The ex-boyfriend

August Lovers (G-Ye)

Back in the cafe, things are getting back to normal. Well not exactly true as Sunye was called by Chae Yeon, the manager,into her room. She knew she is in for trouble but the worst thing that could happen is to get scolded at because after all Chae Yeon is…

[Sunye POV]

“Sunye, are you listening to me?” Chae Yeon shouted at her. “Your mother left you to me to be taken care of but you never wanted to take care of yourself. Why can’t you have a sense of responisibility?” That’s right, after my mother passed away eight years ago, Chae Yeon is the only family I had. Well apart from my father that is. My father is another story which I don’t ever feel like talking or remember.

“Sorry, Chae Yeon-unnie” Though, Chae Yeon is my mother little’s sister which makes her my aunty, she made me called her unnie because the age difference between me and her is only about 12 years.

“I finally get to open a cafe of my dream not only for myself but also because of you since you decided to further your studies to college,” Chae Yeon-unnie continued.

Every word she said strike into me not only because its true but also because I always tends to forget how big my aunty’s contribution in my life.”I’m sorry, aunty.I promise I won’t do it again” I apologized to Chae Yeon-unnie after a sense of guilt overpowering me.

[JiYong’s POV]

“You sure, you don’t want to look around? Who knows, the things you see around give you some ideas for the design” Joo was trying to make me accompany her to her endless shopping spree. We just arrived in the mall after we left the cafe.

“I’ll be fine. I’ll prefer to draw while im sitting rather than walking” I said to Joo and so she left to do her shopping. I take a sit at the nearby bench and began taking out my sketch book.

Now where is the art piece that I design just now? I looked around my bag for my art piece but then I just remembered that I left it at the cafe. Oh, crap, now I have to get it back from the ‘devil’! I cursed though truthfully, I was smiling at my luck to see the so called ‘devil’ again.

“Hey, Joo. I’m going back to the cafe just now. I left something behind.” I left a message at Joo’s phone before leaving the mall. Joo was probably still busy browsing things since she didn’t pick up my call. I made my way to the parking lot.

[Sunye’s POV]

Gosh, first day of my work and I already got a scold! I swear if I meet the ‘kid’ again, I’m going to cut him into pieces. I lent out my anger after making sure I closed the door to the manager’s room.

I should just smack the guy’s head just now if only aunty didn’t stop me!
As I made my way back to the guy’s table to clean up the mess, I found an interesting drawing of car.

Oh my god, this is a nice drawing. That guy sure has talent that doesn’t goes with his attitude.
I took the drawing and left it at the counter.

Half an hour later, JiYong arrived.

[JiYong’s POV]

"Excuse me, miss. But I left a drawing just now on the table. Did you see it?" I asked the lady at the counter. “Let me check for you.” She replied. My eyes are still searching for the waitress, hope that I can at least get a glimpse of her again.

“Oh my, what brings you here, back so soon? Can’t get enough of stalking me, huh?” I turned and there I saw the waitress that I was hoping to see again. I don’t know why, but her sarcastic voice sounds so sweet to me and funny enough I am not angry at her remarks.

“I left something behind, my art piece to be exact!” I answered her, ignoring her questions. To be honest, I just wanted to end our misunderstanding so maybe I could know more of her, perhaps?

“I’m sorry about just now. I didn’t mean to stalk you if you like to say that way. It just that you resemble someone I knew. Again, I’m sorry.” I said to her. I still cant believe that I apologized to her but I can see her expression soften than before.

“Its ok. I’ll guess I’m in the wrong as well. And yeah about your art piece I found it just now and I put it at the counter just right here. Let me check for you” Sunye said as she make her way behind the counter to look for my art piece.

The lady counter whom I asked before came back from the kitchen, and Sunye asked her about my art piece which she left it a while ago.

“I didn’t see any drawings but I did saw a piece of paper here. I thought it was some garbage and threw it away. You didn’t tell me that it belongs to the customer here.” The counter-lady answered Sunye which make my mouth drop open.

“What you threw away my drawing?” I almost yell at the two of them. My master art piece that I drew was gone just like that. Now I become furious than ever and started cursing them.

Sunye who didn’t think she is wrong fights back and there goes our ‘war’ again. I think we can never talk in peace. The only thing I could remember was that I slammed the door shut and make my way back to the mall, feeling angry.

[Sunye’s POV]

I came back home with my aunty after we ended a hectic day at the cafe, it was almost 10 pm when we reached home. What a hell today, I thought the guy was nice but I was totally wrong for believing that guy who accused me of throwing his drawing. Well, I have to admit though that partially was my fault for not informing the unnie at the counter about his drawing. Ah, but who cares now.

I was lying lazily on my bed after taking my bath when suddenly my phone rang and a familiar voice say, “Hey, are you coming down to race tonight?” Yoobin, my childhood friend asked. “I’m too tired to go out now, my whole body is aching” I answered.

“Come on, don’t give me those reasons, the race will be nothing without you,” Yoobin continued to persuade me. “Ok, I ‘ll be there in half an hour, usual place right?” I finally gave in.

“That’s what I want to hear. Yup, it’s the rendezvous. See you there, dear!” Yoobin said before she hung up.

Half an hour later, as promised, I met Yoobin at the rendezvous. This is not just some normal rendezvous but this is where racers from all over the Seoul City hang out, a common place for racer like me too. I maybe a full time student by day, part-time waitress at my aunt’s restaurant but at night, I’m a racer. Not just any racer but a famous one, I was crowned the ‘Queen Racer’.

“Hello there, long time no see” a voice called out from from behind my back. Knowing who he is, I turned and said,

“I’m fine, Lee teuk-sshi, very fine without you.” Leeteuk, my ex-boyfriend who dumped me six months ago for a girl he met in a club. To be honest, I don’t feel sad at all about our break up…

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!