Chapter 10

Never In A Million Years


"Bloody hell, what are you doing" Soojin gasped.

"Uh... Heheheh, cooking?" Seokjin replied sheepishly.

Soojin shook her head. The kitchen was a huge mess.

"You shouldn't be scolding me, Ms I-failed-my-home-economics-exam-because-I-accidentally-burnt-some-fish," Seokjin sassed Soojin.

"Excuse me, Seokie, but that was not my fault, it was my school's stove's fault," Soojin placed her hands on her hips.

"Yeah sure, blame the poor harmless stove," Seokjin mocked.


"WHatever, chef. Why don't you cook for us then?" Seokjin smirked.

"Um... I uh... I gotta do homework. Yes. Go order pizza or something." Soojin said and ran away.

"Pizza... Pizza? , why didn't I think of that," Seokjin talked to himself and started cleaning the kitchen.



-Saturday - 

Saturday. One week till the tea party and Soojin didn't have a dress.

"Seokie, I don't have a dress," Soojin whined.

"I can tell," Seokjin looked at his sister, who was dressed in baggy grey sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt with a baseball jacket.

"Have you forgotten about your deal? If I win that tea party thing you won't sign me up for etiquette class....?"

"Oh right! Okay, let's go dress shopping today!! Shall I ask Jungkook along?" Seokjin nudged Soojin.

"What? Why would you wanna do that? I'm sure he's busy with his new girlfriend, let's go Seokie," Soojin pulled Seokjin;s arm.

"Whoa hold your horses, girlfriend? BUT JUNGKOOK-" Seokjin covered his mouth. Ack, as much as he wanted to tell his clueless sister that Jungkook had a crush on her, he thought it'd be better for Jungkook to tell her himself.

"Exactly! Jungkook, that dork, and a girlfriend? Whoa, mircales do happen huh?" Soojin laughed.

"Come on, let's go, I wanna watch How I Met Your Mother after we get home!!" Soojin dragged Seokjin out of their house.

"Yah, what kind of shows do you watch?" Seokjin scolded her.

"What, did you expect me to watch America's Next Top Model or something? Okay although I have to admit I do watch it, it's like my guilty pleasure heheh," 

"Whatever, kiddo. Let's go!" Seokjin unlocked his car. Yeah Seokjin drives. How hot is that? (A/N: ok tbh idk if he drives or not HAHAAH i'm guessing not though)

"Oh crap! I needa change my pants, I can't go to the mall in sweatpants, that's not socially acceptable," Soojin ran back into the house.




Ahyoung: Jungkook! It's Saturday! :3


Jungkook sighed. Oh no, it was Saturday. He reluctantly replied Ahyoung.


Jungkook: Ah yes, suit shopping? Haha

Ahyoung: Yup! Meet me at Tan Bang Mall at 2PM! ;D


Ahyoung: Hehehe, yeah it's not much of a big deal. See you soon, Jungkookie! :>

Jungkook: Haha ok, see ya


Jungkook wore his favourite black baseball jacket. He bought it together with Soojin. They call it their best friend outfit, which was somewhat similar to couple outfits, as Jungkook liked to call it.


At 2PM, Jungkook got to TanBang Mall. He looked at the dance studio. Oh yes, the mall had a dance studio. That beautiful expensive dance studio.

Jungkook always wanted to rent the studio, even if it as just for a day. That studio had everything a dancer would want. A crazy- room filled with one-way mirrors everywhere, an awesome floorboard, dope boom boxes, and a wide range of music for dancers to dance to. But come on, such a luxurious dance studio like that obviously had a price. An expensive price to pay, in fact. The mall rented it out to dancers at a rate of $300/hour. Jungkook was capable of paying for that amount, but come on, $300 an hour? Why pay for something you can get for free?

Suddenly, Jungkook felt a tap on his shoulder.


"May I help you, young man?" A middle-aged lady asked Jungkook. "She must be in charge of the studio," Jungkook thought.

"Oh, I was just looking. Nice studio," Jungkook said as if it was his first time admiring the studio.

"Jungkook-ah!!!!" Ahyoung screamed from behind.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Ahyoung!" the middle-aged lady greeted Ahyoung.

"Good morning Ms Kim!" Ahyoung smiled sweetly at the lady.

"Do you know this young man?" Ms Kim asked Ahyoung.

"Yeah, he's a friend of mine! Jungkook what were you doing here? Ah, do you like the dance studio?"

"Oh, yeah... Heheh, it's a really cool place. It'd be cool if I could come here with my hyungs one day..." Jungkook's eyes sparkled dramatically [A/N: ok sorry about that HAHAHAHA wouldn't it be cute though]

"Omo. You dance? How cool!!! How about we come here after we shop for a suit? Is that fine with you?" Ahyoung suggested.

"What? Really? You dance too?" Jungkook got really excited.

"Yeah! I dance ballet!" Ahyoung squealed.

Oh. Ballet huh? Not that Jungkook didn't like ballet, it's just...  He tried doing ballet before, it didn't go well.

"Hah... Awesome! Is that okay with you though, Ms Kim...?" Jungkook looked at Ms. Kim.

"Uh... Actually we have a customer who booked it from 4-8PM....." Ms Kim glanced at Ahyoung.

"Please excuse us, Jungkook," Ahyoung smiled at Jungkook and pulled Ms Kim to a quiet corner.

", is she gonna scold Ms Kim? Ah.... This is bad this is really bad," Jungkook nervously played with his fingers.

He looked at Ahyoung and Ms Kim. Ah, poor Ms Kim was getting scolded because of him. "Oh? Is that... Is that Soojin and Seokjin?" Jungkook whispered to himself.

"Oh it is!" Jungkook smiled. Soojin was wearing the baseball jacket.

"TELL THEM TO GO TO ANOTHER STUDIO!" Jungkook turned around, shocked at how loud Ahyoung's voice was. 

Ahyoung walked back to where Jungkook was, with Ms Kim shuffling behind her.

"Uh.. Ahyoung? It's okay man, I think there are other people who might need this studio more than we do," Jungkook tried to convince Ahyoung.

"Don't worry about it, Jungkook! I told you, my dad owns this place, it's really okay!" Ahyoung giggled.

"Yeah but... Maybe the people who rented the studio need it urgently? You know, maybe they have a dance competition or something...." Jungkook said slowly, not wanting to accidentally offend Ahyoung.

"Jungkook, you're so caring...." Ahyoung said, eyes full of admiration.

"Okay, Ms Kim, you heard what Jungkookie said, I'll let you off this time. Let's go Jungkook!" Ahyoung strutted off.

"Thank you, Jungkook-ssi," Ms Kim said.

"Nah, it's nothing, I gotta go now!" Jungkook waved at Ms Kim, who smiled at him gratefully.



"Are there any boutiques here?" Seokjin looked at the store directory board.

"Ah-ha! Bulletproof Boutique? Meh, that seems fine, it's the only boutique here anyway," Seokjin pointed at the board.

"Let's get this done and over with!" Soojin and Seokjin skipped to the boutique.


"Try this, this, this, this, oh that looks fab! Try that too, and that, oh, yes! This too!" Ahyoung pointed to all the different suits and the workers in the stall were busy helping her hold all the suits.

"Ahyoung, they look the same....." Jungkook scratched his head in confusion. All of the suits did look the same to him. 


"Hello, welcome to Bulletproof Boutique!" the workers greeted Seokjin and Soojin.

Jungkook turned around and his eyes just O___O

Soojin looked at the shop and saw Jungkook looking at her with big bug eyes. "Who is that.... Oh hell no. Kim Ahyoung." Soojin cracked her knuckles. She was about to break a into two.

"Yah, are you okay?" Seokjin looked at his sister.

He looked in the direction she was looking at. "Oh my, what a terrible coincidence. Hi Ju-" Seokjin's salutation was interrupted by Soojin's hand.

"What was that for, don't you need a dress?" Seokjin asked Soojin outside the store.

"Does it look like I want to be in the same shop as Jungkook and his little dog?" Soojin pointed at Ahyoung.

"Come on, don't be so mean to that girl," Seokjin forcefully dragged Soojin back into the shop.


"Oppa, what's wrong?" Ahyoung looked at the entrance of the shop.

"Tsk, what is she doing here," Ahyoung said quietly.

"Oi Jungkook!!!" Seokjin hollered.

"Excuse me, shouting and uncivilised behaviour is NOT allowed in this place. Please leave." Ahyoung said with threatening eyes.

Seokjin froze. He was like an angel 90% of the time, but right now, the devil inside of him was trying to break free.


"You're right, she is a dog," Seokjin's expression changed totally. He smirked.

"I didn't know they allowed pets in this mall," Seokjin said, raising his eyebrows at Ahyoung.

"You-" Ahyoung tried to protest.

"Forget it, I don't even speak dog language. Let's go sis, we wanted to buy human clothes, not pet clothes," Seokjin rolled his pretty eyes at Ahyoung.

Soojin was really shocked. But she was more proud and happy than shocked. Older brothers are the best.

The workers in the shop silently chuckled, trying hard to contain their laughter.


"DUDE, WHAT YOU DID BACK THERE, THAT WAS, THAT WAS BEYOND AWESOME!!! OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!!" Soojin screamed as soon as they got out of the store.


"AISH!! WHO THE FRACK DO THEY THINK THEY ARE, WHY WAS THAT GIRL- UGH!!!!!!" Ahyoung screamed and pulled her hair in frustration.

"Ahahah, let's not think about them..." Jungkook tried to calm her down.


"But what're we going to do about your dress?" Seokjin pouted and looked at Soojin.

"Huh? Oh right. It doesn't matter, I can try to find mum's clothes or something, I'm pretty sure I'l be able to fit in one of her dresses," 

"You sure?" Seokjin looked at Soojin uneasily.

"Yeah! I mean, it's not like I'll ever wear a dress again, right?"

"True. Let's just go home. How I Met Your Mother starts in an hour!" Seokjin chuckled and the siblings walked to the carpark.



After hours of trying suits over and over again, Ahyoung finally got a suitable suit for Jungkook hahaha get it? SUITable SUIT? No? ......Okay



- day of tea party -

"JUNHONG PICKUP YOUR PHONE OH MY GOD JUNHONG........" Soojin impatiently called Junhong's number.

"Yo, it's Junhong! Sorry man, I'm either asleep right now or doing something really important. Leave me a message and I'll call you back as soon as possible. Beeeeep. Hehe." Junhong's recorded voice spoke.


Yes, she found a dress to wear, but Junhong wasn't there yet. They agreed to meet at Soojin's house 2 hours before going to the venue together.

"Hello?" Soojin called Seokjin.

"Hello? Soojin? What's wrong? Aren't you supposed to be with your partner now?" 

"Yeah but... I think he's busy and ugh, he isn't picking up the phone, Seokie what am I gonna do????" Soojin cried.

"Ah... I'll try to ask one of the guys to go to our house immediately in a suit, okay, DON'T WORRY SOOJIN!!"

"Okay.... But why don't you come?" Soojin asked. "OH NO WHY DID I SAY THAT, IF SEOKIE COMES THEN I CANT MESS WITH AHYOUNG." Soojin thought and smacked herself.

"Huh? I'm your brother, of course I can't go!!!" 

Soojin sighed in relief. Obviously Seokjin didn't read the details.

"Oh right, silly me, heehe, okay I'll be waiting for your call! REMEMBER TO SEND ONE OF THOSE DUDES OKAY," Soojin screamed.

"Yes, yes, now go worry about your dress, bye!!"

"Bye!" Soojin put down the phone.

"Geez, I hope Seokie doesn't make Hoseok my partner," Soojin thought.

She looked out the window, just incase Junhong would come. Instead, she saw Jungkook walking towards a car in a suit. Ah, it must be Ahyoung.

Soojin had to admit, though, that Jungkook looked handsome as hell in that suit. Damn girl, he fine.


Soojin decided to go make sure her hair was neat. Where was Junhong or Seokjin's surprise date? "Ugh, if Seokjin forces me to go for etiquette class I will burn Junhong alive," Soojin said to herself as she angrily drank a cup of water.


She suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Knock knock knock.

The knocks were loud and you could tell the person was impatient.

"God please don't let it be Hoseok...." Soojin said as she went to open the front door.


"What." Soojin looked at the person infront of her. 

"Hey, be happy that I'm here, okay?" the person said.



a little note for you lovely people;


OH CLIFFHANGER!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!111!!!11!!1!!1!!!11!!!!!!


hey guise, see what i did there with tanbang mall? bangtan tanbang? am i cool or am i great???? neither
ok but "bulletproof boutique" though, that's so yucky HAHAHAH but whatever, theyre just random names bleh

 and what, 46 subscribers already??? yiKES I AM NOT READY FOR THIS


i'm so happy that people actually bother to read my aww guys, i love you all so mu c  h ;__;



oh and before i forget, i can't update tomorrow cuz i'll be at my friend's house ;_______;

I AM SO SORRY GUYS ;n; don't be mad at meeeeee


here's some yoongi for y'all, cuz you guys are so sweet like sugaaaaaaa(r)

(credits to, you can find the gifset here





Please vote for Bangtan (New Male Artist Award) here! :-) ♡



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Sehunnieee94 #1
Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kiso_xx #3
PLEASE UPDATE SOON !! I miss your story sooooo ing much.. like you don't know how much i laugh when i'm reading your fic.. Pleaseeeeee~~~
Key_Deul #4
Just to say again which chapter is the one where they automatically started talking about the pick up line..?

Thanks, is you can tell me, also gwenchana if you can't find it. :)
hEHHEEHEHhehehe i miss u ;n;
Chapter 18: FINALLY THEY FREAKING CONFESSED XD Eh siallah im so freaking excited for the next chapter !! Update soon hoorr . and sorry bc im using singlish then proper english bc i spazzing i cannot tahan already xD
Chapter 18: Holy shiznits its tots awesome!!!!!