Okinawa Escapade

August Lovers (G-Ye)

Sunye did not know where to run, she was still holding her bags. 'Run South, run south' was the only thing that comes to her head. It was something that was thought by her late mother. She misses her mother so much that time that she didn't realize she arrived at the airport.

'What's my destination?' Sunye was thinking hard where to go as she stood in front of the ticket counter.

'A ticket to Okinawa!' Sunye blurted out suddenly.

She had only been to Okinawa once with her mother when they were on the run from her father's enemy.

'Gosh, its always because of my father that I have to go on running all the time. And why does he has to make my life so miserable' Sunye thought silently as she waited for her flight at the waiting area.


She arrived in Okinawa early next morning. She reminisce the place she had been with her mother. The motel that she stayed with her mother is still there but run by different owner now. She lodged at the same motel. There were not many guests residing in the motel most probably because there is a new hotel opened down the road. The motel owner might be unhappy with the situation but it suits Sunye just fine because she loves quietness.

Once she entered her room, she threw herself on the 'old' bed and quickly drifted to sleep. Sunye was too exhausted as her mind filled with so many stuff that need to be thought about.

It was nearly midnight before Sunye woke up, thanks to her hungry stomach that warned her that she hasn't fed it any since yesterday. Her stomach made a loud grumble as she make her way down to the convenience store nearby.

'Yes, I know. I'm going to feed you soon' Sunye said loudly to her stomach regardless of the environment she was in at that time. There was no one at sight, mostoly all of them were dreaming away that time.

Back from buying some food she decided to take a walk at the beach, she felt that the ocean is calling her. She was tricked by the feeling and soon after found herself strolling down the sandy beaches. There were no stars and moon to accompany her that night only the lights shone by the lamp post. She was munching a big onigiri(Japanese rice ball) to satisfy her stomach needs. Her thought wanders around her mother, father, YooChun and JiYong. For some reason, she wished that she was in another bickering with JiYong. She missed fighting with him. She missed him. Sunye didn't realize she was about to bump into something.

'Ouch' Sunye said after she hit herself on the lamp post.

'Ugh, stupid lamp post' Sunye blamed the lamp post for no reason though she clearly knew it was her fault.

'Are you okay?' A voice suddenly called from behind which scared her.

'Is it a ghost? But ghost can't be that kind, right? A criminal on the lose?' Sunye said to herself, still afraid to turn behind to look who is it.

The guy went in front of her and said, 'Are you okay?'

It was JiYong!

Sunye don't know what she felt but she definitely felt excited. She was very happy to see JiYong.

'Seriously JiYong, you are freaking me out now. Why is it everywhere I go, you will be there too?' Sunye started to doubt JiYong's presence, hiding her excitement secretly.

'Hey, you freaked me out too. I was in Okinawa to attend some business function and I was just strolling around when I suddenly saw you walk alone here and decided to follow you. I was surprised to see you and I thought I might be dreaming, not until you hit the lamp post that I'm sure it was you. Because you keep hitting on stuff,you see' Jiyong explained.

Sunye laughed at his explanation.

'Oh, JiYong, I am so glad to meet you!' Sunye said and threw herself towards JiYong to hug him.

JiYong was taken by surprise by the sudden action from Sunye. But unknowingly, his hands wrapped around Sunye. When he hugged her, it seems so right and he never wanted to let go. He wasn't really sure of what he felt yet but he knew he has fallen for Sunye since the day he met her.

'I guess something big must have happen, big enough to make you go crazy and hug me. Because one thing for sure, I knew instead of hugging, I should be getting 'cold and icy' treatment like I always got from you.' JiYong teased Sunye, in his mind there are lots of question he wanted to ask her specifically about her relationship with YooChun.

'Yeah I must be crazy!' Sunye released the hug and hit JiYong's chest hard.

'Ouch, I spoke too soon. But really, what happen? Does it has something to do with YooChun?' JiYong lays his question carefully especially when he said YooChun's name.

Sunye got startled when JiYong mentioned YooChun.

'How did you know about YooChun?' Sunye stammered.

Thousands of possibilities filled her head. 'Is JiYong in the 'circle' as well? Did my father sent him to 'look after' me?' Sunye thought silently.

'Oh, actually I knew YooChun when I was young. We went to the same elementary school together. But his family is dangerous from what I concluded' JiYong confessed, partly to warn Sunye about YooChun's background.

'So, JiYong doesn't know about me then. He isn't in the circle' Sunye continued thinking silently, she felt happy by the 'revelation'.

'He is just an acquaintance of another friend of mine. Supposedly, my friend should have pick me up at the airport but she send him to pick me up coz she got something urgent to do last minute' Sunye lied, guarding her little 'secret' because she wanted to know more about JiYong before he 'ended all ties' with her once he finds out that she is the one who is actually 'dangerous'.

'That's good then'. JiYong trailed off, feeling relieved by what Sunye said.

'But something happen right? Coz you look kinda sad?' JiYong asked carefully though all he wanted was to take the unspoken sadness away from Sunye.

'Well, I'm...' Sunye was figuring out how to tell her story when suddenly it started to rain heavily.

'Come, hurry. Over here!' JiYong shouted to Sunye as he grabbed her hand.

Both ran and took shelter at a nearby bus stop. Once they reached there, the rain was getting heavier and the howling sound of the wind make both of them shiver.

'I don't think we are safe here. It looks like tsunami is coming' JiYong said looking at the dark sky above.

'Yup looks like it, maybe we should go back to the hotel now' Sunye said as she stood up.

'No wait, it will take us about 20 minutes to get back to the town. I saw an abandon house nearby, we can take shelter from there.' JiYong suggested, hoping that Sunye followed obediently. One, because its too dangerous to run through the strong wind, not to mention the rain which obstruct their sight. Second, JiYong wanted to spend an extra lonely time with Sunye.

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!