Arranged Wedding

August Lovers (G-Ye)

As expected Joo, SoHee and Taeyang arrived at the resort the next day, they couldn't figure out clearly what happen to Jiyong though he wasn't hurt at all during the storm - he was not Jiyong they knew anymore. This new Jiyong is lifeless - selfless, as if he couldn't care less what happen to him or the world. Joo, SoHee and taeyang didn't know what to do with him, he doesn't want to eat or talk to them and they have to drag him back to Korea, literally.

Once their back in Korea, the condition was still the same, Jiyong's parents were worried of his condition and they concluded that the best way to solve it is to quicken JiYong and Joo's marriage. But it just make matters worse as JiYong strongly disagree with their plan and wanted to break off his engagement with Joo. His parents does not want to jeopardize the wedding plans a.k.a business relationship with Joo's family, and therefore 'imprisoned' Jiyong in his room.

'I don't care, I do not want to marry her. I don't love her at all.' Jiyong shouted at the top of his lungs to his parents who was standing at the other side of the door, Joo was with them as well. 'I just want...' Jiyong trailed off as he couldn't brought himself to say the name to the person he loves most. All the beautiful memories that he had with her was erased instantly by the last haunting scene that keeps playing on his mind.

'Hey, Jiyong. Its me TOP, can I come in?' TOP said. His parents called in Jiyong's best friends to try to talk some sense out of him and try to figure out his problems. Slowly, the door opened, and TOP went in without being invited.

'What happen to you,man?' TOP was shocked to see his best friend in that horrible condition' Jiyong was thinner and his expression was gloomy as if all the sadness in the world was on him.

'Can you please save Sunye for me? She is in grave danger.'Jiyong whispered in torn voice.

'Yes, I know she is in danger, buddy. YooBin told me about it. She is also worried how she is supposed to help her. But first you have to settle the problem with your family here and I'll try my best to help you, ok?' TOP assured Jiyong and for the first time since TOP came in did he saw Jiyong's eyes glittered with happiness.

'Now, go and get yourself cleaned up while I bring some food for you to eat.' TOP instructed Jiyong. Jiyong nodded obediently.

'You are the best buddy I have in this whole wide world' Jiyong said and give TOP a hug.

'Yeah, I know that. You owe me big time and we have lots to do, so get going' TOP ushered Jiyong to the bathroom before making his way out the door to the kitchen.

~ Tokyo, Japan ~

Sunye confronted her father for the first time in 8 years. She told him that she is in love with someone else and she did not intend to take over her father's business.

'No, father. I do not want to be part of this ruthless and cold world anymore. I rather die, so can you please just leave me alone?' Sunye begs her 'dictator' father to comprehend her situation.

'As you wish! If you rather die than follow my order, I let you die under my supervision. Yoochun take her away and locked her in her room till the wedding day. She isn't at her sense now to see that what I'm doing is the best for her.' Sunye's father said, stubbornly and ignored Sunye's pleading.

Obediently, Yoochun followed the command and dragged Sunye out of the room.

'Yoochun, you cant do this to me. I don't love you at all. I'm in love with someone else, can you please understand that? I'll just hurt you this way' Sunye was trying to get YooChun to understand her.

Yoochun looked at her straight in the eyes and said, 'I don't mind you hurt me for as long as you belong to me. My advice is just forget Jiyong now before it is too late and it wont be long before you realize that you fall in love with me.'

'No, its you, Yoochun. You have to realize that I would never love you and my heart stays with Jiyong no matter what happen.' Sunye said truthfully.

'Oh, really? Then all I've got to do is to 'take your heart back' from him.' Sunye shuddered when she heard the sentence, she knew what it meant.

'No, don't...please!' Sunye stammered as she comes to her sense what her decision will do to JiYong if she continues to be stubborn.' I'll lose Jiyong forever and I cant do that. At least if I let him live, I know somewhere in this world he would be happy, and still alive!' Sunye thought silently as YooChun ushered her back to her room and locked the door when he make his way out.


Jiyong and Sunye couldn't get out of their problem and their arranged wedding, fatefully happen around the same time. Both of them felt helpless with their situation and prayed that miracle could happen, miracle in the form of human beings who are able to help them � their best friends, were their last hope. And so time passed quickly and it was their wedding day, one in Seoul while the other in Tokyo.


'Hey, Jiyong. All, ready?' TOP came in and asked.

Jiyong understood what he meant as they have been planning the 'mission' for days and during those days Jiyong tried to keep himself 'alive' and follow his parents order obediently. It was all part of the masterplan.

'Yeah, has YooBin arrived in Tokyo already?' Jiyong asked.

'Yes, she messaged me an hour ago saying that she already arrived. So far everything is going according to plan. We should get going and finish the rest of the 'mission' TOP said and both of them leave the room, heading to Jiyong's wedding reception at his father's hotel in Seoul.


At the mean time, Chae Yeon and YooBin arrived at Sunye's house in Tokyo for Sunye's arranged wedding that will took place at night. But YooBin came with other mission in her head. She was initially afraid to be part of the mission but willing to risk her life for her best friend's happiness.

Sunye was delighted when she saw her aunt and best friend came to see her and her wedding which she tries not to think about it.

'Oh dear, what have they done to you? If I knew this happen, I wouldn't let you come to Japan' Chae Yeon said but both Sunye and her aunt knew that Sunye's father always 'gets what he wants'.

When Chae Yeon went out to see the wedding preparation, YooBin quickly filled in Sunye about Jiyong's condition and his plan.

'But will it work out as planned. I'm afraid of the consequences if the plan doesn't work well.' Sunye voiced her worries again for the hundredth time as the time to do the 'mission' is getting nearer.

'Sunye, let us just give our best shot and you deserve the happiness that you've been waiting all your life. I want you to be happy as well so just pray everything is going to be fine.' YooBin assured her.


TOP and Jiyong were in the car heading to the hotel where the wedding will take place. They were, as usual, accompanied by the bodyguards that Jiyong's father hired to keep him 'safe'. They soon reached their destination and TOP took one last glance at his watch.

'12pm, It's time. Are you ready, Jiyong?' TOP whispered at Jiyong and he nodded silently.

Once their car arrived in front of the hotel, JiYong freed himself from the bodyguards, he ran towards TOP's car which was already parked nearby, leaving TOP to wrestle with the bodyguards. He isn't worried about TOP coz TOP is a good fighter and had fought almost 20 huge people at once. The bodyguards were just like 'mosquitoes' to him. JiYong sped to the airport as planned and soon he was boarding a plane to Japan.


In Sunye's house, people were busy preparing for wedding ceremony that starts around 7pm, most of the bodyguard were already feeling tired and restless as they were a lot of stuff need to be done. Many prominent yakuza groups will arrive in less than few hours time. YooBin was always with Sunye in her room, repeating the plan that Jiyong cooked up again and again.

'What time is it now, YooBin?' Sunye said feeling uncomfortable as the hours passed.

'About 4pm. I think Jiyong already arrived at the airport by now.' YooBin said which make Sunye startled and more restless.

'You should get ready now, Sunye. Its almost time. I'm going to check the situation outside.'YooBin said to Sunye before she went out the room. Sunye took the luggage that she already prepared and checked it one last time. YooBin came in and and pass her a kimono dress that the maids are wearing for her wedding, she quickly wear the kimono and slipped away through the window. She took one last glance at YooBin who was standing by the window, giving her the encouraging and 'good luck' smile.

Silently, Sunye hope that everything goes well and YooBin and her aunt will be fine. Hurriedly and in panic, Sunye went into the taxi that awaited outside the house but it wasn't long till Sunye realized what lies in front of her: she is finally going to meet Jiyong after almost a month of separation. Now, she and Jiyong will be together again, Sunye smiled at the thought as her taxi drove to the airport, bringing her to her beloved JiYong.

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!