Chapter 15

Never In A Million Years



"So where are you guys taking us today?" Junhong smiled.

"Well the school isn't really big so we'll probably finish the tour in an hour," Jungkook replied.

"Ah.... Is there a garden or roof top or something?" Yukyung asked.

"Oooh yes the garden's really awesome! The roof top's pretty creepy though..." Soojin said.

"Meh, let's go take a look!" Junhong shrugged.

Jungkook was about to lead the way when Junhong suddenly grabbed Soojin and walked ahead. Jungkook frowned. What's he up to?

"Let's go Jungkook!" Yukyung pulled him along.


"So, Jungkook." Yukyung started.

"Yes Yukyung?" Jungkook looked at her in confusion.

"Do you have the hots for Soojin?" Yukyung tried to play it cool.

"T-t-the what? Yah!! Do yo know what that means??" Jungkook screamed.

"Huh? Yeah I'm asking if you like Soojin...?"

"Its- Okay nevermind."

"So, so, so?" Yukyung pestered.

"No I don't what're you talking about, geez," Jungkook scoffed.

Yukyung rolled her eyes. She thought of an idea.

"OH MY GOD IS SOOJIN KISSING JUNHONG???" Yukyung nudged Jungkook.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOSH, JUNGKOOK. You are totally crushing on her," Yukyung laughed.

"I mean... Because.... Uh... I don't want Junhong to catch the cooties...?" Jungkook rubbed the back of his head.

"Whatever, lover boy. Come on, let's catch up with SooHong!"

"YAH DON'T SHIP THEM!!!" Jungkook stomped his feet.

Yukyung just laughed as she dragged Jungkook.


Soojin turned around to see where the laughter was coming from. Hmmm. Jungkook and Yukyung seemed like they were having fun alone. Soojin pouted. 

"They'd look good together, such good looking people...." Soojin thought.

"Hey, why the long face?" Junhong asked.

"It's nothing," Soojin said.

"Ah... Are you jelly?" Junhong smirked.

"Jelly? Of what?" 


"Junhong, please. The only jelly thing here is you, zelo jello." Soojin rolled her eyes. "Yukook? Even their ship name sounds cute. SooKook just sounds awkward... Wait. What are you saying, Soojin? How can you even think about SooKook happening, jeez." Soojin thought with furrowed brows.


When Yukyung and Jungkook arrived, Soojin couldn't control herself and said, "Well, seems like you two are getting along mighty fine, eh?" 

Yukyung smirked at Junhong, who was trying not to smile. 


"Huh?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing. nothing. Let's go, Junhong!" Soojin flipped her hair in Jungkook's face.

"What's up with her? PMS again?" Jungkook pointed at Soojin and asked Yukyung.

"Oh, you two are so adorable!!!!" Yukyung giggled.

Jungkook looked at her weirdly. "Girls," he sighed.

"The garden is so lovely!!!!" Yukyung squealed.

"It is, isn't it?" Soojin smiled as she admired the flowers. Jungkook made eye contact with her and quickly turned his head away. He could've sworn that he died for 5 seconds. 

Soojin frowned. "What's his deal?

"Jeon Jungkook pull yourself together. Stop being such a coward!" Jungkook pinched himself. He wanted to take another look at Soojin but he couldn't bring himself to do so. "How is it possible for someone to just stand there and look so beautiful?" he stared at her.


Yukyung and Junhong noticed what Jungkook was doing and they tried not to giggle or spazz. It was too cute.


Suddenly, Soojin broke the peaceful silence. "Guys I don't know about you but I am hungry as hell," Soojin slumped her shoulders.

Jungkook smiled at Soojin as she pouted at Yukyung, who couldn't contain her laughter anymore.

"God, she's driving me crazy," Jungkook shook his head.


"Let's eat before class starts!" Junhong suggested.

"YAAAS!!!" Soojin was the first to run away.

Jungkook chuckled as he crossed his arms.

"Yo bro, don't get lost in loveland, okay? You look like an idiot- AHHH OUCH!" Junhong nudged Jungkook and Yukyung whacked him.

"It's cute, Junhong!! Don't stop Jungkook from entering loveland!!!" Yukyung kicked Junhong and stormed off.

Jungkook and Junhong looked at Yukyung and turned to each other. "Girls," they sighed.



"Hey Yukyung, remember what you said about Jungkook?" Soojin asked Yukyung.

"Huh? What did I say about him?" Yukyung acted like she didn't know what Soojin was talking about.

"You know... Jungkook and... The thing..... That you said about him liking.... Uuuuaarrreeghhhh," Soojin scratched her head.

"I don't understand what you're saying!"

"You said Jungkook likes me!!!!" Soojin whispered loudly with a blush on her face.

"Ahh~ Yes I did." Yukyung wiggled her eyebrows at Soojin.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it and.... Well I don't really know what my feelings about Jungkook are," Soojin crossed her arms infront of her chest.

"Do you like him? Does your heart feel weird when you see him? Do you feel butterflies flying in your stomach? Do you like his smile? Do you like it when he's around you?" Yukyung questioned.

"I don't know, yes, yes, YES, and..... Yeah," Soojin answered, eyes locked on the ground.

"So you don't know if you like him, but your heart feels weird and your stomach feels fluttery when you see him. Aaaand you love his smile and when he's around you," 

"As much as I hate to admit it, yes, I do," Soojin tried to bite back her smile.

"Aigooo you're so cute, I think you like him!!! Oh look he's just behind you!" Yukyung tapped Soojin's shoulder.

Soojin immediately turned around with wide eyes and red cheeks. Jungkook was far away from them.

"Yaaaaah," Soojin pouted.

"If you like Jungkook and Jungkook likes you, why don't you confess?" Yukyung asked.

"Me? Confess? No way! Do you see how I ? It'll be just awkward if I confessed! Besides, I don't think Jungkook likes me..." Soojin sighed, thinking that Jungkook liked Yukyung. 

"What would you do if he confessed?" 

"Freak out and kick him in the stomach? Yeah sounds good," Soojin nodded.

Yukyung laughed. "You guys......." she shook her head and ran ahead of Soojin.

Soojin tilted her head. "I don't get it. What's going on?" Soojin wondered.




a little note for you lovely people;

heyalllllll i'm not really happy with this chapter but mehhh, i'll try to think of ideas. 
if you have an idea for me, please comment!!!! :-)
(i lost the link to this gifset but credits goes to jung-koook)
Thank you so much for subscribing, do leave a comment!!! ♡\(≧◡≦\)


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Sehunnieee94 #1
Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kiso_xx #3
PLEASE UPDATE SOON !! I miss your story sooooo ing much.. like you don't know how much i laugh when i'm reading your fic.. Pleaseeeeee~~~
Key_Deul #4
Just to say again which chapter is the one where they automatically started talking about the pick up line..?

Thanks, is you can tell me, also gwenchana if you can't find it. :)
hEHHEEHEHhehehe i miss u ;n;
Chapter 18: FINALLY THEY FREAKING CONFESSED XD Eh siallah im so freaking excited for the next chapter !! Update soon hoorr . and sorry bc im using singlish then proper english bc i spazzing i cannot tahan already xD
Chapter 18: Holy shiznits its tots awesome!!!!!