The promise

August Lovers (G-Ye)

Sunye arrived at the airport in no time and as instructed by YooBin, Sunye went to the locker to get the things that Yoobin prepared for her. In the bag she found clothes and air ticket to Osaka. She went to the washroom nearby and changed her clothes quickly. Her flight will be in an hour and with little time left she quickly checked and boarded the plane. In the plane, she found the person she has been waiting to see for almost a month.

'Jiyong~' Sunye shouted happily at Jiyong who was sitting by the window.

He smiled and open his arm widely to welcome the love of his life back. The two lost-lovers embraced each other as if they haven't seen each other in ages. Passengers who were boarding the plane just watched them, feeling embarassed.

'I miss you so much, Sunye' Jiyong said as they both released from each other.

'Me too, oppa. What happened to you? You look so thin, oppa' Sunye asked as she studied Jiyong.

'This is what happen if im away from you. I have no appetite to eat and cant sleep.' Jiyong whined, matter-of-fact.

'Awww~, you shouldn't do that oppa~, you'll make me sad' Sunye said and give Jiyong a light peck on his lips. But then, Jiyong pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

'Ahem~Excuse me sir, ma'am. Sorry to disturb the both of you, but the flight is going to take off soon. Please put on your seat belts.' A stewardess said to them.

Automatically, Jiyong and Sunye released from each other, blushing.

Throughout the journey, Sunye slept on Jiyong's slept on Jiyong's shoulder as he held her hands tightly. They did not want to think of the things that lie in front of them, they are together now, nothing is more important than that.

It was around midnight when they finally arrived at Osaka. Jiyong ushered Sunye to a black sports car at the car park.

'Where do you get this car from?' Sunye questioned JiYong.

'TOP helped me with the arrangement here, he and YooBin helped us a lot this time. I wonder how am I to repay the debt that we owe them' Jiyong said thoughtfully.

Sunye was also lost in thought upon the mention of her best friend's name. Jiyong noticed her gloomy expression.

'Don't worry dear, they will be fine. I have planned out everything' Jiyong assured Sunye.

'But will they be okay? What if my father do something to them?' Sunye asked voicing out her fears.

'Its gonna be alright. Now we better get going, we are behind schedule' Jiyong said as he opened the passenger seat for Sunye.

'No, no. I'm driving since you said that we are behind the schedule. You'll seat at the passenger seat and watch how a true racer drives.'Sunye said proudly.

'Well as you wish~' Jiyong followed obediently for he was also anticipating to see Sunye's driving skill.

'Put on your seat belt, dear' Sunye said as she settled herself on the driver seat. Again, Jiyong followed obediently.

As Sunye starts the engine she said, 'Now hold on tight' and sped the car out of the car park without waiting for Jiyong's answer.

Sunye knew her way and about in Osaka for she used to race there years ago, she kind of raced all of Japan up from Hokkaido down to Fukuoka when she was just teens. Well, call it her rebellious period.


Sunye drove up to their 'destination' without stop and about four hours later, they arrived at Hiroshima city. Once, Sunye pulled off the car at the nearby convenience store, Jiyong went out of the car quickly and went to the drain nearby, he vomitted due to nausea. Sunye got out of the car as well and followed him.

'Are you fine, oppa~?' Sunye said as she patted his back.

'Yeah, I guess I am. Just that I felt nausea with all the sharp swerves and the speed that you were driving. I seriously thought that we both will get killed when you sped at 300 km/hour. And I was too afraid to even open my mouth to say to you.' Jiyong said, shamelessly at his Sunye, a 'Queen racer'.

'I told you to hold on tight, oppa~' And that's basically just a normal drive, you should see me while im racing on the mountain. There are more curves and I got to do drifts.' Sunye said excitedly, reminiscing her racing moments.

'No, I wont allowed you go on race anymore. I don't want you to get into accident. I cant think how to live my life without you by my side so at least promise me that you wont go on racing anymore.' Jiyong said worriedly.

Sunye studied Jiyong's face and smiled an assurance smile at him. 'Ok, I wont oppa~. I promise you, sorry if I scare you. But now how are we going to travel? Are we going to take the shinkansen up to Fukuoka and then take the boat to Okinawa?' Sunye asked, reorganizing their plan.

'Well, I got a better idea. Why not we just take flight up to Okinawa? Rather than wasting the time, I think we already leave off 'enough trail' up at Osaka. I don't think any of your father's men are able to find us just yet if we take plane to go directly to Okinawa from here.' Jiyong said as he immersed himself in the new plan.

Minutes later, after discussing their new escape plan, Jiyong and Sunye went to the airport. Luckily, there were tickets available for the latest flights to Okinawa that very same day.

They arrived in the island of Okinawa late afternoon, the place that brought so much memories for them. Within a period of one day they 'coincidentally' met and fell in love. Yes it was indeed a short period of time but love has everything to do with it. They went to the old house where they took shelter from tsunami less than two months ago. They couldn't risk sleeping in hotels for they were afraid that the people who were after them, might find them. With only few clothes that both of them brought and some personal belongings, they tried to make themselves comfortable in the house.

'Sunye, I'll be going out for a while. Will you be fine alone?' JiYong was asking Sunye who was busy cleaning up the mess in the house.

'Yeah, of course I'll be fine. Hello, I'm Min Sun Ye. I am not afraid of anything.' Sunye said proudly.

JiYong laughed at Sunye, he remembered the time where he met her at the cafe months ago. Maybe because of her 'proud' character that makes JiYong loves her more, he still couldn't figure that out.

''Ok baby, I'll be gone for awhile only anyway' JiYong give a soft peck on Sunye's forehead before heading his way out.

'Aish, I forgot to ask him to buy a cake. Oh but then I think there aren't any bakery open at this time of hour' Sunye said while looking at her watch which shows that it is almost ten pm. Residents in Okinawa close their shop pretty early, most by eight pm.

It was getting stuffy inside, summer season sure brings up heat even at night. Sunye went outside to get some fresh air. The stars and moon are here tonight as if they knew that soon will come a special day for her and JiYong. The day they came to this world. The Fate that was written by Heaven which are the reason both of them are together. Suddenly, Sunye's heart was beating quickly, it was a sign of him.

Even though there wasn't any sound, her heart can recognize his presence immediately. Sunye turned and saw JiYong standing behind her,trying to surprise her.

'Oh, how did you know I was behind you?' JiYong asked feeling confused.

'Easy, your heart call mine and he inform me' Sunye said jokingly. Though it is impossible for hearts to actually called but theoretically it is 'that'.

JiYong just smiled at his beautiful Sunye, he was amused by the words that come out from .

'Happy Birthday, my sweetheart!' JiYong continued.

Sunye replied back, 'Happy birthday to you too, dear' And both of them blew the candles on the cake together.

Sunye and Jiyong playfully wipe the cakes around instead of eating them. They were acting childishly running around with cream all over them.

'Got you!' Jiyong said as he hugged Sunye and wipe the cream off her face with his finger before it.

'Sweet~' Jiyong said and looked at Sunye's eyes intensely. 'But this is sweeter~' Jiyong didn't finish his sentence and kiss Sunye on her creamy lips.

She responded with a small laugh before putting her hand around his neck to deepen the kiss.

The happy couple were happy to be 're-united' again on the white sandy beach with the stars and moon as their companion. They fulfilled their 'promise' which they made a month ago at the exact same place, to celebrate their birthday together.

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!