Chapter 16

Never In A Million Years

hey guys!! sorry for not updating for about a month oMG I AM SO SORRY ;__; i'll tell you guys more in the little note at the bottom of this chapter so... i hope you guys will read it!! ^__^;

also, sorry for this short update, i promise the next one will be longer :-)


"I can't be falling for Jungkook, can I?" Soojin wondered. She turned around and looked at Jungkook who was casually chatting with Junhong, hands in his pockets.

Soojin pouted. "Gosh I've never felt so awkward around Jungkook before. I don't even remember the last time we fought! If any one of us confesses..... Our friendship will just die...." Soojin frowned. She was about 40% sure that she had a crush on her best friend, but she really treasured the friendship she shared with Jungkook. 

"Okay, Soojin. You know what? You should stop being so selfish. You should appreciate your friendship with Jungkook and not want something else. Besides, Jungkook likes Yukyung..." and with that, Soojin decided not to have lovey-dovey thoughts about Jungkook.

"Jungkook!!!" Soojin exclaimed. "Time to go back to the old times." Soojin told herself.

Jungkook glanced at Soojin and tried to avoid eye contact with her. "Y-yeah?" He nervously bit his lower lip.


"Nothing. Just wanted to tell you how gross you look today," Soojin smirked cheekily.

Yukyung and Junhong immediately turned to each other. Was their plan failing?

Jungkook slowly turned to Soojin. He didn't realize how much he missed teasing Soojin, how much he missed being informal with her, how they used stick next to each other like it was normal. But most of all, he missed the old him - the Jungkook who didn't stutter, who smirked a lot, the Jungkook who didn't have romantic feelings for his best friend.

But could he just throw his romantic feelings away? Afterall, he is a growing teenager with raging hormones and everything. Watching movies that revolved around teen-romance was not helping him at all. Yes, Jungkook's guilty pleasure was to watch teen-romance movies. 

Jungkook thought that maybe he was growing up too fast. Did he really want to be in a relationship? Did he want to challenge the amazin friendship he shared with Soojin? Not really. Then Jungkook finally decided. He decided that he shouldn't be doing any of this. "It's time to go back to being the immature kid that Soojin loves quarelling with," with a slight nod, Jungkook looked at Soojin. Eyes full of confidence, he replied, "Oh really? There must be a mirror attached to my face, then." Jungkook smirked. It felt good to be back.

Soojin smiled.

Jungkook smiled. 







"NO NO NO!!!!" Yukyung screamed and pushed both Soojin and Jungkook into the doors that led to the rooftop. 

"YUKYUNG WHAT ARE-" Junhong tried to hold Yukyung back but she quickly slammed the doors shut and took some oddly-shaped key from her pocket and locked the doors.

"WHAT THE YUKYUNG????" Soojin shouted.

"JUNHONG WHAT'S GOING ON?" Jungkook punched as he screamed at the doors.

"Junhong, quick, let's go!" Yukyung dragged Junhong along with her.

"Jungkook wait for me I'll save you guys!" Junhong's voice slowly faded away.


Soojin started tearing up as she laughed hysterically for no reason. "Why..... Why am I laughing.... When I feel so mad and ... Make it stop Jungkook... I can't stop laughi-"


Before she could finish, Jungkook grabbed her shoulders roughly and kissed her. " it," he thought as he kissed her.

Soojin's eyes widened. Her hands were on her stomach and they were both kneeling on the floor in an awkward manner.

It wasn't a steamy, passionate french kiss. It was an innocent, pure kiss. Heck, their lips were just on each other's. You could even call it a 10 second peck.

Soojin felt dizzy all of a sudden. It felt so good but wrong. No, no, no.... Yes?

They were suddenly interupted by Junhong, who managed to snatch the key from Yukyung.

"GUYS I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU-" Junhong shouted. Soojin suddenly snapped out of her daydream and jumped, breaking the kiss she had with Jungkook.

"-Oh snap did I just.... Daaaaamn, I am so sorry, please continue..." Junhong tried to stop himself from giggling as he closed the doors again.

Soojin and Jungkook were left alone in a blushing mess. "My first kiss...." they both thought.

"I uh... We... We should get to class." Soojin said before running away.

Jungkook lied on the floor. He stared at the sky as  smile slowly crept onto his handsome face.

As much as he wanted to regret his actions, he couldn't. He liked that feeling. 

He wanted to feel it again.


Soojin ran to class and sat on her seat. She looked around the classroom. Everything seemed so... Normal, yet something felt different. 

Soojin stared at the door. Was Jungkook coming? What was he going to do? Did Jungkook like her?

Just then, Junhong and Yukyung appeared. Yukyung was giggling and squealing as Junhong placed his palms over his cheeks and grinned. Soojin wanted to kick Junhong for barging in so suddenly, but she decided that it was best to just pretend it didn't happen.


"Good morning, class! I hope you guys are having an awesome morning," the teacher said as she came into the classroom.

"Where's Jungkook...?" Soojin wondered as she stuck her head out, trying to look if Jungkook was behind the door.

"Is everyone present today?" the teacher asked.

"Yes, but Jungkook-ssi isn't here yet," the class president said.

"Hmm, weird. Soojin, is he feeling okay?" the teacher asked Soojin.

"Yeah, I think he's..... In the..... Cafeteria?" Soojin scratched the back of her head. Junhong and Yukyung snickered behind Soojin. Soojin mentally punched both of them.

"Could you go look for him, please?"

"Uh... Sure," Soojin shuffled out of the class.

"How am I supposed to face him again? Ahh, this is going to be so awkward. But... Does that mean he likes me?" Soojin thought as she made her way to the rooftop again.


Soojin quietly opened the rooftop door and saw Jungkook lying on the floor, staring into the sky.

As she looked at Jungkook and the peaceful aura surrounding him, some thoughts filled her head.

Soojin thought about how she hated Jungkook. She hated how Jungkook would pout when he didn't know how to solve a math question. She hated the way Jungkook smirked. She hated how fluffy Jungkook's hair was. She hated how Jungkook could change from being a devil to an angel in a split second. 

But the one thing that Soojin hated the most was how much she simply adored Jungkook.


a little note for you lovely people;

hey guys (/ ゚ヮ゚)/

first of all, i am so so so so so happy because i gOT 103 SUBSCRIBERS??? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN OH MY GOSSSHHSHSHSHSH I AM SPAZZING AND IS2G YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. the fact that 103 people actually want to read my story just makes me so happy i cant even describe this in words chnrugkurgheke i love you all, and you guys need to know that (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)♡
secondly, to my older subscribers, i am so so so sos os os so so sosos sos sos so so sORRY THAT I DIDNT UPDATE THIS SINCE DECEMBER 2013 OMG I SO MUCH I AM REALLY SORRY (ᗒᗩᗕ)՞
i didnt get to spend christmas/new year with you guys :-----( really really sorry guyssss
last of all i just want you guys to know that i'll try to update more because i just got settled in (is that what you call it??) in school and yup i will be pretty busy with homework and boring school so... please be patient with me ;;;
hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading this not-so-little note and feel free to add me as a friend, i will accept allllllll requests!!! ( ・∀・)っ♡♡♡
what do you guys think about kookie's new hairstyle?
Thank you so much for subscribing, do leave a comment!!! ♡\(≧◡≦\)
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Sehunnieee94 #1
Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kiso_xx #3
PLEASE UPDATE SOON !! I miss your story sooooo ing much.. like you don't know how much i laugh when i'm reading your fic.. Pleaseeeeee~~~
Key_Deul #4
Just to say again which chapter is the one where they automatically started talking about the pick up line..?

Thanks, is you can tell me, also gwenchana if you can't find it. :)
hEHHEEHEHhehehe i miss u ;n;
Chapter 18: FINALLY THEY FREAKING CONFESSED XD Eh siallah im so freaking excited for the next chapter !! Update soon hoorr . and sorry bc im using singlish then proper english bc i spazzing i cannot tahan already xD
Chapter 18: Holy shiznits its tots awesome!!!!!