The twist of fate

August Lovers (G-Ye)

Few hours later, Sunye arrived at the Narita Airport, Tokyo and took a cab straight to her father's house. 'I must clarify with my father about this before Jiyong gets back from Korea' Sunye thought silently thinking that the message she left behind for her husband is sufficient, besides she will only be here for a while and will get back as soon as possible. Clearly, Sunye did not expect the things that lie in front of her as her cab drove her nearer to her destination.

At the meantime, Sunmi and SeungRi went to visit Sunye as usual but they were surprised to find the house empty. They found the short note left behind by Sunye to Jiyong which reads, 'I'm visiting my father, I'll be back soon.' The extremely short and incomplete notice alarmed both Sunmi and Seungri. Both of them knew the 'story' of Jiyong and Sunye, and sensed that something must be terribly wrong. It did not took them long to decide to inform Jiyong who was in Korea at that time.

'Hyung, its me SeungRi. How's your mother?
Oh, thank God, she is fine.
But anyway, hyung, I need you to get back here as soon as possible.
Urgent stuff, I can't tell you on the phone. Get back here quickly, okay?' Seungri reminded Jiyong before hung up.

'What did oppa say?' Sunmi, SeungRi's fiance asked him.

'He is coming back here by tonight hopefully' SeungRi explained.

'Oh, right, we should also asked my mother in case she knew anything about this' Sunmi said and both took off, heading off to Sunmi's house.


Back in Tokyo, Sunye arrived at her father's house and immediately went to see him in his room, confronting him with the matter that she 'brought' all the way from Hokkaido to clarify. Mr Min was glad to see his daughter back and warmly welcomed her back. He was surprised by the letter that Sunye give him to read. Just like Sunye who read it before, Mr Min also cried reading the letter.

'Oh, my love~' was the only word that he uttered. No more words were needed as both father and daughter hugged each other, 'relieving' the 'pain' that they had suffer all this years.

After calming down with their overwhelming feelings, Mr Min asked Sunye 'So, it seems that you are pregnant? When can I see my son-in-law?' Sunye was taken by surprised by her father's statement, she wasn't expecting that her father has accepted her back readily after all they have gone through.

'Yeah, my first son, and your grandson. Currently his father, my husband is in Korea visiting his sick mother. I'll be sure you be able to meet him as soon as possible.' Sunye replied her father happily, while looking at her protruding stomach.

'Hope your marriage life will last forever, dear' Mr Min said as he patted the head of his only daughter.

'By the way, father how about your yakuza business?' Sunye asked, concerned as she recalled that her father used to be persistent in asking her to take over his yakuza empire with the 'help' of his then-fiance YooChun.

'Oh, don't talk about it anymore. I have no power now. Right after you left, I was down with my sickness again and decided to pass over my 'business' to Yoochun immediately. What a big mistake I made. That cunning boy make me lose everything and now besides my name and my house, I have nothing, nothing my dear Sunye.' Mr Min said sounding very disappointing and regretful of his 'decision'.

'Oh father, I'm so sorry. Its all my fault, if only I listen to what you said earlier..' Sunye trailed off as she hugged her father to calm him.

'I'll claim your empire back for you father, I promise!' Sunye continued, whispering at his father's ears.

'No, no, don't. You are not at the 'right' condition to do it now, especially when you are already married and are going to be a mother. I would not let anything to bad happen to you~' Her father disagreed vehemently, last thing he wants is to lose his only daughter.

'I'll be fine, father. I will just have a talk with YooChun, see if we can work things out without any fights involved.' Sunye replied and hold her father's hand firmly.

'I'll be back soon~' Sunye continued and leave immediately to see Yoochun.


In Hokkaido, Jiyong arrived that very night as promised. He was surprised to be welcomed by SeungRi, Sunmi and Aunty Sun at his house.

He studied their worried face and asked 'Why is everyone here? Where is Sunye?' Jiyong almost shouted as he looked around his house for his wife and couldnt find her anywhere.

'Here, hyung. This message was left for you from noona.' Seungri said as he passed Jiyong the note Sunye left behind.

Jiyong read it quietly. 'Why does she has to see her father?' Jiyong asked loudly.

'She found the letter from her mother, that's why~' Aunt Sun said and continued telling Jiyong about the letter Sunye found this morning, the letter Sunye showed to her before she left for Tokyo to meet her father.


It didn't took Sunye long to find where was YooChun, and soon she found herself surrounded by his men. She wasn't afraid at all despite her condition, she has encountered this many times before regardless the condition she was in.

'Oh my, my. Look what we have here? What happen Sunye? Does your lover leave you behind after he made your belly that big. I told you that you should just stay with me. I will make you happier.' Yoochun arrogantly said to Sunye.

Sunye just laughed off at his stupid remarks and said,'You assume too much, Yoochun. And no he isn't leaving me behind. Nothing will tear us apart, the child in my stomach proves it..' Sunye said without fear.

Yoochun made a disgusted look before saying, 'Oh, please stop with the love nonsense. If he truly loves you, I don't think he will ever leave you alone to come here, am I right?' Yoochun still stubbornly thinks that Jiyong has left Sunye.

'No, you are never right. And I don't want to waste my time here. Im just going to talk straight to 'business' Sunye said, showing her true intention why she came there. 'I want to take back what is originally mine without any fights' She continued.

'What makes you think I'm going to give you back easily after all you have done to me?' Yoochun questioned, he knew what Sunye asked him for.

'If you are unwilling, then I'll just have to fight for it..' Sunye answered bravely.

'Fight? that condition of yours?'Yoochun laughed.

'Yes, in this very condition. What makes you think I cant do it?' Sunye torted back.

'Oh whatever, anyway since you are here. I have to 'welcome' you with honour. Guards~' Yoochun ordered, and his men capture the pregnant Sunye.

'Let go off me~' Sunye shouted but all the 10 men was too strong for her, though she can fight, her condition really was an obstacle. Soon, she found herself in a dark room.


Almost a week has passed, Jiyong got extremely worried because Sunye has not contact him and when it reached two weeks, Jiyong decided to go down to Tokyo to look for her at his father's house.

'Do take care when you enter her father's turf, do not play around with those yakuza. I have a terrible personal experience of them, myself, while trying to rescue Sunye's mother before. And before I forget, look for this person and he will bring you to Mr Min' Aunt Sun said for the last time before Jiyong leave for Tokyo. Jiyong thanked her before leaving for his flight. He reached Tokyo few hours later and went to find the 'person' immediately.

'Ok, I'll wait for you at the airport here' Jiyong said at the phone receiver before hung up. About an hour later, Jiyong was greeted by a man dressed in black suit. Jiyong followed him obediently, hoping that he can meet Sunye soon.

But what awaited Jiyong at Mr Min's house was not something he has expected at first.'You must be Sunye's husband, Kwon Jiyong, right?' an old man in a wheel chair asked him.

'Yes, how do you know about me? Did Sunye came here before?' Jiyong asked as his eyes wander around the house to search for his 'lost' wife.

'Yes, Sunye came here before and how I know about you? Mainly because, Sunye, my only daughter told me about you and I can see that you are a fine young man' Mr Min said, complimenting the now-blushing Jiyong.

'Oh, thank you. I'll promise to make your daughter happy' Jiyong said. 'Yeah, I know you will, but first you have to save her from that evil Yoochun. God knows what he has done to her. I have already sent my men to rescue her but they couldn't locate where Yoochun hid her but I can assure you Sunye is fine because surprisingly Yoochun let her to make phonecall to me everyday at five pm. I have no idea why he is doing so but I can tell you, he is up to something that I dare not think. Please, I beg you, save Sunye!' Mr Min pleaded at Jiyong, helplessly.

With the help of Mr Min's men, Jiyong went to Yoochun's turf to look for his kidnapped wife, Sunye. 'Please, God, let my wife and our child be in a safe condition' Jiyong silently pray as he enter Yoochun's turf and saw that Yoochun is already waiting to 'welcome' him.

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!