
I will make you mine

Silence overwhelmed the both of them. Jieun looked into Daehyun's eyes searching for a certain answer that will never come out.Daehyun was in a deep thought for a while before answering.


Jieun felt her heart stop beating for a moment. That simple 2 letter words just crushed her hopes and heart. This is the second time she felt that pain. The first time is by Chanyeol and the second is by...Daehyun. Jieun "chuckled" but failed to make it sound like a real chuckle. Hurt was shown on her face. " Oh." Jieun bit her lips to prevent the tears that were trying to come out. " I should have expected that right? I have rejected you and hurt you multiple times. I deserve that." Jieun looked at Daehyun again and forced a smile." Well, see you next time again." Jieun took a step back and glance at Daehyun before turning her back and walked away.

" Yah." A voice called. Jieun stopped on her tracks but didn't turn back to look at him since her tears were already falling down. 

"H-huh?" Her voice cracked unpurposely. Jieun clasped her hand on , scolding herself to sound that weak in front of him.

" I wasn't finish talking." He said. Daehyun walked towards Jieun and turned her around to face him. " No, only if you didn't manage to get my heart." He paused and look at Jieun's eyes. Jieun blinked confusedly at him. * What is he trying to say?*

" But, unfortunately, you did manage to get my heart so..its a yes." Daehyun smiled at her. Jieun was stunned for a second. Is her ears playing with her or something? Is it a reality? Jieun blinked a couple of time, a smile kept on wanting to come out. Daehyun smiled warmly at her and wiped off her tears from her milky skin. "Dont cry."

Jieun held back her tears and a genuine smile was formed. She nodded and sniffed. Daehyun chuckled and patted her head. " Good girl." They stared at each other for a while before Daehyun began to lean in. Jieun's eyes blinked faster and faster until they are closed. Their lips were about to touch when a sudden scream was heard.

The both opened their eyes immediately and looked around before spotting Jiyeon and MInho lying on the ground. Daehyun raised an eyebrow at them. " What are both of you doing here?"

"H-huh?" Jiyeon stuttered and nudge the boy beside her." See! It's all your fault for ruining their moment!" She scolded. MInho looked shocked at her comment. " What? Why me? I am the one who suggested this idea and it worked didn't it." Minho pouted. JIyeon was about to speak again when she was cut off by Jieun.

"Jiyeon-ah. we better get going. Remember the party tonight?" 

Jiyeon looked at Jieun in confusion." What party-umph!" was covered by Jieun. " We got to go first. Bye" And with that, she was dragged away by Jieun.The two boys looked at them in confusion before looking at each other. Minho let out an awkward laugh before looking at his watch and making an excuse to leave the spot. " Oh! Its already so late! I have to go home or my sister will scold me. Bye daehyun! See you tomorrow!" Minho waved and ran away.

Daehyun just silently looked at his running figure. * Does Minho has a sister or does Minho even has a sibling?* Daehyun questioned in his head but shrugged it off immediately. A smile was formed on his lips as he finally gets the cold Jieun's heart. That was a wonderful feeling. He jumped around and cheered while shouting out of happiness. He didnt stop jumping and shouting until 10 minutes later even though he received some looks from people around there.


Jieun stopped dragging her twin sister once she felt that they were far from Daehyun. Jieun heaved a sigh and released Jiyeon's hand. "Yah. What party are you talking about earlier? I dont remember that though." Jiyeon asked. Jieun thought for a while. " Uh....I guess I remembered it wrongly. Haha." Jieun laughed but soon the laughter faded away as Jiyeon looked at Jieun weirdly.

"You are weird..." Jiyeon commented. Jieun pouted and they head back home.



A man sat near the window, looking out at the beautiful stars outside. He looked down to his hand where the picture was. The picture of him and a girl near a lake hugging and smiling like they were the happiest couple ev The girl who he loved, the girl who was his everything. But, he had to leave her in order to save her life from that crazy with. However, now that crazy witch was no longer in this world and it means that he didnt have any more reason to leave her. Now, its the right time to take her back., to make her his once again and he promise to never let her go again.

"Jieunnie, I hope you will forgive me." A deep husky voice said with sadness clear in his voice.


A/N: Oh oh~ What is going to happen? Its a short chapter though. Comment more please T.T



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Salsal28 #1
Chapter 16: Waah~ please update your story again author-nim, i love your story >.<
Chapter 12: ahhhh...i really can't choose between DeaU and ChanU..T_T
Adh_IU #3
Chapter 16: Oh my... Jieun don't let him go... Kyaa my ChanU feels again ><
Chapter 16: my feels
this chappie is so good♥.♥
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
xiaohope #5
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 16: Oh, please update soon! So good!>.<
Taoris95 #7
Chapter 5: Oh, so sweet of him to wait for her! And when he started to cry...:'(
Chapter 4: i love this!!! awww my Daehyunieeeee
Chapter 15: èeeeeeeeeeeep cant wait