Chapter 8

Never In A Million Years

.......I hope you guys do not mind if Soojin swears, I just wanted to warn the people who don't curse, and I'm sorry if you don't like swearing ಠ____ರೃ

[WARNING: a little 'f' words here and there in this chapter. Okay maybe there's only one]



Jungkook sat on his bed, daydreaming. Ah~ Soojin's lovely scent. By 'lovely' he meant the smell of her perspiration.

Jungkook's phone suddenly vibrated.


Ahyoung <33: Hi Jungkook!


"Ahyoung <33"? What? Oh right, he let her save her number in his phone. Damn. Jungkook quickly changed her contact name to 'Ahyoung'.


Jungkook: Hi Ahyoung!

Ahyoung: Are you free on the Saturday two weeks from now?

Jungkook: Uh I guess so, what's up?

Ahyoung: I was wondering if you'd like to be my partner for this competition of mine...

Jungkook: Oh. What competiton?

Ahyoung:  It's not exactly a competiton, it's just a tea party for girls to attend and make friends, and at the end of the tea party, the judges will award the best girl with an award!

Jungkook: Haha what award is that?

Ahyoung: Just a little medal. I've been the winner for the past 5 years, it'd be really awesome if you could be my partner this year =)

Jungkook: Oh... Well I guess I can make it. Since you did come to my rap competition :)

Ahyoung: Awesome! Do you have a suit? Or a tux?

Jungkook: Uh, not exactly...?

Ahyoung: It's alright! Shall we go shopping for your suit next week then? =)

Jungkook: I'm not too keen on spending my money on a suit that I will never wear though lol

Ahyoung: I can pay for you! I mean, I'm dragging you along with me, so it's okay, I can pay!

Jungkook: That;s not very gentleman-like of me...

Ahyoung: No, really, it's okay Jungkook, my dad owns a mall and we can go there! It's really alright! Don't feel bad!

Jungkook: Well... Okay then.

Ahyoung: Great! See you Saturday! =)



Jungkook sighed as he locked his phone. He did think Ahyoung was attractive, but he didn't really like being around her. 

"I shouldn't have talked to her aish," Jungkook thought.


"I swear, Hoseok is the most childish guy on earth," Soojin grumbled as she entered Jungkook's room, slamming the door behind her.

"Don't do anything naughty in there~" Hoseok playfully screamed from the outside.

" OFF HOSEOK," Soojin screamed back at him.

"Yah, yah, yah, Soojin!! What did I tell you about vulgarities?" Seokjin screamed.

"Sorry Seokie, just tell them to stop distubring Jungkook and I," 

Soojin mouthed "such annoying brats" to Jungkook and he chuckled.


"Oh Soojin, I swear, Ahyoung is not my girlfriend!" Jungkook said as he suddenly recalled what they were talking about.

"Yeah I think I got that point already, Kook," Soojin laughed.

"Really?" Jungkook asked, shocked.

"Yeah. To be honest I don't give a . Unless, of course, we ever meet again." Soojin grinned evilly.

"Phew, remind me to not tell you about next week," Jungkook whispered.

"What about next week?" Soojin asked.

"Uh.... N-n-nothing!" Jungkook waved his hands.

"Jungkook. Spill the beans before I literally spill some beans on you," Soojin threatened.

"YOU HAVE NOTHING AGAINST ME!" Jungkook screamed and hid under his blankets.


"Soojin? Soojin are you there?" Jungkook tried to peek behind his blankets.

"Oh god, she's gone," Jungkook threw his blanket on the floor and tried to stand up from his bed.

Before he could do that, Soojin tackled him onto the ground.

"WHO'S GOT NOTHING AGAINST YOU NOW, LOSER?!??!" Soojin said as she poured a can of beans on Jungkook.

"WHAT THE-" Soon, his mouth was filled with beans.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH" Soojin laughed evily.

"Oh my god, what," Yoongi stood behind Soojin and Jungkook, looking at their awkward position.

"Are you even a girl, Soojin?" Hoseok asked.

"HAAHAHAHHAHAH" Taehyung laughed.

"You need to go for etiquette class. That's final." Seokjin said sternly.

"We could use someone like her in our group," Namjoon said.


"What? Etiquette class? YAH SEOKIE!!!!!!" Soojin got off Jungkook and ran after Seokjin, who walked away with a little smirk.

"I-" Jungkook tried to speak but gpt cut off by everyone else's laughter.

"It's not funny guys! Help me up, I think my backbone is broken, dear god," Jungkook frowned.


"Seokie!! You weren't being serious, right?"

"No, I'm dead serious. Come on Soojin, you need to start acting like a girl. I'll tell you what. There is some event going on two weeks from now, and it's about being lady-like and all that. If you come home with a medal, I will not sign you up for etiquette classes." Seokjin told Soojin.

"Oppa~~~~" Soojin tried to aegyo Seokjin.

"Not working," Seokjin rolled his eyes at Soojin.

"UGH FINE WHATEVER, MOVE " Soojin pushed Seokjin and stomped away.

"YAH! Where are your manners?!" Seokjin placed his hands on his hips.

"Non-existant, obviously," Soojin stuck her tongue out at her brother.


As Soojin walked past Jungkook who was at the kitchen sink, trying to wash the beans off his face, Jungkook screamed, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR,"

"FOR BEING SUCH A DICKHEAD I DON'T KNOW," Soojin kicked Jungkook.

"Jesus Christ woman, are you on your period or something? Jeez..." Jungkook muttered.

Soojin pinched Jungkook's arm and said "None of your beezwax ,"


Soojin ran home.


"Yep, definitely on her period." Jungkook chuckled to himself.

Seokjin watched from afar and thought to himself, "Aish this girl, seriously,"


"Yeobo~" Hoseok whined as he tugged on Taehyung's arm.

"What? What yeobo? Are you okay? Can you like get out?" Taehyung pretended to be disgusted.



As soon as Soojin got home, she checked her calendar. Ah. Her period was coming soon. Must've been PMS-ing just now.

Soojin's phone vibrated.




Eh? What does he want?


❁ Jin ❁: Soojin I know you're mad at me, but I'm doing this for your sake. DON'T YOU WANT JUNGKOOK TO LOVE YOU? Start being more feminine. Start by going for this event: and yes, you are being forced. Love you, see you at home soon!



"Seokie can be so manly at times. But he's gay like 80% of the time, heheh" Soojin laughed at her own joke.

"Wait what, Jungkook? He doesn't even like girly girly girls," 

"Oh well I guess I should apologize to Kook." Soojin started typing.


Soojin: Hey GayKook. Sorry about that, I think I was PMSing earlier on. And yes, you were right about my period but whatever. You're lucky I love you 



Soojin stopped. Hmm. That felt weird. She deleted the "I love you" part.


Soojin:  Hey GayKook. Sorry about that, I think I was PMSing earlier on. And yes, you were right about my period but whatever. You're lucky we're friends lmao see you tomorrow or something

Jungkook: Lol k

Soojin: "Lol k"? AFTER I APOLOGIZED? accept my apology properly.

Jungkook: Okay, okay, I accept your apology princess Soojin ♡

Soojin: That's right loser ;)




Soojin decided to check out the link that Seokjin sent her. She felt bad for acting like a brat earlier. 


Annual Girls' Tea-Party!


Going (27)

Jung Yuri 

Kim Ahyoung

Lee Hyeri

Kim Taeyeon



Maybe (13)

Lee Hyomi

Jung Sohyun



Invited (10)

Park Yura

Jung Kyungmi 



Hold on.... Kim Ahyoung? Bingo.


Soojin smirked and immediately texted Seokjin.


Soojin: Seokie, sorry about my childish behaviour. I'll go to that tea party thing. See ya!

Seokjin: Yay! Let's go shopping next Saturday for your dress! Or do you want to do it with your partner?




Soojin: What partner?

Seokjin: Yeah, I thought it'd be Jungkook by default, but apparently he's not free. Sorry Soojin :(


Soojin read the details of the events. "Remember to come with a partner! Don't worry he can be either your boyfriend, friend, father or brother!"


"Tch, don't tell me Jungkook's going with Ahyoung. Ew, no." Soojin thought.

"I'll go with Seokjin then!" Soojin talked to herself.

"Oh wait no, if I go with Seokjin I can't mess with Ahyoung." Soojin facepalmed herself.

"RIGHT! There's still Taehyung!"


Soojin: Taehyung! Are you available the week after next week?

Taehyung: Nope nope nope nope bye

Soojin: PMS-ing

Taehyung: That's you


"Urgh real helpful, Taehyung," Soojin whispered to herself.


"JUNHONG!" Soojin suddenly exclaimed.


Soojin: YAH JUNHONG YOU'RE MY LAST HOPE. Are you free on the Saturday two weeks from now?

Junhong: Huh? Yeah I am, what's up?


Soojin half-smiled and half-smirked. She told Junhong about the tea party and he agreed to go with her as her partner. 



a little note for you lovely people;

I'm going to keep this short so...



(luhan maintain pls)


Sorry for not updating for the past few days, I was busy with and everything hehe


I am taehyung taehyung is me 

(credits to, you can find the gifset here






Thank you so much for subscribing and reading my story!!! (/≧◡≦)/♡


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Sehunnieee94 #1
Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kiso_xx #3
PLEASE UPDATE SOON !! I miss your story sooooo ing much.. like you don't know how much i laugh when i'm reading your fic.. Pleaseeeeee~~~
Key_Deul #4
Just to say again which chapter is the one where they automatically started talking about the pick up line..?

Thanks, is you can tell me, also gwenchana if you can't find it. :)
hEHHEEHEHhehehe i miss u ;n;
Chapter 18: FINALLY THEY FREAKING CONFESSED XD Eh siallah im so freaking excited for the next chapter !! Update soon hoorr . and sorry bc im using singlish then proper english bc i spazzing i cannot tahan already xD
Chapter 18: Holy shiznits its tots awesome!!!!!