At the Cafe

August Lovers (G-Ye)

“Hello, where are you? I’m at the cafe already”.
“Oh ok, then I shall order first”
JiYong put down his phone and wave his hand signaling to the waiter to come.

“Can I have your order, sir?” the young man ready to write down JiYong’s order.

Without even looking at the menu on the table JiYong ordered two black coffee. The waiter then disappear to the kitchen to prepare his order. It was JiYong’s first time here at this newly open cafe. His girlfriend who loves to try out new stuff initiated the plan to have their date here. Without, objection, JiYong followed because to him any cafe or restaurant is the same. Well, almost every cafe that is….

Something/someone caught JiYong’s attention…..

From the moment, he stepped into the cafe, his eyes laid on this particular waitress, he ‘wasn’t’ himself anymore. Something or some power that is radiating from the waitress makes his body feels uneasy and the thing that makes him frustrated is that he, himself is not sure what is it. The waitress, with a long wavy, brown-coloured hair looks like any other normal girl that he has met in meetings, clubs or parties. But JiYong knew that there is more than just meet the eye because everytime, she passes his table with trays balancing on her hand, his heart beat abnormally. JiYong tried to get a good look at her and keep eyeing her while she was busy attending to customers.

Then suddenly, his phone rang,
”Oppa, I’ll be there in 10 minutes. There is a shoe sale just couple of blocks away,”

Without waiting for JiYong’s answer, she hung up. “Women and shopping are like the oxygen we breath, they can never be apart or they’ll die” Jiyong was thinking quietly while his eyes are still casted on the waitress. When the waitress realized that she is being eyed, JiYong turned his head away, pretending to look outside the window at where he sits.

JiYong felt that someone is walking towards him and somehow it makes him felt panic though he didn’t do anything wrong.

”Is it the waitress?”JiYong whispered to himself without looking up.
”Did she notice me eyeing on her?”

Lots of question is playing on his mind when suddenly, a voice said “Sir, your coffee.”

A sense of relief wrapped JiYong when it is not ‘her’ that he thought. Ji Yong was about to take a sip from his coffee, when suddenly a sweet voice called out to him and say,

”Excuse me Sir, are you stalking me?”

JiYong almost spit out his drinks when he heard the word ‘stalking’.

” I, Kwon Ji Yong, stalking? She must be out of her mind”, he looked up and there stood the waitress that he has been eyeing for the past 30 minutes. A surge of anger boiled in JiYong, whatever his feelings that he ‘felt’ just now because of ‘her’ presence disappear.

JiYong stood up and was about to say something when suddenly a hand stopped him…

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Love this story!! Hope you write another G-Ye fanfic!!
Just finish read it, love your story ^·^
oh.. you posted it here purrple!!<br />
it's Phoebe, by the way :)
Omg finished already?!?!?! Gotta start cAtching up then!! :P
Woahh cnt wait for chapter 3!!
Well this sound Interesting!!