
I will make you mine

The teacher blow the whistle, telling the students to begin playing. It was actually Daehyun's turn to serve first but instead of serving it, he passes it to Jieun.  

JIeun caught it and looked at him weirdly. Wondering what he is trying to do.

" I'll let you serve first." he said and smirked. 

JIeun looked at him with an unbelieveable expression. She regained her cool face and thought * So arrogant huh? Then i'll not hold back*

She immediately served really hard. The other students were shocked at the speed of the shuttlecock. How can a person serve that fast and hard and accurate? Its a hard ball to get but, its not hard at all for Jung Daehyun who has won several medals for Badminton competition. He hit the shuttlecock like its just a little piece of cake and the speed of it is even faster than JIeun. Jieun was stunned when the ball went past her and hit the ground. 

" 1 point for Jung Daehyun " the student in charge of taking their scores announced, also shocked that Jieun was not able to hit it back.

Jieun looked back at the shuttlecock which was on the ground and looked back at Daehyun.

Daehyun just looked back at her and smiled. " I know you can do better than that jieun." He mocked.

Jieun got pissed off of course. Its her first time for losing a point. She ignored Daehyun who was teasing her and went back to her posititon. She smirked at him causing him to stare back blankly. Why would she smirk after losing a point. Wouldnt people usually got angry that they lost a point, especially people who have never lost before. Daehyun felt insecure and went back to his position again.

JIen began to serve and this time, it was more fierce. In a blink of an eye, the ball has already landed on the ground, making everyone gasped. Daehyun just smirked and said. " That was a nice one! Lets see who will win."

* Lets see then * Jieun thought and they began to play seriously. Their play gained a lot of attention. Students and teachers crowded around the court and watched them. They were playing like professional . 

Sweats were begining to form and they were soon out of breath. They were so serious in playing that they didnt even know that its time for their next class.

"Okay, Time is up! Jung Daehyun win by one point! Congratulation! Guys it was a really good game." The teacher announced happily and clapped together with the others. 

Jieun wiped her sweat off her forehead and panted. *Wait-What?! I lost by one point? To him??????!!!* She turned to look at Daehyun who was already looking at her.

"See? I told you that i am going to make your bored go away. So do you believe in me now? And wanna be my girlfriend?" Daehyun asked playfully. 

JIeun rolled her eyes and ignored him . she walked to Jiyeon.

" Yah! Dont always ignore me! why wouldnt you want to be my girlfriend? Arent i the first guy who beat you in sports?" 

JIeun stopped at her tracks for a while, feeling her heart stop beating for a while then continue walking. * No, you arent the first one. He is..* she thought.

Daehyun noticed that but just shrugged it off. * Just see Lee Jieun, one day, you will be mine. * he thought and went to change his clothes.



That day, Jieun has been day dreaming. She wasnt focused in class like she usually was.

Daehyun who was looking at her almost every minute noticed that. Something is bothering her. As usual, Jieun will ignore Daehyun, but they way she ignore wasnt the same. Usually, she will have this cold face, like she isnt interested in Daehyun at all, no feelings. today, her eyes is filled with sadness and anger at the same time. Its like she is avoiding Daehyun not because she didnt care about him or think that he is annoying, there is another reason for it. Daehyun, being the curious guy wanted to know the reason behind all of this. He didnt like this one bit and was determined to find the answer.

After the last lesson , Jieun and Daehyun were called to the teacher's office. JIeun immediately ran to the teacher's office , leaving daehyun behind. She is for sure avoiding him.

It turns out that Daehyun and Jieun is chose to be the representative of the school to join the competition that is held once a year. Schools in Seoul will send two students to join the competition and the school who wins will have good reputation.They will be tested in all subjects and the teachers chose the two smartest student which is JIeun and Daehyun.

" I hope you two will work together and try your best to win this competition." Their homeroom teacher said and the both of them said yes. The teacher dismissed them and again, JIeun immediately walked out of the room, trying to run away from him.

Daehyun followed soon after and ran to catch her. Thanks to his long legs, he was able to catch up with her fast.

He grab her wrist and pinned her to the wall. The grip was strong. Eventhough JIeun was strong, she isnt as strong as Daehyun to break free from his grip.

"Stop struggling, you will hurt yourself" Jieun glared at daehyun.

" Dont always glare at me too. You will get old faster." Daehyun joked. jieun didnt laugh at all, she didnt think its funny. She is not in the mood to do that. Her mind was filled wih ways to run away from him and avoid him forever.

"What do you want?" Jieun asked in a cold voice.

Daehyun then turned serious which made Jieun a little bit shock but she didnt show it.

"I want to knwo the reason. Why are you avoiding me?" Daehyun asked.

"Isnt it obvious? I thought you are smart. I have been ignoring you since the first time i see you. Cause you are annoying! SATISFIED?!" She shouted and tears began to form in her eyes.

Daehyun was flabbergasted.Why is she crying? Did he say something wrong?

"Y-yah, dont cry okay? I was just asking." Daehyun comforted. Jieun looked down and tried her best to stop her tears from falling. Its embarrassing to cry in front of him. She just felt weak.

Daehyun felt bad. He gently wrapped his arms around her slim body and hugged her. He then patted her back soothingly and sang a song called "Baby dont cry " by EXO.

* He has a good voice-wait, what?! Did i just complimented him?* Jieun thought.

Jieun pulled back and muttered a "Thanks" . However, she failed to hide her small smile on her face.

Daehyun was shocked to see her smile. She is so pretty. He was about to lean forward to her when her phone rang.

"Hello?:" She picked up the phone."Jiyeon? AH!I'll be right there! Sorry , yeah,, bye!" She hung up.

" I go to go." She looked at him and felt her heart beating faster and faster. " So........umm....bye.." She said and ran away before he could say anything.

"Aish that jiyeon, ruining our sweet moment." Daehyun grumbled and chuckled when he realised that he said "Our sweet moment".

* Gosh jieun, what have you done to me to make me this cheesy? Well, i love cheesecake.* Daehyun thought.

He smiled.Step one, making her smile success!


Author's note:

Hey! I need to tell you guys that i will not be able to update this fanfic until about December? I am not sure. I will still continue this story though, so dont worry! 

New subscribers! New comments! Thank you very much~! 

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Salsal28 #1
Chapter 16: Waah~ please update your story again author-nim, i love your story >.<
Chapter 12: ahhhh...i really can't choose between DeaU and ChanU..T_T
Adh_IU #3
Chapter 16: Oh my... Jieun don't let him go... Kyaa my ChanU feels again ><
Chapter 16: my feels
this chappie is so good♥.♥
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
xiaohope #5
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 16: Oh, please update soon! So good!>.<
Taoris95 #7
Chapter 5: Oh, so sweet of him to wait for her! And when he started to cry...:'(
Chapter 4: i love this!!! awww my Daehyunieeeee
Chapter 15: èeeeeeeeeeeep cant wait