
I will make you mine

As expected by Jieun and Jiyeon, Chanyeol transferred to their school with the determination to snatch Jieun back. He was greeted by cheers of girls and they all fan girled about it. Jieun and Jiyeon who saw the scene stopped and looked at him. Chanyeol put on his famous smile and greeted each girl. His eyes suddenly wandered to the girl he likes- Jieun. He could sense that Jieun has already given up on him from the look of her eyes. She does not look at him the way she used too. Now, she just looks at him coldly, without any sense of care or love. Chanyeol was hurt but..what can he do? He is indeed at fault for breaking her heart but still it wasn't on his own control. He doesn't want to break up with her. Never. if not because of that witch who ruined his love life with Jieun.

"Jieunnie!" Daehyun shouted and ran towards her with girls following behind. JIeun turned to him and glared at the girls behind him, making them dispersed almost immediately. Daehyun panted and showed his thumbs up. "You are the best Jieun! Your glare can make them run away in an instant. I wish to have those eyes." he said sincerely as he looked in Jieun's eyes deeply. Jieun too was mesmerised by his eyes and words. She even forgot about Chanyeol for a moment.

Jiyeon feels that she shouldn't bother them so she excused herself and went to find her boyfriend. "Let's go to class?" Daehyun asked. Jieun nodded and they walked to the classroom hand in hand. That makes Chanyeol fired up. How dare he touch my jieunnie. No one may touch her. He thought as he walked to the classroom too. He didnt bother about the other girl, he just have one target which is JIeun.


The teacher walked in and introduced Chanyeol to the class. All the girls went crazy of him of course except for one girl. Jieun just focus on daehyun. Both of them were secretly passing notes. Jieun would sometime smile and pout. Chanyeol was shocked to see Jieun like that. DId she really didn't care about him anymore and just moved on to another guy? Unbelieveable. That's what he thought.

"Seongsaengnim" Chanyeol called.

"N-neh?" The teacher blushed.

Chanyeol smiled, he knows that his trick has succeed."Can i sit at the third row , third line?" 

JIeun's and Daehyun's eyes rounded and they looked at him. That seat is...

"O-oh? Sure. Daehyun-shi. please move to the last row."The teacher instructed. Daehyun was about to protest but was held back by Jieun. Daehyun looked at Jieun who was holding his wrist while shaking her head. Daehyun sighed and just obeyed the teacher. He understands that jieun did that because she dont like attention and she dont want to cause a ruckus. Jieun was glad that he is so understanding and doesnt get mad easily.

Chanyeol smiled in victory and walked to his seat with a smirk. Jieun rolled her eyes and looked out of the window, refusing to look at Chanyeol or even acknowledging his presense.

For the whole period, Chanyeol keep on looking on JIeun even though she didnt spare a single glance on him the whole time. She was just copying notes, drawing, listening to the teacher or looking out of the window.She was looking everywhere but him. It was now lunch time and the bell ranged. Girls gathered around Chanyeol's table, asking him to eat with them but Chanyeol refused them with a smile. Jieun on the other side didnt care and just packed her things. She got up and was about to go out when Chanyeol stopped her from doing so. "Wait"

Jieun looked at him coldly, not even saying a word. Chanyeol smiled at her. "Wanna eat break with me?" Girls squealed at his statement, they were jealous of Jieun but they were helpless if it is Jieun. They know very well that they cant win Jieun.

Instead of giving him a reply, jieun just walked past him. Chanyeol being the stubborn guy didnt back down, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back infront of him. " Your reply?"

Jieun furrowed her eyebrows at him, still refusing to answer. She wriggled out of his grasp easily and was going to walk out of them room when Chanyeol grab her wrist again. "Wait Jieunnie, don't be so cold. Come on, eat break with me-"

A hand came and separated their hands. An arm slung over Jieun's shoulder and the man spoke. "Sorry new student, this girl is reserved by me. Go find another girl." And with that the both of them walked away. Girls squeal saying that Daehyun is very cool and others. Chanyeol is very very unhappy. How could he say that in front of him? Who does he think he is? Jieun is his! Only his!


A/N: I am really sorry once again. But it seems that no one wants to continue writing this story and I do not have the courage to delete this story and yeah...I continue this story. But! I am really sorry to say this but this story is going to end soon. T.T. I have planned for it's ending. BUT! there will be a sequel for this. Hehe. Sorry again for dissapointing some of you. I'll try to update this story again. Thank you. 


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Salsal28 #1
Chapter 16: Waah~ please update your story again author-nim, i love your story >.<
Chapter 12: ahhhh...i really can't choose between DeaU and ChanU..T_T
Adh_IU #3
Chapter 16: Oh my... Jieun don't let him go... Kyaa my ChanU feels again ><
Chapter 16: my feels
this chappie is so good♥.♥
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
xiaohope #5
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 16: Oh, please update soon! So good!>.<
Taoris95 #7
Chapter 5: Oh, so sweet of him to wait for her! And when he started to cry...:'(
Chapter 4: i love this!!! awww my Daehyunieeeee
Chapter 15: èeeeeeeeeeeep cant wait