Chapter 2

Never In A Million Years

"I swear to God, Jungkook, why are you such a loser?" Soojin asked as she beat him in another round of Mario Kart.

"Shut up you little imp," Jungkook threw the Wii remote on the ground in annoyance.

"Yah, yah, yah!!!! THAT'S EXPENSIVE YOU KNOW???" Soojin grabbed Jungkook's head and lightly hit it with the Wii remote.

"You know what, since you're so fantastically amazing at this game, why don't you play it back-facing the screen then?" Jungkook crossed his arms.

"Oh, it's on, brotha!!!" Soojin smirked and sat right infront of Jungkook, trying to block his view.

"Were you trying to block my way? Oh I'm sorry, I couldn't tell because the view from up here is breath-taking," Jungkook mocked.



As they started the race, Jungkook took a small glance at Soojin who was right infront of him and almost died.

Soojin's eyes were glued to the ceiling as she put on a weird cute-as-hell facial expression.

"Holy when did she become so cute?" Jungkook wondered and found himself staring at her.


Seokjin peeked through the little gap between Soojin's room door and giggled.

"I knew you had a thing for my little sister, Jungkook" Seokjin took his phone out and texted the other boys.


❁ Jin ❁: Guys!!! 

△Yoongi△: What's up?

☞ Taehyung: Why aren't you talking in our other chat group?

❖ Hoseok ❖: Why isn't baby Kookie in here?

⧼ Namjoon ⧽: Jungkook's birthday surprise?

⫷JIMIN⫸: But Jungkook's birthday is over.....


☞ Taehyung: And you're telling us because......?

△Yoongi△: Crap I just stepped on poo

⫷JIMIN⫸: Aww how adorable!! :3

❖ Hoseok ❖: Shut up Jimin no one appreciates your comments

⧼ Namjoon ⧽: gUYS

❁ Jin ❁: AS I WAS SAYING, I think we should hook them up together ;-)

△Yoongi△: Jin you can't be serious

⫷JIMIN⫸: I think it's a great idea guys!!!!

❖ Hoseok ❖: Lol Jimin you're so gAy

⧼ Namjoon ⧽: Okay okay let's talk in the cafe near our studio tomorrow

❁ Jin ❁: Yay! Thanks guys!

☞ Taehyung: I didn't say I wanted to help tho

△Yoongi△: Me too

❖ Hoseok ❖: Me thr33

❁ Jin ❁: Come on guys it's our little baby Jungkook and my precious little sister

⧼ Namjoon ⧽: Ah

❖ Hoseok ❖: Okay fine whatevs 

△Yoongi△: Fine

☞ Taehyung: I expect a free meal from you Jinnie hyung

❁ Jin ❁: (o ̄ー ̄o)





Soojin heard the sound that indicated the end of the game [LMAO IDK WHAT ITS CALLED] and turned to look at the screen.

"WHAT??? YAH JEON JUNGKOOK ARE YOU EVEN A MAN???" she whacked Jungkook's muscular arm.

"H-h-huh? OH DID I REALLY LOSE?" Jungkook stared at the screen.

"Why are you such a loser oh my god Kookster you lame loser, don't talk to me anymore." Soojin left Jungkook alone in her room.


"Jesus Christ Jungkook she's your ugly, disgusting best friend what are you thinking about..." He held his chest as he breathed in and out.



"Yah, wait for me!!!" Jungkook ran out of the room.


He saw her in the kitchen eating.


"Pig," he smirked.

"Whatever. Help me get that jar of cookies up there!"

"Why is there a jar of cookies in the highest shelf?"

"Because.... Uh.... JUST GET IT FOR ME"

"No way, I bet Jin hyung told you to stay away from that secret stash of cookies, right?"


"No means no, Sooms,"

"Pweeeeeeze?" Soojin hugged Jungkook and stared at him with puppy eyes.



Jungkook felt his cheeks heat up.

"Ah ah ah ah ah," he avoided her stare.

"Mhmhmhmhmmmmm pleaseeeee~"

"OKAY OKAY FINE JEEZ GET OFF ME" Jungkook pushed Soojin away reluctantly.

"Yay!!! I LOVE YOU FOR HELPING ME GET THOSE COOKIES JUNGKOOKIE" Soojin huged his waist as he tip-toed to reach the cookies.

Jungkook tried to pretend he didn't enjoy this.

"How did Jin hyung even reach that top shelf...." he smiled a little as he looked at Soojin who just closed her eyes and tried to do aegyo on him.

"Here you go-" before Jungkook could finish his sentence, Soojin snatched the cookie jar from him and ran away, screaming "VICTORY IS MINE, SEOKIE I GOT THA COOKIES" while filling with cookies.


Jungkook just chuckled as he leaned on the kitchen counter.




a little note for you lovely people;

So..... I feel like I add WAY too much dialogues, are you guys okay with that?

Oh! When I say 'chat group' I kinda mean a WhatsApp chat group lmao

Ah I saw this gif of Jungkook on tumblr and I literally squealed out louD

/slaps self for being so gay

(credits to, you can find the gifset here: :-D)


I hope you enjoyed your weekend!!! (/。◕ ‿ ◕。)/


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Sehunnieee94 #1
Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kiso_xx #3
PLEASE UPDATE SOON !! I miss your story sooooo ing much.. like you don't know how much i laugh when i'm reading your fic.. Pleaseeeeee~~~
Key_Deul #4
Just to say again which chapter is the one where they automatically started talking about the pick up line..?

Thanks, is you can tell me, also gwenchana if you can't find it. :)
hEHHEEHEHhehehe i miss u ;n;
Chapter 18: FINALLY THEY FREAKING CONFESSED XD Eh siallah im so freaking excited for the next chapter !! Update soon hoorr . and sorry bc im using singlish then proper english bc i spazzing i cannot tahan already xD
Chapter 18: Holy shiznits its tots awesome!!!!!