The sister and her boyfriend

August Lovers (G-Ye)

JiYong was staring blankly at his ceiling of his room while his mind still wanders about Sunye and the things that happen that day. Why did I lose my temper? I just basically lose my chance to ever had a decent conversation with her. Oh, I wish I can just turn back the time. JiYong regretted silently.

Basically, he is physically tired after accompanying his girlfriend, Joo to a shopping spree. He wanted to just sleep over all of the tiredness. However his body doesn’t follow his order and keep making him thinking about Sunye. Before he knew it, Jiyong already fell into a deep sleep. But suddenly a loud thud landed on his bed that he was sleeping on.

“Oppa, wake up! Hurry wake up! Come and see what I brought for you!” A familiar voice slowly wake him up from sleep.

JiYong opened one of his eyes and saw his beloved little sister, So Hee smiling. He totally forgot that So Hee got back today from USA for a short visit. But JiYong knew that this is more than just a short visit because So Hee emailed to him earlier saying that she is bringing a special person to introduce to the family.

Before JiYong could even open his eyes widely, So Hee dragged him down the stairs to the living room.

There stood his old middle school friend, TaeYang. JiYong was surprised himself that the person who is in a relationship with his sister is none other than Taeyang, whom he knew very well since they have been in a dance club in school together before. Taeyang let out his hand and shake JiYong’s hand firmly.

All three of them then had dinner together later. JiYong and So Hee’s parents as always are very busy with their work and probably wouldn’t have time to come home to greet their daughter form USA. Both of them, is used to this life since small. Half hour before 12, JiYong drove back TaeYang to his family’s home.

“How did you meet So Hee?” JiYong asked while his hand is on the wheel.

“She was one of the members in my university social club. I didn’t know that she was your sister until she told me in the plane about you." Taeyang replied. "I knew she had a brother but didn’t know that the person is you. By the way, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine. You didn’t even contact me once when you migrated to USA, huh? I thought you totally forget about me.” JiYong said.

“Nope, actually I lost your number and always thought that if I come back I’ll sure meet up with you but now it is even better cuz I’m going out with your sister.”Taeyang answered sheepishly. "So, I heard you recently got engaged to Joo?”

“Yup, our fathers decided it. Truthfully all this while I don’t care about love and marriage but recently…Ok just forget what I say.” JiYong said. He almost wanted to tell his close friends the reason but thought that it isn’t the time yet.

“Recently…what? You fell in love?” Taeyang spoke as though he knew what JiYong is experiencing. But JiYong did not answer his question. He just shrugged off. Along the journey, they talked about old memories and TaeYang was enjoying his time, sightseeing the Seoul City.

Meantime, Sunye who had just met her ex-boyfriend try to avoid him by checking on her precious car which she will used to race tonight.

For the past one hour, Eeeteuk was trying to talk to Sunye out to get back together with him. All the mushy, romantic lines come out form his ever-lying mouth and which Sunye cannot barely stand anymore.

“Hey, Sunye I promise you. I won’t lie to you again. So can start once more?” Eeeteuk said while putting his arm around Sunye’s shoulder.

“Get your dirty hands off me!”Sunye yelled and gave Eeteuk a death glare. But the stubborn Eeteuk didn’t care and his hands are still on Sunye’s shoulder.

What an unlucky day today is! First with the guy name JiYong at the cafe now my ex-boyfriend. God, are you too busy to make time for me? I’m in need of help here Sunye was ‘shouting out’ for help silently.

But help did come to her rescue. It’s none other than her best friend, YooBin.

“Eeteuk, can’t you understand that she hates you. Besides she already has someone. Isn’t it funny to see the mighty Eeteuk clinging on to his ex-girlfriend? Just wait till I tell our friends” YooBin scared Eeteuk away and surprisingly he backed off and went somewhere else. If there is one thing he cannot bare losing is evidently his reputation of being the notorious playboy.

How did I gone out with him at the first place? Sunye now finds it amusing that she was actually able to become one of Eeteuk’s girlfriend. But then it was because I lose the bet to him in one of the ‘cheated’ race. Well I’m pretty sure it is a cheated race and I believe it was Eeteuk who bribe the racer to lose so that he can make me his girlfriend. Sunye reminiscing her past with Eeteuk.

“The car is in tip top condition. The tuning, tires, alignment are all checked.” YooBin informed Sunye proudly, breaking her chain of thoughts. Yoobin who is not only Sunye's best friend, is also an awesome mechanic who works ‘miracle’ on cars.

“Thank you dear. You know I love you so much. Although the car’s condition is good, it has been months since I last race. I’m not sure whether I can win this race.” Sunye said to YooBin, voicing out her worries. Yoobin laughed off and said,”You, the Queen Racer is afraid to race? I must be dreaming”

“No, I’m not afraid. Its just that im not sure whether my skill is in top condition tonight.”Sunye said half-worried.

“You’ll be fine,dear. You always said it but once you are behind those wheels you change to someone else. You are not Sunye. You become the daredevil who is not afraid to lose your life. Trust me cuz I always watch your race.” Yoobin said to Sunye trying to wash away her worries.

Sunye hugged her friend, feeling that she is very lucky to have a wonderful friend like her. Not that YooBin don’t care about her friend’s life but she knew too well Sunye’s passion for cars and she is no amateur in car racing. YooBin who grew up with Sunye have seen her involved in so many car accidents that to her is like a normal thing. It might sound weird but it is weirder that Sunye’s spirit was never down despite all that. She finds car racing to be exhilarating and the only way for her to forget her painful past.

After last inspection, Sunye finally get into her car for preparation. At midnight, her car 'roared' throughout the Seoul area as she raced with another competitor.

“Thanks for sending me home. Take care and drive safely” Taeyang said to JiYong and waved to his friend before entering the gate.

JiYong sped off and make his way home. He was feeling tired after a chaotic day, all he wanted to do is just have a good sleep. He didn’t realize that he was speeding over the limit and at the same time a car from the opposite direction is coming towards him at full speed.


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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!