Chapter 9

Never In A Million Years

Soojin: YAH JUNHONG YOU'RE MY LAST HOPE. Are you free on the Saturday two weeks from now?

Junhong: Huh? Yeah I am, what's up?


Soojin half-smiled and half-smirked. She told Junhong about the tea party and he agreed to go with her as her partner. 

- one week later -
As Soojin walked to school, she thought of how to ask Jungkook about the tea party. "Should I say 'hey Jungkook, do you wanna buy a dress for me?' or should i go straight to the point? Like 'Jungkook I know you're going out with Ahyoung next week' hmm.... Oh! What about-" Soojin's thoughts were cut off by Jungkook's attack.
", you scared me," Soojin choked.
"A penny for you thoughts," Jungkook laughed.
"We don't use pennies here Kook,"
"I know that! It's a figure of speech," Jungkook smiled mockingly.
"I know, ," Soojin rolled her eyes.
"Geez, still on your period?"
"Jungkook, periods last for at least three days, don't be stupid," Soojin nudged Jungkook.
"Not interested,"
"Then shut the hell up,"
"Ooh, fiesty"
"Jeon Jungkook, before I push your head into a toilet bowl-"
"A bloody toiletbowl? No thanks!"
"S-s-, I meant-"
"YOU ARE SO FREAKIN' DEAD" Soojin started chasing Jungkook who kept screaming "HELP ME HELP,"
After Soojin caught Jungkook and kicked him hard, they walked to class in silence.
"So, you didn't tell me you were going to that gay tea party event with Ahyoung," Soojin pretended to look sad.
"W-w-what? How did you find out?" Jungkook stopped walking.
"I have my sources, babe," Soojin smirked.
"Wait. Don't tell me..... You're going?"
"Yeah. Seokie forced me to go. But it's cool 'cuz I get to kick some and win some medal," Soojin cracked her knuckles.
"You do know that the girliest girl wins right? So that means no fighting or ing around,"
"I know. That's why I'm gonna play it dirty." Soojin smirked and broke into an evil laughter.
"So....... You're.... Not mad at me? For going with Ahyoung and not you?"
"What? Jungkook I never said I wanted to go with you, what the hell dude?" Soojin laughed as Jungkook blushed hard. So hard.
"Fine, then. Who are you going with? Seokjin-hyung?" Jungkook scratched the back of his head. Damn, he wanted to go with Soojin as her partner.
"Nah, I'm going with Junhong." Soojin said nonchalantly.
"JUNHONG????? OF ALL PEOPLE, JUNHONG????" Jungkook exclaimed. No, no, no, she was spending WAY too much time with Junhong. Way too much for Jungkook's liking. Unacceptable.
"Yeah, what's wrong? Junhong's dorky but he's still pretty cool. Hey, aren't you guys friends? You make it sound like you don't want me aroud him," Soojin frowned slightly.
"I mean, yeah, we are friends..... I'm just shocked, that's all..." Jungkook looked at the floor. He was always envious of Junhong's height and looks. He really admired Junhong. But this, this was unacceptable. It felt like his crush best friend was being taken away by his idol. Bummer.
"Whatever. See you after school!" Soojin gave Jungkook a small punch before smiling and walking to her first class.
Mondays were Jungkook's least favourite days. Not only did they mark the beginning of a tough week, he also didn't have any classes with Soojin on Mondays. Screw history! If only he took literature, like Soojin. Then at least he could have a class with her. Jungkook trudged to his history classroom.
"Morning, Jungkookie!" Taehyung greeted his friend with a cute childish smile.
"Hey Taehyung," Jungkook dully replied.
"Why the long face?" Taehyung placed his hand over Jungkook's shoulder.
"It's nothing. Just..... I feel like someone is being taken away from me, but that person isn't even mine to begin with. It's lame, really. Did you do your history homework?" Jungkook tried to change the subject.
Being the Taehyung he is, Taehyung didn't realize that Jungkook changed the subject.
"Oh, yeah I did! Oh look, Mr Park is here."
-After School-
After school, Jungkook waited outside Soojin's classroom. Leaning against the wall, the troubled teenager thought about Junghong and Ahyoung and the "gay tea party event".
"Soojin, your boyfriend's waiting outside," Soojin's classmates nudged her.
"Shut up! We're not dating! I told you we're best friends who happen to live 5 minutes away from each other, now hush so I can finish this assignment!" Soojin hissed.
"Look who we have there! Jungkook-ah! What are you doing there," Soojin's teacher exclaimed. Yup, that teacher loved Jungkook.
"Omo, Jungkook-oppa is so cute, look at him!"
"He's leaning agasint the wall oh my god, how cool!"
"He's so handsome!!"
The girls in your class started to look at Jungkook. When was he that popular among girls? Soojin suddenly recalled the past, when Jungkook was a short little boy and really weird hair and pimples all over his face. She started chuckling by herself.
"Oooh~ Soojin-ssi? Could it be that Jungkook is waiting for you? Omo!!! Are you guys together?" Soojin's teacher squealed. Oh yes, he wasn't as manly as the other male teachers in school.
"H-h-huh? No!!! Mr Lee!!!!!" Soojin whined.
"Aigoo, nothing to be shy about, it's not agaisnt the school rules to date in school y'know?" Mr Lee winked at Soojin and Jungkook.
Jungkook awkwardly laughed as he tried to walk away.
"Jungkook where are you going? Soojin is almost done! After she's done you guys can go on your little date togehter~" Mr Lee giggled manly. How is that even possible?
"N-n-no Mr Lee, you see-"
"Ah, look! Soojin's done! Couldn't bear to see Jungkook wait and get humiliated by me, eh Soojin?" Mr Lee laughed.
Soojin glared at Mr Lee and said, "Not cool Mr Lee, not cool,"
"Aigoo, don't be mad!" Mr Lee chuckled and he dismissed the class. Soojin did always think he was gay.
Soojin walked out of the classroom. She couldn't face Jungkook. Definitely not after what Mr Lee did.
"Let's uh, let's go," Jungkook stuttered.
"Yeah....." Soojin felt her cheeks getting warm.
"God, what is this, I've never felt so embarrassed before," Soojin thought.
It was an awkward bus ride back home for the two friends.
Jimin was going to the bookshop when he saw Jungkook and Soojin walking home. He smirked and took a picture of them.

⫷JIMIN⫸: Guys, look who I found~ 

⫷JIMIN⫸: (picture)


△Yoongi△: Lol Jimin you stalker


☞ Taehyung: Jungkook looked pretty upset this morning

❖ Hoseok ❖: Whoa what's happening

⧼ Namjoon ⧽: Why are they walking to far apart in the picture? Or is it just me

△Yoongi△ changed the subject of the group to "JIWHORE THE STALKER"

☞ Taehyung: Yeah, I asked him why the long face

☞ Taehyung: Then he told me he felt like someone was being taken away from him but that person isn't his

☞ Taehyung: Idk man, he's weird

☞ Taehyung: Like, I didn't even ask him for details, I just asked him why the long face

☞ Taehyung:  He could've just said "I'm just sad" or something

☞ Taehyung: Right?

☞ Taehyung: Right

☞ Taehyung: Am I right

☞ Taehyung: K

❁ Jin ❁: Omg I think Jungkook's referring to Soojin?

⧼ Namjoon ⧽: Seems like it

⫷JIMIN⫸: Wtf Yoongi I'm so freaking done with your .

△Yoongi△: You say that like at least 10 times each month lol 

⧼ Namjoon ⧽: Okay Yoongi stop it srsly

❖ Hoseok ❖: Y'all are so gay


❖ Hoseok ❖: Especially you, Jin



"Yeah so... See you tomorrow..." Jungkook avoided eye contact with Soojin and walked to his house in a hurry. Ah, that was so awkward.

Soojin felt herself blushing. She slapped her face lightly. "Snap out of it Soojin," she whispered to herself.

"WELCOME HOME!!!" Seokjin suddenly opened the door.

"Whoa, yo what was that all about?" Soojin flinched.

"Nothing, I was expecting you~" Seokjin had a pink apron on him.

"Yeah... This is where I live so yeah you're supposed to expect my arrival everyday," Soojin laughed.

"Are they in Japan again? Mum and dad, I mean," Soojin asked as she walked to the kitchen to see what Seokjin was doing.

"Yep, as always," Seokjin sighed.

"Bloody hell, what are you doing" Soojin gasped.

"Uh... Heheheh, cooking?" Seokjin replied sheepishly.

Soojin shook her head. The kitchen was a huge mess.



a little note for you lovely people;
ahhhh thank you all for being so cute by commenting and reading omg I love reading your comments ;w;
and omg 42 subscribers someone had better call the ambulance cuz imma faint soon ♡
Also, sorry about the ending of this chapter, I didn't really know how to end it, so... Yeah
Do look forward to the next few chapters though ;-)
I love you all~ ♡
Thank you so much for subscribing and reading my story!!! (/≧◡≦)/♡
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Sehunnieee94 #1
Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kiso_xx #3
PLEASE UPDATE SOON !! I miss your story sooooo ing much.. like you don't know how much i laugh when i'm reading your fic.. Pleaseeeeee~~~
Key_Deul #4
Just to say again which chapter is the one where they automatically started talking about the pick up line..?

Thanks, is you can tell me, also gwenchana if you can't find it. :)
hEHHEEHEHhehehe i miss u ;n;
Chapter 18: FINALLY THEY FREAKING CONFESSED XD Eh siallah im so freaking excited for the next chapter !! Update soon hoorr . and sorry bc im using singlish then proper english bc i spazzing i cannot tahan already xD
Chapter 18: Holy shiznits its tots awesome!!!!!