Will you marry me?

August Lovers (G-Ye)

At the meantime, while the two lovebirds were having a sweet reunion, So Hee and Taeyang were trying to calm down Joo who was shocked by what happen.

'Why did your brother leave me? I thought he love me!' Joo was wailing in her room, accompanied by So Hee who was clueless with the whole situation. Let alone to know that her brother has fallen in love with someone else. SoHee along with Taeyang were trying their best to calm down the sad Joo.

'TOP oppa!' Joo ran off to TOP who was spotted with bruise due to the fight he had yesterday.

'I'm sorry, Joo. This is the letter that Jiyong asked me to give you~' TOP said to Joo and she quickly took the letter from him.

Joo went quiet as she reads off the letter but once she finished reading it, she threw it on the ground and hugged SoHee, crying louder than ever. SoHee took the letter and read the content. Together with Taeyang, they read it quietly: 'Im sorry, Joo. I'm in love with someone else. Don't waste your time on me and I hope you find the man of your dream.' They were trying to figure out who is the lady that 'make' Jiyong like this but no clue at all.

After a while, Taeyang asked, 'So TOP, did you know where he go? You should know something!'

'I wish I knew where he went but he just instructed me what to do and never really tell me what he plans to do, he said that it is for my own good~'

'Yeah, indeed it is for your own good it seems!' Jiyong's parents and Joo's parents enter the room.

'TOP, I know you are good friends with him. You always helped to cover whenever he is doing something wrong!' Jiyong's father accused TOP.

'I told you whatever I know, Jiyong went to Osaka. That's it! I don't know why he went there. Since you are so powerful, why not you go and search your son there!' TOP fight back, he isn't afraid to lose his life. He has nothing to lose. Living as an orphan since small, it is Jiyong, his only friend who helped him. He is even willing to sacrifice his life for his best friend.

But this is all part of the plan, Jiyong is such a wise man. He instructed TOP what to do so that he won't be in trouble later.

Everyone was quiet as TOP stormed out the room. They know that there is no point in bugging TOP who is clearly stubborn to protect his best friend, Jiyong. They were not as ruthless as the yakuza family who was having the same situation in Japan.


YooBin and Sunye's aunt were held hostage in the room, well not really as hostage because they are free to roam in the house compound as long as they did not exit the yakuza's home ground.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and YooChun from outside said,'He would like to see the both of you!'

YooBin and ChaeYeon knew who YooChun mean by 'he'. They shivered while trying their best to hold their compose. Its time to meet the 'mighty Sunye's father'. They have expected that this will happen sooner or later but YooBin pitiesd Sunye's aunty, Chae Yeon, because she is innocent in this. YooBin didn't mind if they punish her.

All sorts of things came flashing into her mind at that moment. Things like body being thrown to the famous Tokyo bay and hands chop off, keep replaying in her minds. However YooBin was prepared to face anything, she knew what she is in for, when she committed herself to help Sunye.

They finally reached the living room where Sunye's father was sitting there looking gloomy and serious. He didn't speak at all instead it was his right hand man, who spoke on behalf of him.

'Both of you are free to go. Someone spot Sunye and a guy running off in a black car in Osaka. We will take the lead from there, sorry for all the trouble we cause to you but just to let you know that we will be keeping a close eyes on both of you in case Sunye contact any of you.' He said.

Mr Min didn't even look once at YooBin and ChaeYeon when the man talked, he was too caught up in his own thoughts. He just give a quick nod towards YooBin and Chae Yeon as they went out of the room. Last thing YooBin saw was that, he signaled YooChun to come to him, he whispered something and within seconds YooChun went out of the room, the opposite way of YooBin and Chae Yeon.

'At least they don't do anything to us, so we better get pack up and go back to Korea' Chae Yeon said as she and YooBin arrived at their room. 

'Yeah, true I was expecting so much harder than this, but it is still unbelievable that they let us go, freely and harmless. I guess I have watched too much yakuza movie' YooBin said and laughed a little.

Chae Yeon laughed along but they hurriedly packed their things for they do not want to spend another minute in that 'scary' place.


Clueless to the situation, JiYong and Sunye were having breakfast together by the beach near their abandon house. But even with Jiyong by her side, Sunye couldnt help thinking about her best friend, YooBin. Jiyong noticed the expression of his Sunye and he knew exactly what she is thinking.

'Baby, don't worry too much. They'll be fine. Trust me! I won't leave my friends hanging like that while we are having fun here.' Jiyong said as he hugged Sunye closer to him.

He passed an orange juice that they bought at the convenience store to her. Sunye took it and smile quietly towards Jiyong. She lie her head at Jiyong's chest and wrapped one of her arm around Jiyong's waist.

'Yeah, I know oppa~, but then I cant help to worry for them' Sunye said almost like a whisper.

'Actually, I had hired some actors who look like us, of course with the help of TOP. So if my calculation is correct, by now I think your family and mine is looking for us at Osaka, the 'hired actors' will be heading to Kyoto from Osaka. It gives us time till they realized that they actually were being fooled' Jiyong said proudly.

'Are you serious, oppa?' Sunye was bewildered when she learn the truth.

'Of course I am, do you think I can sit here happily then?' Jiyong answered her.

'But how do you manage to get look-alike people like the two of us?' Sunye asked curiously.

'Well, dear one good thing here is that we are in Japan, you can never think of things that you can find here.You might have even mistaken me for someone else, there are lots of look-alike people in this world, that's all I can say' Jiyong explained to Sunye as he finished his bread and crumble the wrapper with his hand.

'Yeah, who knows I might end up kissing the look-alike person instead.' Sunye joked.

But then Jiyong cupped her face so that it will face him.

'No, I would never let that to happen. Your lips belong to mine only from now on and I will literally kill anyone who is trying kiss you' Jiyong said seriously.

Sunye was about to open to talk but Jiyong closed with his. Automatically, Sunye put her hands behind his neck and deepened the kiss. Clearly, she felt the love Jiyong has for her. They were still locking lips and only after a while that they released each other.

Sunye smiled as Jiyong pulled her down with him at the sandy beach, she was lying on top of him, blocking him from the scorching sun. Jiyong trailed his fingers down Sunye's face and stopped at her lips while she tilted her head towards his fingers. They were exchanging intense, love glances with each other and both hearts could be heard thumping loudly.

'Sunye, are you willing to be my wife?' Jiyong suddenly asked.

Sunye's heart stop beating, literally, and she looked at Jiyong, trying to comprehend what he is trying to say to her.

'I...of course'.Yes, I'm willing to be your wife' Sunye stammered her answer, she was holding back her tears of happiness. She still couldn't believe that Jiyong has proposed to her.

'Thank you, Sunye. And I promise that I will always make you happy and shall share all your sadness and pain for the rest of my life' Jiyong said confidently.

This time tears fell down Sunye's cheeks, she was trying to control her overwhelming emotion. Jiyong was quick to wipe her tears and pulled Sunye down for a kiss. Sunye returned willingly and somehow it calms her down. But by then Jiyong's hand went down her waist and pulled her closer to his body. She knew what will 'come' later and so abruptly released the kiss.

'Why, baby?' Jiyong asked confused. 'Oppa, I think its better we find somewhere private, you don't want people to watch what we are doing at the middle of the day, right?' Sunye said, blushing.

'Don't worry, no one ever comes here and besides we did it last night here, what's the difference?' Jiyong tried to reason out but he knew what Sunye is trying to say.

Without waiting for her to answer, he got up and carry her in his arm, princess-like way, back to 'their' abandon house.

'Oppa, you are so impatient sometimes' Sunye said laughingly in Jiyong's arm.

'Cant help it, I just want you and I want you right now~' Jiyong said as they reached inside the house.

And without saying a thing, they continue their 'little private wedding celebration'....

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!