Letter from mother

August Lovers (G-Ye)

It has been 7 months after their marriage and it also has been 7 months since they were 'away' from their 'past' life and started a new life as husband and wife. Now Sunye is 6 months pregnant.

'How is my baby doing?' Jiyong talked nearer to Sunye's stomach. They were both expecting their first baby together.

'Daddy, I'm fine. Don't talk to me now, let me sleep' Sunye said imitating the voice of a baby, playfully. Jiyong pout at his wife childishly before patting Sunye's stomach. Sunye smiled at her caring husband before he went to clean the kitchen.

Both of them just had their dinner together and they felt contented with their life, like they have never been before. Jiyong is working as an architect designer in a small firm with the help of Sunmi's mother, Mrs Sun. Though the salary was not much as Jiyong used to earn before but it was enough to cover their daily expenses, besides Sunye is good handling the accounting. The husband and wife of seven months were never bored with their lifes as they have lots of close friends near by that help to cheer their life.

Sunmi and her now fiance, SeungRi will always drop by at Jiyong and Sunye's house. SeungRi will always bug Jiyong to teach him to design cars and Sunmi will help Sunye to clean her house whle Jiyong went to work. Both Sunmi and Seungri are still studying in a university nearby.

Happy with their current life, Sunye and Jiyong didn't contact with their families anymore. Well, the only people that they did contact were TOP and YooBin but even that they try to minimize it especially for YooBin's sake. Sunye knew that her father is still looking for her and is keeping close eyes on her close friends and family.

On the other hand, Jiyong's angry parents have go on with their lives, they practically give up searching on him. Jiyong's ex-fiance, Joo, has already migrated with her family to Italy. So hee and her fiance, who are both still studying has gone back to USA to continue with their studies. They basically didn't mention Jiyong anymore as if he doesn't exist in their life.

Meantime Sunye's aunt, Chae Yeon still managing the cafe that she opened originally to support Sunye's education in university however she wasn't disappointed at all by what happened. As long as Sunye is happy, she is happy and she knew Sunye is happy from what she heard through YooBin. She didn't bother much on the details because she knew it will be dangerous not only for her but also for Sunye. Although, Mr Min, Sunye's ruthless yakuza father has promised that both she and Yoobin were not to be harmed, they were still being 'supervised' by a group of people sent by Mr Min.

As can be expected Mr Min hasn't give up searching for Sunye but Sunye knew a fact that his father's men wouldn't be able to find her here, hopefully. Like her mother, Sunye hated the winter season, she never likes icy snow and cold weather because it reminds her of the world she came from. It was only through the warm love that her mother gave her that enable her to carry on with her life. For one reason, living in the most 'hated' place might 'tricked' her father from finding her, or at least buy Jiyong and Sunye more time to spend their life together. And it does seems that Sunye is right because for almost seven months, her father hasnt find her yet or so she underestimate her father's power, she couldn't care anymore.

'Sunye, what are you thinking dear?' Jiyong interrupted his wife's thoughts. He was wiping his wet hands off with a napkin while approaching Sunye.

'Nothing dear, just watching the beautiful moon. Have you finish cleaning the kitchen?' Sunye answered and asked. Jiyong nodded childishly and pout his lips forward for Sunye to kiss him.

'Aww, come here my 'big' baby, let me give you a kiss for all the hardwork you've done' Sunye said as she hugged her husband with her two arms.

'Just a kiss and hug?' Jiyong complained mischievously and Sunye smiled at what he 'meant' and both understood that with Sunye's big stomach, it isn't possible for them to be 'together' but still impossible.

Sunye walked to her closet to get ready to sleep while Jiyong followed close behind. Jiyong then helped Sunye to undress to her nightgown as her growing big stomach is limiting her actions.

'You know what dear. I never knew that pregnant woman is y until I saw you.' Jiyong said as he took the chance to hug Sunye closer to him.

'Are you telling me that you have seen a pregnant woman before?' Sunye raised her voice, teasing her playful husband. She was trying to wear her nightgown but was stopped by Jiyong. Jiyong cupped Sunye's face and kissed her, deeply. Both were immersed in a deep kiss but Sunye slowly release the kiss after a while to get dress back.

'Sorry, dear. I forgot that you still haven't wear your clothes.' Jiyong said as he helped Sunye to wear her nightgown.

Sunye patted her stomach and said 'See, son, your father is a very selfish person who only thinks about himself.'

'No, son, it isn't true. I always think about you but your mother is tempting me' Jiyong bend down and 'talk' at Sunye's big stomach. Sunye laughed at Jiyong's actions and went to her bed to have a rest. Jiyong wrapped Sunye in her blanket before sleeping next to her.

'Goodnight, my baby' Jiyong said as he put his hand on Sunye's stomach.


The next day, Jiyong received a surprise email from TOP, it was about Jiyong's sick mother who was admitted into the hospital recently. From the report, Mrs Kwon, Jiyong's mothr is expected to undergo a heart surgery. She keeps calling for Jiyong's name that is why TOP couldn't bear it and request Jiyog to come and visit his mother.

'Dear, you should go and visit your mother. She must have been missing you so much while you were away' Sunye advising her husband.

'But what if~' Jiyong voiced out his worries. He knew that he has to visit his mother but he also couldn't bear to leave his pregnant wife alone especially when her delivery dates are getting near.

'Don't worry about me, dear. Im going to be fine. Aunt Sun, Sunmi and SeungRi are here to take care of me. You just go and visit your mother without worries' Sunye said, clearing out her husband's doubts and worries.

'Ok, baby. I promise you I'll be back within a week. As soon as I my mother get her operation done and got out from the hospital, I will take the first flight home.' Jiyong said, after thinking carefully.

He wasn't only feel insecure with Sunye's current pregnant condition but also due to the fact that Sunye's father might capture her while he was gone, leaving Sunye 'unprotected'. 'Hope nothing happens while I'm gone. Please God, protect my wife and baby' Jiyong prayed silently.

Jiyong left for Korea that very day as because his mother was schedule to have her operation the day after.

Sunye, now, 'alone' feel that her life is empty without Jiyong by her side though she knew that Jiyong is only gone for few days. 'Maybe I should look at the store room, find something interesting to play with' Sunye said to herself. There she found her mother's 'heirloom' - it was a small musical box that her grandmother give to her mother which she eventually inherited. Somehow she totally forgot about it. She opened the music box carefully, and soon soft music could be heard. Then she opened one of the small drawers and found a letter, it was addressed to her from her late mother:

Sunye, when you read this, I may no longer be alive. But never blame your father for my death. It was my choice. He did nothing wrong, in fact he was risking his life, our life but I couldn't let that to happen because I love him so much. Love is a miracle thing, you'll never get to know what your destiny of love holds for you until you meet someone that you are willing to sacrifice your life for. And I hope you are able to find the person one day, Sunye. Though I may not be able to see the lucky person who you choose to spend your life with, my love and bless will always be for you. You must be wondering why I write this letter for you, dear. I knew one day, you need to know the truth. I knew for one reason you hated your life because of your father. But if you want to hate someone, hate me instead dear because I was the one who bring you to the world.
After you turned 11 years old, I was diagnosed with a cancer and your father's rival at that time took advantage of my weak health condition. They planned to kidnap me and you, together to claim your father's empire. I would never let that happen especially to your father that is why I decided to run away with you. Honestly, your father didn't want to take over the yakuza business that was handed down by your grandfather. He was an educated man who wants to lead a normal life but he has no choice but to take it in the end.
I married your father when he was just throned the head of yakuza, and at that time lots of the rivals yakuza group were taking advantage since your father hasn't much experience handling it. I do not want to be a hindrance to your father that is why I run away from him or more like I leave him because I love him. And as you can recall we ran to many places and our last stop was at Okinawa where your father found us eventually.
There is where I decided to break off with him for his own good which we did. And I regretted it as I knew how broken his heart would be but all was for his own good. My decision makes him into more ruthless person and I believe now that he has a huge yakuza network, just as what his father, your grandfather, wanted him to do.
So please dear, my Sunye do not hate your father no more. I knew you think of him as a despicable person for what he 'did' to us but it was my decision, my very own action that lead us apart from him. I apologized on his behalf,dear. Just to let you know, that your father loves you dearly.
Love, your mother.

Sunye tears were dropping non-stop as soon as she finished reading the letter. She clenched the letter in her hand and it didn't take long for Sunye to decide what she should do next.

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!