Yes or No ?

I will make you mine

"Ding Dong " The school bell rang and students began to ran out of the classroom. Jieun packed her things and slung her backpack over her shoulder. She looked at Daehyun who was still busy laughing with his friends as he pack his things. She sighed as she look at the clock. She prayed for several times in the middle of the lesson , please let the plan work. She moved her legs and walked out of the classroom, going to the meeting place.

As soon as she arrived at the dark alley near the school, her eyes scanned for the two figures. " JIyeon, Minho , where are you?" She called. Just then, Minho came with 3 big bad looking men , making JIeun shock . Where on earth did he manage to get those 3 men?

" Jieun-ah, JIyeon can't come here since she has extra class for today." Minho informed. JIeun just nodded in understanding. She looked at the 3 big guys standing behind Minho. They sure dont look friendly at all. Are they trustworthy?

Minho noticed her worries and assured her." Relax Jieun, they wont hurt you for real. It's only an act remember?" Jieun looked at Minho and nodded. There's nothing wrong with believing in them right? " But if they really want to do something bad to you, you can just beat them up right? I am sure with that super awesome skill and power of yours, you could easily beat them right?" Minho laughed.

The 3 guys shivered at the thought of that. " We will not hurt you for real Jieun-shi." The 3 guys put their arms in the air, surrendering. Jieun just laughed at them. They looked really macho at first, but the way they talk and act says the otherwise."Dont see their appearance so manly and others, they are actually very friendly and funny. " Minho whispered. The 3 guys tried to eavesdropped but failed when Minho suddenly turned to them and gave them a look . The 3 of them stood straight immediately and looked down in fear.

Jieun smiled looking at that. Something about them makes her like them. " What's their name?" Jieun asked Minho. Before Minho was able to answer, the one with the most dark circle beat him to it. " I am tao. Nice to meet you." He said enthusiastically. " I am Bang yongguk.Nice to meet you too" The one who is the most muscular said. " Kris." The tallest one said. Jieun nodded and smiled to them, melting their hearts. Minho shook his head and lightly smack the 3 guys' head. " Dont you guys dare to like her in any special way okay?" He warned. The 3 guys' groaned and had no choice but to nod.

" So, how is the plan going?" Jieun turned to Minho. Minho looked at her back and put his thumbs up. " Good. He should be reading that message by now or maybe he is already on his way here. " He paused and looked at his watch. " I better go hiding first. Do what I told you okay?" He pointed at the 3 guys and they nodded back. Minho waved goodbye and went to who knows where.



Daehyun took a glance at Jieun who was walking out of the classroom before turning his back to his friends in case she founds out that he had been secretly looking at Jieun the whole time. He tried to forget about her, but its just too hard. Why?Why?Why? Its the first time for him to experience these kinds of feelings. Indeed, he was a playboy.WAS. He used to just forget a girl after going out with them for less than a week. But, something about Jieun changed him . He can't simply forget about her like he usually do. This really confuse him. 

Suddenly, he felt a buzz in his pocket that made him snapped out of his thoughts. He took his phone out from his pocket and saw a new message. He opened it and was shocked to see the content.

" Jieun is in trouble, help her please. She is at the dark alley near the park. Hurry up! " - Jiyeon.

How did Jiyeon get his number? He doesnt even know. He doesnt even want to know the answer at the moment. All he knows now was to save Jieun as fast as possible. He immediately took his bag and rushed out of the classroom. He get on his motorcycle and drive fast to the place. Sweats were began to form on his forehead as the worry inside of him grew bigger.

In just a blink of an eye, he reached the park and ran to the dark alley nearby. He looked around frantically, calling out her name. 

He was about to call her name again when he heard a familiar voice. " Go. away." That voice, that cold icy voice that he loves to hear. Its no doubt that the voice belongs to Jieun. He ran to the source of the voice and saw 3 guys approaching her .

"Why? Let's play with us." The muscular man said. Jieun looked away, annoyed.

" Yeah, pretty girl, come on." The tallest guy leaned closer to her. Jieun backed away but her back touched the wall. Dead end. 

Daehyun's blood boiled. He rushed to them and punched the three of them in their face, stomach, arm. Everywhere possible. The 3 guys were now laying on the floor in pain and breathless. 

Daehyun grab JIeun's wrist and drag her out of the scene, pulling her to the park. Jieun unconciously had a smile on his face as they ran. * he still cared for me * she thought.

Daehyun stopped running and turned to face her , shouting, " What the hell are you doing at that dark alley? Do you want to die? There are rumours that that place is really dangerous , especially for a girl like you! "

Jieun blinked in shock at his sudden outburst. Daehyun was panting from the running and anger. He doesnt understand the need for her to go to the alley. what will she do there anyway? There's nothing to do there! He was really worried.

Daehyun was beyond shock when he saw a soft smile was formed on JIeun's lips. "W-why are you smiling?" He stuttered. It was really rare to see her smiling, and in this situation?

" Are you worried about me?" She asked as she looked into his eyes deeply. Daehyun was taken aback from her question. Wait, is he? Yeah , he is. But why does she even care? She hates him a lot doesnt she?

" Not at all. " Daehyun denied as he gave her a cold stare. 

Jieun clearly know that what he says isnt true. Worries are written all over his face. " So, why did you run here and punch those guys if you aren't worried about my safety? Kris's face must be bruised seeing how hard you hit his face." 

" I am just being a nice gentleman." Daehyun lied. Eh? How come she knows their names? Dont tell me that.... " Wait, don't say that this was an act? "

JIeun was stunned for a moment. Oh god, did he found out about it? She doesnt know how to act so she just looked down and remained silent. Daehyun can't believe it when he saw her reaction. He took it as a yes. She lied to him! She played with his feelings!

" I cant believe you did that. " Daehyun gritted.

Jieun looked up to see an angry Daehyun in front of her. It was a terrifying scene. She doesnt want to make him angry in the first place. He wasnt supposed to find out. " N-no. It's just that...uuhh..." Jieun couldnt find the right words to say.Daehyun was about to walk away when Jieun stopped him by blocking his way. " Wait, I need to talk to you.

"Enough...I'm tired of you. I stopped bothering you , so just leave me alone. "Daehyun growled. Jieun wasnt scared of that since she knew, deep in his heart, her existence was still there. 

" Please, listen to me first. please~" Jieun begged. her eyes twinkling, meaning that she was going to cry soon. Daehyun softened immediately, he cant stand it when Jieun made that expression. Daehyun took a deep breathe before speaking. " Say it "

Jieun gulped and blinked. " Please give me a second chance. " 

Daehyun raised an eyebrow at her. " What second chance? "

" To be your girlfriend. I want to be your girlfriend." Jieun said with determination. She was ready to open her heart for him . Daehyun cant believe what he just hear. Did he hear it wrongly? Did the Jieun that hated him so much just confessed to him ? This got to be a dream! A good dream.

" Yes or No ?" Jieun looked at Daehyun unsurely.

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Salsal28 #1
Chapter 16: Waah~ please update your story again author-nim, i love your story >.<
Chapter 12: ahhhh...i really can't choose between DeaU and ChanU..T_T
Adh_IU #3
Chapter 16: Oh my... Jieun don't let him go... Kyaa my ChanU feels again ><
Chapter 16: my feels
this chappie is so good♥.♥
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
xiaohope #5
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 16: Oh, please update soon! So good!>.<
Taoris95 #7
Chapter 5: Oh, so sweet of him to wait for her! And when he started to cry...:'(
Chapter 4: i love this!!! awww my Daehyunieeeee
Chapter 15: èeeeeeeeeeeep cant wait