, you will never get away from me~' Yoochun shouted as he wrestled himself from his father's men.

'Sunye, sunye~' Jiyong realized that he lost her on his way out. He confidently thought that Sunye was behind him when they ran off the place together but now she is nowhere to be seen.

'Jiyong~' Sunye trailed off as she slumped by the side of the road in the bush. Her last memory was that, she was carried into a car.

'Sunye, where are you?' Jiyong shouted at the unknown place surrounded by huge trees on both side of the road.

He could hear the sound of the sea nearby and decided to walk towards the sound. Soon he found himself by a beach but still no sign of Sunye. Feeling despair, Jiyong headed back to his father-in-law house. Jiyong with the help of Mr Min's men tried to find Sunye but to no avail.

A month has pass and still there was no news on Sunye, they searched all the hospital that were in Tokyo but Sunye was not admitted to any. Jiyong did not want to believe that his wife is dead and so he decided to go back to Hokkaido, in case Sunye is there.

It has been two months since Jiyong last seen his wife at Yoochun's place, all the while Jiyong kept blaming himself for his negligence. 'If only I didn't slip my hands off, Sunye will be with me now. Aish, pabo Jiyong' Jiyong scolded himself.

The next day, Jiyong was on a business trip to Tokyo for some conference meeting on behalf of his company. Seungri and Sunmi decided to tag along this time since they haven't been to Tokyo before. Jiyong didn't mind their presence at least he has friends to accompany his lonely trip while he is still searching for his missing wife.

'How are you father?' Jiyong asked when he arrived at his father-in-law house. Their relationship grew stronger ever since Sunye went missing, Mr Min too was looking for his daughter and he blame himself for what has happen to her.

'I'm fine, son. And still there was no news of Sunye' Mr Min said but at that moment a loud thud startle them.

'Sorry' Seungri apologized.'The bag slipped of my hand' He continued as Sunmi nudged him to behave himself.

'By the way father, this is my friend and also Sunye's friends back in Hokkaido. They accompany me this time since they never been to Tokyo before.' Jiyong introduced both Seungri and Sunmi.

'Nice to meet both of you, and I hope you enjoy your stay at Tokyo. My men will be at your service.' Mr Min welcomed them warmly. But Seungri and Sunmi were feeling nervous as this was their first time in Tokyo as well as their first time meeting the head of yakuza in Tokyo.

Suddenly phone rings, it was Sunmi's. Sunmi went out to answer her phone while Seungri followed her.

'Seems that you already have a friend in Tokyo..' Jiyong said to Sunmi when they got back inside.

'Actually hyung, its my friend. He said that there is a car race at midnight, at a mountain in the suburbs. Can you accompany us to the place?' Seungri said, requesting Jiyong.

'A race? I didn't know you like car racing as much as you like drawing cars. I guess it wouldn't hurt if we go there since my conference meeting is in two days time' Jiyong said.


That night as promised, they went to the place instructed by SeungRi's friends. It was quite a big gathering seeing that the place is surrounded by lots of racing cars.

'The Queen is here~give way give way' A Japanese boy shouted in Japanese which Jiyong understood just the gist of it. A lady in the purple car which Jiyong believe is the 'Queen' passed by him. She looked familiar to him though he couldn't see her face properly.

'Sunye~'unknowingly Jiyong said his wife name loudly as he saw the lady.

'Hyung, what did you just said?'Seungri interrupted his thoughts.

'Oh, nothing. By the way who is racing tonight?' Jiyong asked while his eyes are still on the purple car.

'Actually its kind of a free race against the lady that was called 'Queen' just now, hyung you want to try?' Seungri suggested.

'Hmmm, sounds good. But what will the winner get?' Jiyong said as he took another peek at the purple car, the lady was still sitting in her car.

Seungri suddenly laughed. 'Hyung, I don't think you can even finish the race, the lady right there is like the champion here' Seungri said as he continued laughing.

'Ok, ok it never hurts to dream, just tell me what will I get?' Jiyong asked.

'Well, if im not mistaken you get some cash and can date with the 'Queen' right there.' Seungri answered as his eyes saw Sunmi chatting with one of the crew member of the 'Queen'.

'Ok, I'm in but whose car can I borrow?' Jiyong asked looking around.

'Oh, its okay hyung, my friend can lend you his car. Just take care of it and by the way its one-on-one. Meaning that the 'Queen' will have a 'solo race' with you first followed by the others. Seems that she is in with lots of racing cars' Seungri trailed off as he went over to Sunmi.

Minutes later, Jiyong was getting prepared in the car. It has been long since he last sat in a race car. As an experienced car designer, he learned all the car aspects by heart and so it isn't trouble for Jiyong to operate even modified racing cars cause he himself love to drive fast.

'Okay, ready ~.set~..go!'

The two race cars sped off from the starting line. The one who reached the bottom of the mountain first will be the winner. Jiyong drove skillfully but as can be expected, the 'Queen' is in front of him most of the time. She is so skilled in all the drifting that sometimes it left Jiyong speechless. However, Jiyong didn't give up easily as he tried to chase the purple car and it took few distance more before they reach the final line when suddenly Jiyong push the nitrox button which makes his car sped faster and therefore finished the line right in front of the purple car. Everyone was speechless, except for Seungri and Sunmi who was all too excited for Jiyong.

But Jiyong couldn't care what happen around him that time, all he wants to do is to see the real identity of the 'Queen'. He went over to her car, she was still sitting in her car and he couldn't see her face as her windows were all tainted in black. He went over to the passenger side of the car and without invitation get into the car.

'Sunye, I finally found you~' Jiyong said. The lady took off the cap covering her hair but surprisingly it was not Sunye. The lady laughed at Jiyong.

'As can be expected, you are indeed Jiyong. Don't worry Sunye is safe, in fact she is waiting for you.' The lady said as he drove Jiyong over, leaving the racing scene.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at a beach. Jiyong got down of the car as he saw a lady strolling a baby pram on the beach.

'Sunye~' Jiyong shouted and it was her, his beloved wife.

Jiyong ran over to hug her. 'Oppa~' Sunye said before Jiyong silenced her with his deep kiss. They were still liplocking when suddenly the baby wailed loudly.

'Oh sorry, Ji Sun' Sunye released the kiss as she carry the baby, Ji Sun in her arms.

'Ji Sun?' Jiyong asked confusingly.

'Yeah, Ji Sun, your baby boy. Our baby boy. Thanks to Ye eun and Daesung here who helped me to deliver the baby safely.' Sunye said as she pointed to the lady just now who is accompanied by a man with a huge grin on his face.

'Thank you so much for saving and helping my wife.' Jiyong said.

'Its okay, actually I want to thank your wife instead for helping us making our decision. If not because of her, we would have run away and broke our parents heart.' Daesung explained.

'Yeah, at that time our family were against our decision to get marry early and so we thought of eloping but that changed when we found your wife by the road, unconscious. We thought that she was being chased by some bad guys that is why we quickly helped her and brought her back to our house. She remained unconscious for about a month therefore we couldn't know who to contact.' Ye Eun continued explaining.

'Thanks a lot unnie. If it isn't because the two of you, I couldn't deliver my baby safely.' Sunye interrupted as he hugged Jiyong who was now holding Ji Sun, their baby boy.

'Okay, I think I leave both of you alone since you must have lots to catch up' Ye eun said as she ushered Daesung back to the car.

Ji Sun is now sleeping peacefully on Jiyong's arm.

'I miss you so much, oppa~' Sunye said as both of them sat on the beach.

'I miss you too, honey. I searched all over for you and couldn't find you. Thank god you are safe, that's all that matters.' Jiyong said as he pout his lips forward for Sunye to kiss him. Sunye happily returned the kiss to him.

'Actually, oppa after I safely deliver Ji Sun a month ago, I already contacted father but I requested him not to tell you first as I want to help him claim his turf back from Yoochun. And it was also my idea, that the race was held tonight as I request from Seungri and Sunmi's help to ask you to attend it.' Sunye confesses.

'So basically I was being 'fooled' all this while?' Jiyong said, unbelieving.

'No oppa, just that I don't want to put you and our baby's life in danger.' Sunye answered him lovingly as she planted another kiss on Jiyong's cheek.

'Guess, I couldn't do anything about that, but next time we have to do everything together, babe. I cant bear not seeing you for more than a second longer.' Jiyong said.

'Don't worry oppa~, there wont be next time.' Sunye trailed off as she stood up.'Cause I already am the head of yakuza now.' Sunye continued.

'You, what?' Jiyong asked surprisingly as he handed over Ji Sun back to Sunye so that she could put him in the baby pram.

'I decided to take over my father's business after all and of course you are with me, right oppa?' Sunye said as she held her hand higher signaling something.

'Of course I'm with you, dear~' Jiyong said as he noticed that two man in black suits came out from a black car parked not far from their place. He also saw Seungri and Sunmi walking towards him and Sunye.

'Hyung, noona. Glad both of you meet up already.' Seungri said happily as Sunmi smiled at both of them. Sunmi and Seungri helped to push the baby pram to the car as Jiyong and Sunye walked hand in hand to the black car waiting for them. Both of them spoke no words, as the car drove them back to the house.


'What are you thinking, oppa? You haven't speak a word since I told you that I'm the head of the yakuza now.' Sunye asked her husband. Both of them are now in Sunye's room, Mr Min's house.

Jiyong hugged Sunye closer to him. 'Nothing, just that this whole thing reminded me of the movie, 'My wife is a gangster' Jiyong said as he cupped Sunye's face. Sunye laughed playfully upon hearing his comment.

'But a gangster or not, you are still going to be my wife and we will always be together forever and ever~' Jiyong continued saying as he kissed his wife passionately and the two long-lost husband and wife 're-unites' together happily.

*~ The End ~*

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!