
I will make you mine

After the incident at the canteen. Daehyun proved that he wasnt joking around, he was really trying to get the ice princess's heart. 

Daehyun kept on trying to talk to her, but as expected, he got ignored. Although Jieun looked calm and cold, she was actually really annoyed with him and her aura is getting darker and darker. The "innocent" and happy daehyun didnt notice that and kept on bothering her while the other students and teachers were getting chills.


The school bell rang signaling the end of the school. Lee JIeun was really happy, finally she can be free from that annoying daehyun. She walked to her locker with daehyun following behind like a puppy. He was talking when Jieun opened her locker so big and hard that it hits Daehyun face with a loud "BANG". Daehyun stepped back from the impact and groaned loudly while touching his precious face. It must have hurt a lot. The other students was pitying him and looking from afar. Lee jieun didnt care about it and just walk away. 

Yoo youngjae who saw that scene came to Daehyun. " Hey dude! How is it? Does it hurt?"

" No it doesnt. OF COURSE IT DOES YOUNGJAE! Didnt you hear the loud voice of banging? OUCH MAN!" Daehyun shouted in pain. Youngjae covered his ears and opened it again as daehyun stopped shouting.

"I told you she isnt an easy one." Youngjae reminded.

"but its okay, i am not giving up, never ever." Daehyun said, determined. youngjae just sighed, looking at his best friend who is so determined. There is no way to change his mind anymore.


" So how was your day?" The chauffer asked the Lee twins as the both of them went in the car.The chauffeur worked for their family for a really long time already, since they were baby? Thats why they were all so close.

" WHAT A GREAT DAY!" JIeun said sarcastically. Jiyeon just laughed while the chauffeur raised an eyebrow at her. " what happened."

"I dont know too, there is this one weird and arrogant guy transferred to our school and just began talking to me a lot! Like seriously? He follows me everywhere! Its creepy! He even waits for me outside the girl's toilet." Jieun complained. Yes, this is the other side of her? The talkative side.

JIyeon and the chauffeur who heard that laughed their off. " HAHHAHAHHA.So funny! So so?" Jiyeon asked.

"What so so? That is the ending." Jieun flicked Jiyeon's forehead and sighed. " I hope tomorrow, he will disappear." Jieun prayed.

"You know that will never happen." Jiyeon teased and got flicked in the forehead again.

"YAH! Why do you keep on hitting your dearest unnie?" JIyeon said while rubbing her forehead. Jieun got goosebumps and said. " Dearest unnie..humph."

"Fine, if thats what you want. No more snacks for you!" Jiyeon threatened and Jieun's eyes widened. Jieun turned to Jiyeon and immediately apologize. That is one of her weakness, food. The chauffer just smiled, looking at the both of them. 


"Welcome back young master." The maids welcomed daehyun. Daehyun nodded and walked pass them. 

He walked up his gorgeous stairs and to his room. He lay on his bed and closed his eyes for a while. But the image of Lee Jieun keep on appearing on his mind. He turned to his right and saw his phone. He got an idea and started calling several numbers and get information about Lee Jieun in order to get her heart.

After several calls, he found out that Lee Jieun is very competitive although she doesnt show it. She always tried her best and never lose to anyone is studies and sports. There are also rumors that JIeun was actually a very warm hearted and bubbly girl, but it all changed when she broke up with her boyfriend. But those were just rumors. 

Daehyun got angry for some reason. Who is the guy who broke her heart and turned her into an ice princess? If he found the guy, the guy will probably never see the light again.

After gathering all the informations he got a plan and was excited for tomorrow.


The next day, they all went to school as usual. The students were shouting like crazies when the twins and Jung daehyun came. As always, Jieun become cold and ignored Daehyun. Daehyun smirked and waiting for that lesson to come. 


Finally....................its that lesson. physical education. Daehyun changed into his sports shirt and went to the badminton court. He looked around and spotted Jieun talking to Jiyeon. All the grade 2 students are combined in that lesson.

*Just wait Lee Jieun* daehyun thought.

"Okay students. today we are going to play badminton!" The teacher announced. Some students cheered while others groaned. JIeun was actually quite happy since badminton is her favorite sport, jiyeon was groaning since she is VERY BAD at any sports. Daehyun, on the other side smirked since he is the best at playing badminton.

" Now, i will assign you to your opponents. Yoo youngjae and Yoon Doojoon. Choi sulli and Lee Jiyeon........................." The teacher continued saying. " since the number of girls and boys are different, Lee jieun , you are the strongest one so you go with Jung Daehyun, Both of you are number 30 Thats all. Now number 1 to 10 go to the court first while the rest of you go to the side and wait." The teacher finished and walked away.

Jieun's eyes widened in shock.Why of all people, she has to be partnered with that annoying JUNG DAEHYUN? What did she do to deserve that?

Daehyun who was looking at the other side of the hall laughed at her expression. Step one, making her play with him completed! The teacher walked to him ." Why do you want to play with Lee Jieun? You are interested in her?" he asked.

Daehyun blushed when he heard the word interested. Its weird hearing from the teacher. He just shrugged and thanked the teacher for helping him to make him and Jieun play together. The teacher nodded and walked back to the court and began shouting at some girls for lazing off.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lee Jiyeon shouted as the shuttlecock landed beside her leg. "Phew." she sighed.

"LEE JIYEON! How can you play badminton properly if you are scared of shuttlecock?" The teacher scolded.

JIyeon bowed and they continued playing. Youngjae who saw that thought that Jiyeon is cute. *wait what? What did i just thought? Argh. focus!* Youngjae thought but he immediately run to the next court where jiyeon is when the basket ball from the basketball court came flying. He managed to catch the ball before it hits Jiyeon's face. Jieun was shocked to see youngjae proctecting her twin. She was about to save her but youngjae was faster. 

" are you okay?" Youngjae asked worriedly at the shocked Jiyeon. Jiyeon just nodded her head and muttered a thanks. Jieun sighed upon seeing her twin okay. Younjae throw the ball back to the basketball court and they continued playing.

Daehyun who saw all this become suspicious. " Hmmm....I smell something here." 


Soon, it was jung daehyun and Lee jieun's turn. They both stood on the court. Daehyun smirked while looking at her while Jieun just stood there looking bored.

" I am going to make your bored go away." Jung daehyun said confidently.

* Try if you can* Jieun thought.

Jung daehyun remembered what one of the student said. " She never loses in any sports competition, especially badminton."

* I am going to make today your first loss * Daehyun thought.



Here is the second chapter! 


ugh....actually i dont know what i am writing, 

it doesnt reach my expectations.

Enjoy reading ^.^

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Salsal28 #1
Chapter 16: Waah~ please update your story again author-nim, i love your story >.<
Chapter 12: ahhhh...i really can't choose between DeaU and ChanU..T_T
Adh_IU #3
Chapter 16: Oh my... Jieun don't let him go... Kyaa my ChanU feels again ><
Chapter 16: my feels
this chappie is so good♥.♥
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
xiaohope #5
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 16: Oh, please update soon! So good!>.<
Taoris95 #7
Chapter 5: Oh, so sweet of him to wait for her! And when he started to cry...:'(
Chapter 4: i love this!!! awww my Daehyunieeeee
Chapter 15: èeeeeeeeeeeep cant wait