the Love Tsunami

August Lovers (G-Ye)

JiYong grabbed Sunye's hand and both of them ran to the abandon house nearby. Once they got into the house, they were both soaked wet. The house maybe old but so far it still can withstand the strong wind and rain. Sunye and JiYong were lucky enough to get a shelter because the wind was howling louder and the rain was getting heavier, they couldn't see anything outside, it was so dark.

As can be expected from the weather, the temperature drops which makes the house even colder. Sunye hugged her body while sitting beside JiYong who also had his arms around his body, shielding away from the coldness.The sudden sound of thunder, make both of them jumped and hugged each other. They feel slight warm in each other's arm. Sunye and JiYong did not speak a word for a while. Grasping the moment they are in each other's arm, not only both felt the warmth but the feeling of comfortable and coziness draws them nearer to each other.

'I think the tsunami will not reside any soon' JiYong spoke and he continued without waiting for Sunye's replied, 'Its better that we stay close with each other, to make us warm.'

'Yeah, you are right' Sunye answered while moving closer and hugging JiYong tighter.

Seeing that Sunye is comfortable in his arm, JiYong tighten his hug over Sunye. It is like the moment he has been waiting for all this while. JiYong could feel his heart beating fast and he knew that Sunye could hear it too. Despite the noisiness of the wind and thunder, both can hear each other's thundering heart beat.

After a long silence moment, JiYong suddenly spoke, 'Sunye, ah ~'

JiYong looked down to see Sunye's face clearly but couldn't as Sunye rested her head comfortably against his chest.

'Are you sleeping?' JiYong continued.

With her head still facing down and her eyes closed, Sunye shook her head lightly in response to JiYong's answer.

'No, not really. How can I sleep in this freezing temperature. Can you?' Sunye answered lightly but her stuttering words made it clear how cold ice she felt.

JiYong wrapped his arm tighter around Sunye to make her warm. 'Yeah, I know that. But you were quiet that I thought you are sleeping.'

'Oh it seems that you are afraid of silence and loneliness?' Sunye assumed.

'Yeah, can say so' JiYong chuckled and unknowingly he planted a soft peck on Sunye's forehead which sent down chills through her spines.

It was the sweetest thing she had ever felt and for once Sunye couldn't find the word to describe it. She wanted more of it but the coldness 'limits' her. She could feel JiYong's heart racing without saying a word and unexpectedly Sunye responded by kissing him back on the tip of his jaw.

JiYong looked down at Sunye, both were engaging in silence conversation as their eyes 'spoke' to each other. They stare, hoping to read what's on each others mind at that time. There was no awkwardness and impatient in the long silence between the two of them. And it did not take long enough for the temptation to overwhelm them as they kiss passionately. No further explanation needed for their action as both Sunye and JiYong slept in each other arm that night. To people, tsunami is a word which means disaster but for them it means love, the love tsunami.


The next morning was greeted by the glowing sun, a sign that it will be a bright day. JiYong woke up to see Sunye sleeping like an angel on his arm. The sun that shone through the broken window complements her face well. JiYong raised his hand to trace down her face before he kissed her beautiful sleeping eyes which make it twitched.

'Morning, angel' he greeted her. Sunye opened her eyes and smiled at him before giving him a small kiss on his lips. JiYong hugged her tighter. Love confession is not needed as both of them understood clearly their feelings for each other.

The two happy couple decided to take a stroll along the beach to commemorate their first happy day together with each other as well as to appreciate the bright day following the tsunami last night. Its amazing what nature could do to 'preserve' certain things untouched by the disaster last night. Besides some shapeless coconut tree trunks lying on the beach, there isn't much destruction seen on the beach. It's like nothing has ever happened last night.

'Sunye ah~, what do you feel right now? Are you happy?' JiYong asked anxiously, for the first time in his life he could not feel any contented then he is right now and he hopes that Sunye felt the same.

'Of course, Im happy. I've never been happier in my life before as I am right now' Sunye smiled at JiYong and he held Sunye's hand tighter.

'We should be heading back to my hotel which I think is less destructible than yours coz my hotel is on the other side of this island.' JiYong said.

'You ought to have more sleep than last night.' He continued.

'Sure, but can we drop by my motel just down the road to see if I can save any of my possession?' Sunye asked.

'Yeah, I don't mind but I don't think you are able to save anything." He laughed, leading Sunye out the beach trail.


Sunye and JiYong walked hand in hand to along the main road towards the motel that Sunye lodged. Surprisingly it still stand, well most Okinawans are used to tsunami that they have install safety measure to withstand the disaster that come their way.

JiYong accompanied Sunye to her room which obviously was 'messed up' by the tsunami despite the exterior showing otherwise. She quickly scrambled to look for her stuff in the mess and put in her possessions that she is able to take in her small bag. Soon after, both of them walk their way to JiYong's resort hotel.

It took about half an hour for them to arrive at the hotel, feeling happy despite the scorching hot sun. As expected, JiYong's hotel still stands grandly and was seen not 'harm' at all. JiYong ushered Sunye to his room and both were lying side by side each other on the comfortable bed. They were reminiscing their moment last night.

'Tell me something Sunye, why did you come to this island alone? Are you running from someone or something?' JiYong asked out of the blue.

Sunye knew there will come a time that she has to explain everything to him but she least expect it to be so soon.

'Yes, JiYong. I came alone because Im running away from..'Sunye let her sentenced trailed off, still deciding whether now is the right moment to tell him.

'From what..' JiYong grew impatient, as he wanted to protect Sunye from any harm that is coming her way.

'From my father, JiYong. My father is a dangerous man to begin with and now he adds another danger in my life.' Sunye said, hinting her life story indirectly.

'You mean, Yoo Chun?' JiYong assumed.

'Yeah, can say so. To be honest JiYong, I was born in a cold and ruthless world of yakuza. Apart from the wonderful time I spent with my late mother, I grew up among men who only knew violence but of course, it comes to my advantages at times. My father never plays an important role in my life and now he suddenly want to take over my life by asking me to marry YooChun' Sunye explained her story, feeling relieved that it is finally out in the open.

JiYong listen quietly to Sunye's story while her wavy hair. 'That answers my mysterious premonition about you.' JiYong said, in response to her.

'Well I just feel that you somehow 'smells' dangerous but in a tempting way.' He continued.

'Well then, welcome to my world. Just a reminder though, you cant back off once you are in.' Sunye threatened JiYong childishly.

'Never have to worry, coz I love danger' He chuckled.

JiYong, too tell his true story that he was 'hiding' from her, well at least it was not as bad as her story, just a do-not-want-to-be-a-spoil-brat story. They chatted more on their life's history and didn't realize it was almost dusk. They ate ramen noodles which Sunye brought and headed back to bed, feeling full and content. They continued back their 'conversation' earlier as if nothing has happened, if there is another tsunami heading their way now, they couldn't care less.

'By the way Sunye, when is your birthday?' JiYong asked as he scoot himself inside the comforter with Sunye.

'August 15th' Sunye answered sleepily.

'Now I know another reason we should not be separated.' JiYong said which make Sunye's eyebrow twitched to know.

'We share the same birthday, dear' Jiyong answered and kissed Sunye good night before switching off the light.

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!